MTL - Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?-Chapter 167 This is our age of great voyages!

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  Chapter 167 This is our age of great exploration!

"This time EA found an old thief to make a game, it's really awesome!" Dai Xiaomei watched the promotional video countless times, and every time she was shocked by the Zeppelin that covered half of the sky .

  The protagonist of the picture is standing on the ground. When he sees the airship, everyone can feel the cloud in his heart, and fear pervades the apex of his heart.

  ‘Someone of us went to the EA official and asked them about the progress of the game. Then he told us it wasn't going fast...'

  ‘Can EA go to hell, the progress is not fast and the promotional video will be released? '

  ‘I can understand EA’s impatient mood, but can you take it easy, can you learn from the old thief, and release the promotional video after the game is finished? '

  ‘EA If you do this again, I will give you some super difficulty. '

  ‘I suspect this is the secret advice of the old thief. Although it is produced by EA, you must know that this is the game of the old thief. It is super difficult to deceive me, and there is no door! '

  ‘Torture, really torture. '

  ‘Playing games is torture, and not playing games is also torture. The old thief understands players. '


  EA's progress is really not fast, even with the old thief's game plan as a backboard.

   It's not that they are slow in doing things, it's just that many things that were handed over to the old thief for review will be beaten back and redone.

   But this is also what Ye Feng likes most about them, that is, being obedient.

   Redo it if you say redo it, without any hesitation.

  Although sometimes it is unqualified to rework, but when you ask them to redo again, they will still take things back and remake without complaint.

   In the first month, when Ye Feng was instructing at the EA headquarters, he never smiled. During that time, the staff at the EA headquarters did not dare to take a breath.

   Now the things submitted are much better, and the number of rejections is also visible to the naked eye.

  The top floor of the headquarters of the EA game building.

  The three senior executives sat together in the office. They sat around the coffee table, with their own laptops in front of each other.

  The fluorescence of the screen shines on their faces, and the gorgeous white teeth can still be seen.

   "Oh my god, just a promotional video can get such high player ratings!"

   "Look at this article, someone praised our promotional video for doing well, and he wanted to buy the game just after watching a promotional video."

   "Look at this article again, he praised that our promotional video is as impressive as a movie clip!"

   "There is still someone saying that our promotional video is made like a Hollywood blockbuster! Is this really the evaluation that the game can get?"

   "Is this our age of great exploration?"


  The three of them looked at the evaluation of their promotional video with great interest, and the more they watched it, the more interesting it became.

  It is only now that they know that it is such a cool thing to work on games seriously, and it turns out that it is such a comfortable thing to get the player's approval after completing something well.

   “Before, some people laughed at us for paying a high price to invite an old thief to make a game and let him sign it. It is a very uneconomical thing.”

   "Now they see the effect of our promotional video, they must be regretful, right?"

   "The people from Ubisoft laughed at us at first, but now I see him laughing?"

   While talking, one of them mentioned his old rival Ubisoft.

Before the old thief became famous, Ubisoft and EA can be said to be two old super manufacturers. While continuing to contribute high-quality masterpieces, the open and secret struggle between the two has not stopped. You can see the two in almost all types of fields. Works head-to-head.

  Of course, the high-quality masterpieces they used to fight before are a bit worthless compared to the old thief's games.

  That person used excellent game quality and used players as fuel to break through the layers of blockades of countless game companies.

   At the beginning, he only used a few horizontal plane games to open up the market.

   At the beginning, everyone just thought he was a supernova with some strength.

  But when the blood curse was born, Carter, the head of the former steam platform Daxia Country, reached a cooperation with Weisoft, and the new game Dark Soul escorted it.

  Weisoft even relied on his several excellent quality games to defeat Sony, the previous leader in the console industry, in the launch of the new generation console.

   "What is Ubisoft doing recently?" One of them laughed. After being praised by players, they are now used to examining the quality of games with the eyes of old thieves.

  Even when I see the latest game files handed in by my subordinates, I can see the problem at a glance and ask to redo it.

  Now, looking back at the game I made at the beginning, it is almost the same as the defense.

   No wonder the old thief came to EA for a month, and he couldn't see him smiling.

   "It is said that Ubisoft is currently researching the open world, and they have an idea to make the open world before the old thief."

   "You mean that new concept that the old thief put forward at the annual awards ceremony? I thought, I'll go, I'll arrive?"

   "But this is indeed the basis for the game company to turn around now, and that is to follow in the footsteps of the old thief."

  It seems that now, everyone just hears a concept and wants to keep up with it.

  Heavy sighs came from around the tea table. In the past, everyone could fight back and forth. At that time, they really felt that the opponent was a strong opponent.

  Everyone keeps playing games and fighting openly and secretly.

  Although they are competitors, everyone sees that they are fierce in various things.

  But in fact, the two sides can be regarded as the existence of both enemies and friends.

  Now EA has chosen to hire the old thief and embarked on the old thief's ladder.

   Just looking back at their former opponents still struggling in the quagmire, they felt very uncomfortable.

  Everyone knows that the concept that the old thief put forward last time was the soul, and it is through this that he has come to the present.

  Some people wanted to imitate in the past, but found that they could not imitate the essence of the old thief at all.

  Some companies have tried to produce soul-like games, but players have called them tasteless.

  Because in the hearts of players, the soul is not the soul that makes you die crazily and then picks up the soul that you left at the place of death.

  Although the old thief has only made two games, the players have already understood the mechanism of his game making clearly.

  In the map design of the game, the path logic of each area forms a closed loop, unexpected shortcuts, and highly recognizable path guidance.

  There is an ambiguous main plot in the narrative, a large number of discrete narratives spread over various objects and npcs, the period of decline, and the depressive atmosphere.

  The picture is even darker and depressing, with strong religious elements as the basis of art but not integrated into religious concepts. The picture has a very high gray scale and a wide range of cool colors, giving the picture a heavy and cold impression.

  The combat system is even more amazing. It only uses a relatively simple button system, an attack module relative to the back panel, a mechanism principle of high risk and high return, and a moderately difficult control with a lower limit and a lower upper limit.

   There is nothing to say about the music, each boss has its own track style, and different elements are added according to their background stories.


  As a game company, they thoroughly understood the old thief's game mechanism.

   But the imitation still failed, because it is difficult for people to show passion and emotion, iron blood and affection in that sad world.

  Because in the old thief's game, there are no real bad guys, even if they're already full of evil,

  Some are just a group of people unwilling to reconcile their fate and trying to resist.

  (end of this chapter)