MTL - Ferocious Boss: Hubby, Let’s Get Married-Chapter 4361 Good teenager

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Lu Xiuche touched his nose, and all sweat was coming out of his nose. How could he feel that his spine was cold?

What a ghost weather!

Lu Xiangdong watched his son sneeze, thinking that he had a cold. He asked, "What's wrong? Is the air conditioner blowing too much in the classroom during the exam? Isn't it about a cold?"

Lu Xiangdong was very worried that Lu Xiuche caught a cold at the time of the exam, which would affect the state of the exam too much.

Lu Xiuche shook her head: "Should ... not?"

When he took the exam in the classroom, he didn't feel cold at all, but he felt a bit hot.

The school is thinking that the temperature is too low, and the cold and hot will cause students to catch a cold, so the temperature is not adjusted to be extremely low.

But just after that, Lu Xiuche sneezed again.

"Otherwise, let's take some cold medicine or something? Don't really catch a cold?"

Lu Xiuche's college entrance examination, Lu Xiangdong's father, was even more nervous than him. He didn't sleep much the night before the college entrance examination.

Especially this morning, I woke up early in the morning, I was afraid that I would get up late, and I was late to take the exam.

In fact, if there is a driver in the house, even if he does not wake up, there will be a driver who will send the road to repair.

However, Lu Xiangdong insisted on sending Lu Xiuchuch by himself. He said that this is his son's college entrance examination. It is too important. He must pick up and drop off himself. Everything can be postponed. This is the only thing. You have to do it yourself.

Lu Xiuche shook her head: "It's okay, I don't think I can catch a cold. I guess I just came out of the classroom violently, so I'm a bit uncomfortable. It's okay, just a moment later ..."

"Then ... Okay, let's hurry home. Your grandma may have prepared the meal now."

"Okay, then go back quickly."

On the way home, Xiangxiang Dong didn't hold back. He asked, "Son, how is the exam? How about the exam?"

"Sure, your son, this isn't the stupid guy who used to be!"

Lu Xiuche said very confidently. Now he is quite confident in his achievements.

It wasn't the middle two boy that year.

Lu Xiangdong was very emotional. When his son and Yue were playing together, he was so angry and disgusted and had done so confused things. Now a few years have passed, and I look back and see that he was really a jerk.

Almost ruined his son's life, sincerely thank Yue Yue for listening to the wind.

Now look at the excellent teenager around him, Lu Xiangdong couldn't help but want to be proud of him.

This is their road home, two generations up and down, the best child to learn.

I used to go east to talk about business in the past, but I ca n’t do without wine and money, but now ... when talking about business, he always can't help but raise his son. The kind of pride that his son brings to him makes him pride!

Looking at his son now, Lu Xiangdong felt that there was nothing he couldn't do.

"Xiao Che, which school is your university going to take? Do you want to study abroad?"

Lu Xiuche frowned: "Go abroad? It's not necessary, Capital University is fine ... Go abroad, let's talk ..."

Lu Xiangdong secretly drooled, so Capital University let his son speak out casually.

He had never thought of it before.

Sure enough, it is good to learn and have confidence in everything!

Lu Xiangdong even nodded: "Okay ... Capital University, it's also very good, very good ..."