MTL - Garbage Skills Become the Strongest In the Ninja World-Chapter 380 Grab the eye of reincarnation

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   Chapter 380 Snatching the Eye of Reincarnation

   At this time, Nagato faces two choices.

  The first is to immediately self-destruct his eyes, so that Uchiha Madara will never get the Samsara Eye. However, after losing the power of Samsara Eye, Nagato's combat power will drop to the level of Jōnin.

   One Shangnin + one Xiaonan, playing Uchiha Madara + Orochimaru, is no different from waiting for death. Madara, who is angry and angry, is likely to destroy the two of them and even the entire Yuyin Village.

   The second is to use the power of the Samsara Eye to fight with Madara to fight for that chance.

  Comparing the two, it is obvious that the second choice is more tactful. Self-destructing eyes is equivalent to handing over the initiative to the opponent.

  This is a conspiracy, Nagato has no choice.

   As soon as he made the decision to resist to the death, Nagato had no time to make a move when he saw Madara suddenly slap both hands, and the vast sea of ​​chakras poured out instantly.

   "Wooden, the tree world is coming!"

   Madara shouted loudly, and used the large-scale ninjutsu that Hashima used most often in the past.

   After transplanting a piece of flesh and blood between the columns, Madara opened the eye of reincarnation, and at the same time, he also obtained the blood limit of the wood.

  Because Madara itself has a sufficient amount of chakra, and the bloodline and Qianshou are considered to be the same source, and it is the reincarnation of Indra's chakra, which corresponds extremely well to the flesh and blood that contains the power of the wood and the immortal body.

  The wooden scorpion used by Guban is the closest to the original in scale and power.

   I didn't use it when I played Uchiha Mai before, because the amount of chakra in old age was not too much, and I couldn't support the consumption of Mu Dun.

   At this moment, the physical condition has recovered, and the amount of chakra has increased several times. If you use the tree world to descend, there will be no problem.

   When Orochimaru heard the word "Mu Dun", his dark golden pupils shrank suddenly, which was quite shocking.

   During the few months of following Madara, Orochimaru learned a lot of secrets from the ninja world, such as some past events of the Six Path Immortals, Senju and Uchiha, Madara and Hashima.

   Even so, Orochimaru still holds a certain high respect for Mu Dun, or the Mu Dun among the Thousands of Hands.

   Earth tremors.

   Infinitely thick and tough tree roots and trunks burst out of the ground, covering the entire Yuyin Village.

   Plants in nature seem fragile, but they have unimaginable powers, and they can even break through rocks in order to grow.

   And the wood scorpion used by Banban has strength and tenacity, and it is ten thousand times stronger than the plants in nature, and it is infinitely close to the wood scorpion of the column.

  The roots and trunks grow savagely under the support of Chakra, crushing rocks, crushing houses, and absorbing all the ninjas and residents living in Yuyin Village as nutrients.

   In the blink of an eye, Yuyin Village was completely destroyed and turned into a strange and eerie virgin forest. No one could see that this was a ninja village that was once photographed in the entire ninja world.

   At the moment Madara used the wooden dungeon, Nagato and Konan sensed the terrifying chakra that shook the sky and earth, and knew that Yuyin Village was in danger.

  Xiaonan immediately unfolded his white paper wings and used various paper ninjutsu to try to fight against Madara's tree world.

   However, in the end, it was just a real clam shaking a big tree. The power gap between the two was even bigger than that of a mantis and a carriage.

   The snow-white pieces of paper flying all over the sky were instantly crushed, and Xiao Nan was also severely injured by the savage growth of the wood. There was no escape and he fell into the tree world.

  Fortunately, the wooden scorpion used by Madara is still far from the original version, and its power is sufficient, but the characteristics of absorbing chakra and vitality are not strong.

   As long as Xiaonan is not involved in the battle afterward, there is no fear of his life.

   In the entire Yuyin Village, only Nagato was in a relatively healthy state. He immediately launched the Shen Luo Tianzheng to resist the attack of the tree world, and at the same time used the ability of Vientiane Tianyin to rise into the air.

   Just one blow, it destroyed a ninja village, this is one of the two heroes of ninja world, Uchiha Madara's power.

  In the original plot, a bag of rice carried the Nagato gate on several floors, which is completely unwatchable in front of the two heroes of the ninja world. The peak Nagato will be numb when he encounters Naruto who has exploded the eight tails, and the prosperous nine tails are the younger brothers in front of the two heroes.

  Although Madara has not recovered to his peak at this time, Nagato is not the Nagato who developed the Samsara Eye to the final stage.

   "Yu, Zhi, Bo, Madara!"

   Nagato glanced at the ruined Yuyin Village, countless villager ninjas buried in the sea of ​​trees, and Xiaonan who was seriously injured by one move, and his anger rose from his heart.

