MTL - Dragon Martial Emperor-v12 Chapter 1713 Resurrection of the gods (middle)

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Long Yu raised his hand and took back the nine prisons.

"It seems that there is nothing unexpected. Let's go. Let's take a look at what is happening in this star field. Can we find a way to stop the spread of the **** market?"

Long Yu said to Ye Ziwei.

He and the Emperor of the Heart communicated with each other. After leaving the Shenxu Market, they learned about the situation in the current star field. They know that the most important thing now is to find a way to stop the spread of the Shenxu. The most important thing is about the gods. The "recovery plan" that the family said.

Now Long Yu does not know what the recovery plan is, but he is now in another completely different star field and may be able to find some answers.

Ye Ziwei nodded.

Now they are two, a ninety-fold power density, and an eighty-fold power density. Together, even the fighting power of the entire comet is not to be afraid. It is entirely possible to inquire into the news in this star field.

But soon they knew they were wrong.

The reason why this star field is so bright is because the living beings in this star field are pure light life, light family!

The life of the Guangzu is extremely long and can even reach millions of years. When Long Yu and Ye Ziwei went inside the territory of the Guangzu, they found that there were traces of many other ethnic creatures in this place, but only traces, not exist. Other creatures are gone.

After crossing the imaginary barrier, the star field that appeared in front of Long Yu turned out to be a star field with only one race, and this star field is different from that of the star field.

On the other side of the star field, the three star fields are very open to each other.

But this star field is completely connected, and it belongs to the territory of the light family!

The Guangzu has a long history, and even the Guangzu old man who has a life span of millions of years, but its reproductive ability is relatively weak, resulting in a large number of Guangzu.

Not a lot of meaning, it is not like the Terran Yaozu, it is one billion billion, but in this star field, the Guangzu people have more than one million.

The most important thing is... Because of such a long life, plus the cultivation resources of the entire star field, even if it is only an average distribution, each light family will not get less cultivation resources than Long Yu!

This creates a situation - every light family is almost a god!

There are millions of light-colored creatures all over this area. These nine-year-old creatures are all kind of gods, and they are the gods that have survived countless years. Only a few of them are just born. Light family descendants.

"The millions of gods..."

Long Yu and Ye Ziwei looked at each other and realized that they had thought too simple before.

Depending on their strength, it is okay to want to be in the vicinity of the 琅琊星域, but it is impossible to fight against the genre in this genre territory. It is impossible for millions of gods to unite with the gods. They are not opponents, let alone Long Yu and Ye Ziwei.

Fortunately, the Guangzu people do not have any hostility toward foreigners, but they have a very friendly attitude.

When Long Yu and Ye Ziwei visited, two light-colored gods surrounded the two, inviting them to enter the source of a certain ancient light in the light territory, to visit, but this pair of dragons It’s useless for Ye Ziwei.

The two are actually more concerned about another aspect of things.

“I don’t know the predecessors of the Guangzu, have you heard of the existence of the ‘Shenzhen’?”

What Long Yu did not expect was that when the gods of "Shenzhen" were passed out, the two old guys of the Guangzu actually turned their faces on the spot.

"Erh et al. brought an unknown."

"Quickly leave the territory of my light family, otherwise you can only be sanctioned by the gods!"

The two bodies, which are completely composed of light, issued a severe warning to the dragon.

"Unknown... signs?"

Ye Ziwei's scorpion is beating doubts, but the resolute attitude of the Guangzu also means that they can't get any information about the Shenxu or the "recovery plan" from the Guangzu.

"There are many temples and miracles in the territories of the Guangzu, but there is no chance to step into it..."

Long Yu shook his head.

The Guangzu people are starting to catch people. He doesn't want to try any sanctioned sanction. He wants to know what can't be fun with his ass. It is likely that both he and Ye Ziwei will die here.

Therefore, they still choose to leave.

"Leave, where are you going?"

Ye Ziwei asked Long Yu.

"Try it and see if you can pass through the imaginary barrier again. Since there are light stars, there are definitely many other stars. We walk around and we can definitely find clues and possibly return to the stellar domain. The star domain."

Long Yu said.

His reliance is the deification effect of the seventh supernatural power, the path of the nine secluded!

