MTL - Getting Simulated By The Empress Is Not My Intention-Chapter 149 Killing in a Lonely Dream

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  Chapter 149 Gu Hao Kills in Dreams

  Yan Qingwu decided to personally go out and go to the country of Zhao to assassinate Zhao Yun.

  Her current cultivation level has reached semi-holy, and the possibility of assassination is very high.

  【A few months later, you successfully lurked in Zhao Palace. 】

  Yan Qingwu has disguised herself as a court lady in Zhao Yun's palace. Zhao Yun has been on guard against assassins, so she is very careful in terms of basic necessities of life.

   On this day, Yan Qingwu finally found a chance.

  Zhao Yun is busy with official duties, without rest all day and night, and is taking a nap in the bedroom today.

  Yan Qingwu secretly killed the court lady dressed as Zhao Yun, disguised herself as her, and entered the palace.

  She walked cautiously, the dragon in front of her collapsed, and a graceful figure was lying on her side.

  Zhao Yun's mature and **** figure made Yan Qingwu jealous.

   "Zhao Yun, you deserve it!" Yan Qingwu was about to make a move when suddenly Zhao Yun opened her eyes.

  She questioned the other party: "What are you doing here?"

  Yan Qingwu said hastily: "The servant is here to add lamp oil."

   "Really?" Zhao Yun stood up and walked towards Yan Qingwu.

  Yan Qingwu thought, anyway, there is no one else at this time, she kept her head down, waiting for Zhao Yun to approach, Yan Qingwu was about to violently assassinate, but found that Zhao Yun had already prepared herself, and a sword was in front of her.

  Her aura has also reached the semi-holy state!

  The two fought against each other for several rounds, attracting the attention of the guards in the palace and surrounding Yanqing Dance Troupe.

   "Half saint? Are you Yan Qingwu?" Zhao Yun saw through her identity.

  Yan Qingwu said unwillingly: "How did you find out about this king?"

  Zhao Yun smiled slightly, and said: "It's okay to tell you, Gu likes to kill people in his dreams, so when he's resting, never allow anyone to approach! The moment you come in, Gu will find out!"

  Yan Qingwu was really convinced, and Zhao Yun was already too vigilant.

  What she didn't expect was that Zhao Yun was very wary of this because she had been guarding against the assassination of Gong Zihua and other ministers in the early years.

  Combined with Yan Kingdom nearby, Zhao Yun can be said to be the most vigilant against assassins among the monarchs of several countries.

   So far, except for Zhang Beichen, she will never be with anyone during her break!

   "Your Majesty, what should we do with her?" asked the imperial guards.

   "Catch it and order Yan to surrender!" Zhao Yun ordered.

   "Yes!" Everyone besieged Yan Qingwu together, but Yan Qingwu lost.

  She thought to herself, if she failed to assassinate this time, Yan Guo would have no chance. Since you are going to lose, it is better to lose with backbone.

  So, Yan Qingwu directly crushed the poison she had hidden in her mouth, and committed suicide.

   "Yan Guo can be destroyed!" Zhao Yun said immediately, "Immediately send a letter to Zhang Beichen, telling him that Yan Guo is dead, and let him surrender to Gu immediately!"



  【News came from Zhao Guo that King Yan failed to assassinate King Zhao and committed suicide. 】

   Zhang Beichen sighed softly when he received the news.

  As a monarch, Yan Qingwu's actions were indeed reckless. But this is also a helpless move. The Yan Kingdom has indeed wasted too much time in dealing with An Guojun and Donghu, and its development lags behind the other countries.

  【The generals of the Yan army heard the news that King Yan was dead, and their morale was low. Many people began to flee and surrender. 】

   Zhang Beichen knew that the general situation was over. He tried his best to lead his troops to resist, but the morale of the army was broken. No matter how clever the general was, he could not command a defeated army to win the battle.

  【A few months later, you were defeated by Zhao Jun. 】

   "Zhang Beichen!" Xinnan shouted to Zhang Beichen: "My king has an order saying that you are a great talent! Knowing that you are willing to surrender, my king is willing to worship you as the prime minister of Zhao Guo!"

   "Thank you, King Zhao, for your kindness." Zhang Beichen did not agree, and he committed suicide at the top of the city wall.

  Yan has not achieved the achievement of unifying the world, so it is impossible to give up halfway.

  【After you died, Yan Kingdom was quickly wiped out. Qin, Wei, and Zhao annexed the territory of Yan State. 】

  Zhang Beichen began to watch the battle.

  There are only four countries left in the seven countries, Qin, Wei, Zhao and Chu.

  The kings of Qin, Wei, and Zhao all ascended the throne and proclaimed themselves emperors, with rich experience. The king of Chu is powerful and has a lot of experience, and the competition between the several countries is very fierce.

