MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 96 Escape From The Land Of Bone (26)

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Duan Li didn't believe Feng Yulan's nonsense about ‘I ’m fine, I ’m okay’, even if he did n’t see that Feng Yulan was hurt or something was wrong.

Alan's face was very good. After a brief daze, his face showed a faint smile, even with a flush. He looked very happy that Duan Li could return to his side, and even reached out and hugged I took Duan Li's arm, and slammed my body towards Duan Li.

This '蹭蹭' full of j □ j means that Alan took off the mask on Duan Li's head and threw it on the ground, then hooked Duan Li's neck with one hand and touched his hand with one. In the clothes.

This is wrong.

Duan Li looked at A Lan with his eyes narrowed. His little magician was always very shy. Usually he would tease him for a long time before A Lan would give him a shy response. The act of "active" was hard to get on Feng Yu Lan. Specific embodiment, so when he was abnormal, Duan Li even felt very strange.

However, no matter how weird Feng Yulan's behavior is, this time when he takes the initiative to come to the door, he still has to eat the tofu. He bit Alan's earlobe, teased in his mouth, and then said vaguely:

"Alan, did you just move my secret room?"

Feng Yulan felt itchy ears, and narrowed her neck, and replied, "No."

"Really do not have?"

"Of course not." Feng Yulan's eyes flickered inexplicably. He leaned against Duan Li's arms, then put his left hand out, and showed Duan Li a ring worn on his finger. Then he Duanli laughed: "Look, isn't the ring good? Or you want to go into the secret room ... go to check it?"

When Alan said these words, the dark color in his eyes couldn't be turned away. His magical instruments floated side by side and turned like crazy, but neither of them thought about a book.

Duan Li was silent for a while, looked at A Lan for a long time, and finally answered, "Forget it, there is no time now."

Then Duan Li said: "I have to take you by my side and go to the ghost side with me? I will be fast, it may make you uncomfortable, just be patient."

Duan Li realized that letting A Lan alone would be dangerous, but in fact he didn't want to take him to the center of the battle. The **** has a very strange power. Duan Li is not sure if he can completely suppress him. Living in the air, holding or hurting A Lan, this is what Duan Li didn't want to see.

Because he didn't want Alan to be hurt, Duan Li left him alone and gave him a private room in order to hide him when he was in crisis, but this decision obviously also made Duan Li very uneasy. He did see some people around Alan just now! Duan Li guarantees that his speed is unparalleled in the world, but when he came over, the figure disappeared.

The little magician standing in front of Duanli looked at him blankly, saying that he knew nothing about it.

Fuck without knowing it! Duan Li's face was gloomy. He changed back into a mask and put it on his face. He picked up Feng Yulan and turned to meet the ghost. He knows that there must be something tricky in it, and Alan has no reason to deceive him. Then the only possibility is that some of the enemies have a skill similar to 'forgetting', and it is likely that they will manipulate the mind.

This is the most difficult enemy. Although Duan Li never met, his former captain Xing Yan once told him frankly that someone in the back room did have such skills, control others, and even control himself.

Although they are extremely rare, they all have one thing in common-they are extremely fragile and not suitable for fighting. If you can stick to your heart and fight back while they confuse you, they will be easily knocked down.

Xing Yan said that Duan Li is very suitable for counterattack, because his speed is fast, which means his resilience is also fast, and his nerve response speed must match his own speed. Therefore, when they encounter such enemies, Duan Li should take the initiative to assume the responsibility of counterattack.

"It's time to fight back."

Duan Li returned to the battlefield holding Alan. At this time, Luo Jian and the hunter had also joined the large army. The five seemed to form a team. Although one of them was a poorly qualified player, most of them were present. There is no time to care about this.

"The sooner you can defeat him, the better." Luo Jian took the lead, he looked at the gods floating in the air, and said, "The enemy team has come in. They may have two choices. The first is watching the fire from the other side, waiting for us to fight. When you are alive, you take advantage of the fishermen; the second is to participate in and turn this battle into a three-way dogfight. "

The ghost frowned and stared at the gods floating in the air. This guy seemed to be playing with them, while he violently attacked, and then separated by a distance, let some undead monsters do cannon fodder. I don't know what the idea is.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with." Ghost said in distress, then looked at Duan Li, and said, "You really can't burst five and then teleport to cut him off?"

"I really don't want to be the fish on the sword in the next time." Duan Li raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction. Bursting five paragraphs would make him incapacitated within an hour, and the consequences would be difficult for him to bear, unless Life or death, otherwise he would never be so risky.

"That's terrible," the ghost said angrily. "If it weren't for fear that we would be crushed into meat sauce, I would really like to blow up the entire tomb."

As the two discussed, they suddenly paused collectively, and turned to look at the hunter standing by Luo Jian.

The hunter's attention only focused on Luo Jian, staring at Luo Jian without stopping, Luo Jian was not used to this bold and bold vision, flushed his face, and lowered his head, but his little hand was still Being dragged by Xing Yan in his palm, the whole picture looks very harmonious.

