MTL - Dream Evolution-Chapter 881 God's punishment

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The gate of the kingdom of heaven that God Orochi personally used, a terrifying beam of light mixed with a large number of black phantom phantoms, after completely disappearing, Tomoyokou spewed strange blood with a red light, rushed out and fell heavily on the ground. (no. pop-up. window. small. said. net)

The body of Shura focuses on attack. Although the defense is not as good as the undead body of the God Race, it is much stronger than the body of a human. Without a strong body, how can it support the battle of the lower limit burning of Shura? Therefore, Tomoyo's body was not destroyed under the gate of heaven.

However, after being hit by such a profound meaning, the injury was also very serious. I knew that as long as I did one more attack, I could completely wipe out the opponent's big snake. In the imprint, a blast of aura like a light cannon blasted out!

The black dragon hurriedly flew to the ground, trying to help Tomoyo resist the impact of the light cannon, but Shura Tomoyo, who was full of killing intent, did not distinguish between enemy and me. Being blown away by the gate of heaven, she was extremely angry in her heart. With one blow, "Kill Haotianpo", which is also a variant of Mingxuan Wave Fist, the terrifying wave Fist sent the black dragon flying back into the clouds.

Just as the Emmanuel Cannon was about to hit Tomoyo, a petite human figure rushed over and stood in front of Tomoyo. Almost at the same moment, this figure was completely submerged by the Emmanuel Cannon like the battleship's main cannon.

"Buzzing buzzing..."

The energy spurt caused a deafening roar in the air, and the aura cannon continued to bombard for a full 5 seconds before slowly dissipating.

Three bloodlines, bring 3000 extra life bonus, plus metalized powerful defense, and its own abnormal recovery power, although Tentacle Loli is petite, she is also an uncompromising super meat shield

After all, it is the profound meaning of God Orochi. Julie was seriously injured under the impact of spiritual power, and her body was disintegrated by nearly 1/3. At the part where it disappeared, countless tiny milky white whiskers were intertwined with each other, reorganizing her body as if weaving.

Teleportation, an oval pink superpower light, Athena Asamiya appeared beside Tomoyo, the light of the goddess of life shone, repairing the wounds of Shura Tomoyo under the gate of heaven.

Finding out that Tomoyo attacked the rescued black dragon, she felt that the woman seemed to lose her mind. After Athena released the light, she was teleported away again. A movement technique that can almost be compared with the teleport of a big snake. Not only did it avoid the thundering wave fist blasted by Tomoyo, but also avoided the twisted light wheel of the big snake.

Athena left, her heart was beating wildly. Although the light of the goddess of life was wonderful, she had no combat power. Her combat power was still extremely low. If she was hit by two flying props, the ending would definitely be death!

The wounds of Shura's body have recovered, but the previous setbacks. It made Shura Tomoyo extremely angry, and the black mist of killing intent emanating from the cyan body became more intense.

Asura flashed in the air, and Tomoyo turned into a phantom and quickly approached the big snake, almost rushing to the front of the opponent. When the movement changed, the left leg hung down and the right leg swept, and the whole person turned into a whirlwind. Twisted and kicked up.

This is the advanced skill of the Sky Demon Knife Foot and Whirlwind Leg. With Shura Tomoyo's spinning kick, the surrounding area was at this moment. It seems to have turned into a vortex on the sea in a storm. The violent airflow makes it impossible for ordinary people to stabilize their bodies, and they will definitely be blown out.

A master like God Orochi would instead be sucked into the vortex because of the swirling airflow, which is equivalent to taking the initiative to send it forward, being carried with ribbon-like air ripples, and the cyclone legs filled with black killing intent stomped on it!


In the whistling sound of the airflow, the big snake erupted again, but Shura Tomoyo mobilized the airflow, and the force of the rushing from all directions was too great.

After the repulsion layer disappeared, Tomoyo's legs continued to rotate, and the demon's empty blade feet, whose formidable power would never be lower than that of the God Lukal's genocide, continuously bombarded the snake's body.

If the Protoss hadn't died, the serpent would have been kicked off the ribs by the violent attack! But this move was just the beginning. Tomoyo, who landed on the ground behind the feet of the Sky Demon, chased after the figure of the big snake and struck out a strike to kill Haoshenglong.

The Super Rising Dragon Fist propelled by the Qi of Shura smashed the big snake into the high-altitude clouds with one punch, leaving a straight line of cyan, like the air ripple traces left by the rocket when it took off.

The black dragon Zekrom, who was blown away by the "Destroying Haotianpo" wave fist, lost no time in mobilizing his source and turned into a lightning energy field full of violent currents. The conical tail engine revved rapidly, and a large number of meandering lightning bolts turned into a mysterious purple color.