The deified mysterious path of the nine secluded, he has not used it, do not know how the effect, anyway, now the light family rushed, they can not stay here, want to leave only this one possibility.

Finally, I looked at the endless light in the star field. Long Yu and Ye Ziwei chose to leave.

In general, the light family is still relatively friendly, but the Shenxu seems to have violated a certain taboo of their race, which led to their rushing. In this case, the dragon can not die here, leaving is the first choice.

The two passed the bridge of Taikoo rain and came to the edge of the entire star field, and they reached the opposite side of the virtual barrier.

"Try it... the nine secluded trails, give me penetration!"

Long Yuyi raised his hand, and behind a giant black dragon phantom appeared, suddenly there was a dark light to form a dark road, bursting into the virtual barrier, even in that moment, rushed out of a ramp!

The multicolored power of the five elements of the beginning of the road constructed the entrance to this ramp, and through this ramp did not know where to go, but Long Yu felt that it should be able to cross the barrier.


Long Yu and the Holy Emperor always keep their minds in mind, knowing that the Star Field can't wait too long, so without any hesitation, they immediately entered the martyrdom.

He and Ye Ziwei stepped in together and stepped out together.

When they came back to God again, they found that they had already passed through the layer of imaginary barriers and came to another star field.

"Sure enough!"

Long Yu looked up and saw a place similar to the 琅琊 star field, but this place seems a bit confusing.

"Ten dozen stars!"

"Thousands of races!"

When Long Yu probed the situation in this place a little, I suddenly understood that it was a war-torn star field. It was originally a large star field, and it was split into dozens of stars for some reasons.

In these dozens of stars, there are thousands of races, each of which is in war. The gods here are basically no more than sixty times the density of power, because the war is too ordinary, the gods are fallen. The speed is very fast.

This has led Long Yu and Ye Ziwei to come to this star field, and it has become an almost invincible existence.

However, such existence has caused unanimous joint resistance of all other races. When Long Yu and Ye Ziwei tried to contact some races and inquired about the "Shenzhen" or "Recovery Plan", they found that these races did not matter at all. The ruins of the Shenxu are directly intended to unite and deal with Long Yu and Ye Ziwei.

"These races are in the midst of war for too long, causing their eyes to become extremely narrow! In fact, it’s not just them, even in our starry field, isn’t this the case? If it’s not the crisis of the gods, so much Race, it is impossible to unite..."

Long Yu sighed and took Ye Ziwei to move on to the next place.

Among the chaotic stars, there are many temples and miracles. Unfortunately, now that Long Yu does not have the mind to step into the temple and miracles, and it is not necessary. His main task now is to inquire about the message, not to upgrade himself!

Now his ninety-fold power density has basically reached its peak.

Unless you find a way to fight the light of God's ban, you can really step into becoming a god, or you will stop at this.

After leaving this chaotic star, Long Yu and Ye Ziwei went to another star field.

This star field, there is only one race, human race!

This situation has caused some people to have some accidents.

However, these people are divided into hundreds of camps, each based on the temple, claiming to be "descendants of God", fighting each other and capturing various cultivation resources in the star field.

"There are a lot of gods, even 90-fold power density gods are more than the three stars in our side! Hundreds of individual camps, basically the strongest of each camp, are more than 80 The existence of multiple power density..."

Long Yu was shocked by the situation in this star field.

And compared to the previous two places, in this star field, it seems that there is just the information and information that Long Yu is looking for.

These people, who claim to be "descendants of God", and have a special "scientific scholar of God", who will not come out of the temple and miracles for a lifetime, will focus on the study of miracles and temples, and try to be close to the gods.

This kind of atmosphere is not in the field of the dragon star.

Therefore, when they learned that Long Yu was coming to find information about the Shenxu market, many people regarded them as enemies of the gods and attacked him.

Even several forces have been united, and several powerful gods with a density of ninety times existed. Together with the siege, Long Yu feels that the answer can be found in this place. After all, this group of people has a very deep research on the temple, so Not leaving.

He and Ye Ziwei, together with each other into a fierce battle!

Until Long Yu took out the nine secluded monuments, one of the ninety-fold power-density human race gods, suddenly brightened, greeted everyone to stop.

"This is... beacon! This person carries a beacon, it is a salvation god!"

This old man of the human race, suddenly burst into tears, excited almost can not speak, and the things he expressed, Long Yu is not at all understand.

