MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 1 Awkward approach

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"Rick, give me a quick answer to this question. In the sky online, how can I get more rewards when I cross the copy of the alien?" A woman in her twenties wearing a blue and white Taoist priest The robe, with one hand on the blackboard, snarls the teenager who is sleeping on the table at the back of the classroom.

Leek, who was sleepy, was awakened by the thick arms at the same table.

Rick jerked up and looked at the podium.

The high school class teacher, 'The brutal Daogu,' is staring at him.

"No, I have to graduate from college. I just sent the resume to the school recruitment meeting that I went to yesterday. How come back to the high school classroom.

‘The cruel road’ is the nickname they gave to the old class in high school. How old the class really wears a robe and has a hairpin on the head.

Dreaming, this must be a dream. Rick whispered to himself and looked around the classroom.

Found in the classroom, the students next to the classmates and on the desk are not books, but a cold weapon, swords and sticks.

There are two very large hammers under the feet of the rear chubby seat.

The classmates are not wearing school uniforms, but an anime costume and a fighting costume similar to role-playing.

Rick’s head couldn’t keep up with the rhythm for a while.

"I can't answer it, Rick!

I still dare to sleep in class, I don't know if I don't try to master the basic knowledge now. In the days of the online, when I cross the copy of the outer world, a little negligence will be lost in the copy.

Not to mention defending our planet and participating in the chaos battlefield---"the female Taoist, began shouting on the podium.

"‘The cruel and aunt’, I didn’t expect to see you in my dreams, so true, what are you asking?” Lake laughed and looked at the old class.

Anyway, this is a dream. I already know that it is a dream. Rick is not afraid of the high school class teacher.

When I heard from Reke, the face of the female Taoist class teacher on the podium was green, and even the students dared to give her a nickname, or such a ugly nickname.

The female Taoist on the podium, biting her teeth, was like a swallow.

"If you cross the copy of the alien, how can you get more rewards? If you can't answer it, the rest of the semester is more than two months, you are going to spend it in the hospital." The female Taoist finished, the teeth made a "squeaky" "the sound of.

Rick clearly remembers that this molar sound is a habitual standard when high school old class is angry.

The students in the classroom are now afraid of the atmosphere, and look at Leek with sympathy.

"Through the copy of the outer world, I can study it. First, you must disguise yourself as a local aboriginal, and you must try to live.

Second, find a beautiful female lord and a strong woman in the opposite world, regardless of the abduction, let yourself marry her. After that, whether it is a happy life or a reward, it will become a lot easier.

Of course, I can't let myself be wronged. The value of the woman who wants to be awkward is better than that of the small flower girl. The skin should be tenderer, and at least soft and flexible. ”

Rick said, got up and left his seat behind the classroom.

Under the gaze of the students and teachers of the class, Rick went to the front of the front row of Banhua Xiaobing, and sat down on her desk.

Rick lifted his right hand and reached for the face of Ban Hua Xiao Bing.

"哎呦" class flowers screamed.

Rick felt good, smooth and cool, and then Raker lifted his left hand and tried to grab it.

Ban Hua Xiao Bing was scared and screamed, leaning against the chair and trying to avoid Lake's salty pig.

The class teacher on the podium reacted. The anger, the right hand lifted, and the white light flashed quickly.

Rick felt the body hit by a heavy object.

"It hurts." He was directly shot out of the window, but the window was open.

"bump"! Rick’s body fell straight from the second floor window and fell heavily on the ground.

"哎呦" "It hurts, this feeling of falling, this pain is too real, isn't it a dream, how is it so painful." Before Lec was unconscious, he wondered about this problem.


When Lake wakes up again, he finds that he is lying in the bedroom with a bandage on his foot.

"Ray boss, I am serving you, you are not the third child in the future, the location of the bedroom brother is yours.

Tell me about it, how does it feel to touch the face of Xiao Bingn? "One meter nine high muscles of the fierce man, put together in front of the newly ridiculed Leke's face, the expression that wretched!

Rick remembers that this macho was in the third year of high school and was assigned to their bedroom. It has been relegated for a year, and the macho is his nickname.

When the fierce man had just come to their bedroom, Lake and the other three were still a little afraid of this macho.

But getting along for a few months, I am also familiar with it. People are not bad. I am very cared for by several roommates. Of course, it is not the care of study, but when there is friction with the outside class, this one-meter-high macho appears, others I can't talk more about the class.

Rick felt his legs and was numb, and he was a little confused now.

The fourth child in the bedroom, the body was thin, and the roommate of the nicknamed thin monkey also came over and saw that Lek was staring at his legs.

"Ray boss, you have to thank the macho.

The macho saw you being beaten out of the window by the cruel sergeant. Hurry out from the back door of the classroom, and carrying the coma, went to the school clinic to treat.

Fortunately, the school nurses today's pastor and the bones of the Chinese medicine practitioners are on the job, respectively, to give you a bone recovery and released a primary recovery.

Your legs are kept, there will be no sequelae.

I will be able to go to the ground tomorrow, but the pastor said that in recent days, there can be no violent activities. "The skinny monkey looks like you are lucky, said to Lake."

"You both are there, that little fat man." Lake thought of the second child in the bedroom, a little more than two hundred pounds.

The skinny monkey and the macho, after looking at each other, let the body open, so that Lake can just see the bedroom bed opposite.

A fat man with a bandage on his body, like a fat mummies, is lying on the bed.

"Rick, it's easy to back you. Back this little fat man, you can exhaust your brother. If you change someone, you can't move him." The macho smiled and pointed at the little fat man in the back bed.

The little fat man was bandaged on his face, his mouth was exposed, and he laughed.

"What happened to the little fat man, what happened?" Rick looked at the little fat man who was badly wounded. How surprised?

Although Lake has not yet figured out the current situation, it has already vaguely felt that he has crossed into a parallel world.

It’s just this parallel world, which is a bit different from the world in which you lived before.

The skinny monkey looked at the little fat man with a contemptuous look. "He, you are not learning from you. After you were beaten out of the window by the cruel road, the classroom calmed down two classes.

However, in the third class this afternoon, it is the class of the old class.

There are many boys in the class who are secretly in love with the class Xiaohuan. When the old class once again asks people to answer questions, they all start to learn from you, and they have extended their love to the class flowers.

A violent aunt took a class and killed 15 students.

Our second child, the little fat man's color is too big. After being beaten once, he sneaked up from the ground and touched the small calf's calf. He was directly found by the violent old class and gave it this way.

Fortunately, the fierce man saw the situation in critical condition. After the old class stopped, he took up his second child and ran to the infirmary.

Otherwise, the second child is not lying in the bedroom, it is estimated to go to the hospital to live. Said the skinny monkey.