  【In the past ten years, the four countries have fought frequently, but their national strength is very prosperous. 】

  【The rise of the Xiongnu Empire, Maotai unified the grasslands, called the Great Chanyu, and began to threaten the northern border of Qin. 】

  【The perennial war between Qin and the Xiongnu caused serious wear and tear. Wei Guo, Zhao Guo, and Chu Guo took the opportunity to join forces to attack Qin. 】

  【It lasted fifteen years, the state of Qin was destroyed, and King Qin died in battle. 】

  【The world has entered a situation where Wei, Zhao, and Chu are fighting for hegemony. 】

  【The disputes among the Three Kingdoms continued. Twenty years later, King Wei and King Zhao learned that King Chu was about to break through the imperial realm, so the two countries merged and besieged Chu. 】

  【The state of Chu was finally defeated with one enemy and two, and the ministers of the state of Chu supported the new king of Chu to ascend the throne. Wei Guo and Zhao Guo were also seriously injured because of this, and they had to cultivate their health and rest, and they were unable to completely eliminate Chu State. 】

  【Ten years later, Wei and Zhao sent troops to defeat Chu. 】

  【Wei and Zhao fight for hegemony, regardless of the outcome. 】

  【One hundred years have passed, there is no king to unify the world, and the simulation is over. 】


   It's time for the simulation settlement.

  【Simulation evaluation: Wisdom and bravery. You assassinated An Guojun for the poor and weak Yan State, and took hostages in the vicious Donghu tribe. Relying on your wisdom and bravery, you have brought peace to the Yan Kingdom for many years, but it is a pity that the foundation of the Yan Kingdom is too weak, which prevents you from fulfilling your dream of assisting the emperor. 】

  【Simulation rewards: medium group spiritual power, simulated memory, legendary skin. 】

  The essence of spiritual power was absorbed by Zhang Beichen, and the Dharma image behind him appeared. This dharma image is gradually growing, and gradually fading, covering the surrounding space.

   "The sixth realm, the Dharma Realm!" His realm finally reached the sixth realm.

  When you reach this state, you can control things in a certain range nearby to defend or fight, so it is called the law realm.

  As for the legendary skin, it is [Peerless Assassin: Zhang Beichen. 】Golden five stars.

  In the picture, it is not the picture of him assassinating An Guojun, but the picture of him defeating Yu Manhe in the Wuhuan tribe.

  The real assassin is Zhu Xin and Zhu Guo! Ever since Zhang Beichen defeated Yu Manhe, Donghu was doomed to perish!

  【Skin effect: When attacking, there is a 10% chance of causing a critical strike, reaching double damage. 】

  【Skin Skill—Seamless: It can perfectly disguise one's identity and mind, making it difficult for the enemy to detect. 】


  Besides Zhang Beichen, the other simulated participants naturally also received rewards, but because no one had accomplished too high an achievement, most of them were rewards from memory and spiritual power groups.


  Real time and space, Donghu, under Wuhuan Mountain.

  A pretty girl with black hair woke up from the grass.

   "I'm so dizzy!" Hao Ziyi touched his forehead.

   "Zi Yi, what's the matter?" Hao Zhen was not far away, and said, "I saw you too tired just now, and Dad didn't wake you up."

   "It seems to be a dream." Hao Ziyi said.

   "What dream?" Hao Zhen asked casually.

  However, Hao Ziyi refused to say it, but felt that his heart ached. In the dream, she seemed to have fallen in love with a Yan countryman and married him.

   It's just that I didn't see him until the last moment of my life.

   "I must be thinking wildly." Hao Ziyi thought to himself.


  【Simulation can be turned on again. 】

   After a short break, the simulation participants started the simulation again.

   "This time, I will do better!" Yan Qingwu directly used the optional gold card without any hesitation.

  After so many simulations, she has accumulated a lot of props. It is estimated that King Qi and King Chu are similar.

  Yan Qingwu chose Zhang Beichen's new skin [Peerless Assassin: Zhang Beichen. 】

  Zhang Beichen came to Yan Country again.

  Yan Qingwu was not pretentious this time, and directly appointed Zhang Beichen as the prime minister.

  The first thing Zhang Beichen did when he took office was to deal with Mr. An's affairs.

  Last time, he and Yan Qingwu lurked in An Guojun's mansion, and it took nearly a year to get rid of An Guojun.

  Yan Qingwu approached Zhang Beichen and said, "Zhang Beichen, this king intends to send elite assassins to directly assassinate the steward of An Guojun's mansion."

  In the last round, they had already broken through the identity of the real An Guojun, and they knew that the butler was the real one.

  Zhang Beichen thought for a while and said, "No!"

   "Why?" Yan Qingwu wondered, "This king will arrange it!"

   "No!" Zhang Beichen shook his head and said, "How can your majesty be sure that Mr. An is still the steward in this round?"

  Every character in the simulated space-time has the same personality as in reality, and there are countless variables in the simulated time-space.

There may be some reason in this game, such as Yan Qingwu directly appointing Zhang Beichen as the prime minister, or the two of them did not go to An Guojun's mansion as a guest, or even An Guojun was upset and did not use the housekeeper to disguise, which may lead to the plan. fail.

