MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 94 Escape from the Land of Bone (24)

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Feng Yulan controlled her knife to unload eight pieces of spherical monsters, but just cut a piece of meat and the big monster began to deform. The contents seemed to be injured or felt something. Dangerous, very creepy.

Alan frowned, thinking, did he not kill the stuff inside just now?

The answer soon appeared in front of Alan. He looked in amazement at the globular monster in front of him and began to split and split, yes ... it was like an egg shell. The little life inside the egg shell struggled to get out. Obviously, Alan had used a knife to give this ball-shaped monster a punch / wear, but why didn't he kill the stuff inside?

But soon, Feng Yulan couldn't think of any more, because he found out that what was drilled out of the 'egg shell' was nothing else, but he was alone!

A short, red / naked body, a little boy who looks only about ten years old.

Feng Yulan understood this time. It's no wonder that the penetration didn't kill the contents. This is because the boy is too small and shrinks into a ball. The blade is only so big, how can it not hurt the child.

But why is there a little boy in the belly of a big monster? Where did this boy come from?

Feng Yulan looked inexplicable, staring at the child with a stun. The little boy **** crawled out of the monster's body, just because Feng Yulan had penetrated the monster, so he cracked a hole so that the child could get out of it.

The boy didn't wear any clothes, and there was blood all over his body. It can be seen that he has short black hair ... well, a little long, hair to the shoulders, but the hair was red with blood, a bunch of stickers On his forehead and cheek. All of his body was covered with blood, but he could still see the tender skin. It's just that this child is too thin and very short. If it wasn't for Feng Yulan who saw the tape below him, he would have thought it was a little girl.

Although the little boy was wearing nothing, he was holding on to something tightly ... an umbrella, a red umbrella.

It's a straight umbrella that doesn't fold and can also be used as a crutch. It's just that the color is really red, and if you add some blood, it really has a thrilling feeling.

Feng Yulan saw here, suddenly felt a bit weird, which made his heart tremble, and his heart beat could not help but beat a beat.

After crawling out of the monster's body, the little boy did not stand up, but sat directly on the ground, holding his umbrella, and then he looked up and looked at Feng Yulan. There was no child in his eyes. The look of the child was complicated and impenetrable, and Feng Yulan found that the child's pupils were very light in color, the kind of gray and black, and the expressionless expression made the child very gloomy.

"I'm so glad to see you again." The stalemate broke out. The boy suddenly spoke. He smiled at Arlan with a cold smile, his smile was very mild, as if facing a familiar person, he put his face on his face all at once. That gloom and apathy was broken.

"What?" Feng Yulan was even more baffled. He didn't know the boy. At least he was sure he had never seen him, but why did the other person say such things, as if they had met before.

This made Feng Yulan very disturbed, and she asked, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am." The boy suddenly stood up with his umbrella, he didn't mind exposing his whole body in front of Feng Yulan, and he didn't care about the slimy blood, but took the lead After getting his own red umbrella, the weird red umbrella, he leaned the handle on his shoulder and let the wings of his umbrella cover most of his face.

However, Feng Yulan, who was standing opposite the boy, was surprised to find that since the boy opened his umbrella, the other's sense of presence seemed to decrease. Yes, it was the kind of ... as if the boy suddenly disappeared, but Feng Yu Lan was completely unaware, and didn't even care at all ... the feeling.

Feng Yulan didn't like this feeling at all, and couldn't let himself grasp the status quo. He clearly realized the danger, knowing that the danger was approaching himself, but he didn't care about the danger at all, even ignored it completely and was out of his control What a weird thing to ignore it.

"Alan, you haven't seen me," said the boy, and then turned the handle of the umbrella, letting the red umbrella spin slowly.

Feng Yulan's expression was bewildered. He looked at the boy's location, but seemed as if he had not seen the boy at all, his face was dull.

"You haven't met me." The boy repeated, a smile under his umbrella.

"Yes, I haven't seen you." Feng Yulan followed him, confirming the boy's words, "I haven't seen you."

The boy bounced towards Feng Yulan, turned around him, and the red umbrella kept turning: "You haven't seen me, but you will help me to do some things, these things only You can do it, quietly, unknown. "

Feng Yulan was still standing still, with his magical instruments floating beside him, and the pages of the book clashed.