What is the beacon?

Is it a nine-prison monument?

What is the salvation of the gods... The Terran of this place claims to be descended from the descendants of God, but Long Yu does not feel that he is a descendant of God, and naturally does not know what the salvation gods represent.

However, after the tribe of the human race, he insisted on pulling Long Yu, going to his place and letting him step into a temple.

Temple of Heaven and Earth.

The power represented by this old man is "the **** of heaven and earth", which is said to be one of the oldest factions in this star field.

When the forces of the gods of the day heard the news that the salvation gods appeared, more than three hundred forces in the entire star field had stopped fighting, and they sent messengers to gather in the heaven and earth temple. I want to see the so-called salvation side.

"In our world of heaven and earth, there is always a legend. When the salvation gods appear with beacons and screams of rebellion, they can blow the horn that breaks the curse of this heaven and earth, let the gods recover and meet God. Forbidden light, defeat the dragon **** behind you!"

The old gods began to explain to Long Yu.

The legendary beacon has such a feature, which is a stone monument containing the shadow attribute god.

Although there are many stone monuments containing the shadow attribute gods, when the nine prisons appeared, the god-like people naturally believed that this was the beacon they had waited for for millions of years.

The life-threatening old man’s life is not only a thousand years old, but even a ninety-fold power density god, it is impossible to live more than 10,000 years.

This legend has been passed down through thousands of generations in this star field.

As for the source of the legend, it is naturally learned from the temple that there has been a communication between the humanoid gods who have been in the temple for a lifetime, and the gods, and then gradually spread such news.

It is also necessary for the gods to take the message, so if it is not always in the temple, and it takes a lifetime to try to approach the gods, it is extremely difficult for the gods to pass the message.

Because the light of God's ban is everywhere.

Once there are some obvious signs of deity, there will be a light of God's ban, even if it is a temple, it is shattered by the light of God's forbidden light, and the gods who are hidden in the dormant are suddenly dying out. , no longer exists.

The temple is the **** used to hide its own existence, while at the same time concealing some messages to other creatures.

In this way, Long Yu was the first to hear about it, but it is quite reasonable to combine the situation he has seen so far.

Whether it is a miracle or a temple, its power is more concealed, and there is no doubt that its existence is very helpful to other living beings. If the creatures in the realm of the gods are not relying on the temple, the difficulty of increasing the density of power is no different. Yu Dengtian.

In the battle between the gods of the natural family, the Temple of the Virtual Wood gave out the sanction of the gods, because, for the sleeping gods in the temple, the power of the gods they taught to other creatures is not These creatures are used to kill each other.

Therefore, once there is the power of the gods passed down by the living, the sanction of the gods will appear.

Under normal circumstances, the appearance of sanctioning the light of God does not lead to the light of God's ban, but at that time there was a natural god, that is, the old gray tree, trying to become a god, it led to the light of God's ban, Thus the virtual wood temple has been implicated.

If it wasn't for the time that Long Yu and others helped in the Temple of Virtual Wood, it might be that the Temple of the Darkwood was a bit weaker, and it would be completely shattered by the light of God's forbidden.

"That is to say, in every temple, there is actually a strong **** who hides it, but he does not dare to show up for the time being!"

"The so-called recovery plan is to pass the message to all the temples and miracles, so that all the gods can wake up together and fight against the light of God!"

"And what the last dragon **** is what a ghost..."

Long Yuli has clearly understood these things, and there are still some doubts. However, before the real awakening of the gods, no one knows about the dragon gods, the light of the gods, and the true meaning of the gods.

The Terran in this star field is just knowing the news revealed by some gods, and gradually formed a legend.

If the gods appear directly to tell the people that there are too many people, they will definitely be killed by the light of God.

Just like the surviving **** of the outer Protoss, although it is very strong, it is a state of serious injury. It has only just awakened to incur the offensive of the banned light. After resisting a wave, it directly sacrifices itself and turns into a light curtain. The guardian star field went.

If it is not self-sacrifice, I am afraid that the light of God's ban will come to an end, just like the scene that Long Yu was in the Temple of Rain.

"If that's the case, send the message out and send it to all the temples... As long as the news arrives, the nine prisons will be ordered, and the so-called recovery plan will start, right?"

