MTL - Fishing the Myriad Heavens-Chapter 122 70% of the night crow blood!

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Low-latitude creatures are difficult to open in high-latitude space!

Like the rest of the world that is not as good as Kurosawa, the creatures in it are almost impossible to open the latitude leading to Kurosawa!

Don't look as if it is all under a starry sky, but it is like a pyramid, with layers!

The more upward the world, the stronger and scarcer it becomes!

It can be a world with high latitudes, and it is very simple to open the passage to the world with low latitudes!

At this moment, this mysterious world directly passed through the barrier between latitudes with the mighty power directly, passing down the immortal origin!

Beifeng's body suddenly burst into golden light, even the darkness cannot hide it!

This is a massive immortal source!

The immortal roots that are comparable to a peak of immortality!

If Beifeng practiced with this immortal root, it would be enough for Beifeng to save countless hours in the immortal realm!

But this power is not done in accordance with the will of the North Wind, but directly into the physical body of the North Wind!

Twenty-four Supreme creatures represent this side of the universe, the strongest blood of the heavens and the world!

Once in adulthood, you immediately have the power of immortality!

And it is not an ordinary immortality, but an immortality comparable to two or even three evidences!

For countless beings, immortality is already the end, but for the twenty-four supreme creatures, it is just a starting point!

Yes, it's just a starting point!

From this point, we can see how horrible the potential of the twenty-four Supreme Beings!

Throughout ancient and modern times, wherever one of the twenty-four Supreme Beings appears, it is no wonder that the kingdoms are all over the world!

Every supreme creature, as long as it grows safely, will definitely stand at the peak of the heavens and the world, and the strength of the battle force will surely reach the three evidences of the remaining souls, the top of the real immortality!

The reason why in a long time, I have never heard of twenty-four Supreme beings growing into existence beyond immortality, just because of the limitation of heaven and earth!

Just like the real dragon can not be raised in diving, so is the world!

Supreme creatures are not unable to practice above immortality, but simply because heaven and earth cannot bear such power, and there are not enough resources to support the creatures in heaven and earth to break through to a higher level!

Therefore, the blood of the twenty-four supreme creatures is extremely noble, and the talent is even more terrible!

In the realm of the demon, the nine masters did not become enlightened on this side of the world, but before the realm of the demon fell on this side of the world, the nine masters were already in this state!

As for the first emperor, that is completely a variable!

Because of that huge, comparable to the core of a star, the first emperor was able to break through the shackles and restrictions of heaven and earth and reach the realm of the nine masters of the demon world!

Beifeng wants to transform himself into a supreme creature, but imagine how difficult it is!

Without the help of Immortal Origins and the Night Crow's True Scriptures, I am afraid that the North Wind would be lucky to recover the Night Crow's blood, but if you want to fully awaken the Night Crow's blood to reach the level of pure blood, I am afraid that it will not be possible to exhaust your life!

This coming immortal origin is comparable to the immortal origin possessed by Donghuang Taiyi today, which is enough to make countless immortals jealous!

These immortal origins are quickly compiled into a large net, covering the whole north wind, the meridians of the north wind's limbs, and flesh and blood merge into one!

Vertebral spine bones began to transform, mysterious lines broke out!

Beifeng's body began to twist, constantly changing!

Feathers grew out, and the north wind was more like a night crow!

The night crow is not good at all, except that the nine heads, nine claws, and nine feet look strange, the rest is not different from the crow!

It stands to reason that when nine-footed, nine-clawed, nine-winged, and nine-headed creatures appeared on a single creature, it was simply terrible and the scene of a disaster.

But I don't know why. Not only is it not ugly and cruel, but it is inherently sacred and expensive!


A head grew from the north wind's neck, and the breath of the entire north wind suddenly skyrocketed!

The human body also began to change a little bit, turning into a night crow's body!

Feathers grow on the body, and the feathers are like a golden bell, howling!

From the appearance, the north wind has no human appearance, just like a mutant crow!

Has three heads, five wings, and three claws!

"The blood of the night crow has reached 70%. Originally, I thought that the physical body had reached the great consummation of the demon world, and it was necessary to practice the night raven scripture to the sixth or even the seventh layer, but now it seems that only the fifth layer is needed. I You can have a great physical body! "

Beifeng's injuries disappeared in the flesh and disappeared when he reshaped his body. Except that he felt a little weak, the rest could not be better.

This is beyond the expectations of the north wind. I did not expect the calamity of the third layer of the Night Crow Shine. Since it can increase my physical body, if there is such a calamity in each layer of the Night Crow Shine, then only the first On the fifth floor, you can make Beifeng's body reach the level of God and Demon great consummation!

The emergence of chaos origin ~ ~ makes the potential of Beifeng flesh even greater!

"Once the night crow's blood is completely transformed, then my physical body is definitely more horrible than the ordinary immortal strong body!"

Beifeng said to himself, although he was looking forward to such a power, but Beifeng still held back, not yet.

The existence of the system is both a limitation and an opportunity!

Beifeng guessed that no matter which of the three aspects of his spirit and spirit reached the level of immortality, the system would explode immediately!

"I survived the thunderstorm and consumed a lot of it. The Night Crow's Shintra on the fourth floor needs to be eased."

There is a huge amount of fishing experience left in the north wind. Even if the fishing experience of the fourth layer of the night crow is 10 times more than that of the third layer, a hundred times, the north wind can also bear it, but the body and spirit of the north wind are not persistent. Living.

For up to three months, I have been spent in endless fighting, and at all times, at all costs, the full force broke out, so that the entire north wind has reached its limit.

Although now, because of the immortal origin, the night crow's bloodline has reached 70%, all the injuries have disappeared in the bloodline transformation, but Beifeng still feels exhausted.

"Now that my physical body is strong, it has been reckoned to be in the late stage of the demon realm. The fourth layer of the Night Crow Shinshu has been successfully practiced. My physical body should be able to reach the level of the first complete completion of the demon realm, and the fifth layer is to reach the demon realm. However, this data is based on the premise that the chaos of the remaining two layers of the Night Raven's True Scriptures has the origin of chaos. "

Beifeng felt very satisfied. The first emperor said that the three testimonies can have incredible creations, can cross the immortal realm, and directly reach an unpredictable realm. This is just a guess of the first emperor, but at this moment The north wind is a little letter!

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