MTL - First Law-Chapter 471 hand over to the military

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In the dream, Karen was still discussing with Alice about raising children, and she was suddenly awakened by this loud cry. She was annoyed, but when she looked up, she was leaning against the desk.

Thinking about it carefully, it turns out that I fell asleep while reviewing the frontline intelligence.


The front line is a mess, but I fell asleep.

There were no loopholes in the hastily constructed defense line. Either Asuka broke through the defense network, or internal weapons went off fire, and the entire defense network kept moving backwards.

Although it has only been two days, half of the border of the Bauhinia Kingdom has been lost. The birds are constantly corroding the earth through acid, and the former Scarlet Kingdom has completely disappeared.

Shaking his head, he simply tidied up his clothes before turning on the projector.

The yell just now turned out to be Churchill, and after a brief exchange, he instantly became sober.

The U-shaped tower is to be handed over!

This is too fast!

Karen felt that the construction period would be greatly shortened, but the completion of four months in four days was really unexpected.

However, after reviewing various data, it was determined that the real project had been completed, and immediately contacted Griffin, Merlin, and Campas, and asked the three of them to gather at the U-shaped tower as soon as possible.

After receiving clear instructions from Karen, the three moved quickly.

At the frontline headquarters, an aircraft carrying the core elite passed through the entire Aegean continent and entered the west coast.

The command team headed by Griffin took another aircraft and entered the British Mountains. When they landed, Karen and the creatures who built the tower had been waiting for a long time.

"Boss!" Griffin stepped forward to greet him.

Karen nodded and said directly: "The battle situation is urgent now, so I won't talk about unnecessary nonsense. The eastern tower of the U-shape vibration tower under the responsibility of Churchill and Hey Moore has been completed and can be put into combat use. Now I request you to carry out test."

Griffin stopped and gave a neat military salute. After contacting Churchill, he began to send the personnel behind him into the tower in batches.

After obtaining approval, Griffin took over the controller of the entire tower, pressed the red button, and saw a circular light spot directly below the southeast corner of the tower, and the circular light spot scattered eight branches. After flowing along the trajectory of the light to the end, it quickly forms an arc-shaped circle.

At the same time, the light began to radiate branches like a big tree. These branches are connected to each other and intersect vertically. Runes are slowly derived at the intersection points. With the appearance of the runes, the entire disc circle turns into a pure beam of light In the beam of light, precision instruments can be faintly seen.

"Is this a space teleportation circle?" Griffin asked in surprise.

Churchill nodded with a smile, "Yes, we have mastered the space transmission technology. The U-shaped tower is a strategic building, and there are always defects in using ordinary passages. Only this space-spanning technology can ensure the integrity and unity of the interior. "

Gryffindor applauded, and then stepped into the teleportation beam.

By the time he reacted, he was already in front of the screen that was being carried out on one side. There were three red, yellow and green buttons designed right in front of the screen, and a giant U-shaped mark next to the button.

Cabras began to explain: "This is the total screen of the entire U-shaped tower. The entire tower adopts the most high-end technical configuration in Gold Glitter Town. The red button is a strike type. Now the device has the sigh of Hades and the attack of hellfire. In the future, we will Weapons will also be improved.

The green button is the defense control button, including tower concealment, space detection, and energy detection. Since the tower itself is connected to the surveillance eye of Gold Town, you can completely detect all areas on the entire Far East Sea through this button, and at the same time as this The controller of a high tower, the boss has granted you the highest surveillance authority.

As for the yellow color being survival type, the tower itself is not a weapon. There are top-level testing equipment and a proving ground for mobilizing the whole world. Pressing this button can transform the tower itself into a magic research institute.

As for the most conspicuous button, it is the tower's greatest power, the U-shaped high-frequency vibration wave, which vibrates at the same frequency as the towers on the west coast, and can form a sonic vibration network for the entire Aegean continent. "

After listening to the introduction, Griffin began to press the red button, and the surrounding combat preparation map immediately appeared on the screen. He clicked on the east coast where the battle was raging, and at this moment he saw a Behemoth collapsing. You can see Beamon's chest rising and falling before he raised his hand to die.

The clarity of this picture is much higher than before. It is obvious that the monitoring technology of Jinjin Town has improved again.

