MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 317 meteoric rise

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Chapter 317: A meteoric rise

Ji Xinghuo opened several platforms at random and found that whether it was social media, video websites or forums, they were all discussing him.

There are people watching all kinds of news channels and live broadcast rooms everywhere.

 The global Internet is noisy.

Countless people have flooded into my social account, and the number of followers is skyrocketing, with millions more people added every time it is refreshed. The phone started to receive messages, ding-ding-dong-dong, vibrating continuously, and there were calls from friends.


Ji Xinghuo had no choice but to turn off his phone.

Liangqiu Feiyan swiped her phone screen and shouted: "Third brother, your number of followers has exceeded 300 million! Alas, if I have so many people following me, I will definitely become the top super anchor in the world."

"Fool." The eldest sister Ye Dongyun laughed, "If you have the strength of the third brother, what kind of anchor can you expect?"

"That's right..." Liangqiu Feiyan's face showed indescribable envy.

Mingming asked: "Xinghuo, there are many people looking for you now, why don't you reply?"

"Ignore it." Ji Xinghuo didn't care at all. "Open the video on the ADC official website and let me watch it again."


Zhong Ming projected the video to form a large screen.

Ji Xinghuo watched it carefully. The length of this video was exactly one minute, and it was obviously carefully edited.

 The first 10 seconds were in the Bhopal Stargate Fortress. In the first second, I dodged the spear of "Elephant Master" Naraj Singh, withstood the machine gun fire, accelerated instantly, and flew beyond the speed of sound.

Then the camera quickly switched, and the self in the picture flew out of a right-angle turning trajectory, passed through multiple defense levels, and rushed out at the last second when the fortress gate closed.

 The next screen switches more frequently.

First, over the city of Bhopal, a figure flew past at an alarming speed, making a violent sonic boom.

 Feel the flying speed of the person in the shot from different angles and distances.

 Then we went to the wild.

 Some of the shots were obviously taken by satellites, and the clarity has been reduced. Looking down from a high altitude, a shadow is almost touching the ground.

There is a lens in it, and it is also equipped with a speedometer.

 It passed with a bang.

I only appeared in the screen for one frame. When I paused, it showed that the current speed was 703 meters per second, exceeding Mach 2, which converted to a speed of 2530 kilometers per hour!

The second half of the video is even more astonishing. It shoots down hypersonic missiles, dodges orbital laser cannons, shoots down fighter formations with bows and arrows, and finally successfully flies over the Himalayas and lands far away on the top of Mount Everest.

The video is just one minute long, but it is thrilling.

This is like a movie synthesized by AI. Every second is extremely exciting, but this is not a movie, but something that happened in reality!

 There was silence in the living room.

On the way here, the siblings had already watched the video, but they didn’t watch it seriously, and it wasn’t as shocking as the video on the projection screen.

“Third brother, is this person really you?” Ye Dongyun’s voice was trembling.

 The faces in the video have been processed so that the appearance cannot be seen.

"it's me."

Ji Xinghuo nodded.

 Actually, he is concerned about another issue.

This video was obviously shot with a large number of different lenses, some close, some far away, the clarity keeps changing, there are also satellite tracking images, and the last few seconds are from the perspective of a fighter plane in Indy Kingdom.

 The only ones who can collect so many videos are the officials of the Kingdom of Indy.

There is a high probability that it is the intelligence department of the Indy Kingdom, which has collected video footage to analyze its own strength.

This video is a serious blow to the national reputation of the Kingdom of Indy. It is definitely not willing to be made public, and the intelligence agency's leakage of information is also a serious dereliction of duty.

 That’s what other forces did.

There are not many such forces or organizations that can obtain video materials from the intelligence department of the Kingdom of Indy within one day.

Ji Xinghuo thought of the Asia-Pacific Community first, but if it was done by the Sharp Sword Bureau, the director would definitely notify him.

 The second is the Qianyuan Society.

 Finally, there is the official ADC channel.

 Whoever leaked the video must have no good intentions, because it exposed his own strength.

Now the whole world knows that his flight speed can reach Mach 2, and he can fly in weird turning trajectories. When fighting with others in the future, his opponent will be on guard and he will lose a trump card.

