MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 603 War (twenty-three)

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Light rain door.

A large army of goblin troops was waiting at the door of light rain.

As Du Huaijun judged, the Goblin Army had already detected the movement of the main Terran troops, but instead of immediately attacking, they quietly waited for the opponent to enter the encirclement to go deeper.

The call of the High Priest of Runge made the Goblin Commander in the fortress noticeably nervous.

He ordered loudly: "Attack now! Attack! Besiege those **** humans!"

Professionals are very efficient in their actions. As soon as news broke out, it spread quickly throughout the army.

It can be as fast as ten seconds; no matter how fast, it is impossible to move millions of troops across the gate of the other world in an instant.

The goblins of the first team didn't even reach the gates of the other world, they heard the magnificent voice of Mystra.

With the transmission of this deity, the door of the other world closed suddenly, and the goblins stood in front of the door of the other world for a while, and realized that they could not go back.

The same thing happened to the gates of the Yemen, Qingkong and Nufeng.

The four gates of the other world were closed at this time, completely severing the hope of reinforcements blocking the road.

At the same time, Du Huaijun also received a message from the oracle.

Then a herald hurried over: "Reporting to the commander, frontline investigators confirmed that all four alien gates had been closed and no large-scale Goblin troops had left!"

"Very good!" Du Huaijun nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Order the entire army and attack at full speed. Be sure to arrive within two hours!"

According to the original plan, Du Huaijun's troops were supposed to be one and a half hours away from worshiping Jincheng. However, he intentionally slowed down, but he was actually a lot late.

Now he wants to get this time back.

After giving the army an order to accelerate, Du Huaijun said again, "Let the task forces also act."

"Yes!" The herald hurried down.

Wei Zhijie lay bored on a hillside, watching the sky and counting stars.

It wasn't until the moment God gave the order that he finally lived up.

He yelled at the communicator: "Hey, hey, can we move? Wait, what are you waiting for, and so on, and it is an instruction to act immediately."

That being said, Wei Zhijie still waited for a minute, and it felt like a long minute.

Until the action instructions were confirmed, Wei Zhijie jumped into the car excitedly and shouted, "Go!"

Downhill already prepared convoy, tanks and helicopters roared towards the door of light rain.

A druid hovered from the sky and fell to Wei Zhijie's car, turned back into a soldier, and saluted Wei Zhijie: "Report to the sir, there is a small number of goblins standing around the gate of light rain, confirm the quantity No more than a thousand are ordinary goblin soldiers, no elites have been found, and no other goblin troops have been found. "

"Understand." Wei Zhijie picked up the loudspeaker and shouted, "Rushed to the target location in twenty minutes and solved the battle in thirty minutes. Is there a problem?"

"No problem!" All the soldiers shouted at the same time.

Wei Zhijie lowered his horn with satisfaction.

He likes the feeling of commanding thousands of troops.

It took only eighteen minutes for the task force to reach the gate of light rain.

Such a huge movement can't be concealed from those goblins outside the gates of the other world. They rushed out of the camp and looked distantly into the distance.

"My God!" A goblin moaned in terror.

Appearing in front of them was a large number of human troops.

"Three hundred tanks, fifty helicopters, two hundred artillery pieces, and twenty thousand professional army. I still don't believe it. I can't deal with your little goblin." Sitting on an armored chariot, Wei Zhijie bit the grass. Say.

Without waiting for the goblins to respond, the tanks in range had fired first.

These tanks are all the latest tanks, with powerful firepower. A large number of steel surges poured out from fifty helicopters, firing one rocket after another, just one face-to-face, and a lot of artillery fire washed the goblins. People turned their backs.

When they got there, they discarded the fight and turned around and ran.

"Stop chasing!" Wei Zhijie ordered.

Fighting with goblin for so long, each other is learning lessons.

The biggest lesson learned by the human race is that don't look at the short goblin legs. Due to their professional level, they can be faster than them.

Therefore, in previous wars, the human race has always won by position battles, relying on strong firepower to make up for the lack of personal strength, but in guerrilla warfare-they are really not opponents.

Goblin ran, then ran, anyway, Wei Zhijie's task is not this.

The next moment he directly ordered: "Immediately establish an artillery position! All tanks form an arc circle, and the muzzle is directed at the gate of the outer world! The professionals are arranged according to the established formation, and the three teams go to the gate to bury explosives!"

With the issuing of orders, the troops that had already undergone exercises had begun to deploy separately.

A large number of artillery are arranged in a circle around the gates of the other world. Together with the tanks, they are all aimed at the gates of the other world. Professionals are usually stationed to protect and generally stand in front.

Some soldiers began to mine within the distance between the gates of the outer world and the artillery positions.

Some soldiers rushed directly under the gates of the other world and began to deploy super bombs.

Yes, this is Du Huaijun's plan.

