MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1662 Dad's teaching path

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Gongsun's name, they heard a lot of rumors in the palace of the capital. Although this person is a cousin of Gongsun Xue, his behavior and this calm Gongsun Xue are completely extreme.

She has a hot temper, but she does not have a political mind. In simple terms, she has simple limbs and is easy to be manipulated by people. However, this is not critical. The important thing is that this person is very male. The empty harem is different. After this and his concubine, he began to use his identity to search for beautiful men. He traveled with at least three or five waitresses. Wherever he went, he had good wine and beautiful men. After that, even if she looked at the small fresh meat of the civil and military officials, she still did the right thing. I heard that many people were furious at her.

In Chu Qingyan's impression, this man is just like the second ancestor in the royal family, relying on his power and power to do anything wrong, but this man is only a woman.

So when I heard she was involved with Feng Ling, Chu Qingyan's first thought was that this person would not be in the beauty of Feng Ling!

Because in the fierce ride, the six spirits of Jinmu, Fire, Earth, Air, and Air are all one of the best men. If they are not all hidden behind the scenes, go out and sweep those few boys, and in the six spirits, the wind spirit is the strongest. At the same time, the appearance is also the most beautiful, so you can't blame Chu Qingyan for having this worry.

"Does this matter, Shui Ling?"

Huo Ling shook her head, and said quietly, "With the reputation of Gongsun Dai that bad street, the reputation of Gongsun Dai that bad street, where can I let her know first."

Chu Qingyan nodded, "It's true too." If it was her, no matter what Gongsun Yun did or not, she would be tempted to come directly to ask for someone, where to control what is the big picture, what to do in the grass, my people, No one can move! Never mind you three seven twenty one!

I did n’t know where Feng Ling was before, but now I know that I have something to do with this infamous person. Chu Qingyan and Huo Ling are both unable to sit still, and they look at the backbone in front of them.

Xiao Xu received the two people's earnest help-seeking eyes and thought for a while, with a soothing meaning in his tone, "This matter has not yet been concluded, don't scare yourself."

Their hearts settled slightly.

Xiao Xu said to Huoling, "You do n’t need to tell Shui Ling first, send someone to investigate the people around Gongsun Yun directly. If it can be mixed into her house, it is best to investigate whether Fengling is really there. In her house. "

The fire spirit nodded immediately, "Subordinates understand that without any precise information, the water spirit will not let the water spirit know about it." If in the end it was just frightening itself, wouldn't it be worth it?

Xiao Xu also said, "The investigation over Xu Fu cannot be broken. Continue to investigate and double insurance."

The fire spirit immediately went to execute after taking the command.

Only Chu Qingyan and Xiao Xu remained in the room.

Seeing that she was still thinking about it, Xiao Xu couldn't help but reach into her arms. These days, her body started to be a bit clumsy and her spirit was a bit worse. He remembered that he had been busy with Feng Ling the other day. Something was negligent to her, and she could not help but blame herself and said softly, "Don't think too much, you're not tired, just go and take a break!"

In fact, she really supports her spirit. At this time, listening to the sound of the big ice cubes, which is deep and nice, like a lullaby, she felt drowsy and couldn't help yawning, but she still tried to keep her eyes open. "Big ice cubes, I hope that the water spirit and the wind spirit can be as smooth as He Mei Meishun, and there should be no twists and turns."

Xiao Xu patted her back, her eyes were as deep as the sea, "Yes, if not, I will try my best to create them for them."

After hearing what he said, Chu Qingyan was relieved and gradually closed his eyes.

Listening to the steady sound of breathing from the person in his arms, Xiao Xu bent over and hugged her horizontally, walked lightly to the side of the couch, and put her down.

After covering her with a quilt, Xiao Xu sat by the couch, pulling away the shredded hair in her forehead and guarding her quietly.

During these days, he spent too little time with her. After Feng Ling resolved this matter, he would put all his mind on her and Kangkang.

There was a wave in the air, Xiao Xu moved his ears, turned his head to accurately capture the villain who stumbled across the threshold.

Xiao Xu's frowned eyebrows suddenly relaxed, watching the little man hum hummingly ran to him, and there was a warmth in his eyes.

Xiao Ankang just wanted to speak to his father, but when he saw that his mother had fallen asleep, he whispered, "Daddy, the baby is here."

Xiao Xu ticked his lips, "Stealing pastry again?"

Xiao Ankang's eyes widened, and he immediately covered his mouth, surprised, "Daddy, how do you know? Do you have the golden eyes of Sun Wukong?

Xiao Xu smiled, it wasn't that he had eaten without rubbing his mouth, his face was covered with cake crumbs.

Because the son is still young, the little guy has some control over his diet. Usually he ca n’t eat more than three pieces of pastry. This morning, he has eaten the portion.

He took his son's hand, walked to the basin, twisted the clean brocade, and wiped his face in person.

Xiao Ankang didn't hear his father's answer, thinking that his father was angry, and he frankly confessed, "Today, the baby was eating two pieces secretly with his grandfather."

His little fleshy hand stretched out **** and spit out his tongue, "Daddy, don't be angry. In the future, your baby will eat less and not eat it secretly!"

Xiao Xu wiped his hands and said, "Do you know why your mother didn't let you eat more pastry? Is it because you can't afford it?"

After hearing that, Xiao Ankang drummed his cheeks and seemed to realize something. He whispered, "No, it's because the baby is young. The mother said that if the child eats more sweets, the teeth will be damaged. The mother is for the baby's good So as not to let the baby eat more. "

Xiao Xu retracted his hand and put the brocade next to the basin. The negative hand stood upright to him and said, "You know the truth, so it's not me, you mother, who you should apologize to, but you trust her. "

Xiao Ankang nodded as if he didn't understand. "The baby knows. When the mother wakes up, the baby will apologize to her. In the future, the baby will not eat more cakes. The baby will be obedient in the future!"

Xiao Xu then showed a gentle smile and hugged him. "Your mother is resting, let's not disturb her when we go out."

Xiao Ankang immediately covered his mouth and nodded, and Nuo Nu's voice came out from his fingers. "The baby has learned a few words in the past two days. Should I write it to my father?"

Since last time he took his son to teach beside him, his son has already used a brush by himself, Xiao Xu nodded with satisfaction, "OK."

Xiao Ankang hugged his neck happily. "Dad, let's go to the study!"

Xiao Xu laughed lowly, his son was so motivated, his natural cooperation as a father.

So one big and one small, walked forward slowly.