MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-v6 Chapter 106 "Accident" Seven

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After finishing the meal, Zhong Xiaoqin clutched her stomach and said, "Hey, Gu Gu, after this meal, how should I eat the rough tea and light food at my house in the future?" Simple tea and light rice, you think my house has hairy crabs every day." Gu Jia smiled reproachfully and gave Zhong Xiaoqin a blank look. "Is there any tea, let us relieve our boredom too." Zhong Xiaoqin said. "By the way!" Listening to Zhong Xiaoqin talking about tea, Gu Jia suddenly seemed to remember something, and said with a smile: "Wait a minute, I still have good tea here, you can taste it later, and give me some My opinion." "Hehe, what's your opinion on drinking tea?" Jiang Nansun said with a smile. "Oh, I don't mean that. This tea is from Mrs. Li's own tea garden at home, and she specially gave it to us to taste. Besides, isn't her family's business getting bigger?" Gu Jia said while making tea for everyone. : "My family is doing big business, so naturally I don't like the tea garden in my hometown, so, Mrs. Li wants to transfer this tea garden." Hearing Gu Jia's words, Jiang Nansun said with a smile: "So, she gave you the tea garden. I just want you to help find a buyer for this tea?" "Of course not! I've made up my mind about this tea garden, and I want to buy it." Gu Jia said seriously. tea garden? buy it? Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being taken aback. After all, a few days ago, Gu Jia complained about the shortage of funds at home, not enough, why did she suddenly want to buy a tea garden? What's more, one is the fireworks business, and the other is tea. The jump is too big. The two industries do not intersect at all. Others were surprised, including Xu Huanshan! But Zhang Xiaoshan couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he heard it. It seems that what should come is still coming. The development of the plot did not change much because of his appearance. This tea garden was Gu Jia's biggest stumble. A few million dollars went in, a broken tea garden was bought, and there were several million debts. Gu Jia was pitted miserably by that wives circle! "You want to buy a tea garden?" Zhong Xiaoqin asked in surprise after hearing Gu Jia's words. "That's right, I've seen it. Mrs. Li's tea garden is in a very good location, has qualifications, and has good supply and sales channels. It will be profitable if it is almost taken over." Gu Jia is very confident. Said. "No, your fireworks business is doing well, why did you suddenly want to start a tea garden? You are too sudden." Even Jiang Nansun didn't understand the other party at this time. After all, interlacing is like a mountain, not to mention, it is still a deep-water business like tea. And Xu Huanshan next to him heard what kind of tea garden Gu Jia wanted to buy, and his face immediately changed, because this was the first time he heard Gu Jia mention it. "Honey, what tea garden, why haven't you told me about it?" Xu Huanshan was a little unhappy. "Aren't I telling you now?" Gu Jia put the brewed tea in front of everyone, and then sat back from the first place, holding a cup of tea elegantly, and said to Xu Huanshan: " You also know how scary what happened to your senior brother a few days ago, our family seems to be prosperous now, but because of the nature of our family, in fact, to put it bluntly, it is like sitting on a powder keg. ""Maybe it will fall on our heads one day. For the sake of this family, I can't put all my eggs in one basket, let's go all the way to the dark." Gu Jia said Xu Huanshan was a senior brother, and the family It is also in the fireworks business, even bigger than Xu Huanshan's. A few days ago, their subordinate factory exploded, killing two people and injuring one. Seeing that it is already precarious. Yesterday's bustling, passing clouds. Gu Jia, who watched his brother's wife crying like a tearful person, realized the fireworks industry at that time, just like blooming fireworks. It looks gorgeous, but it is fleeting. No one knows whether this kind of disaster will happen to him in the next second. So Gu Jia decided at that time that she must expand new businesses and make her home more stable and solid. Gu Jia talked a lot, and Xu Huanshan also believed that his current business was indeed a little less safe. However, this kind of thing can be solved, and things have to be done step by step. Besides, there are countless fireworks businesses all over the world, but it was such a coincidence that they fell on my own head. Tea factory? Isn't that what farmers who plan their food in the soil do? I am a high-tech talent, how could it be possible that the more I live, the more I go back. Listening to Gu Jia's words, Xu Huanshan's first impression was that he was unhappy. ahzww. Xu Huanshan put down his phone, frowned and said unhappily: "But, you also know the current financial situation of our family, so we don't need to delay for two