MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 298 evolution!

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  Chapter 298 Evolution!

  Han Yu strode back to the Qingwa Palace, where there is the largest dungeon in Seoul where players are held.

  Among them, Tu Yuanwu also found Shanhai members who had lost contact with Shanhai, but most of them had been tortured to the point of inhumanity.

  After being rescued, half of them directly chose to kill themselves. They have never forgotten the painful and humiliating experience of extorting confessions.

   This made all the members of Shanhai simmer with anger, and Park Lixian readily put all the responsibility on the Dongying people.

  If it weren't for their bewitching, Qingwa would never have dared to attack the members of Heibing, but even so, Tu Yuanwu still tortured him in the name of confessing to Shangsha Kangtai.

  As for Shangsha Kangtai, he couldn't escape, and was punished by Tu Yuanwu.

  Under all kinds of weird but extremely painful skills, Kamisha Kota has almost fallen off.

  It's a pity that the development of the matter was not as simple as Han Yu imagined. When they were fighting, Kamisa Kota had already sent a message to Dongying, and the matter was brought to light.

  Furthermore, according to Sangsa Yasuta, there are members of Baqi in all parts of Buyeo. I am afraid that after the integration of the National League Order, they are ready to give up Sangsa Yasuo.

  At this time, even if Han Yu goes there again as Kota Shangsha, it may easily arouse suspicion.

  However, on the second day of his arrest, Tu Yuanwu shattered Shangsha Kangtai's psychological defense, and then used his skills to blur his consciousness, so that he sent back a message: I have escaped, don't destroy the teleportation circle.

  After sending the message, put him on the control bracelet again, cutting off his contact with other people.

   As for whether Han Yu will enter Dongpu through this teleportation circle, that's another matter.

  Since Kamisa Kota said that there are Yaqi members on the front line, it may be more convenient to enter Dongying through them. This news also leaves a way for him to contact the Yaqi members.

  Before entering the dungeon, Han Yu changed into a suit of clothes, which was similar to Shang Shakangtai's usual clothes, and his posture also became high-spirited, but his tiredness could not be concealed.

   Walked into the depths of the dungeon in Qingwa Palace, just after entering, Han Yu heard bursts of feeble wailing.

  Han Yu opened the dungeon door and walked in. Tu Yuanwu was holding a glass of spirits, and looked back at Han Yu who came in.

   "Come on, this guy is probably all shaken up, there is no new news, but if you want to ask anything, you can ask, he is very obedient now."

  Han Yu shook his head, he knew everything he needed to know, and he came here just to observe Kota Uesa's posture again.

   "Let him come down for a walk?" Han Yu said.

   "Okay." Tu Yuanwu took a sip of spirits and untied Shangsha Kota from the seat.

  Until this time, Kamisa Kota, who had been lowering his head and wailing, raised his head and opened his eyes. He looked extremely sluggish compared to a few days ago, but there were not many serious injuries on his body.

   I don't know what method Tu Yuanwu used to completely tear up his psychological defense line, and then used all kinds of confession methods to make him look harmless, but he has completely lost his final belief.

   "Kill me...Kill me!" Shangsha Kangta muttered, he doesn't ask for anything else now, he just wants to die quickly.

   "Kill you? You think it's easy! Did you let another one of those Black Ice members go! Stand up and take two steps!"

  Hearing Tu Yuanwu's angry words, Kamisha Kota's body trembled suddenly. Although his body was extremely weak, he tried his best to pull himself together and stood up from the chair.

  However, the spirit is really sluggish, completely different from the normal appearance, and it seems that death is not far away.

   "This won't work..." Han Yu muttered, he wanted to imitate Shangsha Kota's escape from Shanhai's hands.

  It is acceptable to suffer a little injury, but this appearance is too much. How could Kamisa Kota escape from Seoul in this state.

   "Don't worry, I have a solution." Tu Yuanwu smiled cruelly, and a red leather whip appeared in his hand.


  The whip brought a sonic boom and suddenly hit Kamisha Kota.

  But Kamisa Kota is a player after all, and his body has been strengthened by Yaqi, so this whip doesn't even seem to leave any mark.

   But this whip seemed to directly pass through the body, whipping Shangsha Kangta's soul.

   Kamisa Kota, who was hit, his eyes were bloodshot, and he let out a piercing scream.

   "How's it going, are you in good spirits?" Tu Yuanwu asked, raising his hand for another whip.

