MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 21 Demon

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What Luo Jian didn't know was that the moment he left the chamber, the sea stormed into the cabin, and the hunter closed his eyes in the icy sea, waiting for the feeling of suffocation to drown him, waiting for a new birth The latest chapter on campus all-round master.

Luo Jian was awakened by the cold and greasy feeling on his wrist. He opened his eyes blankly, raised his hand, and saw a small snake with black and white stripes wrapped around his wrist tightly. From time to time, he wriggled his lower body, shaking the tip of his tail. It was a terrible feeling when I woke up and saw a snake crawling on himself.

Luo Jian shuddered instinctively, and immediately wanted to pull the snake off his wrist, but dragged the little snake's tail, Luo Jian gave up this action, this snake almost saved his life He really pulled Luo Jian back from the gate of the ghost gate, and Luo Jian was grateful for this.

Moreover, when Luo Jian looked at it, he did not know why he could think of the hunter. He remembered the expression when he wrapped the snake around his wrist. He was very serious, and his beautiful eyes were full of tenderness.

Luo Jian suddenly felt a strange tremor in his heart. He got up from the bed and found that he was still wearing the clothes he was sleeping in, and the saber was well stowed in the scabbard.

But there was one more thing by the pillow. Luo Jian frowned and reached for the notebook near the pillow. He found it on the ghost ship. The murderer's English notes were rusty and rough to the touch. Luo Jian remembered that this note had been He was in his pocket, but he didn't expect to be taken out of the back room.

The boss said that the various props in the back room can not be brought out, except for some special items. Of course, on the surface, you can hardly see any difference in special items. No one will tell you which items can be taken out of the back room and which ones cannot. At this time, it is luck and intuition that you need to rely on.

Special items will have special effects. You need to explore what they are for, and you can trade special items with other players. Some things you ca n’t use are sold to others in exchange for what you need. This is a secret room transaction. field.

Luo Jian flipped open the notebook, which was in messy English as usual, Luo Jian shook his head helplessly, dropped the notebook on the desk, got up and went to the kitchen to pour water, and then unexpectedly saw it on the refrigerator again A new piece of paper, with a pen pen on it:

[Dear Mr. Luo Jian:]

[Congratulations on going through the difficulties again to return to reality. Your strong strength and wisdom have proved your value. You have already qualified to be called a ‘senior’. Now, get the reward you deserve! Your prize is in your closet. 】

[Ps: Pay attention to time, don't forget the appointment after ten days. 】

[Above, good luck. 】

Luo Jian dropped the note and walked back to the bedroom to open the closet. His eyes swept through the clothes and sneered: "Is the equipment behind the weapon?"

There is a set of clothes in the closet that should not have appeared, and it is amazing that this suit is similar to the black combat suit of the hunter, but the color is dark blue and black, hooded long clothes, trousers and even There are also boots and tactical gloves, and the buttons on the waistband just match Luo Jian's weapons, and the scabbard can be easily hung on it. There are many pockets in the clothes, which can fit a lot of things.

Luo Jian yanked the fabric of the clothes, feeling very strong, warm and not easy to break, or that ... this suit will be just like a person, when leaving the back room and returning to reality, no matter how torn and tattered, it will automatically recovery?

While Luo Jian was still struggling with his equipment, his cell phone on the table rang, and it seemed that Feng Yulan had called him. He felt relieved. When he escaped from the back room, he clearly remembered that he dragged Alan out to swim with him, but even so, Luo Jian was inevitable in his heart. At this moment, the phone call proved that Feng Yulan was okay, and his burden was immediately relieved.

"Alan, is it all right? Where are you?" Luo Jian looked at the sky outside, it was early in the morning and it was just dawning.

"I'm still in the hospital." Feng Yulan, who was on the other side of the phone, started crying to Luo Jian with a cry, "As soon as I came back, I found that the wound on my waist was back, so painful!"

Luo Jian smiled silently: "You obedient, lie down first, I will go to the hospital to see you later, bring breakfast by the way, what do you want?"

"Ajan, are we really back?" Feng Yulan seemed to be uncertain about his return and repeatedly asked Luo Jian.

"You're stupid, doesn't the wound hurt? Isn't that enough to prove that you're back?"

Feng Yulan over there seemed to take a deep breath and replied: "Then I'm hung up, the nurse is in the rounds, you must come over!"

"Ah! Hold on." Luo Jian stopped Feng Yulan's action and said, "Pay attention to the conspicuous places around you, are there any notes? The newcomers have weapon rewards in the first game, look for it."