years." Listening to Gu Jia talking about the tea factory at the beginning, although everyone It was a bit of a surprise, but I understood it after listening. However, looking at Xu Huanshan's unhappy look, Zhong Xiaoqin held the teacup and said calmly: "Gu Jia, your idea is correct, but what Brother Xu said is actually not unreasonable. First of all, tea seems simple to you. In fact, it is very knowledgeable, and it is a test of technology. You are blind to this thing, you have to be careful." "I think Xiaoqin is right." Jiang Nansun also nodded and said. "Anyway, I don't agree!" Xu Huanshan was a little unhappy with a cold face. At this time, he didn't care about Gu Jia's friends who were still sitting at home. "I know, I also have your concerns, but this tea factory is really good, with organic labels, production lines, skilled teachers and workers, all in operation. Why don't I take over something that can make money, besides Now, the details of this tea factory are so clear, Mrs. Zhang's family has such a big property, she can't lie to me." At this time, Gu Jia's mind was really hot. These days, she was piled up with those wives, so that she had a little hallucination. Although everyone gathered together to compare and have their own goals, she felt that these people were at least friends, and they shouldn't lie to her. "But..." Xu Huanshan still wanted to say something, but he changed the subject and said, "Okay, how much does that tea garden cost?" Hearing Xu Huanshan's tone loosen, Gu Jia hurriedly said: "Three million, At least three million is needed in the early stage!" Three million... When everyone heard this number, they all couldn't help being stunned, and Jiang Nansun and Zhong Xiaoqin looked sideways when they heard such a large number. As far as the private money of the two of them is concerned, it is only a few hundred thousand or so now. In addition, both of them are part-time workers, so the annual salary is only about 200,000. The figure of three million is also a fortune for the two of them. Big money out of reach. When Xu Huanshan heard that the tea factory needed three million yuan, he immediately exploded, "Three million yuan! You say three million yuan as soon as you talk about it. How can we have so much money?" Yes, three million!" Hearing this number, Gu Jia held the cup with both hands, feeling a little weak. Now, it was this fund that made her suffer. Although thanks to Zhang Xiaoshan's help, the full amount of Boss Wan's list has arrived, and the profit margin is about 4 million, but the house has to be repaid and the workers have to be paid. In addition, the company at home had to have a turnover, so Gu Jia thought of a lot of ways, but she could barely get together 1 million and 500 thousand, and there was still a gap of at least 1 million 500 thousand! "Where did we get the three million? You don't know the situation of our company?" Xu Huanshan said angrily. "I've done the math. We can scrape together 1.5 million yuan." Gu Jia said. "What about the rest of the money?" Xu Huanshan asked again. "Anyway..." "I must do this tea house." Gu Jia's attitude at this time was extremely firm! "Okay, okay, this family, you have the final say." Xu Huanshan didn't take into account the existence of Jiang Nansun, Zhong Xiaoqin, and Zhang Xiaoshan, and directly slammed the cup in his hand on the tea table, and then got up and went back. The study room! Only a few people were left looking at each other. "Gu Jia, really decided?" Zhong Xiaoqin said a little worriedly. "That's right, Gu Jia, you have to think clearly." Jiang Nansun also persuaded. The two of them have no idea of ​​doing business, let alone the figure of three million, so they can't give each other any advice, so they can only persuade her to calm down! At this time, Gu Jia has indeed fallen into the vicious circle of her own affirmation, or in other words, she is too superstitious about the reputation of those wealthy wives in the upper class, thinking that liars are people who have no money. Listening to what Wang Manni and Zhong Xiaoqin said, Gu Jia smiled and said confidently: "Don't worry, I have considered every point here. Who is Mrs. Li, the core of the wife circle, how could she lie to me?" "Then what do you do with the remaining 1.5 million?" Zhong Xiaoqin frowned. "This is also where I have a headache." Hearing Zhong Xiaoqin say the remaining 1.5 million, Gu Jia felt a little helpless. In fact, before she said this, she already had a target candidate. That's right, it's Zhong Xiaoqin! This one and a half million, borrow, she must be embarrassed to ask! Gu Jia originally wanted to recruit Zhong Xiaoqin into the group, and the two of them will work together in this tea house. First, Zhong Xiaoqin is her own good friend. With a legitimate business, she doesn't have to be a property manager who waits on people all day long. Second, she can also help herself. The two are mutually beneficial and can also enhance the relationship, so why not do it? After all, I will also build and strengthen