   "Spirited! Spirited up! Don't come!" Kamisa Kota's voice instantly rose several orders of magnitude, and his body forcibly stood upright.

   "This is amazing!" Han Yu was also amazed at the effect of this whip, the pure physical pain probably couldn't reach this level.

   "Small point, for players, they need specific equipment and skills. There are many skills and equipment that are useless in battle, but they are very useful in luring and extorting confessions."

   "This kind of player whose strength has been restricted by the control bracelet, as long as the psychological defense line is broken, it is easy to make him obedient." Tu Yuanwu is extremely confident, and he is obviously a veteran among them.

   "And don't look at him screaming fiercely. This thing can really refresh your mind, but the effect doesn't last long. Hurry up, he's about to turn into that dying look again soon."

   "Okay, then I'll learn it again." Han Yu took out the modified mimetic mask from his backpack, put it on and changed into Kamisa Kota's appearance, and imitated after him.

  Try to imitate every action exactly the same, relying on the memory of energy-type players, it is not difficult to imitate.

   And Kamisa Kota himself noticed Han Yu's movements, but moved his eyes expressionlessly.

   A few days ago, when he was in good condition, he noticed that Han Yu kept coming here to observe himself,

  At the beginning, he didn't think that Han Yu could fool the family members by imitating himself, so he was not only not angry, but a little excited.

  Until Han Yu learned about it, he took out the mimic mask from his backpack.

  Shang Shakang was too horrified to find that looking at Han Yu felt like he was looking in a mirror. Only then did he realize what the purpose of the message he sent in a daze that day was.

  At the beginning, he struggled, deliberately showing habits that he didn't have, but after being whipped by the whip and Tu Yuanwu's various confusing methods, his thinking ability became blank, and he couldn't even deceive people.

   Now seeing that Han Yu has imitated without any difference, he is no longer surprised. The last thought is that the family found out earlier, so as not to let Han Yu really cause any damage in Dongpu.

  Ten minutes later, Han Yu felt that it was almost done. After confirming that there were no details missing, he turned and left the prison.

  After returning to his room, Han Yu decided to increase the attribute points of the last few days first.

  First, Ellie was summoned, and then the eight pieces of black scale meat obtained in the laboratory and the stump cut from Shangsha Kangtai.

  It's a pity that no matter how hard Tu Yuanwu works, Kamisha Kota will not be able to grow the stump of Yamata no Orochi, otherwise he can still be useful and can be used as sustainable nourishment for Han Yu.

   As soon as Ellie came out, she stared at the black-scaled flesh on the ground, which seemed to have a huge attraction for her.

   "Do you know this thing?" Han Yu asked. It was too difficult to communicate with the Holy Spirit Silver Flood Dragon last time. Now that Ai Li has also come out, the performance is also very obvious, so Han Yu asked.

   "I don't know." Ellie replied: "But when I look at these things, I feel a hunger from my soul, and I want to swallow them all."

   "Okay, I'll give you a try right away, I'll strengthen you for one round first."

  Han Yu first allocated attribute points, adding 200 points of strength to Ellie.

   Layers of green vines appeared on Ellie's body, and then quickly disappeared, eventually turning into green patterns on the surface of the body, but in the end she was not notified of evolution.

  Han Yu handed the four limbs to Ai Li's side, Ai Li glanced at Han Yu, watched Han Yu nod before picking up the black-scaled flesh and blood.

  A vine appeared on the back of his hand, piercing into the flesh, and the black scales that were still throbbing quickly became shriveled.

   After absorbing a piece of black-scaled flesh, Ellie let out a long sigh of relief, and then turned to another piece of flesh without pausing.

  Two limbs that fell from Shangsha Kangtai, plus two pieces of primitive black scale flesh, Han Yu finally received a prompt from the system.

  【Your Summoner: Elf Sniper: Ellie. Gained evolution]

  【Sniper Killer—Sniper Ling, get talent, delayed sniper killing: each hit attack of Sniper Ling will leave arrowheads in the enemy's body, and Sniper Ling can detonate the arrowheads, and each arrowhead will cause damage equal to 70% of the attack. Cooldown: two minutes, if the delayed sniper kills the enemy, all the cooldown time will be refunded. 】

  【Acquired skills: Crystal Arrow: Sniper shoots a huge arrow, causing high explosion damage to the hit enemy, and stuns the enemy for three seconds. Enemies within the explosion range will receive half the damage and receive a 60% deceleration effect. 】

   Sure enough, as Han Yu guessed, this black-scale flesh and blood is the key to the evolution of the summoned creature.