 Although the overall impact is not big, it is just unpleasant.

Ji Xinghuo turned on his cell phone and dialed Li Hui's number. He whispered a few words and then hung up. It was not Li Jianju's doing.

 “What’s the matter, third brother?” Wang Zizhen asked.

"It's okay." Ji Xinghuo shook his head and laughed, explaining half-truthfully: "This video is also a leak. I want to report it to the leader of the Sharp Sword Bureau."

The siblings knew that Ji Xinghuo was a swordsman and that it involved secrets, so they didn't ask any further questions.

Zhong Ming is still playing the video in a loop, watching it over and over again.

He looked at Ji Xinghuo in the picture and couldn't help but sigh: "It's great to be able to fly, and it flies so fast! Xinghuo, what level are you at now?"

"Yes, yes, third brother!" Liangqiu Feiyan was like a curious baby, "The Internet is almost making a fuss. Some people say that you must be a legend, but ADC still lists you on the ladder. It must be a mistake. .”

 The ladder only ranks aliens below legend.

If you are promoted to a legend, you will be automatically removed from the ladder. You will only be listed on the legend list when you reach the top 1000 of legends.

Ji Xinghuo replied: "I am a super alien, they were right."

 There was an exclamation in the living room.

“Damn it!” Zhong Ming was stunned. “A super alien can directly compete with the King of Heaven. This is so abnormal! There has never been a super alien like you before. No wonder ADC said that you are the first person below the King of Heaven.”

 He has practiced diligently this year and has not dared to relax for a day. He is still a little short of being promoted to a high-level alien.

 And Ji Xinghuo is already the top player in the world.

The brothers who grew up together had obviously similar talents before, but now the gap is so big that it makes him despair.

Wang Zizhen suddenly said: "Third brother, are you having trouble with the ADC?"

Ji Xinghuo glanced at him.

"Huh?" Liang Qiu Feiyan was very puzzled, "Third brother deserves his reputation as the number one on the ladder. Isn't this a good thing that he and Sister Manying are the first couple in history to be ranked number one on the ladder and are famous all over the world?"

 “Do you understand this is flattery?” Wang Zizhen looked like you were stupid and sweet.

Liangqiu Feiyan raised her eyebrows, "If you understand, just tell me!"

"The problem lies in the phrase 'the first person below the King of Heaven'." Wang Zizhen analyzed: "This is used to describe the number one on the legend list, but now it is placed on the third brother. What do those strangers on the legend list think? ?”

“There are five hundred people on the legendary list, and every one of them is a genius among geniuses.”

“Especially the top 100 on the legend list. They all have the opportunity to be promoted to kings. They have a wide age range and have accumulated the world’s top geniuses in the past two centuries since the opening of the star gate.”

“ADC’s ​​one comment negated them all.”

“A super alien has stepped on the heads of all legends. Do you think those legendary heroes will be convinced?”

“I’m sure there will be many legendary strong men who want to challenge Third Brother.”

Wang Zizhen’s analysis is clear and logical.

Ji Xinghuo was a little surprised. He also thought about what Li Hui reminded him on the phone just now.

 Zhong Ming and Ye Dongyun both became worried.

Liangqiu Feiyan, on the other hand, looked fearless, "Isn't it enough that Third Brother defeated all those legends and became the number one person below the King of Heaven?"

"Uh..." Wang Zizhen looked stunned, but he had to admit, "It seems to make sense."

"What do you mean it seems reasonable?" Liang Qiu Feiyan snorted, "That's how it is. Do you think the third brother is not strong enough?"

 “Of course I have confidence in the third brother...” Wang Zizhen explained.

 The two quarreled again as usual.

"Don't talk about my business anymore." Ji Xinghuo stopped the two people from quarreling and asked with a smile: "It's been exactly one year since I last left. Sister, Zizhen and Feifei, how is your training going?"

 Actually, he already knew their situation before the family even entered the house.

 The three of them are still ordinary people.

However, they all have obvious signs of exercise, and their physical fitness and complexion are much better than a year ago.

Liangqiu Feiyan rushed to answer: "Sister passed the physical fitness test two months ago, but she did not purchase heterogeneous fusion."


Ji Xinghuo looked at her eldest sister and was happy for her.

