MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 736

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Rector's cat face became hideous.

"If we are all in such pain...then Ms. Erza must be more..."

The cats kept howling.

The mixed wails made Kuanghua's smile brighter.

She seemed to like hearing the sounds made by humans.

And for a demon like her, human beings cry, mourn, despair, cry, etc...

These are all tools to please her!

Taking steps, Kuanghua came to Ersha's side.

Looking at Ersha who was in great pain at the moment, Kuanghua was extremely excited!

"That's the expression, Erza!"

"It's this expression of extreme pain!"


"If you don't scream, something is missing after all!" Kuang Hua said lightly.

That's right, after the initial excruciating pain.

Erza seemed to be extremely resisting and let out a scream, and forcibly stopped her cry of pain.

This is true even if the body is already trembling because of the pain.

Slightly squinting his eyes, Kuanghua raised his sharp claws: "Then...let me help you!"

The raised claws slashed down fiercely!


Kuanghua's sharp claws were caught by the outstretched arms.

Immediately, the severe pain from her arm even made Erza open her mouth soundlessly.

But, it was closed tightly again immediately.

Biting her lower lip with her teeth, this action also brought her another sharp pain.

However, she still did not make a figure.

The originally bright eyes also became a little dim at this moment.

It wasn't until half a minute later that Erza let go of her teeth biting her lips.

Stained by blood, he even smiled.

"It's just physical pain... this level... is far from it!"

The undisguised sarcasm in those words made Kuanghua's face suddenly darken.

She can't understand.

Obviously, the pain has reached the bottom.

Why is this human being still forced to smile?

Perhaps, she will never understand the girl standing in front of her.

What a firm belief you have!

The pain of the body is only the pain of the body after all. When the belief is strong enough, it can even ignore these pains.

And Erza, unfortunately, is such a person!

"It seems that you still have more energy..." Kuanghua's voice could not be heard with joy or anger.

"In this case, let me give you even greater despair!"

She stretched out her claws again, aiming at Erza.

As soon as the voice fell, Erza's sight gradually faded.

It wasn't blurry vision caused by pain.

Rather... the eyes seemed to be completely covered by something.

Until Kuanghua's figure completely disappeared from sight.

"Let's take away your vision first."

"How is it? Erza, are you blind?" Kuanghua laughed and said.

"This will be the last game for you!"

The wanton laughter kept echoing in Ersha's ears.

"Next, it's the sense of touch!"

"And then there's taste!"


"Finally... the sense of hearing!"

The demon's whisper seemed to be the last words Erza could hear.


everything is gone...

At this moment, Erza seemed to be in the endless deep sea.

Empty darkness enveloped Erza, she could no longer see anything, nor could she hear any sound.

Couldn't taste any flavor either.

Can't touch anything...

But... she doesn't seem to feel lonely!

In the endless deep sea, she seemed to be able to feel it.

There was a familiar figure standing behind her.

Luo Xingchen, Miraj, Juvia, Lucy, Naz, Gray, etc...

Perhaps from the moment he stepped into the gate of the guild named Fairy Tail.

Erza bid farewell to loneliness completely.

The warmth brought by your companions is something that cannot be deprived no matter what.


"Hahahaha!! Even if my soul is about to dissipate, human beings won't have any future!"

Kuanghua's crazy laughter continued to resound.

"I won't kill you, so just taste the pain that is worse than going to hell, hahaha!"

"This is your ultimate belonging. In loneliness, extinguish the last flame of life! Erza!"

She laughed wildly, even though Erza couldn't hear anything at the moment


The abrupt murmur stopped Kuanghua's laughter abruptly!

She looked at the girl in front of her in horror.

So much so that the movement came to a standstill.

she is laughing? !

This girl who was supposed to be facing despair... is actually laughing?

"Since I met the stars and everyone... I have already bid farewell to loneliness!"


Erza yelled loudly.


At this moment, Miraj, who was fighting German, had already noticed the situation there.

"I'll leave it to you first, hold on for a while, I already know how to win!"

Milaj pushed Germaine back with a paw, and spoke in a low voice to Minerva behind her.

"Ah... go ahead and do it!" Minerva nodded heavily.

He looked at Germain, who seemed to have stepped into madness in front of him.

The determination in the eyes is clearly visible.

"Even if I risk my life, I will never let him hinder you!"


Gently nodded.

Milaj flapped his wings, and he covered a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant.

He kicked Kuanghua fiercely in front of Ersha.


The severe pain made him take two steps back involuntarily.

His horrified eyes looked at Miraj, who was shining all over in front of him.


Before he could say anything, Milaj, who had released the soul of Satan, rushed forward.

Both hands grabbed Kuanghua's arm.

The bright light began to envelope Kuanghua's body.

Gradually, she also felt a sense of powerlessness welling up in her heart, and this situation made her inner panic reach its peak in an instant.

Although Milaj's magic power is already on the verge of limit.

But Milaj still has the same belief as Erza.

In order to protect the people he cares about, Milaj has always believed that even turning into a demon would be a no-brainer.

It is precisely because of this determination that Miraj's acceptance magic is so powerful that even Kuanghua is afraid of it.

Demons who receive the Book of Zeref!

Kuanghua, who noticed this, desperately broke away from Milaj's arm.

Withdrew to a place tens of meters away, looking at Miraj in amazement at this moment.

But... Miraj has made it!

With the determination to win, Miraj successfully stole Kuanghua's power.

The last magic power began to surge wildly.

"The whole body receives Miraj Kuohua!"

Countless pixel blocks completely wrapped Miraj's body.

That posture also gradually changed into her appearance under Kuanghua's horrified eyes.

Of course, that's except for the difference in the cheeks.

"Strengthen the five senses!" The sharp claws aimed at Erza.

The move opposite to Kuang Hua's was acting on her body.

Sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste began to recover one by one.

And Milaj's actions don't stop there.

The claws spread out again, and the light blue electric current slanted out crazily.

It turned into two strands, one approaching Kuanghua, and the other... approaching Germaine!