MTL - Game of Thrones: I Became a Crown Prince For a Day-Chapter 56 Determined

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Chapter 56 Make up your mind

 “You seem to know a lot!”

Looking at Rhaegar's boastful expression, Rhaenyra pinched his cheek.

“Of course, I was forced to read thousands of books, and my mind was filled with knowledge.”

  Legado was frightened when he mentioned this matter, and suffered deeply from the spoon-feeding education.

Rhaenyra snorted softly and asked, "You are so smart, help me analyze the problem."

 “Come here.” Rhaegar was confident.

“My father has considered a marriage partner for me, the son of the sea serpent, Lanino.”

Rhaenyra spoke calmly, concealing that there was another marriage partner who was Rhaegar himself.

Rhaegar was stunned for a moment, not expecting that this was what she was asking about.

 He is just a child, how can he understand politics?

 After hesitating for a moment, Rhaegar asked: "Do you like him?"

 “I don’t like it.” Rhaenyra denied directly.

Rhaegar tried hard to work his little brain and asked doubtfully: "Father wants to win over the sea serpent?"

Rhaenyra hugged him tighter and said calmly: "The Sea Serpent is a famous naval commander. The Velaryon family is extremely rich, and there are three dragons guarding it. It is worth winning over at any cost."

“It’s a good idea. It’s in line with my father’s style of doing things.” Rhaegar seemed to feel his sister’s silence, and the brisk tone of his voice disappeared.

“Tell me, should I agree and shoulder the responsibility of heir?” Rhaenyra’s eyes flashed with amusement.

“If it were me, I would agree.”

Rhaegar replied softly, burying his head and not daring to look at Rhaenyra.

Rhaenyra snorted softly, pushed him away and said, "I knew you and my father were in the same group."

"NO, I have not."

Rhaegar immediately retorted and said anxiously: "But you are the heir, and you have to face trouble until there is a better way."

 “Who’s the trouble, me?” said Rhaenyra displeased.

 “It’s a sea serpent!” A flash of inspiration flashed in Rhaegar’s mind and he insisted.

Rhaenyra was choked by his statement and rubbed her brows: "When Aunt Rhaenys missed the throne, the sea snake has always been resentful. Everyone knows that he is troublesome."

"We can't solve the trouble, but we can solve the people who caused the trouble!" Rega said sternly.

"Rhaegar, I won't allow you to have such dangerous thoughts!" Rhaenyra was startled by him and warned sternly.

Rhaegar shook his head: "I didn't want to kill the sea serpent. With so many people in the Velaryon family, there is one less sea serpent, Corliss, and many sea lions and seals."

“Everything he does is a desire for power, and we can use that to break down his shield.”

Rhaenyra said confusedly: "If it were you, what would you do?"

“The strongest members of the Velaryon family are the sea fleet and the three dragons. The battle on the Stepstone Islands has seriously damaged the vitality of the Sea Serpent fleet, and it will not be able to recover for a while.”

 “Our attention should be on their family’s dragon.”

Rhaegar paused and frowned: "Rhaenys is the princess of the Targaryen family. She will not be hostile to the family."

“But her two children, the eldest daughter Lannaer, has tamed Vhagar. I heard that they are engaged and will eventually marry outside.”

“Lanino’s mount is the new-generation Sea Smoke. He has participated in the Battle of the Stone Step Islands and his military capabilities are not weak.”

 “Go on, what’s your idea?” Rhaenyra’s eyes were bright.

Rhaegar thought: "If you want to break up the three dragons, you must first formulate corresponding rules. You can try to form a royal dragoon group to recall dragon knights with other than Targaryen surnames and manage them properly."

“Other than the Targaryen surname, the current dragon knights only have a pair of children of the sea serpent, which is too targeted.” Rhaenyra did not think it was feasible.

"It's definitely not possible to ask him to join. You have to go through a series of coercion and inducement."

Rhaegar pondered for a while, but there was not enough deterrence. He sighed helplessly: "It would be great if my father also had an adult dragon, so we wouldn't be so passive."

