MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 103 Escape From The Buried Land (33)

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Alan's words seemed to make Luo Jian understand, and turned to smile at Alan: "It seems that you already know what the future looks like."

"I don't know." Alan replied extremely solemnly: "I don't know what the future looks like, what will happen to all of us in the future, survival or death, luck or misfortune, I don't understand these, and I also Unwilling to think. But now! I want to tell you something Luo Jian ... I have to tell you, you ... "

Feng Yulan's words have not been finished.He really wants to tell Luo Jian something, such as the child who has been holding a red umbrella.Although Feng Yulan has not known how to describe it so far, he feels that he must Some information and traces were revealed to Luo Jian, and some could enable Luo Jian to find vital clues for survival even in the most terrible situation.

But Alan's words did not finish, because someone interrupted him. In the gap between Feng Yulan's speech, the little red umbrella devil who had been fighting with Duan Li to die for you, suddenly raised his hand and threw a dagger at Feng Yulan!

Less than ten inches, the sharp blade flies straight towards Feng Yulan with a kind of strength and strength that can be compared with others. That is definitely not an attack that Alan can resist now, and seeing the boy aiming The goal is obviously the key to Feng Yulan! This is going to be done, Feng Yulan is dead or injured.

Even Luo Jian, who was standing next to Alan, was unable to respond. Although he noticed a dangerous blade, he couldn't keep up with the reaction at that moment. He wanted to use his own short knife to stop, but his finger just touched his own blade. , The enemy's dagger is close at hand!

There is something wrong with this dagger!

Luo Jian felt suddenly inexplicable, because he could see clearly! When the boy threw the dagger, it was suspended in the air, and there was still a considerable distance from Luo Jian and Feng Yulan, but the dagger he threw seemed to move across the space in an instant, as if moving instantly. , Time appeared in front of Feng Yulan and Luo Jian!

That feeling, right ... same as the hunter's weapon!

And Xing Yan's weapon is similar! Xing Yan can also do this, because his weapon capabilities are related to space. Not only can he let his body make space strides, but naturally his weapons can do the same!

How can this be? Who is this boy with an umbrella? !!

Luo Jian had no time to think more. At this moment, he didn't even have the ability to resist this attack. He could only watch the dagger flying towards Alan's fierce stab.

Alan almost thought he was going to die.

But the shocking thing happened in the next second! The red umbrella boy suddenly disappeared from the air. He appeared in front of Alan out of thin air, just behind the flying dagger. His speed was so fast that he even reached out and grabbed the handle of the dagger to suppress the dagger Strength, then the boy's body rolled over and jumped behind Feng Yulan, holding Alan's shoulder with one hand, and holding his dagger against his throat with one hand.

Within a few seconds, the boy had successfully held Feng Yulan as a hostage and grabbed his shoulders with his hands. His red umbrella floated beside him like a conscious living body. At that moment, Feng Yulan even heard the whisper of the boy behind him: "No matter what you want to say to Luo Jian, don't tell him about me."

Arlandon paused, but heard the boy continue to say, "You must have heard of the" will of the back room ", but it is very similar to the will of the world. If you want to describe it, it is the so-called" fate ". And destiny is always the plaything of God. "

"We are the plaything." The boy lowered his voice and whispered in Feng Yulan's ear, his voice was so deep and even a little sad: "We can't resist it, so don't go against destiny, we want to escape It can only be deceived. "

Deceive destiny.

It also deceives God.

Feng Yulan was stunned, as if shocked. He couldn't say anything, the blade of his throat pressed against his throat, the bitter cold blade, the chill seemed to penetrate his skin and penetrate Into flesh and blood, flowing through the whole body along the blood vessels, the cold is pressing.

Luo Jian, who was standing next to him, reacted and stabbed the boy with a backhand. The boy turned his head slightly, and his dark eyes looked at Luo Jian. At this moment, the two eyes met, Luo Jian froze, the inexplicable The rushing heart grew deeper, but his offensive was not stopped, and the blade was still stabbing towards the boy.

"Do you want him to die?" The boy didn't hide at all. He floated behind Feng Yulan, and touched Alan's neck with a dagger, but with a little force, Luo Jian saw the blood drops from Alan's neck. The emergence made Luo Jian have to stop his blade, although at this moment he was unwilling to the extreme.

