MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-Chapter 13 beating and drinking

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In the silent winter night, it suddenly snowed in the sky. Looking out of the window, Zhang Xiaoshan saw flakes of goose-feather snowflakes falling to the courtyard. After a while, heavy snow came, and the courtyard was covered with pure white silver.

When Zhang Xiaoshan passed by the middle courtyard at ten o'clock in the evening, he connected with Jia Zhang's family, gained an ability point, and happily went to the toilet.

When he came back, Zhang Xiaoshan passed by the corner of the yard, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Xiaoshan, which frightened him, and hit him with a heavy hammer on the face.

The figure lay down on the snow without making a sound, and Zhang Xiaoshan kicked the figure on the ground again before recovering.

Who the **** is this, jumping out in the middle of the night to scare people, Zhang Xiaoshan, who is a bit blindfolded, looked at that person's face, it was Lou Xiao'e.

Lou Xiaoe's body moved and she was about to wake up, but Zhang Xiaoshan ran away in a hurry. If this f*cking thing is blackmailed, it will be a big trouble. After returning to the house, I looked at the footprints on the snow again, but I was also speechless.

Peeking at the yard, she waited for a minute before seeing Lou Xiao'e's staggering figure returning to her home.

"It's okay, it seems that she doesn't know who called it, everything is a misunderstanding." Zhang Xiaoshan thought in his heart, went home and got under the covers, and fell asleep after a while.

As for why Lou Xiao'e came out at night to scare people, that's none of his business. It's dark and midnight, and there is no witness. Anyone who asks, Zhang Xiaoshan will answer that it's not me, I don't know.

In the next few days, the courtyard was calm and calm, and Zhang Xiaoshan never saw Lou Xiaoe, but the action of absorbing power points at ten o'clock every night was changed to eleven o'clock.

One evening before the weekend, Xu Damao came to Zhang Xiaoshan's house with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Little San, come to my house and have a drink, brother is holding his breath today." Xu Damao said helplessly.

Zhang Xiaoshan, who just arrived home, has nowhere to eat: "Let's go, Brother Da Mao."

When they came to Xu Damao's house, Lou Xiaoe was cooking, Zhang Xiaoshan said hello and sat down with Xu Damao.

"What's going on, this is?"

"The stupid Zhu who raised the dog did it. My brother, I just came back from the countryside after 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I passed by the middle school. The stupid Zhu didn't go to work. I just teased him a few words, and he beat me like this when he came up. He also said that I would report it. him." Xu Damao took a sharp sip. "Can I do that?"

Zhang Xiaoshan dealt with it casually, thinking that it was either you or the second uncle, and no one else.

Xu Damao talked more and more vigorously, and Lou Xiaoe also came to the table. The two of them had just been married for a year, and the Lou family was quite prestigious.

Sensing a sharp gaze, Zhang Xiaoshan rolled his eyes at Lou Xiaoe, the dark circles in those eyes were still there, and hurriedly continued to exchange toasts with Xu Damao.

"Little San, did you go out at ten o'clock on Tuesday night?" Lou Xiaoe asked suddenly.

"Sleep at home at night, sister-in-law." Zhang Xiaoshan pretended to be nonchalant, and Lou Xiao'e probably didn't notice that night.

"What are the old ladies saying at the table, the mistress will continue to drink." Xu Damao was a little too drunk.

Lou Xiaoe was about to get angry, but when she saw Zhang Xiaoshan was there, she suppressed her anger.

On Tuesday night, Xu Damao went to the countryside to show a movie. Lou Xiao'e had her period and her stomach was uncomfortable, so she went to the toilet. When I came back, I walked to the corner of the courtyard gate, and the feeling of dysmenorrhea came again. Just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, I saw a man entering the courtyard, and I wanted him to help me.

Who would have thought that the man would hit him when he came up, and then run away after the beating. Lou Xiao'e vaguely saw that the man looked like Zhang Xiaoshan, so she would want to take the opportunity of drinking to test him.

After a while, Xu Damao might be in a mood, he poured one cup after another, and Zhang Xiaoshan and Lou Xiaoe helped him onto the bed.

Zhang Xiaoshan was about to leave when Lou Xiaoe spoke.

"Little San, you are lucky. I just brought back a bottle of red wine from home. You should try it today, Xiao San." Lou Xiaoe took out a bottle of red wine from a cupboard, and skillfully opened the cork. She is indeed the daughter of a rich family.

Zhang Xiaoshan has been in this world for more than two months, let alone drinking red wine, he has never heard of it, the main reason is that it is rare, ordinary people have never seen this.

"Then thank you sister-in-law, I just haven't eaten enough yet." Zhang Xiaoshan thought it would be nice to have some foreign meat.

Zhang Xiaoshan and Lou Xiaoe drank red wine and ate vegetables. Zhang Xiaoshan occasionally talked about some interesting things in the factory.

Lou Xiaoe told some stories about his childhood. In fact, her father is the director of the Red Star Rolling Mill. The kind that has shares, can pay dividends, and can talk. When I was young, my family was rich with thieves, so I had seen more than ordinary people.

Zhang Xiaoshan also drank a little too much, how can he admit it, he must have more knowledge than Lou Xiao'e, there is nothing in the TV, movie and computer, UU reading www.uukanshu. com also blew indiscriminately, and Lou Xiaoe was taken aback for a while.

After drinking a little wine, Lou Xiao'e's cheeks became flushed, and her eyes became blurred. Zhang Xiaoshan also felt that the woman in front of him seemed to have become more beautiful.

Lou Xiao'e lived in a capitalist's family since she was a child. She is rich, well-educated, well-fed and well-clothed.

She is two years younger than Xu Damao. When the plot started in 1965, Shazhu was 31 and Xu Damao was 28. Now Xu Damao is 26, and Lou Xiaoe is only 24 years old.

Young, in fact, Zhang Xiaoshan also felt a little awkward watching TV in his previous life, it should be the setting of this age.

Because of the actor's problem, it is impossible to act like Lou Xiao'e's son from a rich family. The age of the actors is also in their thirties, almost 40, how can they act like they are in their 20s?

Anyway, the Lou Xiao'e he saw looked different from the Lou Xiao'e in the TV series he saw in his previous life, much better looking.

Lou Xiaoe asked again about what happened on Tuesday night, and Zhang Xiaoshan fainted early: "I thought it was something that night, and I was shocked, hee hee, Sister Lou doesn't need eye shadow on her left eye. Should I thank me? "

"I thank you big-headed ghost. I made a mistake. Don't you know how to apologize? Don't you know how to help me? I'll get you some eye shadow too." Lou Xiao'e rushed forward as she spoke.

Zhang Xiaoshan was still in a daze, after receiving a few punches, he hugged Lou Xiao'e in his arms, looked down at Lou Xiao'e who had blurred eyes, wine is a matchmaker for **** or wine is strong and cowardly, the two kissed together, and after a while ...

In the middle of the night, a distressed figure fled back to Zhang Xiaoshan's house, uttering an unwilling cry: "What a crime!"