MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 27 masons

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   Chapter 27 Mason Order

   "Those people said they didn't want to go with you."

  Sigmons said awkwardly to the self-proclaimed presiding judge.

   "Why? Are you not satisfied with the payment I gave?"


   "Or they don't believe what I'm saying is true?"

   "How is it possible, they all saw the corpse of that monster."

After William killed the web weavers, they vomited out the soul-eater nerubians parasitic in the miners. A few miners whose limbs were severely parasitized were transformed into moon monsters, and the transformed limbs also followed the weaving. The death of the netizen turned into a black salt crystal and dissipated.

   Fortunately, no one died because of this, and the most parasitic people were only disabled.

The huge difference between the revised cognition in the past two months and the current status quo caused them to fall into confusion. Many people could not calm down enough to understand human words for a long time. It was not until William released a [Wide Area Calm]. These people all quieted down.

   After a simple explanation, William arranged for Sigmunds and Colt to appease the miners, while he wiped out all the imprisoned spirits, and then went to the hill made of skulls to check.

   He is very familiar with the style of this kind of skull stacked into a temple. Before the moon worship in the Blackwater Kingdom was completely eliminated, this skull temple was considered a semi-public moon worship altar.

  The belief of the three goddesses of the moon was prevalent in the Black Water Kingdom, and many customs and habits that have been passed down to the present were also formed at that time.

   Such as burial and ancestor worship.

  Because there is real necromancy in this world, in order to prevent the rampage of zombies, ghosts or water ghosts, various races in the Vic continent have popularized cremation a long time ago.

   But only the Blackwater Swamp area insists on using burial to this day, because people here believe that cremating the dead body will dissipate the soul of the ancestors and make them unable to communicate with their ancestors.

Even if the Doomsday Watcher later debunked that this custom was largely a conspiracy of the Hungry Lady to expand her realm, and many of the so-called ancestral spirit manifestations were nothing more than disguises made by the Whispering Queen to weave a web of conspiracy, Most of the ancestral dreams were also the means by which the Nightmare Lord used dreams to absorb the intense emotions of mortals.

   But the inertia that has lasted for thousands of years is not so easy to change.

   When William was wandering in the City of Thorns, he found that although the Holy Spirit Church could provide a full set of cremation and requiem ceremonies, more local residents still chose to bury the dead in the large cemetery outside the city.

   This temple of skulls in front of you is a manifestation. When there was a natural disaster or war in the Blackwater Kingdom back then, when a large number of dead people arrived but it was too late to bury them, they would choose to leave only the heads of the dead for burial, and cremated their bodies to prevent the spread of the great plague.

   And the place where the skulls are piled up is easy to become a place for the Luna Sect to hold ceremonies afterwards.

   But why does it appear under the Silver Stream Mine? More importantly, what is the purpose here?

  William walked up to the statue of the Three Goddesses and wanted to find some clues there, and at this time Sigmons came over and told him that some miners would not accept his triple market pay to hire them to dig the ruins.

   "Why is that? I don't think they have the right to say no."

   William's words made Sigmons' face change slightly, and he hesitated for a while.

   "Your Majesty, the people here are very grateful to you for saving them, and they all believe that you are a benevolent person..."

  William turned his head upon hearing this.

   "Do you mean to think that I'm holding them hostage with kindness, or that I'm threatening them with strength?"

   "There is absolutely no such meaning, and about half of the miner brothers, including me, are willing to accept your commission, but the rest..."

"I understand…"

  William sighed.

   "They didn't dare to go with me, they were worried that I would kill the court mage, and that I would completely offend that Duke Simon, right?"

  Sigmons nodded slightly.

"As long as he is still in the Blackwater Province, no one dares to disobey Duke Simon. Even if he deceived us and applied that unknown magic, he is still the lord who holds the power of life and death... Those people think that if Going with you, the man who killed the Duke's court mages, would be of a completely different nature."

   "You know why I say they don't have the power to refuse?"

  Sigmons shook his head.

   William sighed softly.

   "If they don't follow me, there is no way out."

   said he looked at the miners who were unwilling to accept his employment.

   They gathered together to discuss something in a low voice, and when they saw William looking at them, they all bowed their heads and saluted, with flattering smiles on their faces.

  He shook his head inwardly.

   "The shackles parasitic in the body can be removed, but the shackles buried in the soul cannot be removed."

  William sighed, then he looked at Sigmons and asked.

   "What about the rest who are willing to go?"

   "Including those who have been injured, and those who are willing to go to other provinces to make a living after earning this money."

   "What about you, are you also planning to earn this money to make a living in other provinces?"

  Sigmons shook his head.

"Your Excellency the Judge, I heard you claiming to be the Watcher of the End, and the Thirteen Seats of Judgment. Although I don't know what the Thirteen Seats of Judgment mean, from the reaction of the monster and the strength you showed Looking at it, it must not be a simple name."

"so what?"

   "This may be my only chance."

   "A chance to get ahead?"

   "A chance for revenge."

  Sigmons said word by word, then he gritted his teeth and continued.

   "There is still a chance to start the magic road again."

  William nodded, then took out six blue-blue gems from his pocket.

"Many years ago, the Watcher of the End had a branch dedicated to building weapons and fortresses. It gathered the best architects, foundries, enchanters, and alchemists in the entire continent. The one you are going to excavate next. The fortress ruins also came from their hands."

  William threw the six gems into the air, and the six gems hovered in mid-air, and the flickering electric light connected them into a hexagon, outlining a rippling portal.

   "The name of this branch is the Mason Order. I have inquired about it before. This organization was disbanded by the Empire after the conquest of Terra and ceased to exist."

   Seeing that a portal suddenly opened here, there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd of miners not far away.

   And Sigmons couldn't help but look at the dilapidated and ancient fortress on the other side of the portal.

   "Sigmons, take whoever you want through this door."

  William said to the stunned Sigmons, before he could answer, he raised his voice and said in a very solemn tone.

   "However, as long as you pass through this door, it means that the contract between you and me is signed."

   (end of this chapter)