Ye Dongyun has failed to integrate once before, but the foundation is still there. With the 10 million she gave her to hire a professional coach, and with the help of pharmaceuticals, she successfully recovered in less than a year, and it was normal to pass the assessment.

"I want to wait for you to come back and give me some advice on career template selection." Ye Dongyun obviously thought about it for a long time, "I have survived so many years, no less than these few months."

"Okay." Ji Xinghuo agreed happily: "Sister, do you have any tendencies?"

The last time her fusion failed was when she was 21 years old. It had been six years. At that time, she chose the "White Knight". The core ability is "Life Infusion", which can consume star power to treat injuries and illnesses. The subsequent mutants are to enhance her own vitality and recovery. , possessing strong endurance.

 In the second fusion, the Astral Ministry will not provide alien species, and you can only buy them yourself, but the country will provide low-interest loans.

 Ye Dongyun said: "This time I want to try witchcraft."

"It seems that the eldest sister doesn't like to fight directly with others, and prefers to assist teammates." Ji Xinghuo said with a smile.

“My martial arts talent is too poor, there is nothing I can do.” Ye Dongyun sighed.

Ji Xinghuo nodded.

“Witch planting has great potential and is very comprehensive. As long as enough plants can be collected and cultivated, it can play a huge role.” He has personally experienced the power of witch planting and knows this very well.

Moreover, I can help my eldest sister to ask Sister Ren for her experience in planting witches, and get various powerful plant samples from her.

 In addition, there is also the Earth Abyss Star.

There are countless plants growing on this planet. It is not far from Olympia. Plant witches in the surrounding areas can benefit from it as long as they can enter the Abyss Star.

 I also have a batch of alien species obtained on the Abyss Star.

 There is a "Heart of Plants and Trees" and multiple incarnation-like alien species, which can be transformed into monsters to fight by giving them to a plant witch. "Sister, you choose to plant witches." Ji Xinghuo said.

“Then I will place an order for the ‘Qingluo Xinggen’ variant immediately.” Ye Dongyun was eager to try it, unable to conceal her anticipation.

Ji Xinghuo said: "If you buy all the witch-planting mutants at once, you don't have to worry about money."

The professional template abilities of the witch plant are not rare, and all of them can be purchased directly.

 He turned on his mobile phone and transferred 2 billion Asian dollars to his eldest sister.

Ye Dongyun received the bank prompt and saw the long series of numbers in the account. She felt as if she had been struck by lightning and sat there motionless.

Liangqiu Feiyan walked over to take a look and screamed: "Two billion!"

 The whole family was shocked.

"It's just a small amount of money." Ji Xinghuo said with a smile, "I just got a sum of money. It's of no use, so let's use it as our family cultivation fund. These two billion Asian dollars are placed with the eldest sister and will be managed by the eldest sister. All expenses related to cultivation can be reimbursed."

 The siblings looked at each other in confusion.

 Ye Dongyun hesitated: "Is this too much?"

"Not much." Ji Xinghuo shook his head, "Sister, you will know in the future that two billion is only enough for you to cultivate to a super alien. If you want to hit the legend or reach the top strength among the super aliens, this amount The money is actually not enough.”

Divided evenly between four people, one person has 500 million Asian dollars. Even if he makes the best use of his resources, it will be difficult to reach the top level among super aliens. At best, he can only be considered to be in the upper reaches.

 Besides, many resources cannot be purchased even with money.

“Does Yiren cost so much money?” Wang Zizhen was dumbfounded. “A few hundred million is already an astronomical figure to me.”

Ji Xinghuo nodded: "Exchanging money for strength is a good deal. You spend money quickly, but you also earn more."

“Then I’ll accept it.” Ye Dongyun looked solemn.

"Tell me when the money is used up." Ji Xinghuo smiled, then opened the box on the table in front of him, took out a palm-sized piece of tree heart, and handed it to Ye Dongyun, "This alien species is for eldest sister, you You should like it.”

Ye Dongyun looked at the wooden tree heart in her hand and asked curiously: "What kind of alien species is this?"

 “Heart of grass and trees.” Ji Xinghuo answered.

The siblings immediately searched for the Heart of Plants and Trees, and when they saw its information, Liangqiu Feiyan was surprised: "It turns out to be an ultra-limited alien species!"