Below the screen, there are three touchable buttons, High Frequency Interference, Pluto Sigh, and Hellfire Remote Strike. There is a screen below each button.

The high-frequency interference is the U-shaped iron rod at the top, but it is the control room inside the iron rod. At this moment, his soldiers are also docking with the magician.

The Sigh of Hades is also the same control room, and there are three ultimate weapon arsenals corresponding to it.

As for the end, there is a row of red magma, and black and red stones are soaked in the magma. He is a war expert and knows that it is the most powerful miniature hellfire in Jinshi Town so far.

Griffin is very satisfied!

This kind of weapon is much more convenient to attack, it can be far or near, quite decent.

After that, he experimented with other buttons, and he was able to reach a consensus with all his subordinates through the screen, and he was able to use the monitoring field of view to carry out long-range strikes more accurately.

In this small room, he can extend his hands to the entire Aegean continent. According to Cabras' description, in the future, the attack range of this pyramid U-shaped shaking tower will at least cover the entire northern part of the Far East Sea.

"How about the ability to resist attacks!" After testing the means of attack, Griffin began to ask the most critical questions.

A battle requires not only heavy punches, but also a strong physique. He has suffered enough in the bird war these days, because he has no strong defense line and is rushed by those tricky birds. The strength of the Mongolian giant maintains the battle situation.

In four days, the behemoth Behemoth lost two-thirds. As for the ordinary soldiers, it was a complete massacre.

The patriarch of the golden dwarf stood up and said very confidently: "The U-shaped pyramid is made of the top material and design of the two continents. I can't guarantee that he is the strongest, but I can definitely ignore the bombing of the ultimate weapon. "

Griffin smiled, but the smile was very reserved. He knew that no matter how hype he said, only what survived the war was the truth.

Turning around to look at Karen, he gave a standard military salute, "Boss, I'm fine, everything is basically normal, I agree to accept it."

Karen patted Qianqian on the shoulder and warned: "Griffin, you have to remember that no matter how powerful the U-shaped tower is, it is still a weapon. The real victory in the war depends on the wisdom of you people."

"Don't worry, boss, I will remember."

Karen glanced at it and said with a smile: "Okay, we have nothing to do now, the high towers on the west coast should have been handed over, Cabras, you take some of them and keep them for technical statistics, and leave two people for other fields The tower is maintained, and the rest start to retreat, this place will soon become a frontline battlefield."

Figures began to leave the control room one after another, and finally only Churchill and Karen were left. When Churchill walked to the front of the teleportation formation, he suddenly turned around and gave Griffin a big hug, "Brother, this is my painstaking effort, can you Use it well."

At this moment, Griffin's serious face showed a trace of childlike shyness, and there was no general demeanor at all.

"Brother, don't worry, besides, these are all tested by magicians, we should have confidence in ourselves, shouldn't we?"

"Look at people's awareness." Karen joked beside him, "Isn't it just a tall tower, I know you like perfection, after all, this is just a test product, just use war to test how capable it is~www.novelbuddy .com~ But boss, I am still a little worried, let me stay." Churchill begged.

"What are you doing here? There is no need to mobilize resources here. Besides, you are so old, Griffin can't let go of his work if he stays here."


"Don't be so, if you say one more word here, dozens of people will die on the front line, Churchill, your mission has been completed, and you have done a good job. You can't stay here, and neither can I. Here." Karen became serious, and he didn't want this emotion to affect the situation.

Griffin pointed to the big screen and said: "The war is coming soon, I'm going to end the front line of defense right now, brother, if you stay like this, I will forcefully drive them away, those birds won't fight just because you are a flash gold!" The elders of the town are merciful, they usually start from the heart before eating, you don't know, that cuts the heart..."

Before the horror scene was finished, Churchill plunged into the teleportation array, making Karen beside him burst into laughter.

At this moment, only he and Griffin were left in the room, looking at this fully mature Taifen (elephant man), he was inexplicably relieved.

"You are mature!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the strong Griffin were moist.

He knew that from now on, he would no longer be able to follow Karen like before, he had to be a real man to carry the sky.

"Boss, don't worry, we can't lose this war!"