MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 520 Enemy to come

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The power of anger in Amoxi made everyone horrified, and the blood was still flying in the air, and the smell of blood was heard in the breath, and the death suddenly came.

"What is this guy going on?" The magician's face hidden under the black robe changed dramatically.

Obviously, Amoxi has no strength, how can he still exert such a terrible power? They are stunned, and Amoxi is once again rushing toward a magician, and the speed is like a storm.

"You can't run one!" Yamasi slammed out and made a loud noise.

The clouds burst and the magister's body collapsed into pieces.

The people who watched Amoxiy were surprised to grow up, and in their view, Amoxi was crazy! Even the giant python doesn't know if he can get the current Amoxi, the figure is so strong that it seems to have changed one person!

"Is it so? Excited is so powerful, and Gohan is a category." Latiz looked at the amazing performance of Amoxiy's anger, as if he saw the shadow of Gohan in him. People can create miracles.

There is still some distance from the Super Saiyan, but it is very close to the explosion point, only the last fire.

Latiz did not intend to intervene, but just stared at it and wanted to see the moment when Amoxi made the legend of the Super Saiyan.

"Defense!" In the sky, the head of the magician issued a big bang, arms wide open and launched magic.

The living magisters rushed to display the protective cover, and the thin ball of light protected the body tightly. Amoxi was chased and punched on the protective cover.


The lengthy roar rang in the air, like a dull bell ringing in the sky. One heavy and one heavy ripple spreads out, and the distorted energy wave is visible to the naked eye. It’s just that the resistance of the shield seems to surpass the full attack of Amoxi, and the magician inside has only a slight shock and immediately regained its spirit.

"Ha ha ha, after all, there is only this strength!" The magician sneered disdainfully. "Subject to our Saiyan, quickly attack and kill all the betrayed people!"


The controlled Saiya people obeyed the command and immediately rushed to the remaining Amoxi squad members, but Latiz blocked their way from the side, and suddenly fell into a deadlock.

They dare not attack, because Latiz's strength is beyond imagination.

"Idiot, why not attack?!"

"Is it scared by one person? Isn't that also a Saiyan?" A magician stared at Latiz. "But he gives people a different feeling."

The head of the magician sneered: "He is not ordinary. When we arrived, the Saiyan people did not dare to move in front of him. It seems that he is the most powerful person inside."

"What should I do?"

"Hey, that group of Saiyan people is really a waste. It seems that only the devil can solve him! Just try our results!"

When the words came out, the magisters all lit their eyes, but there were still people who questioned. "No, we can't completely..."

"It doesn't matter, let it make a big mess!"

The head of the magister's red eyes lit, as if two groups of wildfires were burning, and the entire dark sky made a dull sound under the influence of magic, just like a sky-covered behemoth whispered.

The Magisters are not alone, they are hiding behind them!

That is the root of the shadows, the planet into the dark, the body of the devil Buu! The giant devil surrounded the Sada planet and turned it into a darkness.

They read the spell, let the controlled Saiyan explode, and the energy is absorbed by the hungry demon, and then makes a louder sound.


"Why not!"

The screams sounded again and again, but the indifferent magisters did not care about the life of the guinea pigs. They only wanted to better control the demons.

Amoxi looked at the Saiyan people who were wiped out by the magician one by one, and the inner anger jumped to a level! Although he is opposed to the evil Saiyan, the ultimate goal is to let them wake up and restore their original appearance, and the root cause of **** slaughter is this group of confidant magisters!

"Give me..." Amoysi gnawed his teeth and shivered. It seemed that every cell screamed, "It's just right!"


There was a deafening explosion in the air, and Amoxi's hair turned golden and golden, and the burning flame shrouded his body, exposing an amazing pressure. The golden flame is like a sword, and it is the only light in the world!

"This is..." The people were shocked. They have never seen such a transformation. Can the Saiyan people not only become giants?

The gorgeous light and the endless energy pressure made everyone's heart stop, binocular enlargement, and suffocation in a moment.

"That is the Super Saiyan." Latiz suddenly said.

"Super Saiyan?"

"The legend of the Saiyan warriors circulating in the universe."

"For... why have we never heard of it?"

"Because..." Latiz hugged his hands and watched Amoxi's explosive ascension and screamed, and the chest also gathered a mighty breath:

"The legend begins now!"

Amoxiy yelled angrily, and the whole man blazed like a burning red star. He rushed toward the magician, and his fist collided with the protective cover’s firm eyes flashed, and the energy contained suddenly Explosion - bang!

The protective cover was broken, and the violent storm was blown in place, forming a huge vortex!

In the middle of the whirlpool, the entire body of the Magister is directly torn into pieces, like broken bats. Other magisters, even the heads who have always been calm, can’t help but panic. When did he see this power? Beyond his understanding, beyond imagination!

The glittering figure of gold stood between the heavens and the earth, like a statue.

"Asia...Amoxising..." The surviving Saiyan who had chased him was stunned and cold.

One, another, the indestructible defense of the Magisters is like a thin piece of paper. They are smashed by Amoxi. Their bodies are also turned into blood and debris in the bombardment. The explosion sounds like the death knell of death. Loud, the shock is in the ears of everyone.

"You angered me!" Amoxi was screaming, and his anger made his strength still rising.

The headed magisters also hurriedly fled, they no longer have psoriasis, and they are full of embarrassment when they flee. The darkness in the sky is fading, and it has to change from a state of covering the planet to a whole.

"Magic Man! Devil!"

"Magic Man!"

The magisters hoped that the devil, Buu, made a crazy scream, and his face was ashamed, as if he had to spit out his heart and liver. Behind him is the sharp figure of Amoxi, chasing like lightning. Have to find the latest chapter yourself? You OUT, WeChat pays attention to the beauty Xiaobian to help you find a book! It’s really a good time to read a book sister!

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