 Ye Dongyun was greatly surprised after reading the information.

The Heart of Plants and Plants allows strangers to communicate with surrounding plants and possess a wide range of perception capabilities. It can also increase the efficiency of cultivating plants, enhance physical fitness, and absorb the vitality of plants to heal injuries.

This alien species is very rare, perfect for planting witches, and you can’t even buy it if you have money!

 “Thank you, third brother.” Ye Dongyun was very touched.

"What kind words can the family say?" Ji Xinghuo shook his head.

The eldest sister has taken good care of her younger brothers and sisters since she was a child. Although she is only one year older than herself, she is almost half a parent. Now that she has the ability, she will definitely help her eldest sister embark on the road of evolution.

“There are still these two things. Sister, please keep them as well.” Ji Xinghuo took out a Blue Sky Fruit and a Red Emperor Blood Crystal from the box.

"This is Qing Guokong. You can use it as soon as you become a foreigner. It can increase the chance of fusion with foreign species. The Red Emperor Blood Crystal is also an expansion rare item, but there are risks when using it. It is best to wait until you are a high-level foreigner before using it. "

“Also, sister, please place an order now for a Life Spirit Seed, an Amber Cat’s Eye Stone, and a Red Scale Element.”

“The money to purchase these three expansion wonders will come from the family fund.”

Ji Xinghuo has made all the arrangements for her.

Ye Dongyun held three things and was struck by great happiness. She was so moved that she didn’t know what to say, and there were tears in her eyes.

 “Third brother.” She whispered.

Ji Xinghuo smiled at her, saying nothing.

"This is so cool!" Zhong Ming looked at Qing Guokong and the Red Emperor Blood Crystal and said with emotion: "As long as the eldest sister successfully fuses the alien species and uses these expansion wonders, the junior alien will have five superpowers and professional templates. In one step, it beats 99% of the aliens."

Wang Zizhen and Liangqiu Feiyan finally realized that the eldest sister was about to take off!

 “Second brother, you have it too.”

Ji Xinghuo took out the Red Emperor Blood Crystal, Qingguokong, a Toad Spirit Egg, and five alien species, and placed them in front of Zhong Ming.

Zhong Ming looked at the things on the table with an expression of excitement and surprise.

"The egg of the toad spirit is a very rare expansion item. I only have this one left in my hand, so I will give it to you, second brother." Ji Xinghuo introduced, "When the eldest sister buys the red scale element, she also buys it for the second brother. One serving.”

 Ye Dongyun nodded immediately: "Okay."

Zhong Ming has already used the other two expansion wonders that can be purchased. The only difference is the most expensive red scale element, which costs 55 million Asian dollars per copy.

 After a few seconds, Zhong Ming came back to his senses and took a long breath.


He hugged Ji Xinghuo for a while, then picked up the alien species for observation, and smiled: "Xinghuo, you have even prepared the alien species for me."

“Flying, burning blood, reviving life, feeling the touch of a hole, rebirth of severed limbs.” Ji Xinghuo directly mentioned these alien species.

Zhong Ming was stunned when he heard this.

 The five are all ultra-limited alien species, and they are all very suitable for me, especially flying, which is the alien species that I have dreamed of.

However, this is not the end.

Ji Xinghuo took off the "acceleration ring" on his finger and gave it to Zhong Ming along with a few copies of the ether refining solvent and told him about its efficacy.


Zhong Ming was stunned for a long time, shook his head and sighed: "I was wondering before, if you had some adventure, why didn't I? Now I know that you, Xinghuo, are my adventure."

"Hahaha..." Ji Xinghuo laughed: "Second brother, you are very talented, but you lack opportunities and resources. I will probably leave the earth frequently in the future, and I have to rely on you to support this family."

"I understand, I will!" Zhong Ming looked solemn.

"come on!"

Ji Xinghuo patted his shoulder.

“Third brother, what about me?” Liangqiu Feiyan shouted excitedly: “Have you prepared anything for me?”

Wang Zizhen is also full of expectations.

 In their eyes, the shoebox on the table is like a treasure box with rare treasures hidden inside.