"What about you asking him to contain that deity? In this way, we can also take the time to deal with the enemy team, kill the enemy first, and then ask the whereabouts of the exit from this deity's mouth." Ghost touched his chin. What seemed to be As a matter of plan, his eyes went back and forth on the hunter several times.

"I'm not sure if he can obey our command." Duan Li actually thinks this strategy is good, but will the hunter follow the player's instructions? This is obviously night and day.

"I don't realize it's a nightmare." The ghost set his eyes on the hands of Luo Jian and the hunter, and frowned. "Ajian, although I don't agree with you and him very much Kind of ... keke, but when it is time to make use of it, it is a prerequisite to survive. "

Luo Jian has been listening carefully to the conversation of the team members. In fact, he understands this, but he turned to look at Xun Yan, and gave a wry smile to the ghost and others: "In fact, I don't know if he will listen to me. if."

After Luo Jian said this sentence, the hunter suddenly let go of his hand and began to prove by action whether he would obey Luo Jian's order ... Yes, he suddenly went out and stood in front of the god, though During this period he seemed very worried and looked back at his little Jane.

"I will protect them, you can rest assured, Captain." Duan Li sighed to Xing Yan, this sentence was heard by Xing Yan, turned around and looked at Duan Li, Duan Li did not know the real Xing Yan's death is dead. The hunter in front of him is just wearing a pair of Xing Yan's skin with the name Xing Yan, but underneath it is a completely strange dark soul.

However, this torture did inherit the original memory, which would affect his personality and emotions to some extent, so he was very relieved about Duan Li, nodded at him, indicating that he knew, and then he turned to face This god, that **** also looked at the hunter.

"I feel you and I have the same power," said the **** to the hunter. "You have marks on you, you should not be my enemy, get away from me!"

Unfortunately, hunters are not qualified hunters. Most of the time, they want to destroy everything. Xun Yan inherited this destructive desire well. A dagger appeared suddenly in his hand, and his body seemed to rise into the air at that moment. It really looked like teleportation magic. He was standing on the ground a second ago. The next second appeared in mid-air, appeared in front of the god, and raised his weapon.

"The power of that hunter ... what the **** is that?" Ghost was shocked when he saw the scene. In his view, this speed is so fast that it is similar to teleportation skills, and that should be a segmentation.

"That was my former captain. I said before. The only person I admire, Captain Ghost, do you know why ghosts are ghosts? This is his ability. He is a killer, an assassin. The sword gives him the power of 'space'. He can freely move through the space he has created, disappear from one place, and then appear from another place. It will always come without a shadow, without a trace. "

"That's it!" The ghost started a serious voicing with a serious face: "Why not call it 'No Shadow'"

This sentence seemed to make Duan Li pause, the masks on his face seemed to be stiff, as if he could not think of any rebuttal, he regretfully said, "This ... maybe it is better to ask him."

Luo Jian on the side was obsessed with his hunter, but made him feel a bit regretful that the hunter's weapon was in Luo Jian's hand for some time, but he didn't have any Exert that power.

Several people were caught in their own emotions. Only Alan, who was standing beside Duan Li, seemed to be a little different from usual. He hadn't said any more words since just now, and his expression on his face had always remained calm. Even though Duan Li still held his hand tightly, at that moment Duan Li almost ignored his existence.

Alan's mind was chaotic at the moment ... Oh, it is not true to say that it is chaotic. To be precise, his subconsciousness is sober, and even soberly knows and remembers everything, including that holding Boy with red umbrella. But his apparent consciousness was chaotic, as if something controlled him, making him show a completely different side than usual.

Somewhere in the heart is screaming and breaking free of it! Tell them the truth and tell his team members!

So for a moment, Feng Yulan seemed to really break away from that kind of restraint, but he wanted to open his mouth, but his mouth was closed tightly. His team members were still discussing hotly in front of him, and the hunters began to be fierce Fight, he can't just stand here and do nothing!

Wake up soon! Feng Yulan!

"What do you want to say?" At this moment, Alan suddenly heard a sound in his ear. He turned around and found a boy standing with a big red umbrella standing only to his waist. Beside him, yes, stand beside him! Feng Yulan is on the left hand side and the right hand side is the boy. It should be obvious. After all, the child is holding such a bright umbrella, but his team members ignore it as if they did not see the child at all. he.

Why, why is this?

"They can't see me." The child looked up and seemed to laugh: "I'm always easy to ignore, no matter how gorgeous I wear my clothes and how conspicuous an umbrella is, they can easily ignore it. my existence."

Feng Yulan stared at him tightly, but her mouth was closed and she couldn't speak.

"Do n’t be afraid. This state of yours will not last long. Once the closet is over, you will return to normal, but after normal, you will also forget about me. And, I control a person, I and Can't control him again. "

The boy turned his umbrella and stood in the middle of Luo Jian and others. This weird situation is terrible. You can see him, but your friends can't see it, and you can't talk to anyone. They, a devil-like child is among us! 2k novel reading network