MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 943 Solution

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He had previously considered the past, but considering the relationship between the other party and Miao Xihe, he did not dare to go. The "Miaojiang Yaowang" once studied in the "Thousand Medicine Valley" for a period of time, following the old patriarch, the grandfather of Miao Qingshan. When the old patriarch praised Wu San, he said that he was a talented and talented person. He was only out of the rules of the stockade. He did not pass on some of the most secret things to him. This is the case. His medical skills also made the people in the stockade extremely Surprised, coupled with the accumulation of sediment over the years, his ability to save lives is not much worse than the Miaoxi River.

"Okay, just arrange it. It's a bit late now. I will go through your discharge procedure tomorrow morning, and you will be relieved." Miao Tianchuan said.

This is the end of the matter, he can only so comfort Miao Chengtang.

The next day, in the doctor's office where they found the relationship, the other person was still studying Miao Chengtang's condition and immediately stopped when he heard that he had to go through the discharge procedure.

"Why, his situation has not been fully clarified, and it is irrational to leave the hospital now."

"We know, doctor, we don't want to leave the hospital right now, but there is something wrong with the family. He has to go back, very urgent." Miao Tianchuan said.

"That, that's alright, but you have to write something that proves that you are voluntarily discharged," the doctor said.

"Ok, no problem."

In this way, they handled the discharge procedure and were discharged the same day.

Guo Zhenghe of Hexian, who is thousands of miles away, also received news of their discharge from the hospital, even the detailed process of their inspection at this hospital.

"Discharged, so anxious, why?"

"This, I have an inference." Xu Xinyuan said.

"I listened to the medical staff to hear what they said, and perhaps the Miao Chengtang was in the middle of it." At this time he was also in the capital.

"In the middle?"

"Yes, in addition, after he was hospitalized, there were two other people who came to see him. It seems that he should be familiar with him, but I have investigated his information. He has no direct blood relatives in the Thousand Medicine Valley. However, he basically won't go outside on weekdays, so it is inferred that these two are also likely to come out of Thousand Medicine Valley."

"Where will they go?"

"Unsure, I tried to track it. I didn't succeed. One of the three of them was a master. The body was very heavy. When I got closer, he found out."

"Okay, I know, I have worked hard, Xu Shu, we must pay attention to safety."

"Hey." Xu Xinyuan should have a voice.

Beijing, somewhere on the road.

"Someone is following us."

"Who is it?" Miao Chengtang hurriedly asked.

"A person I don't know." Miao Tianchuan said, he can detect that the other party is a veteran, and he is likely to be with him. Almost at the same time he found the other party, the other party also noticed, and then decisively gave up. Track them.

"I don't know, will it be sent by Miao Xihe?" Now Miao Chengtang has a big shadow in his heart. He is very afraid of Miao Xihe, and he almost mentioned this name. He There will be a spirit, as if the ghost is calling his name.

"Here, it should not be." Miao Tianchuan said.

"Who would it be?"

"Maybe they are Yang Guanfeng."

Miao Chengtang apparently still did not feel completely relieved after listening to it. Now he is really scared. Miao Tianchuan patted his shoulder.

One day later, they arrived in Weinan again and saw the "Miaojiang Medicine King" Wu San.

"It's you, Castle Peak." Wu Sanyi recognized Miao Qingshan.

"It's me, uncle."

On the other hand, Miao Qingshan taught him that Wu Sanyi’s uncle did not have any problems.

"How come you come here?" Wu San surprised.

He is here, and he is not particularly familiar with the outside world. In fact, he is not very concerned with the outside, just focusing on what he likes.

"I have something to ask you for."

"What is it?" Wu San listened a little later.

"Please see a doctor."

"See you, you?" Wu San listened.

"Not me, my friend."

"The people in the stockade?"


"Why don't you find Miao Xihe?" Wu asked immediately after listening. "You also escaped?" He immediately realized what he was.


Wu San pondered for a while.

"Let him come in."

"Hello." Miao Chengtang immediately smiled and said hello when he came in.

"Sit down, isn't it comfortable?"

"Heart, I suspect that I am in the heart." Miao Chengtang directly said his doubts.

"Heavy heart?" After hearing this statement, Wu San was also shocked.

Then he carefully checked the other party.

"It's really!" His brow was a little wrinkled.

"Who is it?"

"Miaoxi River!" Miao Chengtang bit his teeth.

"He?" Wu San gave a brief sigh.

"I haven't seen this for a long time." The tone was quite emotional.

"Can you cure?"

"Of course."

"That, what is the price?"

"Cost?" Wu San looked up at Miao Qingshan.

"This time I will look at your grandfather's face and help you once." Wu Sandao.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much." Miao Chengtang hurriedly thanked him after listening. He even squatted down and gave the other person a hoe.

"Okay, lie down."


Next, Wu San began to solve the poisoning of Miao Chengtang.

"I haven't tried it for many years," he sighed secretly.

This kind of "heart-breaking" he had seen in a dozen years ago, the memory is still fresh, and he has tried to treat it, but that time, it is a failure, but fortunately, the grandfather with Miao Qingshan is on the sidelines. The man did not die in the end, and he also learned the solution of this "locust" with the grandfather of Miao Qingshan.

"Drink this first." Wu San handed Miao Chengtang a bowl of soup.

"what is this?"

"Drink." Wu San listened to cold and cold.

"Hey." Miao Chengtang rushed to drink the medicinal soup, and after a while, he went straight to sleep.

When he woke up again, the sky was already dark, his upper body was naked, and the gauze was wrapped around his chest.

"When you wake up, how do you feel?" Miao Qingshan, sitting on the side, saw him woke up and asked softly.

"Feel, um, there is some pain in the chest." Miao Chengtang said, "There is not much strength on the body."

"I have lost my heart?"

"Solution." Miao Qingshan Road.

"Uncle Wu said, you need to stay for five to six days, we will stay here."

"Five to six days, how long?"

"You have a lot of blood, you have to cultivate, or you will hurt the roots of your body."

"This is a long time, here is Weinan, if you know what to do with Miao Xihe?"

"You are so afraid of him?"

"Of course, you don't know his terrible."

"Do not worry, this place we are in is very hidden. Besides, he does not necessarily know that we are here!"

Miao Chengtang still didn't feel relieved after listening, but now there is no good way. I don't want to go, I can only wait here for a few days.

In the north thousands of miles away, the sky is full of snowflakes, not big.

Wang Yao gave a patient a medical treatment in the medical hall. This is an old man in the village. Sixty of them are right. They are not tall, their hair is almost gone, their eyes are yellow, and they have been coughing since they entered the hospital. .


"Pump." The old man coughed two channels.

"At least one pack a day?"

"Well, it's indispensable."


"Drink, two meals a day." The old man said.

"You want to treat this disease, first quit smoking and drinking, otherwise you will not need treatment." Wang Yaodao.

"Ah!" The old man listened after a trip.

"Oh, how many years have passed, it is not good to quit!" the old man exclaimed.

He hasn't tried it, but he didn't succeed. He really can't stand it!

"You can't just hurt this way." Wang Yaodao.

Now the old man has problems in the lungs and liver, and the problem is not small. The main reason is the lifestyle habits, the tobacco and alcohol are good, the body is eroding for a long time, the blood is exhausted, and the yang is insufficient. If you continue, it will be ill.

"You should give me two pills first, just stop the pain." The old man took the initiative to ask Wang Yao to prescribe medicine.

"This medicine, I won't open it, it doesn't matter if it is opened. You still have to go back and think about it."

"Xiao Yao, give me a dress?" The old man said.