Isn't your gate of the other world closed only for 80 minutes?

It doesn't matter, then I simply destroy the door of the other world and let the 80-minute close turn into a permanent close.

The Gate of the Otherworld cannot be destroyed while it is being closed, so Du Huaijun cannot destroy the Gate of the Otherworld during these 80 minutes. But he can take advantage of the opportunity that the two realms cannot pass during the closing of the door of the other realm, and arrange it first. A large number of bombs, artillery and tanks were deployed under the gates of the other world. Once the doors of the other world were opened, they were launched immediately.

Although clever, this plan has three problems.

First, if the alien forces attack early, the task force will have little chance to destroy the door of the alien world. Therefore, Du Huaijun slowed down the march in order to ensure that the reinforcements from the outside world would not be dispatched prematurely. Now that the plan is successfully implemented, this issue has been resolved.

Second, after the door of the other world opens, the reinforcements will come over. If the Goblin reinforcements cannot be destroyed in a short period of time, the task force is likely to be wiped out. The only way to solve this problem is enough firepower! Prior to this, Du Huaijun has tested the destructive power of the super bomb on the gates of the other world and confirmed that it is effective. It ’s just that although the number of superbombs is superimposed and the effect is diminishing, it ’s okay to use them to bomb the pros. If you want to use a superbomb to directly blow up a door of a different world, the required amount will be gone. Even if Du Huaijun was willing to spend such a high cost, there aren't so many super bombs-many of the previous productions made Yuan Chenfei use up.

So Du Huaijun arranged a large number of artillery, tanks and other fire support. After calculation, if there is no accident, within three to five seconds after the door of the other world is opened, the task force can destroy the door of the other world. Considering that the opponent's troops can come within five seconds and they will also be bombarded, this problem is basically solved.

The third and final issue is the indigenous reinforcements of the Goblin Empire.

Because these four realms' gates in the Goblin Empire are defending the ground, the Goblin Empire did not arrange Goblin troops near the gates of the Realm. This point is not like a trap. There are usually own army near the trap. The main purpose is to curb the other party ’s plunder. There is no need behind the defending ground. For this reason, the gate of the otherworld itself has only a thousand goblin guards. This is still in wartime, and there may be only one or two hundred during the non-war period.

But there are usually some goblin villages near the gates of the other world.

There are professional civilians and professional soldiers in these goblin villages. It is hard to say how many they are, they are combative anyway.

Once the news of the Ambition Gate is heard, there may be goblins nearby to help.

This is also the biggest variable.

It is for this reason that Du Huaijun arranged the protection and protection of the army of 20,000 professionals. Their task is to hold the position before the door of the other world opens.

An embarrassing fact is: When Yuan Chenfei was discussing the conditions with Mistral, he feared that the time won was not long enough, and he would fight for an additional twenty minutes to give up the right to use the super bomb.

But afterwards everyone discovered that it would be better to avoid these twenty minutes.

The longer the time, the more variables there are.

However, at that time, Du Huaijun did not expect this tactic. Everyone instinctively thought that the longer the transmission was prohibited, the better. In this regard, we can only say that the creatures make people, just like the gods did not expect that a full positioning, in turn, helped Yuan Chenfei in turn.

Forty minutes had elapsed when Wei Zhijie's troops were fully deployed.

All they have to do now is wait for another forty minutes.

"Well, it would be better if Yuan Chenfei had less than forty minutes." Despite knowing that this was nonsense, Wei Zhijie couldn't help expressing his emotion.

At the same time as he was lamented, the other three road contingents also completed their deployment and sent out a common lament ...

at the same time.


The battlefield shouted to kill Zhentian, and countless goblins poured in like tides.

Looking at the goblin who was hit by gunfire in the mountains and mountains, General Gao also looked dignified.

"Report! The enemy is about to break through the seventh line of defense!" A soldier rushed to report.

"Too fast." Galway murmured.

In just three hours, these goblins had crossed seven lines of defense in a row.

Sure enough, have we not fully adapted to the rhythm of war under the gods game? Professionals are superhumans, and everything cannot be taken for granted.

The old general sighed: "Let him pull them down ~ ~ Retreat back."

"Report the commander, there are a lot of enemy troops behind!" Another soldier came to report.

"Huh?" The old general tightened his mind. "What's going on? Why didn't you detect it before?"

"I also came from the gate of the other world. There are two guards in total, and we cannot investigate there."

Goblin Empire even arranged two fortress ambush here?

The old general was shocked.

It can't be blame that he didn't expect that, until now, only more than 500 aliens have actually launched counter-attacks, and the Goblins have more than 500 defending lands. The veteran general cannot monitor all guarding lands after all.

Fortunately, they are not unprepared.

The old general immediately said: "Get the troops on board and prepare to retreat from the water."