MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 530 Weis's ominous premonition

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Latiz lay down on the grass, and there was a sense of release that he tried to breathe after he had finished running. The whole person was empty, and every breeze could blow his heart.

Wess treated the body for him, and when the power touched Latiz, Weiss gave a slight glimpse and then laughed.

"Ah, Latiz adults finally broke through that layer. Congratulations, congratulations."

"What level?" Birus, Goku, and Vegeta Qiqi went together to ask.

"Of course it is the realm of God." Weiss laughed. "Now Latiz is also the realm of truth."

Everyone is stunned.

Latiz finally crossed from the realm of the gods to the realm of real God. This step was a few years earlier than the expected by Weiss. Not to mention that Wukong was shocked, and even Viz was secretly amazed.

"Brother, have you succeeded?!" Goku is both envious and pleasant, and the stars are shining in the eyes.

"Well, hit it wrong."

Wukong is very excited and almost jumps up: "Let me talk to me! Haha!"

"Let me rest for a few days, and I am exhausted." Latiz smiled and waved his hand, and the high-load battles that had been carried out had made his heart very tired. He doesn't want to do anything now, especially with hands-on fights.

Wukong had to scratch his head.

Both Vegeta and Birus snorted and looked at Latiz.

"What is going on?" Birous finally asked.

He was very excited to see the growth of Latiz. After all, the more powerful Latiz, the more likely he is to become his own enemy. On the one hand, he has some unwilling to believe, how did Latiz do it in a short time?

Ladiz also did not hide, and said his experience originally, from a series of time and space encounters after the invitation to the time, to the battle with Zamas, and then to the last ruins, in detail Tell them.

Everyone listened without talking, not knowing whether they were shocked or thinking.

After a while, Weiss said seriously: "Are you sure?"

"OK." Latiz said categorically.

"It seems that their actions have been prepared for a long time, and they are hiding in places where we can't directly intervene." Weiss rarely showed serious expressions, only when it was very urgent, it would be so serious, "The whole king is over there." There is no indication yet that the great priests have already monitored the ruins, and once the angels appear, they will immediately notice."

"They are very smart and don't show up in person."

"This is the problem. So, I will tell the big priests, I believe that after being defeated by you, they will not dare to show up again in a short time."

Weiss said it was easy, but there was a hint of ominous premonition inside.

In fact, Latiz is not the case. The higher the level of contact, the smaller he feels. He clearly has the strength to destroy God's rank. With the perfect freedom, most of the gods may not be able to destroy. Conquer yourself. There are many strong players on top of him, and each has the ability to kill him.

Shaking his head, Ratiz decided not to think about it for a while, he had to take a good rest for a while.

And everyone said goodbye, Latiz moved back home. The warm atmosphere makes Latiz relax, as if in a warm sunshine.

Zanjia and Yaos are playing games. When they saw Latiz, they stood up and happily rushed over. Trunks did not tell Zanjia about his disappearance, did not cause unnecessary worry, they only came to Latiz from the destruction of the realm of practice.


"you are back."

Although the separation time is not long, Latiz has a feeling that it is not seen every day.

It feels so good to be home, and the feeling of having a family is very good. Latiz is holding a Zanjia and Yaos, and his heart is warm. He is not a sentimental person, but for a time his heart and soul continue to flow like a river break, so that he can not restrain it.

Only here can his tired body and mind be able to temporarily relax for a while.

Nos. 16 and 18 also came out of the room, they were wearing aprons and were preparing dinner. Behind them, Broly is actually working, and he is studying it with a piece of ingredients.

"Ha ha ha, Broly will actually cook?"

"I am learning, I want to eat it for Yaos." Zanjia caress Yaos and smiles.

"Uncle Broly also taught me a lot of moves, Dad, I will show you!"

Yaos excitedly showed his results to Latiz and couldn't wait to demonstrate that the child's talent is extremely high, and the young age has been able to control the explosive energy ball and is very skilled. Counting the basic combat power bonus, I am afraid that he will grow up to be several times more horrible than Broly.

Zanjia looked at both father and son spoiled and smiled happily.

In the kitchen, there was a loud scream on the 18th, and the 16th was constantly reminded.

"Hey, Broly, don't put so much, the amount of salt! The right amount!"

"Who asked you to put all the ties in?"

"Don't move that!"

"Control your strength, the pot will be broken by you."


The Latiz family listened to their conversation and laughed.

In the middle of the night, everyone entered the room to rest, Latiz holding Zanjia, lying on a comfortable bed, quietly watching the quiet night outside the only half-round moon hanging on the window, and branches Overlapping, paved in the room.

"Is there something to worry about?" Zanjia, wearing a silk robe, leaned against Latiz, and the soft cheeks licked the chest of Latiz like a kitten. The slim hand held the waist of Latiz and passed a soft and warm .

"Nothing, but there is a lot of things happening recently, and I can’t see through the future." Latiz smiled softly.

Zanjia smiled. "Who can see through the future?"

I used to be. Latiz heart.

When I first came to this world, Latiz understood the direction of each route. I don’t know if he changed too many things. Now there are many people and things that he doesn’t know. Gradually, he also became a body. The man in this mountain.

The world of time, the devil, the relics of the angels... More and more things are beyond his imagination, and he does not know how to develop in the future.

"Don't think about it." Zanjia suddenly pranked across the body of Latiz, holding both hands on the waist of Latiz. "Aos said he wants a sister."

"I want a..." Latiz took a moment and suddenly understood the meaning of Zanjia.

The praises in front of him have already faded their nightgowns, and nothing has been worn inside. This scene makes Latiz unbearable and heart-wrenching. He smiled and stood up straight and held Zanjia in his arms: "This can require cooperation."

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