   I just don’t know that this is just to make up for the lack of attribute points, but the evolution of summons must require the black scale flesh of this unknown creature.

  After Ellie's evolution was completed, Han Yu summoned the Shadowblade Mantis.

  Last time he ate two pieces of limbs that fell from Shangsha Kangtai's body, and he was already a little hungry and thirsty.

  Han Yu added two hundred attribute points to his strength again, and then gave him two pieces of black-scaled flesh.

   It is not as elegant as Ellie, one bite at a time, and the flesh and blood are swallowed by him in two bites.

   Er's body, bursts of black mist gushed out, and then quickly shrank back, looking at Han Yu with red eyes.

  【Your summoned object: Void Raider has received a second evolution. 】

  【Void Predator: Acquired Talent: Void Shuttle: When the Void Predator reaches its extreme speed, it can pass through all obstacles in front of it and attack the enemy. At the same time, in the process of traveling through the void, it ignores all damage. 】

[Acquired skill: Spike Assault: Void Raider sends out three spikes, causing damage to enemies in a cone-shaped range in front of him, adding a 99% deceleration effect, lasting for three seconds, and leaving a streak on the enemy at the same time Mark of the hunt, Void Reaver will consume the mark to deal double damage to enemies. Three-minute cooldown: Every time you attack an enemy with a spike mark, the cooldown will return for one minute. 】

The Void Raider has also evolved again, still taking the explosive killing style route, and added a small control effect, although it is not a hard control, but 99% of the deceleration effect is similar to the hard control up.

  However, what surprised Han Yu was that the Void Raider had awakened the talent of void travel so quickly.

  Although there are still prerequisites, although the Shadow Blade Mantis is not slow, in order to achieve the goal of assassination, Han Yu has been focusing on increasing his strength.

  Han Yu immediately asked the Shadowblade Mantis to cover up, but the usual movement, the Shadowblade Mantis couldn't meet the requirements of space shuttle.

   Tried Shadow Leap again, and when Shadowblade Mantis jumped up, it really became blurred, and a shallow ripple appeared around her body. Then all disappear.

   "This? Completely invisible?" At this moment, Han Yu could only perceive a weak connection with Shadowblade Mantis. This is the case without using fog shadow.

  And this kind of invisibility is much more advanced than the fog shadow, completely disappearing in the current space, even if the enemy sees through it, it is difficult to see the shadow blade mantis with skills such as the real eye.

  With the blessing of the void shuttle skill, Shadowblade Mantis is now a real hunter.

   When the Shadow Blade Mantis appeared again, it had already appeared on the other side of the room.

  Then the body was instantly invisible, and it was another Shadow Leap with void shuttle.

  Even as the summoner, Han Yu barely noticed his approach. In the end, he only felt a chill on his neck, and the Shadowblade Mantis appeared in front of him.

   Those eyes full of desire to hunt looked at Han Yu longingly, he was still hungry, and couldn't help but want to eat another piece of black scaled flesh.

  Han Yu shook his head, kicked the other black-scaled flesh and blood behind him: "Do you know what this is?"

   "Very strong..., its owner is very strong... and this meat is still alive!"

   Shadowblade Mantis only uttered vague words, and Han Yu didn't have any useful answers when he asked again. He was just pestering that he wanted to eat two more pieces of flesh to make him stronger.

  Han Yu ignored his request and canceled the summoning.

   Next came the next one, the Destroyer Demon Dragon walked out of the summoning circle.

   Still adding 200 points to the energy attribute, followed by black scale flesh and blood.

  After adding the dots, the black scales on the body of the Extinguishing Demon Dragon kept opening and closing as if breathing, and the white pattern on the forehead was also stained with a ray of gray and electric light, which kept flickering in the room.

  【Your summoned object: Destroyer Demon Dragon has evolved:

  Evolution to obtain talent: super magic understanding: every time the attack of the enemy hit by the demon dragon will reduce the cooldown of all other skills by 30 seconds.

Skills acquired through evolution: Tyrannosaurus Sky Kill: Destroying Demon Dragon launches a surprise attack from the air, and sends out five spherical lightnings from its body to attack the enemies below. , the third time the Destroying Demon Dragon will fall from the sky, knocking up enemies within ten meters around, and creating a thunder prison that lasts for three seconds. Creatures that do not leave the thunder prison within two seconds will be paralyzed for two seconds. Cooling: ten minutes]

  (end of this chapter)