MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 640 Hidden benefits

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When Han Feiyu arrived with the Cyclops, Shan Yucheng's battle was almost over.

Everyone is not surprised about this.

Even James Brown just said, "You once again managed a city by yourself, or the Qingkong city known as the strong killer."

"Their will is too weak. If they have weaknesses, they have a chance." Yuan Chenfei replied briefly.

Did not continue this topic, Yuan Chenfei asked Han Feiyu: "Demon altar is completed?"

Han Feiyu nodded: "It's alright."

Yuan Chen flew to the demon altar and threw the blue sun on the altar.

With the emergence of a black smoke, a demon face gradually condensed, and it was Hepistus.

He looked at the blue sun on the altar and laughed, "Yes, yes, I can sacrifice the air so soon, Yuan Chenfei, my expectations of you are getting higher and higher."

Yuan Chenfei replied, "You're welcome. I want to know what you are willing to give me back."

Hepitus laughed: "Demons are generous, haven't you built a Jedi beast pen, can you domesticate the riding beasts? So, how about opening the exchange privileges for the horses of the Fire Prison Dream? Knights need to ride the beast Corresponds to the level, but with me, your Cyclops can control them regardless of the level. However, you can only get redemption rights and level regardless of the level, the nightmare horse itself needs to pay. "

"How much?" Yuan Chenfei blurted.

"Every five hundred demon gold coins can be exchanged for a hundred-level Fire Prison Horse."

Five gold coins per level are much cheaper than mercenaries. The transaction with the devil has always been this way. If you don't consider the various troubles that may arise later, it is indeed more favorable than the gods.

Even a one-eyed giant with a rank of only ten, riding a hundred-level nightmare horse, coupled with his powerful strength, can easily crush ordinary Qingkong soldiers.

Yuan Chenfei nodded: "Okay, just count."

Anyway, the stone demon is almost enough, just when he destroyed the mountain and rain city, 120,000 Qingkong clan was killed by each other, and most of them were injured. This was not a leak, and Yuan Chenfei also gained 600,000 demon gold coins.

"I exchanged all the demonic gold coins I got for Nightmares," he said.

Hepistohaha laughed, and with his laugh, Qingri had been pulled into the Demon's Gate by the end, leaving only one blue core in the end.

Immediately after, a large number of Nightmare Horses from the Fire Prison have stepped out of the Demon's Gate. These nightmare horses also belong to the Demon Sequence, but as long as they are locked in the Jedi Beast Pen and domesticated, they will eventually become riding beasts that will never betray.

The Nightmare Horse of the Fire Prison, Level 100, Normal.

Life 480,000, attack 420, defense 80, speed 550.

Have skill 1 Nightmare Invasion: Implant fear nightmare on individual target, and make the target fall into a state of mental torture. During mental torture, the combat response is slow and resistant to all mental attacks.

Has skill 2 Deadly Magic Horn: Releases a death impact from the corner of the head, causing powerful damage to the target.

Compared to the original Nightmare Horse Lords, these Fire Prison Nightmare Horses are just ordinary Nightmare Horses, so they have only two skills, but because of their high level, the basic attributes are higher than the original Nightmare Horse Lords.

The thing that makes Chen Chenfei most excited is that the nightmare horse has the ability to attack nightmare, which can greatly improve the effect of hypnosis. Originally, this ability only affected individuals. It did not help Yuan Chenfei very much, but the quality was not enough to make up for it. Once there were thousands of nightmares, he started this skill. Yuan Chenfei then started a series of mentality such as hypnotism and bull ear aura. Ability, there is no need to worry about the opponent's mental disarming to confront.

Yuan Chenfei's 600,000 demon gold coins were all consumed, and at the same time, 1,200 horses of the Fire Prison were also exchanged.

Cyclops who have been transferred to knights can now have mounts.

Even if it is in the eight thousand alien races, the Knights of the Fire Prison Dream are extremely rare, much stronger than the ordinary mounts. With these guys, you can form a Cyclops to reload the Knights and compete in the next mining area. It shined in the war.

At the same time, Han Feiyu also took the Cyclops and ransacked Mountain Rain City, and obtained the necessary resources of pearl wood amethyst.

After the ransacking, Shanyu City has no more left, Yuanchen flying said: "Push the hanging mountain into the gate of the fairy, and let those fairy races help us to refine."

Han Feiyu was a bit reluctant: "If this rainy city is occupied, the Cyclops Kingdom will have two cities."

Yuan Chenfei shook her head: "Give up those fantasies, it would be nice to be able to keep the next one."

Yuan Chenfei never thinks that he can hold multiple cities at the same time. The so-called guarding is a sweet trap for you in the end, or it is best to turn it into resources.

With the concerted efforts of many Cyclops, the suspended mountain was first lowered to the ground, and then flew towards the gate of the fairy, and finally disappeared behind the gate.

Winning Shanyu City is a big problem.

Now the giants have a wider range of attacks and more resources are available.

The next step is to focus on six mining areas.

With 1,200 nightmares and horsemen, everyone ’s fighting strength has been significantly improved. This time, not only will they have to win the mining area, but they will also have to keep it!