But no longer reconciled, Luo Jian could not put his companions in a state of disregard, because he knew that no one in this world could live alone forever.

"The situation is now in my grasp." The boy suddenly raised his voice so that everyone present could hear his voice, which also put everyone's attention on him.

Duan Li seems to be consuming too much strength. In fact, when the boy was throwing a dagger at Alan, he was going to rush to block the knife. However, the situation changed rapidly at this moment. Under the situation of Alan being held hostage, for a period of time It is better to know what action to take.

While standing on the side, he still kept silent, he looked at the boy silently, it seemed that he was no longer planning to participate in the scuffle, and Luo Jian looked at the hunter during the period, and found that he had not paid any attention at all. The power was given to himself, which made Luo Jian feel a little bit cold. What happened, who was this boy, and why he could attract such attention. He could n’t figure it out and had to focus on the boy. .

But he did not expect to turn his head and found that the child was actually looking at him.

"Luo Jian, let me have a fair competition with you, how?" The boy stared at Luo Jian with a gaze on his eyes, smiling. The child's smile had a familiarity that frightened Luo Jian, but he didn't understand where the familiar feeling came from. He couldn't explain the feeling, so he shivered and squeezed out a word from the gap between his teeth: "What kind of competition?"

The boy suddenly retracted the blade placed on Alan's neck, and the white blade still had blood on it. The boy noticed, and he waved his hand gently, his dagger disappeared, and then he was very considerate and took out a band-aid from there. , Floated in front of Alan, and posted Alan seriously.

Feng Yulan's face showed a kind of helpless numbness, as if she didn't know how to react, she kept her mouth shut and didn't talk. Arlan can be said to be a character who knows everything to a certain extent, but unfortunately he does not have this self-knowledge. But even though he has been unaware, he knows that he cannot intervene in the so-called 'fair competition' between the two people. This is a duel that spans time and space and stands at a height he cannot reach.

In this competition, no matter who wins, it is not the result that Feng Yulan wants to witness.

"Luo Jane, look." The boy seemed to be magic, and in the palm of his hand, he changed two jade pendants. It was the token of love of the "ghost", which was divided into two green jade. .

"I think you can all guess my ability, so I won't hide myself here." The boy said, his smile was bright: "I have a method similar to hypnosis, which can control every time in a very short time A figure that meets my eyes. "

Hearing this, Luo Jian blinked a bit, as if seeing through his mind, the boy immediately said: "But don't worry, I said this is a fair competition, and I have no way to limit this ability. Use, in fact so far, for your team, I have only used it for Alan alone. "

The boy bent down slightly, he was still floating in the air, at this moment he was even taller than Feng Yulan, so he took it for granted to hold Feng Yulan's neck with both hands, and Alan was helpless, although there was no expression on his face However, when the boy posted it all, Feng Yulan couldn't help but reached out and hugged the boy's waist. The child was so thin that Feng Yulan was always afraid that he would just fall like that.

The boy turned his head to look at Alan, and with a bright smile, Feng Yulan looked a little embarrassed.

"You see, he's still in my control until now." The boy continued to say Luo Jian, the tone was even gentle, "And I can give you a chance, Luo Jian, if you want to take your companions I'll save it here, so beat me in this competition. "

"Don't you think it was an unfair competition at the beginning?" Luo Jian frowned.

"How to say?"

"Because the chips are all there for you." Luo Jian narrowed his eyes and he laughed, but he didn't find that his expression had a strange sense of coincidence with the opponent.

"You think, the hostage is with you ..." Luo Jian continued: "Yu Pei is also with you? You can just flee here with Yu Pei as a matter of course, why do you want to compete with me for a hell?"

In fact, Luo Jian did not know why the other party was trying to grab Yupei. He didn't know that Yupei was the key to this secret room. He just intuitively felt that Yupei was an important clue between ghosts and gods and related to the escape of the secret room. Therefore, he said that these He just wanted to know not only the truth of Yu Pei, but also the purpose of the boy.

"You don't have to tell me, I will tell you everything I know." The boy easily saw through Luo Jian's purpose, it was as if he knew what Luo Jian was thinking. Luo Jian felt inexplicable discouragement at this moment, He even suspected that the boy could not only hypnotize, but also read hearts.

