MTL - Exile the Whole Family! The Koi Girl Farms and Flies the Whole Family-Chapter 376 Resolute

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   How dare they!

   One or two, all of them are white-eyed wolves!

  He used to disdain that the Tian family has no father and son, thinking that the Tian family does not need father and son at all, as long as he is the emperor and he controls everything, it will be fine. Does it matter if father and son are not father and son?

   Unexpectedly, he fell into such a big somersault!

  The emperor is not stupid in the first place. He met the prince and others at noon. Now that he thinks about it carefully, even though he doesn't know the details, he has already figured out the outline of the whole matter very clearly.

   is also very determined.

  Prince, you definitely put on a show in front of him in the past! Today's matter has come to this point, there is definitely a prince's involvement.

  He was severely pitted by this son who he had never looked down upon

   "Go, call the prince! Call, call the imperial doctor! Go!"

   "Yes, Your Majesty."

  Although the two young eunuchs seemed to be timid and timid, they were also clever, and they spoke and acted clearly.

   Soon one person ran out, and after about half an hour, the crown prince and the imperial physicians finally arrived.

  The emperor sat on the head of the bed, pointed at the prince with trembling fingers and sneered: "You, what did you do to me, something good?"

   He really hates it, he can't speak well now!

  The crown prince was taken aback for a moment, and smiled wryly: "Father, the second emperor conspired against you, have you forgotten? My son came late to save you, but there is indeed something wrong."

   "You young man, playing sloppy with me, you, what did you do to me!"

   "Father Emperor."

  The crown prince smiled wryly, looking at the emperor as if he were looking at a vexatious child.

  The emperor was so angry that he twisted his neck with difficulty, stared at Yu Xiaofang, and gritted his teeth: "You, you gave the needle, what did you do? What did you do to me!"

  The emperor was already suspicious, but now if he doesn't doubt Yu Xiaofang at all, then something is wrong.

Yu Xiaofang is also very innocent: "Your Majesty, the grass people are wronged! If you don't believe me, the grass people can swear that the grass people have never done anything to the emperor, they are definitely just treating the emperor with acupuncture! They have discussed it, and they are all on the side, this point, they are very clear!"

  Yu Xiaofang is indeed telling the truth, but there is still a part of the truth that he can't tell.

  After the acupuncture, the emperor must keep his mind calm and emotionally stable. It’s okay to get angry occasionally.

  The emperor is now suffering from a mild stroke.

   It's just that the emperor has always been strong, and even the judge of the Imperial Hospital did not dare to tell the emperor the news easily.

  If the emperor knew about it, he might be even more angry.

  No one can bear the responsibility of making the emperor angry!

  When Yu Xiaofang said this, the judge of the Supreme Hospital had no choice but to nod, "Your Majesty, that is indeed the case."

  The two imperial physicians Zhang and Lin also nodded in agreement, "Yes, Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with Dr. Yu's acupuncture. Please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

   "Hmph!" The emperor panted heavily, closed his eyes, obviously very angry again.

  He didn't believe a word they said.

  How could they be telling the truth now? Of course, it is what the prince is willing to listen to. This Yu Xiaofang belongs to Zhao Xiang, and of course he is also the prince's person.

   Or he is too conceited, he would trust the prince's people!

   He actually handed over his body to the Prince's people to be responsible!

  Yu Xiaofang, his surname is Yu, how could he have no hatred at all?

  The emperor suddenly opened his eyes and stared straight at Yu Xiaofang: "Really? If, if, if you can't cure me now, I will want your head!"

  Yu Xiaofang sneered in his heart, he was playing tricks on the Yu family at this time, no wonder the crown prince stopped him when he wanted to take out the blood book and medical records left by his grandfather. Presumably, if it was brought out at that time, the emperor would not seek justice for the Yu family, would he?

  The emperor always has only himself in his heart.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. Your Majesty's current situation, rest calmly and recuperate. I think I can recover a little bit, but it will be cured as before. Even if Hua Tuo is reincarnated, I can't do it! The grass people dare not lie to the Emperor. I know that I don't have this ability, please ask the emperor to find someone else!"

   "Presumptuous!" The emperor yelled angrily, his cheek muscles twitched violently, but he didn't care, "I, I order you to cure! Otherwise, I will, now, want your head!"

   "The grassroots dare not!"

  The court sentenced the three of them not only to look at each other, but also to look ashen, the emperor is too unreasonable! How can anyone force people to treat diseases like this? This matter of healing is different from other things. If it can't be cured, it can't be cured. It's useless to talk about breaking the sky! Your Majesty has been greatly stimulated, and his temperament has completely changed

   Fortunately, the prince is wise! Fortunately, the prince is in charge of everything now, so they just need to do their duty and don't have to worry too much.

  If it was in the past, I am afraid that the head will be gone if it says it is gone.

  The crown prince ordered Yu Xiaofang: "Doctor Yu, step down."

   "Yes, the crown prince!"

  The emperor is still roaring: "Stop, no, don't go! Come, kill him, kill him!"

  The emperor now hates Yu Xiaofang very much, and believes that he caused him to be like this.

evidence? His intuition is the proof!

  He needs no other evidence!

   "Prince, do you dare to disobey me? Believe it or not, I abolished you!"

  The former emperor had never said this to the prince explicitly, and what the prince was most afraid of was that he would say it. However, at this time, he said, but the prince is not afraid anymore.

   Not only was he not afraid anymore, but he also found it unbelievable.

   "Father, calm down, you can't get angry now. If you do this again, I'm afraid it will be even worse!"

   "Bold! Reckless!"

  The prince could not persuade him, he had no choice but to tell the court judge of the imperial hospital: "Tell me the real situation of the emperor, so that you can remind the emperor to pay more attention, if it continues like this"

  If this continues, the situation of the emperor's dragon body will be even worse.

   "Yes, the crown prince."

  The judge of Taiyuan Hospital sighed secretly, there was no way to refuse this matter, the emperor would be furious if he said it, but if he didn’t say it, the emperor would still be furious.

No solution.

   I can only resign myself to fate.

   Sure enough, the judge of the Supreme Hospital said that the emperor is currently suffering from a mild stroke, and the emperor is completely stupid!

  The judge of Taiyuan Hospital also said: "As long as you take good care of it, you can still recover a little bit if you take good care of it." It didn't comfort the emperor.

  The emperor was shocked and angry, and immediately felt that his body seemed to be getting more and more uncomfortable!

  He gave the crown prince a hard look, and yelled, "Unworthy son!" His eyes darkened, his cheeks twitched and he passed out.

   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

   There was chaos in the hall.

  In the end, it was Yu Xiaofang who came in to administer the needles, and the emperor woke up leisurely.

  The awakened emperor stared at the crown prince and Yu Xiaofang with more and more resentment. The awakened emperor seemed to have suffered a serious stroke, and could barely speak clearly.