MTL - Final Redemption-Chapter 13 Full moon night

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In the night sky, a full moon hangs high in the sky.

浮 Zhao Futu frowned and looked at the moon that was gradually out of the clouds. He couldn't help whispering, "This is trouble. Today is actually a full moon night!"

The full moon is a very special day for the werewolf, because all the werewolves illuminated by the moon will greatly increase their strength on this day, and even the werewolves who have evolved in the future will forcibly transform under the full moon. What is more troublesome is that the full moon does not refer to a certain day like August 15th, but refers to the night when any moon is fully exposed. Such full moon days are likely to last for several days.


"Woohoo !!!"

"Woohoo !!!"

There was a howling wolf howling in the wilderness outside the town, and the sound was rushing in the direction of Locke town from far to near. Suddenly, everyone in the whole town was shocked. There was a barking of dogs around, followed by the shouting of gongs and drums, the screams of women, children and children in fright, and the men yelling and holding arms to gather Sound together.

"They're here!" Kane didn't know when he was neatly dressed outside the hotel. He listened to the wolf howls and pulled out a finely crafted long sword from his waist and handed it to Zhao Futu. Shen Chen said: "Not a lot!"

"This is a specially forged long sword. During the forging, a certain amount of silver is injected. Only it can cause real damage to the werewolf!"

After speaking, Kane led a group of people toward the south gate, where there was a humble sentry tower, and the number of werewolves could be observed by the bright moonlight tonight. However, when he left, Zhao Futu suddenly noticed a disturbing hissing and rioting in the stable in the backyard. There was a little anxiety in his heart, but at this time he still had some thoughts to control those, so he quickly followed the Kane people.

"The night of the full moon, the crazy werewolf will attack human towns directly!" Zhao Futu was also incapable at this moment.

城镇 The town was obviously afflicted by werewolves, but after the initial panic, the men in the town quickly picked up their arms and gathered together. Perhaps because of the existence of werewolves, the town has a wealth of weapons, and even Zhao Futu found a military crossbow in the hands of some people! But to be honest, something like a military crossbow can be used against humans, and biological effects such as werewolves are limited.

One head, two heads, three heads ...

Under the light of the moonlight, everyone's face did not change greatly. Because of the night, everyone's vision was limited, but I am afraid that there are nearly a dozen werewolves you see now, not to mention those who are approaching quickly outside the field of vision. Black shadow!

浮 Zhao Futu's face is quite ugly, because his vision of the owner's reconnaissance is much wider than that of other people. He clearly sees how many werewolves are out there, and also notices that there are many giant wolves behind them. Only then did he forget a very important point, that is, more than ten people in this town have been attacked by werewolves. Those who were attacked by werewolves, have their bodies been found, or how many were completely missing!

The full moon night.

It was also the first time that survivors infected with the werewolf virus transformed into werewolves. So many werewolves outside the town are likely to have those who were previously attacked.

At the same time, Zhao Futu also thought of a point, that is, how many people will become werewolves after the battle tonight?

The werewolf virus is highly diffusive. As long as it is bitten by a werewolf, it may become a werewolf on the full moon night, and if there is no accident tomorrow, it may be a full moon day, so wait until tomorrow at this time How many werewolves will appear? It was not until this moment that Zhao Futu understood why the task assigned to him by space was survival, because with their current strength, there was no way to clear these werewolves.

Seventeen werewolves.

He was followed by a number of giant wolves.

The glasses men and other people who came to Zhao Futu at this moment have long turned pale!

Their bodies have also been strengthened by the mysterious nightmare space. The physical fitness after dataization is obviously stronger than ordinary people, so although they don't look as clear as Zhao Futu, they can at least see a vague outline.

"I fuck! There are so many werewolves, and there are so many giant wolves behind. How to fight?" The MLM man sweared, his face showing panic.

The faces of the other people were not good-looking either. The white-collar woman even shuddered and hid behind the glasses man.

A pretty woman like her, in reality, I am afraid that the audience cares for the existence. Not to mention the battle of life and death. I'm afraid she may not have had a fight with anyone since she was a child! In this group of people, her combat effectiveness is almost negligible, and the remaining few people can only gather up to three and a half of the combatants.

Although the spectacles man's fireball technique is not small, Zhao Futu estimates that his energy value can not support a few. Although the migrant man has talented injury reduction skills, he lacks effective attack methods and has no foundation in martial arts himself. The two together add up to a combat power of about one and a half.

"Get together as soon as possible."

浮 Zhao Futu took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, and the reconnaissance operation was launched:

"Scouting is active! Your perception is 27 (18 + 9) points, and the target's perception is 18 points. Your perception is much higher than the target, and the target will not be aware of anything! ... Perception is over 50% of the target, and perception suppression is formed! In addition to the basic attributes of the target, you can also get some of the target's skill information! ... "

The target he chose was not a werewolf leader, but he did not expect that the perception was just over 50% of the target, which just formed the perception suppression.

Subsequently, a row of dataized attributes came to Zhao Futu's mind:

Lower werewolf (beast form):

He is 193 cm tall and weighs 148 kg.

Basic attributes:

Strength 15 points

Dexterity 18 points

Intelligence 1 point (Note: The full moon effect is triggered on the night of the full moon, and UU reading book is locked in the form of [mental])

Physical strength 20 points

Spirit 5

Perceive 18 points

Will 12 o'clock

Charm 1


Bite LV5: The lower werewolf has sharp fangs, which can cause fatal bleeding damage when biting the target. There is no way to treat this bleeding injury by ordinary means, you must use props to eliminate the bleeding state.

Gnoll virus LV1: These low-level werewolves have a 10% chance to infect the target with the werewolf virus when they attack, and they can recover after returning to space! (100% chance when acting on plot characters.)

獠 Claw fang LV1 (locking technique): passively increase your damage by 10 points.

Gnoll descent LV1 (locking technique): Increases your own health recovery speed by 50%. When your health drops below 30%, you gain an additional 10% of your physical recovery speed per second.

Animal Instinct LV5 (Passive): ... the level of reconnaissance is insufficient to view ...

Moonlight Frenzy LV1 (Passive): ... the level of reconnaissance is insufficient to view ...

Uh ...............

"Good basic attributes!" Zhao Futu couldn't help frowning after taking a look.

Subsequently, he told the attributes of these low-level werewolves, and after knowing the attributes of these werewolves, the other people were slightly changed. In addition to the charm and intelligence of these low-level werewolves, several other attributes are basically 1.5 times more than the crowd, especially the intuitive combat attributes of strength, agility, and physical strength, which are obviously suppressive to the crowd. .

Under the cold moonlight, the figures of those werewolves are getting closer and closer, and the battle is about to start!