Ji Xinghuo spread his hands and said, "As long as you pass the experience test, I will prepare these expansion wonders and alien species for you." Then he looked at Wang Zizhen, "And Zizhen, the same goes for you."

 They are not aliens, and giving them resources is a waste.

 The citizens of the Asia-Pacific Community have very good welfare, and they have no worries about food and clothing. They were given 10 million yuan before, so they are not short of money.

"I will work hard!" Wang Zizhen said firmly, "Give me another year, and I will definitely pass the physical fitness test."

Ji Xinghuo nodded, "Where are you Feifei?"

Out of the three siblings, Liangqiu Feiyan has made the least progress. She has poor willpower, can't calm down, and is afraid of hardship. Even if her eldest sister supervises her training, she will often be lazy.

He deliberately provoked the general and said: "In the future, the eldest sister and Zizhen will also become strangers. You are the only stranger in our family, so don't cry."

Liangqiu Feiyan clenched her fists, "Third brother, don't underestimate me, just wait and see."

 “Then I’ll wait.”

Ji Xinghuo finished sharing the resources and sat on the sofa with his family to chat.

  He talked about his knowledge and experiences in the star realm, and his siblings also talked about some interesting things about life. They drank drinks and ate snacks, and the living room was filled with laughter.

Everyone refreshes their mobile phones from time to time, sees comments on the Internet, and shares interesting things.

 Not long after, Zhao Manying walked out of the training room.

Ji Xinghuo looked back at her and knew that she had used the expansion magic item and successfully integrated the Eye of Truth.

The two looked at each other, understanding each other tacitly.

Liangqiu Feiyan said happily: "Sister Manying, you are out! Come and read the comments. Now everyone on the Internet praises you for your discernment. You took a fancy to the third brother before he was famous and chose him as your boyfriend!"

"Of course." Zhao Manying chuckled, greeted everyone familiarly, and sat down next to Ji Xinghuo.

However, when she saw the content on the screen, her face showed surprise: "Xinghuo, have you reached the first place on the ladder?"

 “The ADC arranged randomly.” Ji Xinghuo laughed.

"They didn't arrange randomly. I think it's very accurate." Zhao Manying was not disappointed at all because he lost the title of No. 1 on the ladder. "I lost to you a year and a half ago. You were No. 1 on the ladder at that time. Now you are just returning. to the correct ranking.”

 “Is there such a thing?” Zhong Ming was surprised.

Everyone looked like they were eating melons, and Zhao Manying spoke frankly about the showdown with Ji Xinghuo on Mount Huashan last year.

“So this is how you know Sister Manying, third brother, you hide it so well!” Liang Qiu Feiyan said.

Ji Xinghuo shrugged, "Don't tell anyone."

"Know it!"

Liang Qiu Feiyan laughed and said, "Alas! What many people are most curious about now is what you look like, third brother."

Now all the hot searches on the Internet are dominated by Ji Xinghuo.

 The top ten hot searches are all related to Ji Xinghuo. The most popular is "No. 1 on the ladder", followed by "Ji Xinghuo's appearance", followed by "I heard Ji Xinghuo is a handsome guy" and so on.

 Several topics are discussing Ji Xinghuo's appearance.

Although his classmates, friends, and some people who have met him in real life all say that Ji Xinghuo is handsome, many people still question why he wants to protect his privacy and refuses to publish his photos now.

If you don’t dare to reveal your appearance, you must be ugly.

 Ye Dongyun asked: "Xinghuo, do you want to publish the photos?"

"No." Ji Xinghuo immediately shook his head, "I don't want to be recognized wherever I go. This is good for now."

Zhong Ming said: "In the future, your reputation will become more and more famous, and your status will become higher and higher. Sooner or later, you will make it public."

"Let's wait until then. If we can maintain it, it will be one day at a time." Ji Xinghuo didn't want the troubles of being a celebrity.

 I am not a star, nor am I a contestant, nor am I even a public figure.

  Don’t care about public opinion on the Internet at all.

 Like what you want.

Ji Xinghuo put all this behind him, and the family chatted happily until late at night. The brothers and sisters went home, leaving only Zhao Manying to spend the night together.

  This chapter has 6,000 words, and the second chapter will be updated at 6 p.m.



 (End of this chapter)