MTL - Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning-Chapter 19 talk, go out of the tower

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  Chapter 19 Talking, out of the tower

   Shi Yufei didn't know how to refute when the prompt sounded suddenly.

   took a closer look and laughed:

   "Hahaha, the boss sent a message and sent us some bread."


  The girl was happy at first, then her face crossed, dissatisfied:

   "What, just bread, I want to eat meat."

   Shi Yufei grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it into the girl's mouth, rolled her eyes and said:

   "Meat meat, you know how to eat meat, and you can be content with some meat. Anyway, the meat will not spoil if you put it in the warehouse."

   "Besides, can boiled meat be delicious? You have to leave some time for people to make seasonings."

   Hearing the words, the girl was stunned for a moment, then nodded seriously.

   "Sister Feifei is worthy of being my sister, she is thoughtful."

   "In order to be able to eat delicious meat, then I will wait a little longer."

   "But then again, this bread is really delicious."

   "And your boss is so attentive to you, he even heated you up a bit."

   Hearing the girl's words, Shi Yufei blushed quietly, her face was like a peach cheek, and her thoughts drifted to nowhere.

   In this dangerous underground palace, this little piece of warm bread also warmed her heart.

  Shi Yufei: "Thank you for the bread, it's fragrant and delicious."

  Liu Yang: "Really? It's delicious, just tell me if you need it."

  Shi Yufei: "Hey, that's what you said, I forgot to tell you, the girl I team up with is a foodie, and can eat."

  Liu Yang: "Eat all you want, eat as much as you want, and there is enough bread."

   Liu Yang: "By the way, what kind of person is the girl you are teaming up with? You must pay more attention to this situation now."

  Shi Yufei: "Don't worry, she's just a dazed foodie. I'll introduce you to me when I get a chance, and I'll be able to attack and defend one by one, and I cooperate quite well, so I can fight monsters at multiple levels."

  Liu Yang: "Really? But you must be careful and don't be reckless. There are monsters in the underground palace that can't detect information. They are outrageous and extremely dangerous."

  Shi Yufei: "Well, we will be careful."

  Shi Yufei: "That. Do you have anything else to do?"

   Liu Yang: "It's okay, if you have something to do, just go."

  Shi Yufei: "Then I'm down?"

  Liu Yang: "Wait a minute, I exploded two rolls of toilet paper not long ago. I don't need it. I'll trade it for you later."

  Shi Yufei: "Thank you, we just need this, so I won't be polite to you."

   Liu Yang: "If I want to say thank you, I thank you. You have helped me a lot."

  Shi Yufei: "Then let's be even."

   Liu Yang: "Well."

   After finishing the chat, Liu Yang quickly took out two rolls of toilet paper and traded them to Shi Yufei.

   The remaining volume is of course reserved for my own use.

   As for why it is said to be two volumes, there is naturally a reason.

  If Valentine's Day is coming, you tell your girlfriend that you have 2,000 yuan and give her 1,000 yuan to buy delicious food, your girlfriend should be moved.

  In other words, Valentine's Day is coming, you tell your girlfriend that you only need 1,000 yuan for your whole family, and then give her all of it and let her buy something delicious, then your girlfriend will definitely be moved.

   is 1,000 yuan. If you change your words, you can have different effects. What are you willing to do?

   So, there is nothing wrong with Liu Yang's approach.

   Okay, let’s get back to the point.

   Liu Yang was very satisfied with the result of the first conversation with Shi Yufei.

   Lying on the bed, sometimes tossing and grinning, wishing to fly to meet people immediately.

   It looks like you in first love.

   But before he could continue to think about it, the wooden house was rumbled.

   Liu Yang stood up from the bed with a carp.

   "God bless me, I didn't expect that bookworms would really refresh."

   "One more time, the second kill skill is estimated to be upgraded by a few levels. It's a little exciting to think about it!"

   glanced at the time in the upper right corner.


   Pick up the weapon, open the door, and clean up all the bookworms at the door.

   Then Liu Yang rushed out of the house and took back the wooden house while shooting.

  The current wooden house can't resist the collision of bookworms.

   In case of being knocked down, the loss will be great.

   At this time, Liu Yang has risen to level 8.

   Plus the protection of leather armor.

   With the weak attack power of a bookworm.

   As long as you don't hit the point, it won't matter if you stand and let the bookworms attack.


   When Liu Yang went out, it was like a tiger joining a flock of sheep, and he immediately killed the bookworms.

  As before, after finishing the first layer, go to the second layer, and after finishing the second layer, go to the third layer

   There was an experience, and with the level up, the whole process was faster.

  When Liu Yang wiped out all the bookworms on the fifth floor.

   The time in the upper right corner is: 41:52:33

   And then another long wait.

   Liu Yang had no choice but to visit the auction house.

   By the way, the order to hang out to buy book pages was cancelled.

   Switch between regional chat and world chat from time to time.

   But he didn't speak, just silently stealing the screen.

   Re-entering the chat channel, he found that there were fewer people.

   866 people remain in his area.

  World Channel has 4056219872 left.

  【You hit the bookworm with one arrow, and the bookworm died. 】

  【Congratulations for killing the bookworm, get book page x1, psychic power x1. 】

  【Seckill skill upgrade conditions have been met, do you want to upgrade? 】


  【Seckill skill upgrade successfully. 】

[Seckill lv22: The only skill that can instantly kill creatures of the same level as the skill level by 100%. For each level, the success rate is reduced by 20%. Each use requires a certain amount of energy. You can freely control the switch, and you need to upgrade to the next level. Skill Book Page x230. 】

   The book tower is on the third floor. When there are only a dozen bookworms left, the spike skill has been upgraded again.

   Hearing such a voice too much, Liu Yang has become accustomed to it.

   After taking care of the remaining bookworms, he started to walk to the second floor.


   He doesn't always start from the first floor.

   This time he started clearing from the top down.

   Not long.

   This time, all the bookworms refreshed by the book tower are cleared.

   And the time in the upper right corner is displayed at 01:12:43.

   So, this is also the last refresh.

   When the time is up, he will pop up the book tower and return to the underground palace.

   It's really sad to think about it.

   Liu Yang thought more than once:

   "It would be great if you could keep brushing here until you reach the full level of your Instant Kill skill!"

   However this is impossible.

   Lying by the window, looking at the flowers blooming outside the tower.

   Liu Yang had an idea and turned over from the window to get out of the tower.

   hurried to the edge of the flower bush, inserted the steel knife into the soil, pryed it hard, and dug out the colorful and unknown flowers.

   With a little nervousness, he held the flowers, and with a thought, the flowers were put into the warehouse.

   "Yeah, that's great."

  Liu Yang danced and jumped with joy.

   Without further ado, he began sweeping like a locust crossing.

  Large tracts of flowers were dug up.

   Pieces of green grass were put away.

   Until the time came to 00:03:12 and the capacity of the warehouse soared to 95%, he stopped the search operation.

   "Humph, wait until you leave the book tower, then give Yu Fei a big surprise."

   Imagining Shi Yufei's surprise expression when he received flowers, Liu Yang was full of happiness.

   At this time, the time is cleared.

  The universe is in rotation, and Liu Yang's eyes are dark.

   When his vision was restored, he had returned to the tunnel where most of it had collapsed.

   And the location happened to be on the gravel pile where he was buried.

   Once you buried me, today I trample on you.

   can be described as karma and retribution.

   (end of this chapter)