my own small circle in the future. It's just that after Xu Huanshan's fuss, everyone doesn't understand! In addition to the eye contact with Zhang Xiaoshan just now, Gu Jia didn't know how to speak. First, in the current posture, they don't understand and are not optimistic about themselves. If they open their mouths, it will only embarrass both parties. another one! Thinking of the man staring at her, Gu Jia felt a little scared. That's right, it's fear, not Boss Wan's disgust and disgust! As for what she was afraid of and what she was flustered about, Gu Jia herself didn't know. At this moment, there was a brief silence in the living room. "Gu Gu, if you really need it, I'll make it up for you. There should be seven or eight hundred thousand in my salary card. If it doesn't work..." As Gu Jia's classmate, sister, and close friend, seeing Gu Jia Worrying about the money, Zhong Xiaoqin couldn't help but speak, but halfway through, she looked at Zhang Xiaoshan again, "Xiaoshan, why don't we make it up for Gu Gu." Dizzy! Zhang Xiaoshan looked confused, that tea factory was a big pit, and he was thinking of looking for an opportunity in a few days to tactfully ask Zhong Xiaoqin to remind Gu Jia. Make up for yourself, what a joke. Oh, at this time, Gu Jia has become obsessed, just like those people who have been brainwashed by telecommunication fraud, pyramid schemes, high interest returns, etc. Now they are persuading, whether it will work or not, but the relationship between friends must be full of cracks . As a veteran policeman who has been in the business for many years, Zhang Xiaoshan has not seen too many people who are deceived and will jump into the pit no matter how the family police stop him. If it is not possible to stop it, the general method of the police is to communicate with the family members first, and then send the person to the detention center to keep him awake for a few days. Oh, the charges are suspected of fraud, helping criminals score points, money laundering, etc. Don’t think that the victim is innocent, as long as there is money dealings with scammers, it is suspected. Well, the effect is great. It's not that the victim wakes up after being detained, but that the detention center is full of talents. They shouldn't be too familiar with those fraudulent routines. After some words and deeds, everyone can understand how stupid they were at that time . Of course, this method is definitely not applicable to Gu Jia's situation. Now let me lend money to Gu Jia, don't say I have no money, even if I have it, I can't throw it into the water. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoshan spread his hands with a wry smile, "Honey, my pocket is cleaner than my face. I still owe four to five million yuan to Liu Datou, Lao Wang, and Lao Zhang. Where can I get you some money?" UU Reading www.uukanshu .com" Hearing that Zhang Xiaoshan owed four or five million yuan, and that the matter of lending money to Gu Jia can be put aside later, Zhong Xiaoqin said in surprise: "Why do you owe money?" They fooled around, they said that it has something to do with the underworld..." Zhang Xiaoshan said in a babble, and he picked out a place with a good geomantic omen, built a cemetery for himself and a few women, and made deposits in advance at the Tiandi Bank. "At that time, Nansun hadn't joined our big family, so I didn't prepare a cemetery. Don't be angry, Nansun, I will definitely arrange it for you now. My land is big enough to build ten or eight luxurious underground palaces. Absolutely No problem." Zhang Xiaoshan was afraid that Jiang Nansun would think that one would favor one over another, so he added. Puff ~ puff puff ~ Gu Jia spit out the tea, followed by Jiang Nansun and Zhong Xiaoqin... The next morning, Zhang Xiaoshan drove out of the Grand Hyatt in Chang'an Haval, and drove all the way in the direction of the Huangpu sub-bureau. Well, the holiday is finally over. Since the end of the Chinese New Year, when Zhong Xiaoyang started working, it’s already the end of September, and he hasn’t gone to work for half a year. If the chief hadn’t gone crazy, Zhang Xiaoshan would have forgotten that he was still receiving a salary in the police station. The car passed by a breakfast stall, Zhang Xiaoshan stopped the car, lowered the window and shouted to the owner of the breakfast stall: "Master, come and get a basket of steamed buns and some soy milk." "Brother, the steamed buns have to wait five minutes." , wait a while." The boss said with a smile. "Okay." Zhang Xiaoshan ordered a Huazi while waiting for the steamed bun. At this moment, he noticed from the rearview mirror that something was wrong with a van slowly stopping not far away. Red "Tongda Express" logo, license plate number 258. Since leaving Grand Hyatt Mansion, Zhang Xiaoshan has seen this car a total of three times. It is not a straight line from Grand Hyatt Mansion to Whampoa Branch. It can be said that it is a coincidence to encounter it once, but it is definitely not as simple as a coincidence...