MTL - Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment-Chapter 20 He deserves our friendship!

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After putting away the card, Ye Feng walked out of the private room.

Xia Qiu originally wanted to send Ye Feng downstairs in person, but considering her status, she had to give up and asked Sister Wang to send Ye Feng off.

Soon, the elevator stopped on the first floor.

When Ye Feng walked out of the lobby on the first floor, the parking officer had already driven Ferrari Enzo in front of him.

After receiving the car keys, Ye Feng tipped the parking attendant 200 yuan, and then drove away under Sister Wang's respectful gaze.

It wasn't until the car completely disappeared from sight that Sister Wang turned around and headed for the top floor of the hotel.

In the presidential suite.

Xia Qiu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking into the distance.

Suddenly, the sound of the door lock opening sounded, and Sister Wang walked in.

After seeing Xia Qiu, she also walked towards the French windows.

"Xia Xia, Mr. Ye has left."

"Miss Wang, thank you for your hard work."

"You girl, why are you being polite to me?"

Xia Qiu smiled, and then asked: "By the way, Miss Wang, how do you know that Ye Feng can help us?"

"I'm actually not sure, but..." At this point, Sister Wang paused before continuing: "His car is a Ferrari Enzo."

Ferrari Enzo?

Hearing these five words, Xia Qiu's pupils shrank immediately.

She naturally knew what Ferrari Enzo represented.

Thinking of Ye Feng's Bulgari watch...

"Sister Wang, it seems that we still underestimated him!"

After sighing with emotion, Xia Qiu didn't continue to struggle with this issue, but asked, "Sister Wang, what is my itinerary for tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, I will meet with Tan Dong, at eleven o'clock..."

Sister Wang opened the memo and read Xia Qiu's itinerary to her.

After listening, Xia Qiu said: "Sister Wang, you pushed the interview at noon for me!"

"Xia Xia, this is not good, you didn't go to the charity gala tonight, some people are already dissatisfied, if tomorrow's interview..."


"Okay." Seeing Xia Qiu's insistence, Sister Wang knew that it was useless to say what she said, so she didn't try to persuade her anymore, she just asked, "What are your plans for tomorrow at noon?"

"Thank you, Ye Feng!"

"..." Sister Wang was a little speechless, she felt that Xia Qiu valued Ye Feng too much.

Now that they haven't met Tan Bohong yet, how can they be sure that Tan Bohong will help them?

Seeing Sister Wang's confusion, Xia Qiu smiled slightly: "Tan Dong's time is very valuable!"

Hearing this, Sister Wang was taken aback for a moment, but then she figured it out.

That's right, Tan Bohong is a busy man, if he is not ready to help them, even if Ye Feng asks, the other party may not be willing to see them.

Now that he has decided to meet them, it means that the chances of success are very high.

Compared with Xia Qiu's film career, an exclusive interview is nothing.

"Xia Xia, your persistence is right, Mr. Ye...deserves our friendship!"

After speaking, Sister Wang called to cancel tomorrow's interview.

the other side.

After Ye Feng drove out of the hotel, he parked the car on the side of the road, took out the card Xia Qiu gave him, and looked at it.

He guessed right, one of the cards was indeed a concert ticket.

But the difference is that this is a super VIP card for an independent private room at the concert site.

There are only three separate rooms for the entire concert.

Nowadays, the most common concert tickets have been fired to thousands of tickets, and the supply exceeds the demand...

If the super VIP card in his hand is released, it is estimated to sell for tens of thousands.

However, he is not short of money now, so naturally he will not sell it.

If you have time the day after tomorrow, it would be nice to go to the live concert...

After putting away the concert private room card, Ye Feng looked at the second card.

It's Xia Qiu's personal business card!

Ye Feng was a little surprised, then put away the card, and drove to Villa No. 1, Zhongtian Lake View.

After returning home.

Ye Feng simply washed up, then fell asleep on the bed.

Nothing to say all night.

The next morning, after Ye Feng got up, he was not in a hurry to go to school, but asked the management to contact a truck for him.

He didn't have class this morning, so he planned to take advantage of this time to move all the things in the dormitory to Zhongtian Lakeview Villa No. 1.

Soon, the truck that the property owner was looking for arrived at Villa No. 1.

Ye Feng didn't plan to drive a Ferrari Enzo either, so he went back to school with the truck.

After more than an hour.

The truck stopped downstairs in the male dormitory of Zhonghai University.

Ye Feng asked the driver to wait for him downstairs. After he went up to pack his things, he walked towards the dormitory building.

Room 509.

Ye Feng raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Soon, the bedroom door was opened, revealing a big fat face in the crack of the door, it was Fatty Chu.

Fatty Chu laughed when he saw that the person at the door was Ye Feng.

"Brother Feng, you're back!"

With that said, he quickly turned sideways and let Ye Feng into the bedroom.

Ye Feng walked into the bedroom.

Ma Hongfei, who was reading a book, saw Ye Feng and greeted him with a smile: "Brother Feng, good morning!"

"Morning!" Ye Feng nodded, then looked at Lin Jie's bed.

There was no sign of Lin Jie on the messy bed.

Fatty Chu saw Ye Feng's doubts, and said, "Brother Feng, that kid Lin Jie went out on a date early in the morning."

Ye Feng nodded, but did not answer.

Not the best, just because he didn't want to see that guy either.

Then, he started packing up.