The purple electric column erupted from the lightning field hit the big snake, and the dazzling electric light flashed during the eruption, instantly illuminating the entire sky and the earth! Destroy the lightning strike! In a short period of time, the second time he used the ultimate move that consumes the source, Heilong can be said to have done his best.

Zidian completely covered the body wrapped in the splendid aura of the serpent, and the thunderbolt hit the ground from the sky.

After the lightning disappeared, the body of the serpent was revealed. The body of this "God", which was smoldering with electricity, quickly recovered its color in the flow of aura.

The life value of the snake is still between 25% and 30%, and the life is not low, but the biggest trouble for this **** is that the energy consumption is too high. The non-attribute spiritual power in Wang Ling's body was completely consumed, and the spiritual power that came with the serpent's spiritual body also consumed most of it.

The energy consumption is too large, but the remaining energy of the spirit body is also a lot. God Orochi’s eyes swept over the crowd and determined that all the enemies present, as long as they kill Shura Tomoyo and the black dragon, the rest is even holding a flaming sword. Energy giants are not in his eyes.

"The war is now over, it's time to end

A bizarre double voice spit out from the mouth of the snake. This very impatient **** is ready to use the strongest moves to destroy everyone, especially the two troublesome enemies Black Dragon and Shura Tomoyo.

His hands circled around his upper body, like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara, leaving behind a large number of arm phantoms. The splendid aura of the snake that originally surrounded the body, and the petal-shaped space ripples, floated out a large number of colored energy light spots, cyan , red, blue, lu color.

The four high-level elemental energies belonging to Wang Ling were inspired by the serpent and mixed with spiritual energy to form a colorful elemental aura!

"God's punishment, the world of nothing!"

In the mouth of the big snake, he spit out a cold and ruthless tone. In the next second, his figure suddenly disappeared, and the lines of the unclean mark appeared in the sky, forming a huge phantom of light, covering the ground. In this different space, a heavy sense of destruction and depression suddenly spread.

In the black and white space, the light began to distort, countless light spots floated and danced dreamily, and there were arcs that jumped in the air. This was the phenomenon of air discharge caused by the operation of strong energy.


Seeing the inexplicable colored light spot, Su's heart was beating, and he knew that extreme danger was coming, and he hurriedly manipulated Susanoo. The Vulcan Sword disappeared, and the thoughts quickly gathered in the left hand, manifesting a shield, and the giant's right hand grabbed the small fireworks outside and stuffed it into the half-energy body.

There was a flash of light, but it was Athena Asamiya, who also sensed danger and teleported over by teleportation. This girl had been protected by Susanoo once before, and she set her target on the giant and took the initiative to get into Susan's body.

Of course Su, who knew her well, would not refuse. Susanoo accepted Hana and Athena, and Su wanted to rescue Tomoyo and Tentacle Loli, but the two women were too far apart and it was too late.

Kagura Qianhe, the only surviving descendant of the Three Divine Artifacts, turned pale, and for the first time, Orochi spoke out the name of the move to be performed, "God Punishment. No World". The verdict is even more terrible super skills!

Use all the power to create a completely sealed space field using the Yata Mirror. The transparent ripples of the space field spread to the surrounding area, protecting the nearby fighters, even the unconscious Liana. into it.

The space field isolated by the seal, in theory, as long as it is not an attack that can penetrate the space, it cannot attack the people inside. In the space field created by the Yata Mirror, everyone will receive the most effective protection.

Gaoniko, who was in the sky in the distance, hurriedly used a whirlwind to swirl herself up to the edge of the high sky in this alien space. Facing the imminent divine punishment, even as the head of the Eight Masters Collection, she was full of fear.


The tentacle loli who belongs to the super the beast-level Zekrom, and the Shura-like Tomoyo who lost his self-consciousness, when the serpent disappeared and the spot of light appeared in the space, there was a sense of extreme danger. . At this time, the black and white space suddenly dimmed as if the end was coming.

A beam of light descended from the sky, and the white aura of Heavenly Punishment slammed onto the ground. On the ground that had long been turned into ruins, a hemispherical upside-down energy mask erupted.

Another beam of light, different from the previous beam of light, this time the color is red, with dazzling flames shining in it; red is followed by cyan, and strands of cyan lightning spread along the ground, forming a chaotic energy field!

The lu-colored beam of light followed closely, and a large number of palm-sized lu-colored wind blades shot out after the beam of light hit the ground, cutting everything within the range. Then came the blue beam of light, and where the beam of ice-filled light fell, a large area of ​​freezing marks appeared on the ground.

The big snake mixes the original true flame, the final thunder, the wind of the cracking sky, the extremely cold freezing air and the spiritual power to punish the human beings. world"! (To be continued.)

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