  Blood in the eyes of Samsara, stared at Madara Uchiha, and shouted the latter's name word by word.

   Mingming has gained enough power to stand at the pinnacle of the ninja world, obviously has led Yuyin Village to retreat in the ninja world war, obviously has seen the possibility of letting the village let his subordinates let friends enjoy a peaceful life...

  Why, it becomes like this?

   "Ahahahaha, very good, that's the look."

   Banana smiled and said cheerfully: "Be angry, regret.

   With all your hatred and killing intent, squeeze all your vitality, develop and use the power of the eye of reincarnation, come and defeat me. "

   Madara wants this effect, forcing Nagato to the edge of the cliff, letting Nagato do everything he can to develop the eye of reincarnation.

  "Don't...don't fall for the trap of the spot..."

   Xiaonan stood up staggeringly in the sea of ​​trees, looked up at Nagato, and reminded weakly: "Run away, go to Konoha, and find Mai Uchiha.

   Nagato, you are no match for Madara..."

   Nagato has the ability to fly, and Konan believes that if Nagato wants to run, it is indeed possible to run successfully.

   Nagato successfully ran away, and Xiao Nan, who was seriously injured, would be in a very dangerous situation. She had already made up her mind to not drag Nagato and die here.


  Orochimaru's dark golden pupils flickered, and just as he was about to do something to the talkative Xiaonan, he was stopped by Madara.

   "Leave her alive first." Madara said indifferently.


  The dog-legged Orochimaru nodded, and silently stood back behind Ban.

  Living Xiaonan is more important than dead Xiaonan.

   When Konan is alive, Nagato will be concerned. In order to protect Xiaonan, he will have a greater possibility to squeeze his vitality and develop the power of the eye of reincarnation.

   When Konan died, Nagato would have nothing to worry about, and maybe break the jar.

   This principle is well understood, and so does Orochimaru. He made a move to attack Xiao Nan, just to show his loyalty in front of the big boss, and at the same time hide his clumsiness to make himself look less smart.

   When serving Madara, the strategies adopted by Orochimaru and Heijue were basically the same.

   "Absolutely unforgivable, absolutely!"

Nagato clenched his teeth in anger, and at the same time used the abilities of the Asura and Beast Dao to channel dozens of quite powerful psychic beasts, as well as various missiles, howitzers, laser cannons and other weapons, moving towards Madara. Bombing.

   "The wood is big, the wood is big!"

   Madara, a hail of bullets, and a dozen psychic beasts flickered and moved, using a dance-like physical technique, and all the psychic beasts were eliminated in an instant.

   Then he jumped up, came to Nagato at a speed that surpassed Nagato's cognition, raised his hand and grabbed Nagato's head, grabbed it from the sky, and pressed it into the sea of ​​trees.


   Nagato slammed into the ground, coughing out a mouthful of blood, and his brain was in chaos.

  Orochimaru also twitched at the corner of his mouth, and he clearly felt that the physical condition of the spots had recovered, and his strength was more than half stronger than a few months ago.

   Speed ​​and strength are all improved by leaps and bounds. Just using ordinary physical skills, you can beat Nagato, a shadow-level, like a little chicken.

Madara grabbed Nagato's head, pressed one knee against Nagato's chest, and said contemptuously, "You are too weak, Nagato.

  The power of the eye of reincarnation is far more than that, because of your cowardice, the power of the eye of reincarnation has never been exerted by you.

   It is precisely because of your cowardice that everyone in Yahiko, Xiaonan, and Yuyin Village, everything you cherish, will leave you one after another. "

   Nagato gritted his teeth hard, glared at Uchiha Madara, mobilized the Chakra in his body, used Shinra Tianzheng, and wanted to use repulsion to blast Madara away.

   Just how powerful Madara is, you don't need to see it with your eyes, you can detect the chakra flow of Nagato and the abnormality of the surrounding air with a single thought.


  Incomparable, unreasonably powerful chakra poured out, turning into a dark blue skeleton sternum and two pairs of arms.

  Under Madara's control, Susanoo in the initial stage slammed into Nagato with a bang, just colliding with the repulsion caused by Shinra Tensei, and they were evenly matched.

  No, Madara's first stage Susanoo should have the upper hand.

   Susanoo in the initial stage is actually not as powerful as Shinra Tenzheng. But this is Madara's Susanoo, and all Madara's abilities cannot be measured by common sense.


   Susanoo slammed another punch, smashing Susanoo's repulsive layer and landing on Nagato.

   Hungry Ghost Road!

   At the moment when he came into contact with Susanoo, Nagato used the ability of a hungry ghost to devour the chakra that constituted Susanoo, avoiding the fate of being crushed into flesh with a punch.

