MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 737 Fixed position

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  In the Prime Minister's Mansion in Beijing, Hu Weiyong sat in the study and took a bowl of ginseng soup. This is the precious ginseng bestowed by the emperor a few days ago, to praise his recent hard work.

   It was based on this that Hu Weiyong confirmed the emperor's attitude. No matter what happened in Liyang's case, he would not be involved.

   I really don't know whether to be lucky or sad.

  Zhongshu Youcheng Chen Liang took a sip of tea and said: "There is an order to dispatch the local guards to cooperate, so Pan Fuding will never leave, but he doesn't know life and death, and the account book..."

  Hu Weiyong interrupted his worries: "The matter has come to this point, the problem is no longer what Pan Fu did in the past. Corrupt officials are not surprising. The big thing is that the local government dares to defy the court."

   Immediately after, he asked solemnly: "Are you sure no one ordered the following county magistrates to help Pan Fu escape in the name of the truth?"

Chen Liang also replied solemnly: "The lower officials have asked carefully, and after your order, no one dares to mix in. Those county magistrates have benefited from those families, and they have the right to be taken, so That's why I dare to do that."

   "That's good. This case involves a lot, but it will never involve the center. Don't pretend to be smart and get yourself burned."

   "No, I will inform them about Xiangye's meaning later."

  Chen Liang asked after a moment of silence: "It is rumored that His Royal Highness is going to let Guiyi Hou Mingsheng take over Liu Bowen's position. Is this too absurd? The following censors are impeachment with a draft memorial. I don't know what the Prime Minister's plan is?"

  Hu Weiyong frowned: "Who is following this position?"

  Chen Liang has no need to hide anything: "Tu Jie has this idea. In addition, Chen Ning and Shanxi Pingzhang Political Affairs Wang He, and several prefects below also have this idea."


Then he sighed again, the water flows to the lower places and people go to the higher places, what the officials below are looking at with his horse head, isn't it just to use his strength to increase officials and ranks, is it possible that he is a born scum, insisting on giving He is like a cow and a horse.

  Chen Liang also shook his head: "Would it be easy to seize the flesh from His Highness the Crown Prince? But seeing the position of Fengjiang, it is not surprising that they are blinded by their profits, and the Prime Minister should not worry."

Tu Jie is now the second rank of the Zhongshu Shenzhi Department of Political Affairs, and it is appropriate to be promoted to Sichuan Pingzhang Political Affairs, and the position of the Zhongshu Province is full, but there is no room for advancement. No wonder he has such a read.

  Chen Ning was indeed wishful thinking. Killing his parents and children would offend the Sacred Heart. Don't say he pushes it.

  The mere Chen Ning is not Liu Bowen, so he can use it even if the Holy One endures his disgust.

  As for Wang He, who is now a feudal border, Shanxi is not far from the capital, and it can't compare to Sichuan, where the emperor is far away.

   "Since this matter can be spread, the Holy Majesty must know about it, so what if the Holy Majesty didn't stop the truth."

   "It's also a sign. I heard that the women in Houzhai once talked about that in recent days, Princess Lan of Kaiping and Mrs. Peng of Guiyi Hou have frequent contacts. It should be a matter of their children's marriage."

  Chen Liang heard the string song and knew the elegant meaning: "It seems that His Royal Highness really wants to support Ming Sheng, so as to make his disciples accept Ming Sheng."

   "If you marry the prince's wife and sister, then you are undoubtedly one of your own, and it belongs to the prince's family. No one can talk too much."


  In the Huagai Hall, the former Dali Temple Minister Yan Donglai, who was still a little thin, was waiting for His Highness the Crown Prince. He declined the servant's invitation to rest and wait in the side hall, and stood in the hall, thinking about the reason why His Highness summoned him this time.

  He has just recovered from a serious illness. In the past few months, he seldom went out, but only had some contacts with relatives and friends. After thinking about it, it should be that His Highness wants to use him again, but he doesn't know where and what position.

   Not long after, Chen Youzong, the General Manager, also came, and after seeing the ceremony, the two chatted in a low voice. The news that Yan Donglai would get after resigning due to illness must be slow, and the General Manager must be the most discerning position in the court.

