MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 560 Devil Buu madly swallowed

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The devil Buu eats the chocolate, absorbs all of them, pats the belly, and looks satisfied.

"Really tasty!"

"Let's go find another person."

"Can you continue to eat?" asked the devil Buu.

"The more the better!" No. 17 compared to a gesture, took the lead to rush out.

The devil Buu immediately rushed up, followed the number 17, and happily went to the next "meal". Fortunately, before Tapio, I saw the means of Buu Buu, or I would be surprised to say nothing at this moment.

On the 17th and the devil opened the road in front, and there was cover. Tapio made the real strength. Hilde just rolled all the way and flew out several people in the universe.

On the other hand, Vegeta was trapped by super powers and was attacked by three or four universes. They attacked Vegeta in different ways from different angles, but the proud princes picked them one by one. Come down.

If they are strong enough, they don't have to use super powers. Even if they use special abilities, they can't threaten Vegeta even if they use special abilities. So many people continue to attack, but they don't really hurt Vegeta.

"You are such a bunch of waste!" Vegeta screamed, though she could not move, but did not give the other party a chance.

"Damn! Why didn't he have any traces of defeat?"

"Try harder."

The panicked enemy bit his teeth to speed up the attack, and Vegeta did not move.

Of course, this will not work. Vegeta is thinking about it and is ready to become a super-sacred state. Suddenly, an electric light hit and hit the enemy who used the illusion. All the restrictions were lifted.

Everyone was stunned, and Vegeta squatted for two seconds, then smiled.

"You should pay back!"

Storm! Vegeta flew silver and danced like a streamer, and both hands were close together. "The ultimate flash!"

Another big move, but also a sweeping bombing attack, crossed a fan. The energy of terror has directly knocked down people from several universes and washed down the ring.

After the temper, Vegeta also began to breathe, but I felt very uncomfortable in my heart.

He turned back and saw Buu eating chocolate, and on the 17th, Tapio was there, and suddenly understood the source of the electric light.

"Mr. Vegeta, is it okay?"

"Hey, I knew that I had changed myself and killed them. Now I have been consuming a lot of physical strength." Vegeta has some remorse. He has become a super-sportsman with a lot of consumption, but he is not so embarrassed and suffers a series of attacks. Down, the physical strength is almost the same as the transformation.

Tapio smiled: "It doesn't matter, I will help you recover."

"Do you still have this hand?"

"This is why Latiz chose me. I am a disciple of the king of the kingdom, but not a heir, so I am not in the ministry."

Vegeta was shocked: "Why don't you say that early?"

"I have said it when I arranged it. Maybe... maybe you didn't listen carefully." Tapio extended his hand to Vegeta, and there was a soft glow on his hand, very warm.

Vegeta's old face was red, and the dry cough was relieved twice: "Then I have no problem with unlimited use of ultra blue."

"No, my energy is limited, not as strong as you are, so the ability to recover is limited. The more serious the injury and the more the consumption, the longer I need, and my physical strength will not keep up." Tapio Shake his head.

Restoring physical strength is the special ability of the apprentices of the kings. Although it is convenient and effective, it is very expensive for the repair of the super-blue touch of the gods. It can be used once.

It is naturally impossible to use super blue without restrictions. Vegeta nodded and felt the power of her own filling, once again showing a confident smile.

The Devil Buu is still not satisfied, devours these people, and evokes his addiction.

He looked left and right, staring at the fighters that Bick was fighting, and quickly rushed over. The sniper in the dark attacked him and punched the magician Buu from the left shoulder to the right waist. No. The devil Buu continues to move forward, if nothing happens.

"Ha ha ha!"

Buu smiled and whipped up a whirlwind, throwing out various energy bombs on his hands.

As the gas bomb struck, the players who besieged Bick quickly flashed away, panting and looking at the devil Buu, who came to the dying.

"What is he?"

"I didn't pay attention to it just now." Many universes didn't care about the magician Buu, because the super Saiyan's light was too flashy, which led to the cover of the wonderful performance of the devil Buu.

But Buzio did not know whether they knew it or not. The admission was a powerful punch and directly hit the metal man. Immediately afterwards, they did not say hello, and they started fighting directly. The strength was similar to that of Bick, and the members of those universes were so embarrassed.

A wide range of damage shattered the site, cracks spread, and there was a constant explosion.

"Oh ah ah ah..."

After a while, Buu suddenly hugged his arms, and the energy spread into a ball of light that enveloped himself.

"Hey, you won't want to..." So high-density energy, Rao is also shocked by Bick.

"Latiz said that it can be like this!" The magician Buu grinned, the energy continued to expand, and the gravel on the ground was sucked into the air, and the whole platform was shaking.

Everyone gathered again, God! What is the power of this, and the seventh universe! What kind of monsters are they in the away! ”

"Defense! Defense!"

Everyone knows that the power of this is different, and immediately take corresponding measures.

"Hah!" The devil Buu suddenly opened his arms, and the splendid light spread out, as if the big bang exploded, and spread to the whole world. The light shrouded the platform, covering it like a hemispherical shell, and everyone was drowned in the sea of ​​light.


"Buou also started to play crazy." Latiz smiled helplessly in the stands. There are many individual players in the Seventh Universe, such as Broly, Vegeta, and Buu.

"Broken, this guy is really..." Birus couldn't think of a word to describe Buu.

He feels that for Buu, who has an undead body, self-destruction is the best way to attack! There is no risk and it can cause devastating damage. Billus’s heart is incomparable in favor of this style of play.

The platform is full of smoke and is full of spicy smell.

Buu, which was blown into pieces, magically gathered together and re-emerged as a complete individual. He smirked and laughed, and glanced over, too many people fell into this huge explosion.

Of course, there are also many people who are safe and self-destructive and unscathed.

Buu strolled on the platform and looked for objects that could be absorbed to treat them as sweets. This move has shocked the universe, and the heart is Have to find the latest chapter yourself? You OUT, WeChat pays attention to the beauty Xiaobian to help you find a book! It’s really a good time to read a book sister!

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