MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 754 God Destroyer: Sekiryuutei's Cage Hand

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  Chapter 754 God Destroyer: Sekiryuutei's cage hand

   "Sure enough, the artifact that resides on the waste is also a waste?

   Well, although it is only the weakest type of artifact, it is better than nothing, so Ise, you should die for me, with peace of mind. "

  At this moment, Hyoudou Issei had a big hole stabbed in his abdomen. He was bleeding profusely, and his consciousness had begun to blur.

  The only thing that keeps him conscious now is the intense pain and the hatred for Amano Yuma.

  The red caged hand on the wrist glowed red, and Hyoudou Issei's strength was also doubled by the caged hand.

   But the multiplied power sounds quite bluffing at first, but it can't change anything at all for the current status quo.

  Hyoudou Issei is just an ordinary person, and he is also the kind of ordinary person who rushes every day and has a rather weak physical fitness.

  As for her opponent, Linali, although she is a low-level fallen angel, she is just a miscellaneous fish among the fallen angels, but the strength levels of the two sides are obviously not at the same level.

  Assume that Hyoudou Issei's combat power is 1, and Linari's combat power is 100. Even if Hyoudou Issei becomes 2 under the multiplied power of the cage hand, the gap between 100 and 2 is still huge.


  However, when Hyoudou Issei was about to die, the cage hand in his hand suddenly burst into a strong light again at this moment, and made a rather dull sound.

  When this dull voice appeared, Hyoudou Issei's physical ability was doubled again!

  The strength has doubled twice, but the gap is still huge, but at this moment, Linali, her opponent, changed her expression from the disappointment before, and became extremely excited.

  The magic weapon cage hand that can double the strength once, among the many magic weapons, is indeed a piece of garbage.

But as far as she knows, there is only one artifact that can multiply power multiple times, and that is, among the thirteen kinds of "God Extinguishers", one of the two heavenly dragons is lodged, the soul of the Chilong Emperor "E Draig Gohe" The artifact "Sekiryuutei's Cage Hand"!

  The so-called "God Extinguisher" is also a divine weapon, but because it is too powerful, it is given the special title of "God Exterminator".

  The reason is that it is said that as long as you hold the "God Exterminator", even an ordinary person can gain the power to kill gods and demons.

  Looking at the dying Hyoudou Issei, Lina Li was extremely excited at this moment. She never thought that she would be able to obtain the God Exterminator when she came to such a poor place this time.

  As long as "Sekiryuutei's caged hand" is obtained, let alone the superior fallen angels, even the fallen angel cadres, it is not impossible.

   "I am Rias Gremory, and this is the jurisdiction of our Gremory family.

  You fallen angels not only violated the regulations, but acted recklessly in the area under our jurisdiction, and now you want to kill the students of our college? "

  Houdou Issei was already on the verge of dying, and Lina Li also wanted to take out the god-killing tool "Sekiryuutei's cage hand" as she wished.

  However, at this moment, the spoiler appeared. The person had striking but beautiful red hair. He was clearly a high school student, but his body was obviously well-developed, and even his facial features were impeccably exquisite.

  From Rias's body, Linali could recognize that the other party belonged to the demon camp, and judging from her aura, she was obviously not a low-level demon.

   Besides Lias, the other party also has a black-haired Junai who is also of outstanding figure and looks extremely beautiful.

   One against two has no advantage, and the red-haired devil doesn't look like an easy character no matter how you look at it.

Under normal circumstances, Linari might have chosen to retreat now, but after knowing that the artifact residing in Hyoudou Issei's body was actually the god-killing tool "Sekiryuutei's Cage Hand", now she does not want to do so easily. give up.

   This is the "God Extinguishing Tool". As long as you get this power, who will dare to despise yourself in the future?

  Although there are two demons appearing in front of him right now, he is a fallen angel, and the "power of light" he uses can be regarded as an absolute nemesis for demons, so there is no chance of winning at all.

  And I don't need to win the opponent, I just need to take Hyoudou Issei's body away without the opponent not paying attention, and then fly away.

  After quick calculations in her mind, Lina Li instantly prepared to fight, and quickly condensed two "Light Guns" with her hands.

  Fallen angels themselves are fallen angels, so they can also use the power of light.

  Ordinary low-level fallen angels can only use one light gun at a time, but Linali in front of her can create several light guns at the same time.

  Several guns of light condensed in Linali's hands, and like shooting stars in the dark night, they flew towards Rias and Junai on the tall building at an extremely fast speed.

  The power of light is absolutely poisonous to demons, and even higher-level demons cannot ignore it.

  Linali also threw the gun of light out, and instantly spread a pair of black wings behind her back, and flew towards Issei Hyoudou who was lying in a pool of blood at an extremely fast speed.

  She had already planned from the beginning, to face the attack of her light gun at the distance between Rias and the others.

  Whether you choose to resist or defend, it will be too late to stop yourself.

  As long as she gets the "Sekiryuutei's cage hand", does she still need to escape? No, Lina Li doesn't need to be afraid of two mere demons, even if they are superior demons.

  However, after Rias used the red magic ball to wipe out all the light guns that were coming quickly, she obviously discovered Linali's intention at this moment.

  Because Linari's previous position was closer to Hyoudou Issei, Rias, who found that she couldn't catch up with the opponent even if she burst out with all her speed, frowned displeased.

  Now Rias and Yicheng obviously don't have any bond, but the reason why Rias came here is to make some achievements for the family to see.

  But now that something like this has happened in the area under my jurisdiction, if I don't handle it well, I might be called back to Gremory's house again, and face the fate of being urged to marry.

  Linari flapped the wings on her back and glides towards Issei Hyoudou on the ground at an extremely fast speed, feeling that the God of Destruction Tool is already at her fingertips.

  However, Linali soon discovered that a figure appeared in front of Issei Hyoudou who was in sight.

   And looking at the two sides in the battle, he said: "The guy lying on the ground seems to be very important to you. He seems to be dying. Let's just leave him alone and fight yourself. Is this really good?"

  The third party who suddenly appeared in front of Hyoudou Issei, Lina Li didn't know who the other party was, but from her perception, there was almost no fluctuation of magic power on the other party, obviously a complete rookie.

  So at this moment, he yelled in extreme displeasure: "Which onion are you? Since you insist on courting death, then lie on the ground with him!"

  (end of this chapter)