The boy continued, "Did you see the huge tree over there? It's called the spirit tree, and the tree is not high, its branches penetrated the soil and the rocks, and it has grown to the surface. It is At the exit of this closet, one of its trunks is hollow, which allows people to drill in. After climbing into the trunk and climbing up, it can exit the closet when it reaches the top. "

If Feng Yulan is sober, she must absolutely cheer for the news. He must be waiting for his teammates to be notified, and everyone can climb up the trunk collectively. But the problem is that Feng Yulan is not sober at the moment, his expression is completely blank, without any expression, his eyes are staring straight ahead.

The boy over there just laughed. His expression was really mild and not malicious. He said, "Although I really want you to win, but unfortunately, it is not working now, I can't stay in this closet. I cannot be a loser here. "

"What I want you to do is very simple. Did the thousand-faced person leave him in the private room? You just need to give me the medical equipment inside. Also, do everything you can to stop you Of the team members found the exit of the back room until the enemy team won. "

"Let ... the enemy win?" Feng Yulan seemed to disagree with this sentence, although his expression was still blank but empty.

The boy laughed more happily, but seemed very patient, saying, "Yes, let your enemies win, and then you can lead your team out of the back room. Although the penalty for failure is a bit harsh, but I think you can accept it. . "

Feng Yulan was silent.

"Okay? Alan, repeat what I said." The boy got closer to Feng Yulan, lowered his voice, in a tone that had a clear suggestive effect.

"Let the enemy win." Feng Yulan repeated silently.

"Yeah ... let the enemy win. So now, give me the medical items you have."

Feng Yulan still didn't speak. He raised his left hand and wore a quaint ring on the ring finger. It was Duan Li ’s private room. Seriously, Duan gave almost all his belongings to him. Feng Yulan is here.

Soon after that, Duan Li and the ghost were still fighting against the gods, Luo Jian and his hunter rushed to join the ghost and others. Standing on the edge were the enemy team's vampire captain and his companions. The two were helpless to the woman who was seriously injured and dying in her arms, so at this time, their last teammate appeared.

The vampire captain was the first to discover it. He shrugged his nose, smelled a strong **** smell, suddenly turned his head, looked at an empty place, and said, "What have you been doing before? ! "

The boy holding the red umbrella showed his figure. He was no longer naked / naked this time, and he wore a large suit that did not fit his body shape. He could cover the hem without even wearing pants. Hold his knees.

The boy held a plastic bag in his hand. This modern item was incompatible with the bad conditions in the tomb, and soon caught the attention of the vampire captain. The boy crooked his head and lifted the bag in his hand. Our savior brings hope. "

"Where did you get it from?" Captain Vampire realized that the boy had a lot of medical items in hand, and maybe some medical props.

"Yeah, where did I get it from?" The boy answered the question, slowly walked to the vampire captain, and motioned to the other side to put down the poorly dying woman. The vampire captain didn't trust the weird little boy even though he hit him , But still had to compromise, the life of the team members is critical, can not help him willful.

He lay the woman flat on the ground and watched the boy take out a strange syringe from the bag. The syringe was filled with blood-red liquid. After the injection, he took out a small scalpel and began to brutally cut the meat on the woman. Now, the burnt meat can only be cut off, and the rotten and inflamed places cannot be left.

The boy's movements are very proficient, and I don't know where to learn it. The vampire captain has always been suspicious of this little boy joining his team, but his military division ... that is, this woman with long hair, but he trusts such a woman. child. So in the end, even if he didn't agree, the vampire captain accepted a little boy as his team member.

After the boy treated the woman's wound, he took out a lot of plasters and other things from the bag, wiped the wound in large quantities, and then wrapped the gauze layer by layer until he wrapped the woman into a half mummy.

"The medicine of the syringe is a prop for cell regeneration. It is very precious. It can make her wound heal in a short time, and her cells and organs reorganize. But after all, she was too injured. It takes a while to wake up. Is it okay to be a military division? "

The vampire captain looked at the boy suspiciously and said, "Frankly, I don't trust you, but I want to know what you were doing before, why did you return to the team now?"

"Nothing, I entered the back room a little bit later than you, and when I entered, I was in an inappropriate position, and then I found a poor little animal ... Oh, it's dying, what a terrible thing The man cut his throat and I saved his life. "

The captain of the vampire frowned immediately: "Don't **** say these nonsense words, you better not let me get any handle!"

The little boy said nothing, lowered the edges of the wing and covered most of his face. 2k novel reading network