"I used hypnosis to get the exit from the" God ". In fact, the exit of this secret room is also very obvious, as long as you think about why the big tree is set to the attribute" cannot be destroyed in any way ". That's it. "The boy glanced at the huge tree-bottomed tree in the distance.

This made Luo Jian couldn't help glancing at the big tree, and the exit was so grandly in front of the crowd, but it made people ignore it. People often pay too much attention to things far away, but ignore the near Something close at hand.

"You said that tree was the exit?"

"That's right." The boy smiled. "When you found that guy who claimed to be" **** ", did he grow up with this big tree? Yes, it was the part where he was connected to that tree, There is a small groove, put this piece of jade into one, put it in, the organ can open, and the exit appears.

"It's that simple?" Luo Jian still felt a little weird. They struggled with the exit for so long and got it so easily from the boy's mouth.

"This is the same principle as when some mausoleums were built in the ancient times, artisans secretly dug a passage for themselves in order not to be a funerary. This ignorant **** signed a plot contract with the secret chamber, but when he built the tomb, Did not listen to the conditions of the secret room to make a completely closed secret room without any exit, but left a way for himself. "The boy said, suddenly not smiling, his expression was cold:" This is probably that he can never escape the secret room to master The reason. "

"Wait." Luo Jian heard the boy's words, paused, and said, "You mean, the Chamber of Secrets was originally intended to make this a chamber with no exit, right?"

"Yes." The boy shrugged. "When he sent us in, he didn't plan to let us out."

"What about you? What is the purpose of telling me this?"

The boy stretched out his hands with two jade pens on his palm: "Only you can open the door of this secret room."


"Because ... you are a 'ghost'."

Luo Jian was stunned for a while, as if he couldn't understand the meaning of the other person's words for a while, and the boy easily saw through this and explained to him: "You still have the identity of" ghost "in this room, and there are only two plotters Only they can open the door. God has hung up, so only you can open the door. "

"Wait! What do you mean by that ?!" Just then, a few people from the enemy team who were listening next to each other, the female military officer socketed: "You let the enemy open the door? What shall we do? And , The jade you gave me before ... is it fake ?! "

"Well, it's fake." The boy acknowledged this without hesitation, and shook the two jade pendants in his hand.

The other party admitted cleanly, but this made the woman not know how to blame him for a while.

The boy didn't bother the woman anymore, he turned his head and looked at Luo Jian, and even floated to Luo Jian in front of him. He put two jade pendants in his heart to Luo Jian and smiled, "Now, go, open the door Right. "

Luo Jian's heart was terrible, especially when the boy handed Yu Pei his finger and touched Luo Jian's palm, making him goosebumps all over him. He stared at the boy in surprise: "You really let Should I open the door? "

"The identity of the plot lover directly given to you in the secret room cannot be transferred. Since I can't get the status of" ghost "from you, I have to let you open the door, don't I?"

"What about your so-called competition?"

"Is this competition?"

"What do you mean?"

"Who can escape from this closet first is who wins." The boy chuckled: "And I have given you the biggest advantage, which is fair enough, isn't it?"

"What about Alan?" Luo Jian was a little worried about Feng Yulan's safety.

"As long as you successfully get out from here, what use is there for me to hold him? Of course he will return to you intact."

Luo Jian took Yupei in his hand, took a deep breath, looked at the boy, and said, "Well, let's have a competition."

The boy did not answer this time. He did not know when he would no longer be floating in the air, but fell to the ground. He still held Alan's finger in one hand, but stared at Luo Jian for an instant. The look seemed to encourage Luo. Jane, go and open the door.

Luo Jian knew that there might be other conspiracy, but he had no other choice. He looked at Alan, and Feng Yulan was looking at Luo Jian at the moment, his eyes flickered, it seemed that he wanted to send something to Luo Jian, but At this moment, Luo Jian could not understand Feng Yulan's eyes at all.

Because of the lingering entanglement in his heart, Luo Jian's thinking was confused.

The author has something to say: I am late to Smith Mather!

== God Show is too much. What if the circle doesn't come back? 2k novel reading network