   "Besides, An Guojun is a master of the Nine Realms. If the assassination fails, he will directly turn against him, and the situation of Yan State will be even worse!" Zhang Beichen reminded.

   "Then what do you mean?" Yan Qingwu looked at him suspiciously.

  "We can't be sure who the real Mr. An is, and we don't have so much time to assassinate him. But someone wants him dead, and it's easier for him to do it, we just need to make it easier for him!"

  As soon as Zhang Beichen said, Yan Qingwu immediately understood, "You mean those substitutes of Lord An! They only need to kill Lord An, and they can enjoy the glory and wealth of Lord An!"

   "Yes!" Zhang Beichen nodded and said, "Your Majesty only needs to create conditions for them!"

   "I understand!" Yan Qingwu and Zhang Beichen conspired.

  【A few days later, King Yan mobilized his troops and seemed to have plans to attack Andi. Lord An became nervous and began to deploy troops on guard. 】

  【Yan Wang sent several secret envoys to An Guojun's mansion to contact An Guojun's substitute. 】

  "An Guojun" is entertaining his followers today, drinking with them.

   When he was about to return to the room, a black shadow flashed past.

  He was shocked, thinking that he was going to be assassinated, but who knew that the other party just stuffed a cloth strip on him.

  "An Guojun" returned to the room, secretly opened the cloth to check, and was shocked by the contents inside.

  The other party actually knew that he was a stand-in, and asked him to cooperate to kill the real An Guojun.

   "Who the hell?" "An Guojun" originally wanted to give this cloth note to the real An Guojun, but on second thought, because of An Guojun's suspicious character.

  If he knows that someone is contacting him to kill him, no matter it is true or not, he will eliminate the hidden danger first and kill himself!

  So he burned the strip of cloth with a candle.

  Then a similar situation happened again, and King Yan seemed to be really planning to eliminate the hidden danger of An Guojun.

  This time, the banner read: "King Yan fights with Lord An, no matter who loses or wins, you will die. Cooperate with King Yan, not only will you survive, King Yan will also recognize you as the real Lord An!"

   "Give me an answer within three days, otherwise we will act, and you will surely die by then! Your good friend, Chu Ji will die too!"

  The counterfeit is already panicking. He doesn't know what will happen to Mr. An, but he doesn't want to die.

  If he didn't love money, fame and sex, how could he come to An Guojun's house as a guest?

  So, he decided to cooperate with the other party.

  A few days later, the assassin assassinated An Guojun's mansion, and An Guojun was in danger.

  An Guojun in this round is indeed not the butler, but the commander of the guards.

  He came to the scene with his guards, ready to investigate the murderer, but found that he was ambushed instead, and a group of people had sneaked into the mansion secretly and surrounded him.

  He himself is the leader of the guards. So many people came to the mansion, but he didn't realize it. There is only one possibility, the counterfeit betrayed him!

  【An Guojun was furious and fought with everyone. The counterfeit is familiar with everything here, and has already transferred away all of An Guojun's cronies. An Guojun was unable to do anything alone and was killed! 】

  【Fake An Guojun became the real An Guojun. He surrendered military power to King Yan to show his loyalty, and King Yan recognized his identity. 】

   So far, Yan State put down the rebellion of Lord An without spending a single soldier, saving a lot of time.

  The next step is to deal with Donghu's problem.

  At this time, Donghu is strong and strong, and Yan Guo can't beat it.

  Yan Qingwu called a group of ministers to discuss.

  Qing Bai and other generals naturally asked to fight against Donghu, but Yan Qingwu refused.

  Zhang Beichen said: "In my opinion, we may not have to fight the Donghu directly. We can let the Xiongnu and the Donghu fight each other, so that neither the Huns nor the Donghu can care about us, and create opportunities for the development of our country."

   Li Fu asked: "Prime Minister, the Xiongnu and Donghu are sworn enemies with us, how can they act according to our wishes?"

  Zhang Beichen said: "There are no eternal friends, and there are no eternal enemies."

   "As far as I know, the Maotai tribe of the Huns, Maotai just killed his father not long ago, and became the Shanyu."

   "At this time, many people in the tribe were dissatisfied with him, and Donghu also took the opportunity to attack his tribe, causing him heavy losses."

   "Is there such a thing?" None of the ministers knew the Huns' information, wondering how Zhang Beichen could be so clear.

   This is of course the last time I simulated the information that Zhang Beichen got from Donghu.

   "So, Maotai led people to attack Shanggu County in my country of Yan, just to establish prestige in the tribe?" Qing Bai asked.

   "Exactly!" Zhang Beichen nodded and said, "Maotai was eager to prove himself, so he attacked our Shanggu County. One was to gain prestige, and the other was to plunder money and food! He is now continuing to use money and food to train soldiers to compete with Donghu."

   "Since we have the same enemy as the Huns, why not send an envoy to the Huns. We will provide Maotai money and food, let him go to fight Donghu, and we will reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

   "Will Maotai agree? The Huns are greedy and do not keep their promises." The ministers were still worried.

  (end of this chapter)