  As a confidant and friend, Chen Youzong probably had a guess the moment he saw Yan Donglai. While he was happy for his friend, he also hurriedly explained the necessary information, so as not to be unprepared to respond in front of His Highness and lose this rare opportunity.

"Brother Yan, Ming Sheng has won His Royal Highness's favor, but he is still young and he can't convince others, so I'll just wait. His Highness wants me to do this, and I'll do as I'm told, but other officials will inevitably be negligent. It takes a seasoned and steady help to get things done.”

Yan Donglai frowned slightly and didn't show joy. It's not that he doesn't like it. Everyone knows a little about why His Highness the Crown Prince made an exception to use Mingsheng. What matters about Mingsheng is his special status, not what Moral ability.

That is to say, if Mingsheng really fails to show the ability to govern a province, then as a helper handpicked by the prince, there is a high probability that he will become an actual feudal official, and he can use his political ideas to govern the people's livelihood in the state capital to his heart's content. .

Good is naturally good, but it is not what he wants, especially Mingsheng has always had a good reputation. Although he is the king of subjugation, no one will blame this on a young monarch who has not yet been crowned and powerful, let alone Even if he is a heroic lord, it is impossible to fight against the world with one place.

If Mingsheng really shows his ability in the future, wouldn't he really become a minister of Zuofu? It is said that he would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. How can he be inferior to a child at his age, not to mention that this person's status is quite criminal. Taboo, involving too many unkind things.

  In fact, in the final analysis, I still have confidence. As a confidant of His Royal Highness, although I resigned from office due to illness and took care of myself for a period of time, since I am in good health, there is no shortage of opportunities to recover, so I am qualified to be picky.

  When Chen Youzong thought about it for a while, he understood it. According to what he had said, he should not persuade him any more. It was not because he was afraid of making shallow remarks, but because he was worried that he would misunderstand him. He wanted to drive him away from the center so that he could monopolize His Highness.

  At this time, I just heard the movement of saluting outside, and knew that the crown prince was coming, so I quickly adjusted my clothes, then stood facing the gate of the palace, and bowed in an instant when I saw the figure.

   "Wei Chen waits to welcome His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness forever."

  Zhu Biao walked up to the two of them and stood still: "Excuse me, I haven't seen Yan Qing for a long time, and my body is still comfortable recently. Don't save the health-care medicinal materials sent by my servants, use them as needed."

  Yan Donglai saluted solemnly with tears in his eyes: "Thanks to His Highness's concern, I have recovered from illness and is in good health. I only hope that I can serve His Highness again."

   "That's good, come and give the two lovers a seat."

  Zhu Biao passed the two of them and walked to the upper seat, and the **** serving in Huagai Palace also brought the brocade stool by express delivery. The two of them were not polite but not too relaxed, and sat down carefully.

  Swiped away the maids and eunuchs serving in the hall, only Liu Jin was left to serve, Zhu Biao said after a moment: "Chen Qing must have heard that this palace intends to appoint Ming Sheng to succeed Liu Bowen in governing Sichuan."

  The guess was confirmed, the two of them looked at each other and knew what they were thinking, Chen Youzong responded: "There are rumors in the court."

  Yan Donglai took the initiative to speak: "Caichen and others have talked about this just now."

  Zhu Biao smiled happily: "Oh, Yan Qing knows, it's easy to save trouble, and I called Qing to come here for this matter."

  Yan Donglai wanted to say something, but thinking of His Highness's kindness to him all the time, and his friendly attitude just now, he couldn't help but feel guilty. How could he disobey the monarch because of his own selfishness?

  Get up, get off the stool and kneel down on the ground: "His Royal Highness Fu Wei's order, I am a humble minister, but follow orders!"

  Chen Youzong's face trembled slightly. Since you are willing, why did you act like that just now? How can this old man **** this from you under the guise of a deputy?

   Seeing Yan Donglai's statement, Zhu Biao was undoubtedly extremely satisfied. Although no one would dare to disobey the order, if he arranged for a reluctant person to go, what errand would he be able to do well.

  Especially Yan Donglai used to be the Minister of Dali Temple and one of the first ministers of Jiuqing.

   This shows that he has no complaints, which shows his loyalty, and his kindness to Yan Donglai is not in vain. It shows that when something happens, he still has to rely on his confidants.