After confessing to Feng Yulan and hung up the phone, Luo Jian lay relaxed on the bed. After a while, he got up and tried the suit. The clothes were very fit. They were just tailored and there was no discomfort. Luo Jian was wearing clothes and made a few laps in his house. He also took a few handsome photos, and then changed a piece of clothes he usually wears. He picked a long-sleeved one and covered the small tail snake on his arm. Stay, then go out cheerfully.

On the other side, Feng Yulan also found the printed note from her bed card:

[Dear Mr. Feng Yulan;]

[The thrilling novice trial has passed. You have harvested precious partners and received the rewards you should have. The prizes are placed in your bedside table. You can choose to own or give up, but this affects your survival. Rate, please choose carefully. 】

[Ps: The next agreed day will be the night after ten days, please stay calm and fall asleep. 】

[Above, good luck. 】

After Feng Yulan read the note, he bent over to turn over his bedside table. This action awakened his clinical patient. The snoring uncle grumbled a few words and turned to sleep, but he was shocked by Feng Yulan. Cold sweat, he has just escaped from the closet, but he has not escaped from his instinctual vigilance. A little wind and grass movement can make Feng Yulan feel like a soldier.

So Feng Yulan opened the bedside table tremblingly and carefully, and found that there was an extra sample of things that should not exist ... it turned out to be a book!

How could it be a book, didn't Jane say it was a weapon? Feng Yulan somehow picked up the book and put it in his heart. This book is super thick, just like two Xinhua dictionaries stacked, not only thick but also very wide, just like a large encyclopedia! Theoretically, such a large book should be very heavy, but when Feng Yulan took it in his hands, he suddenly was surprised and found that the book was extremely light. It's not as heavy as a feather when it comes to things.

This book was packed in thick leather, and the cover was gray and blue without any patterns or fonts. Feng Yulan turned the first page, and then found that he could not understand the contents of the book!

In fact, it ’s not incomprehensible. It ’s just that Feng Yulan does n’t know how to describe it. The typeface in this book is not any language that Feng Yulan has learned, but he understands the above characters, but only understands them. Feng Yulan didn't understand anything at all, just combining these words together. It felt like reading a heavenly book, which made Feng Yulan's heart full of awe, but she vomited in her mouth.

"Will my weapon be a book for Mao?"

Then when Feng Yulan wanted to watch the sea log and shoot the monster 138, was it possible that this was the case, so the weapon given to him by the secret room would be a 138 watch? Continue to shoot monsters like before? This is not typical of him!

Feng Yulan was really depressed. He turned the book over and over again. The words in this book were distorted one by one. It seemed to be handwritten. The entire book was densely packed, from the beginning to the end. This type of font, Feng Yulan has been turning all the time, turning to the last page, and finally saw something special.

At the end of the last page, written in pure Chinese italics:

[This article is for you, Mr. Feng Yulan, who is the heir to the most pure heir of the rune. 】

[The way to conclude a contract requires you to use blood to water it. 】

"What do you mean?" Feng Yulan glanced at the two sentences repeatedly, seeing him confused, what is the successor of the magic text? God horse is to conclude a contract, but also to water it? Is it the legend of **** confession?

and many more? Dripping blood to identify relatives?

Feng Yulan thought of something. He took a fruit knife from the bedside table next to him, cut a small hole on his index finger, and blood beads came out. Feng Yulan's body was rubbed on the book page with pain. In fact, he originally wanted to use the blood from the wound on his waist. After all, it was ready-made. He didn't need to cut himself a knife. Liar scolding.

So in order not to be scolded by the nurse, Feng Yulan had to cut his fingers. However, I wiped the blood on the page, and watched that page absorbed the blood like a sponge, but I didn't see any changes in this book, and the content inside was still a distorted heavenly book, I could n’t understand it. Still can't understand.

"Pit me!" Feng Yulan raised his middle finger, and made a gesture of contempt in front of the magic instrument.

Just as he finished this gesture, something strange happened. The book suddenly detached from Feng Yulan's hands, floated, and floated a few centimeters above Feng Yulan's palm, and the pages were amazing. Page turning automatically! Feng Yulan saw that the distorted typeface on the book seemed to be alive, as if she had life, shaking on the paper! In the end, these fonts were combined one by one to form a sentence on the page, not Chinese or English, or any language that Feng Yulan has learned, but he understood the sentence:

[I didn't pit you! 】

Feng Yulan looked at this sentence, her expression suddenly stiffened. 2k novel reading network