   Then he used Vientiane Tianyin's ability to pull Madara and threw Madara out.


   Madara, who flew upside down, adjusted his posture and posture, landed steadily on the ground, raised his hand to pat the dust on his body, and said indifferently: "Little clever."

   The difference in strength between the two is simply too great.

   Madara's physical condition is still a little worse than his peak period, but he has obtained a wooden scorpion, one in and one out, which is basically no different from his peak period and Uchiha Mai a few months ago.

How could    Nagato win Peak Spot?

   Nagato, who realized this, knew that continuing to resist would be completely useless, and that only by doing everything he could and using his skills at the bottom of the box would he be able to defeat Madara.


   Nagato staggered to his feet, squeezing all his vitality, unable to rage. Due to the consumption of too much vitality in a short period of time, Nagato's body and skin were visibly shriveled, and a red hair also grew white from the roots.

  The sea-like chakra and vitality flock to the eye of reincarnation, using the latter's power to channel the ten-tailed body hidden in the underground cave.

   Outsider · Outsider Golem!

   The earth trembled, and the outsider golem with a height of more than 100 meters crossed the space and was summoned by Nagato.

   Eerie and ominous, it looks like an outlandish golem made of some kind of old tree. It is far inferior to Susanoo in terms of appearance, but its eerie aura is far beyond.

   Nagato's chakra poured into the golem through the eye of reincarnation, turning it into fuel to drive the outsider golem.


  Under the control of Nagato, the outsider golem slammed towards Madara and Orochimaru with a punch, about to crush them into dust.

  Whether anyone is manipulating it, and what is being manipulated, will affect the combat effectiveness of the outsider golem. Under the control of Nagato and Samsara Eye, the combat power that the Outer Dao Golem can exert is not bad.

  Orochimaru looked up at the outsider golem, slightly startled.

  Orochimaru, who knows Madara's plan, knows that this is the ten-tailed body, and it is the thing that has always been in the underground cave, which has conveyed vitality to Madara.

   But this is the first time Orochimaru has seen the whole picture of the outsider golem. Just looking at this size, the pure power of the outsider golem does not seem to be weaker than the nine tails.

   "Have you finally channeled the golem?"

   Madara murmured, quite satisfied with Nagato's choice, and then similarly extracted a large amount of chakra to construct a Susanoo that surpassed the fourth stage and truly reached a complete body.

   The dark blue Susanoo almost a hundred meters high rose from the ground, wearing a tengu mask and armor, two of its four arms turned into wings, and four long knives were born from his waist.

   Madara with Orochimaru, quietly floating in the crystal above the forehead of the complete body Susanoo, and manipulated the complete body Susanoo to punch out, fighting with the outsider golem.

  The two giants with a height of 100 meters will come and go, punching and punching to the point of piercing the heart, and they will fight more than ten moves.

   But this is only superficial.

   Madara has used the complete body Susanoo many times. He has rich experience, pure speed and strength, but Madara can manipulate Susanoo to use various body techniques and sword techniques.

  If Madara's complete body Susa is a master of fighting and swordsmanship, then the golem under the control of Nagato is a strong man who can only punch the king's eight fists.

  If Madara is serious, maybe five moves are enough to defeat the golem and smash Nagato.

   But smashing Nagato is not the purpose. Madara's purpose is to force Nagato to constantly squeeze his vitality and develop the limit of the eye of reincarnation.

  Under Madara's deliberate guidance, Nagato seemed to see the hope of victory, and desperately squeezed his vitality, developed the eye of reincarnation, and manipulated the golem to fight with the complete body Susanoo.

   After another ten strokes.

   Nagato's red hair has turned completely pale, and his face, skin, and flesh have also dried up quickly, and his whole person looks completely skinny.

   In terms of the degree of aging and frailty, compared with the previous senile plaques and the kidney deficiency Nagato in the original plot, it is even worse.

   The outsider golem's movements became slower, and the power of his punches was also a little weaker.

   Madara knows that Nagato has reached the limit, his vitality and residual value have been completely drained, and there is no longer any use value.

   After judging the situation of Nagato, the compassionless Madara decisively used the backhand hidden in the eyes of Samsara.

   Nagato, who wanted to continue to squeeze his vitality, suddenly felt an abnormal chakra rushing from the eye of reincarnation to the limbs and bones, sealing all the gates in his body.

   The golem that lost control and Chakra supply suddenly stopped moving and sank into the ground.

   Nagato, who saw everything but was powerless to stop it, couldn't even move a finger, was saddened in his heart, and finally came to his senses.

   It turned out that he had no chance of winning from the beginning.

   Madara scattered Susanoo, stepped out in front of Nagato, stretched out **** and pierced Nagato's eye sockets, digging out the pair of Samsara eyes.

   (end of this chapter)