Long Yu blinked and thought of it.

The recovery of the gods, such a plan, do not know who came up with it, but it should be related to the owner of the nine prison monument.

The owner of the last nine pirates, Jiulong Longdi, should have been inherited such a mission, but it seems that the guy made a mistake, and he tried to become a genie, causing the light to be banned by the gods. The smoke was gone, and the message was not delivered to all the temples.

The nine secluded dragons are the last dragons.

"There are less than eight months left. If you don't have time, the star field will be wiped out. Even the entire wild star field and the Tianzhu star field will be covered by the Shenxu in a short time!"

Long Yu is very aware of the seriousness of the matter.

In addition to Ye Ziwei and Xinwu World, all his other relatives and friends, but also in the star field!

Now he can penetrate the virtual barrier, but he has no sense of direction. He doesn't know how to penetrate back to the star field. The only way is to start the recovery plan and wait until the gods are all recovering. Maybe You can get more information, and there may be ways to deal with the gods.

The shroud of the light of God's forbidden light has long lost hope in this world.

Without the possibility of becoming a god, once you become a god, you will be obliterated, the light of God's ban, and the sacred market that spreads and spreads, so that all the gods are shrouded in despair. Other creatures are ignorant, but once they know it, they will know. There will be a deep despair.

"Nine secluded monuments, hope to awaken the hope of this world."

"I don't want to be a savior. I don't ask how many people become gods, but ask people around me, friends, loved ones, loved ones... they are safe and sound!"

With such a belief, Long Yu has reached a cooperation with the strongest old man of heaven and earth.

This old man has a strong secret effect of cultivation, which is a spiritual link, which can link some people's spirits together, and then let everyone know each other's state, which is similar to Long Yu and Shengdi. status.

If you want to notify all the temples and miracles at the same time, it is impossible for one dragon to be able to do it. And by relying on him alone, it takes a lot of time to travel through all the miraculous temples.

This is just a temple of a star field.

What's more, now that Long Yu needs to be notified, there are even more than 10,000 dormant gods in the 10,000 temples. That is to say, there are dozens of stars to go to, and he can't do it alone.

Fortunately, when the beacon appears, in the star field claimed by the descendants of God, all the descendants of the descendants of God are united and willing to help.

Ten thousand kinds of gods, if they are placed on the side of the comet, I am afraid it is still difficult to come out.

But in the star field where the descendants of this **** are located, 10,000 kinds of gods are easily integrated!

More than 300 descendants of the descendants of the gods, one of the most powerful ones is the **** of heaven and earth, that is, the kind of god-old who is fighting against the dragon, and there are more than one thousand among the gods of heaven and earth. Famous god.

Because the study of the temple and the miracle is extremely thorough, it is relatively easy for the human race in this star field to become a god-like object, but because the total amount of the temple remains the same, the competition after becoming a god-like is more intense. The peak of the gods is no easy task.

The gods and gods of the heaven and earth gods selected a total of 10,000 people of the gods, and then linked their spirits with the dragons by means of spiritual links.

"Follow the footprints of the salvation gods, go to all the temples, miracles, bring the news of the recovery plan to all the gods! Connect the spirit of the salvation gods, and everyone else can have the opportunity to face the gods directly! ”

Under the mobilization of many powerful gods such as Heaven and Earth, all the spiritually linked human races are boiling.

Long Yu never thought that there are still people in other places in the imaginary barrier, and it is such a powerful human race, 10,000 gods, although they have concentrated most of the strong in this star field, but they With a serious sense of mission, we must act in order to recover.

Everyone is responsible for a temple.

At the same time, Long Yu also brought the news to the Holy Emperor, let the Holy Emperor in the star field, the wild sand star field and the Tianzhu star field, bring the news to the temple and miracle over there, with Such a thought, as long as Long Yu decided to start, all the gods can receive the news.

The success or failure of things will soon be revealed.

Before that, it was necessary for Long Yu to guide everyone to other stars. After all, only one person can pass through the virtual barrier.

The temples and miracles in every star field must be guarded by powerful creatures, but even when the temple is not open, Long Yu tried it, and even relied on the nine prison monuments to send others to the temple. among.

"As a result, even if the temples in other stars are strictly guarded, I can send people in and leave."

Long Yu clenched his teeth and the action finally began!