"Don't think too much. Since Balerion passed away, my father's desire for dragons has been very low."

Rhaenyra smoothed his frown and smiled: "You are already very smart. When you grow up, you will be a powerful politician."

 “I want to help you.” Rhaegar said disappointedly.

 “You can help me when you grow up.” Lerenila said softly and kissed his forehead.

 “I’m afraid it’s too late.”

Rhaegar suddenly raised his head and said extremely seriously: "I don't want to tame the young dragon. Instead of hatching it with my own hands, it would be better to tame an adult dragon."

 “Why did you suddenly have such an idea?” Rhaenyra asked strangely.

"I can't help you, but I, who control an adult dragon, can definitely help you." Rhaegar got up from the bed and said while putting on his shoes: "I'm going to find Lord Robert. He knows about Wormithor and Silver Wing's Lair."

“Don’t be ridiculous, Meng Huo’s lesson wasn’t enough?”

Rhaenyra pulled him back with one hand, her eyes filled with relief and helplessness as she said, "Adult dragons are very dangerous. Vermithor is known as the Fury of Bronze, and his temper is worse than Dreamfire."

 “You can always help me by being obedient, taming a young dragon and raising it slowly.”

"I almost tamed Dream Fire before. I have the ability to tame an adult dragon."

Rhaegar is confident that he has pure blood and talent and is not afraid of challenges.

 “I will never allow you to take risks for me, you know that, Rhaegar!”

Rhaenyra pressed his shoulders, giving her an instruction that could not be refused.

Rhaegar's mouth squirmed twice, and under his sister's intense gaze, it finally turned into a sigh and nodded.

"Very well, you are a good brother if you don't let me worry." Rhaenyra put him on the bed.

Rhaegar was silent, his eyes uncertain.

 In his heart, he was planning how to tame Wormisor or Silver Wing.

 Allison bullied him and Rhaenyra for not having a mother.

The sea serpent is ambitious with the help of three dragons tamed from House Targaryen.

 In the final analysis, it was just because his father Viserys was easy to bully that he dared to act unscrupulously.

 He thought it was time for him to tame an adult dragon and change the disadvantage of being a weak leader and a strong minister.

"Father needs me, and Rhaenyra needs me..."

 The second before the lights went out, Rhaegar lay on his side on the bed and secretly made up his mind.


 The next day.

Rhaegar had just woken up when he heard a knock on the door.

 Following this was Cole's reminder: "Princess, the king has just sent someone to ask you to come over to discuss matters."

 “Yes, Sir Cole.”

Rhaenyra hurriedly put on her clothes and told Rhaegar: "Don't run around, do you hear me?"

 “Don’t worry.” Rhaegar patted his chest.

Rhaenyra pushed open the door and told Cole: "Watch him, don't let him run around!"

Rhaegar was a bad boy with a criminal record, and she was worried about leaving him alone.

Cole nodded in agreement: "Yes, princess."

 After repeatedly confirming that nothing was wrong, Rhaenyra left with peace of mind.

 In the bedroom, Rhaegar was already dressed.

 The servant brought breakfast.

Rhaegar picked up a piece of bread and gnawed it. He looked back at Cole who was guarding the door and asked, "Have you eaten? Let's go together?"

Cole declined politely: "Thank you for your kindness, no need to bother."

Rhaegar did not force himself to eat alone.

It's a pity that Ilic didn't come with him. The Kingsguard only brought the captain Harold and Cole.

 How about I can have a bite with him.

“Sir Cole, is there any news about the search for the young dragon?”

Rhaegar suddenly asked.

   Some book friends don’t know the number and time of daily updates, so I’d like to remind you again.

   Two updates a day, released on time at 11:00 am and 16:00 pm.

Thank you all for your updates and votes. With your support, the work can thrive.

   Thanks to the 1666 reading point for Chun Lai’s drawing reward.

   Thanks to ai5676906 and a digital book friend for their 100-point reward each.



 (End of this chapter)