So this time it is no longer an ordinary giant attack, but a large number of promoted cyclops.

During this time, the Cyclops was promoted at full speed. The Cyclops has always endured hardships and hardships. Now it is to build a country for itself. It is no matter how tired it is.

However, Yuan Chenfei will not be satisfied with them. The task requires an average of 60 levels. Considering the needs of the war, a group of Cyclops must rise higher as possible.

There were about three thousand Cyclops who were the first to rise to level sixty.

These giants are under the command of Qu Wei and are responsible for the saltpeter mines where resource requirements are most important. After winning the place, the Cyclops formally established a defensive stronghold and never left.

The next-level Cyclops is around 50 and is also 3,000. Xia Ning, Li Zhanjun, Rouwa, and other dead party members are in charge. They are in charge of the sulfur sand mining area. They also defend in place after they win, and will not leave.

The Cyclops at level one is about forty levels, and it is also three thousand. It is composed of a large number of mercenaries such as James Brown. The number of these mercenaries is about seventy, and they will increase by ten each day. Defense.

Because the Cyclops has a high natural level, even if it is forty, the overall strength is not weaker than the ordinary hundred, so even if the Qingkong tribe mobilizes elite strength, these three areas can be basically kept under the same force.

Further down, Yuan Chenfei chose a group of Cyclops who were incumbent Cavaliers. The ranks of these Cyclops are different, but the important thing is that they are all Cavaliers. Yuan Chenfei directly assigned 1,000 nightmares. In this way, The fourth mining area can basically be held.

The last two mining areas really couldn't find the right troops, so Yuan Chenfei's approach was very simple.

Establish a teleportation stone formation in these two places, and then guard it with him and some unescaped Cyclops.

Others are guarded by the United Army, but Yuan Chenfei is guarded by one person alone.

In this regard, Qin Wei thumbed up and said, "You're awesome! I'm convinced."

James Brown said: "I believe in your strength, even if you are dealing with the six thousand Qingkong tribe at the same time. But the problem is that two places are scattered and the killing requirements on you will be very high. Your illusions ca n’t do both at the same time. Do the two buffers exert influence? "

Yuan Chenfei sighed: "This is also no way out. The Qingkong clan is good at space. They should see this, so they must attack at the same time. For them, each time they complete a counterattack, they can increase their attack power. If I'm right, they will attack these two places by then. I have informed Feiyu that once the battle begins, no matter which side I am on, the other side will be fully committed to it, and it will be necessary for me to come back ... Damn it When fighting, you have to fight hard. "

"The question is can they hold up?" Qu Weidao.

"Yeah." Yuan Chenfei had no confidence in this.

The two mining areas that Yuan Chenfei is in charge of are the Cyclops with the lowest level or even no level. Once the Qingkong clan fights back, the battle is likely to be ruined.

Qu Wei said: "Our current task for Qingkong is based on analysis. All judgments made on this basis are subject to errors. Once the restrictions on Qingkong are actually not so large, it is likely that Caused their warfare to change. And do n’t forget, they can also ask the gods. "

"The problem is here." Yuan Chenfei took a few steps: "This war is too much to be rewarded and paid."

To prevent the Cyclops from establishing a nation, the cost of the Qingkong clan is also huge.

Regardless of the mountain rain city, it is twelve mining areas that will have to fill in unknown lives.

Just a piece of land of hundreds of square kilometers, is it worth the effort?

The answer is definitely not worth it.

There is only one reason why they are so desperate, and that is the will of God.

But what kind of tasks did the gods give out? Does this task require them to be completed or they will pay a painful price?

If not, then the consequences may be much smaller. Maybe the Qingkong clan will mean it, just take the cannon dust pad.

But if it is, then the counterattack from the Qingkong clan may be stronger than expected.

So it all depends not on the will of the Qingkong clan, but on the will of the gods.

The gods let them die, they can only die.

From the perspective of the mission form, the missions given by the gods to the Qingkong clan half a month in advance were targeted at the region, and there should be no dead orders.


What happened to Yuan Chenfei: "Unless we choose this territory, there is something unusual."

"What's unusual?" Everyone was surprised.

"Yes!" Yuan Chenfei nodded: "The mission must comply with the rules. According to the rules of the game of the gods, the gods are unlikely to issue the land that cannot be lost, otherwise the task of destroying the clan, but we seem to ignore one thing. It is not always the best way to let the soldiers use their lives. UU reading ”

Qu Wei's eyes flashed: "It's good to lure!"

"Yes, it's tempting!"

James Brown suddenly raised a strong sense of war: "You mean, what additional benefits do you choose for this territory?"

Yuan Chenfei replied: "It took a wish to get the Cyclops mission to build the country. It took so much effort to get only one city, which was a bit unjustifiable. Then on this basis, if you do something on this land, To make this land a rare and rich land, then the mission of desire has passed. "

Qu Wei's interface: "Then tell the Qingkong clan and tell them that they have the opportunity to get the same benefits?"

Everyone understands: "No task coercion, they have to work hard!"

Li Zhanjun is the most direct: "Where's the benefit? Why didn't I see it?"

"Maybe it's just too late."