MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 1220 Conspiracy of this world

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"Don't move the large spaceship of the aborigines first, hide your identity, and continue to explore the aboriginal world." Rick sent a message to Gu Yi and they ended the call.

Slowly walked to the recruitment site factory that signed up for the Earth Defense Force yesterday.

More than eight o'clock, Lake reached the conscription point in advance.

Aboriginal people are now entering to sign up for the Earth Defense Force outside the recruiting site.

Lake saw that the two Aboriginal Earth Defense Force soldiers responsible for recording him yesterday, the bald big queen Diana and the little queen Angel, were standing outside the gate of the factory at this time, looking at the streets on both sides.

"It's him, he's the No. 2 Venerable who came yesterday!" A soldier of the Earth Defence Corps said to the Queen and Little Queen, and raised her finger in the direction of Rake's approach.

"That boy?"


The big queen and the little queen immediately hurried towards Lek.

"Sir No. 2, Rick?" The little queen tried to ask Rick.

"Yes, Angel, I saw you and Diana in my college entrance examination yesterday." Lek said with a smile.

Lek already knew that, as expected before, his identity as the No. 2 Venerable Emperor was concerned by the Earth Defense Force.

"The No. 2 Venerable Emperor! You are the top player on the earth in your world, and there is a stronger presence than me in that world!" The bald queen carefully looked at Rake.

Lake smiled and nodded, "In my world, I should be better than you, but you and Angel are also very strong. The three of us are the big three of the poker team."

"Welcome to join the Earth Defense Force, Rake. I heard that you have resisted meteorites and protected your earth in your main world. Do you still have the strength to crush meteorites?" Little Queen Angel asked Rake Road.

After listening to it, Rick thought that it should be the senior three players who had surrendered to the Earth Defense Forces before, and introduced the heroic deeds of the World Earth Guardian No. 2 Venerable Emperor to the World Earth Defense Force.

"Now I ca n’t carry meteorites anymore. I used to fight against meteorites before. I used the god-level Hulk transformation skills and needed to consume the kill value. The god-level Hulk turned, it needs 100,000 kill values. This kill value is difficult to accumulate. It's almost impossible to accumulate 100,000 killing values ​​in your world, "Rek said.

Even if he can accumulate, Rick is not prepared to speak at this time.

"Oh!" After hearing the big queen Diana, a little disappointed.

"Lake, thank you for your trust in our world ’s Earth Defense Forces, and chose to join us. Unexpectedly, in your world, the strongest player is so young that he graduated from the third year of high school. Let ’s go to the Earth Defense Forces combat headquarters in this city first. , You will directly join the Sky Selector Special Team. "Little Queen Angel said.

Rick nodded his head, as he had expected, he exposed the identity of His Holiness the Second Lord and would be valued by the world.

"Yes, but wait, I still have a few friends to come to your world with me. Their strength is not weak, and they brought them over, named Nan Ba ​​Tian, ​​Monkey Tian Ming, Li Xiaobai, Bing Ruo. Xi, I signed up with me yesterday. "Lek said, ready to go with the macho and the thin monkey together.

Rick thought that it was all in a bedroom. Let's carry the dangers of this copy. Don't let the macho men and skinny monkeys continue to hide their strength and do nothing.

"Oh, Bing Ruoxi, we have paid attention, it is your world, the No. 2 plum of the poker team!" Said Queen Diana.

"Yes, you follow us first, and then I let the soldiers bring your four friends to the headquarters of our Earth Defense Forces in the city. If their strength is possible, they will all join the Heavenly Select Special Forces." The little queen Angel said.

Rick acquiesced, and the big queen turned to start an armed jeep with a heavy machine gun parked in front of the factory door, and stopped in front of Rake and the little queen.

Rick and the little queen got into the car and sat in the back seat. The big queen drove the jeep and drove fast, leaving the recruiting point.

"Lake, I will come to the combat command room of our Earth Defense Force. I hope you can record a video to call on the senior three players from your world to do their best to help the Earth Defense Force to protect this world!" The little queen sat in Lei On the right side of the Gram, some kind of requesting tone said.

"Recording a video is fine, but in the video, I will only say that I, the No. 2 Venerable, have joined the Earth Defense Forces of your world. After all, we just got in touch, and we don't know much about each other at this stage. I will not take the initiative to call on the online players to join the Earth Defense Force.

But are you ready to announce in our world that our high school senior online players have replaced your senior high school students? But if you want to make it clear, then announce that if it is not handled well, it will cause hostility among parents of your senior high school students in the world. We have about 50 million senior three players entering your world. In your world, the students who have been replaced by souls must have more than 100 million parents and relatives. A thing that is not handled well and triggers the parents of your world to imprison us senior high school players, or start playing directly, is dangerous. "Lake told the little queen.

After all, last night, Rake confessed to the parents of this world that he was an online player from another world, and replaced the original soul of Rake in this world.

Rick could feel that the parents in this world reacted and disliked it. It can be said that they were disgusted.

If you change some extreme parents, it is likely that you will directly shoot the children of the players who are online in the sky, and beat the players who occupy their children's bodies.

The little queen explained to Rake, "You just have to say that as your No. 2 Venerable Emperor, you will join the Earth Defense Force. This video recorded for you will not be broadcast to everyone at this stage. This In this video, first sign up to join our Earth Defense Forces, senior three players from your world. After watching the world ’s players joining the Earth Defense Force, they will pass the news to those who are still in the wait-and-see stage without using our broadcast Players. In this way, most of the senior three players from your world will join the Earth Defense Force. "

After listening to it, I felt that the Earth Defense Forces of this world had already been planned, and I did n’t have to remind them to deal with the conflicts between the online players and their relatives in the world.

Rake continued to chat with the little queen, and Rake tried to learn more about the situation of the World Earth Defence Force, the Sky Chosen, and those dimension portals.

The little queen Angel also asked Rake a lot about the world of online players in the days where Rake is.

More than half an hour later, the Big Queen drove this armed off-road vehicle and stopped at the door of a big supermarket on the edge of the city.

This big supermarket is closed and closed for business.

Outside this large supermarket, there are Earth Defense Forces guarding the outdoor parking lot, and hundreds of tanks, armed jeep, and helicopters are also docked.

The Big Queen drove directly into the underground parking lot of this big supermarket.

"The second and third floors of the supermarket are our combat command room, the lounge of the sky-selectors and some combat command personnel, and the negative first floor is the parking lot of our internal combatants." Queen Diana explained to Rake And stabilized the car.

Lake followed the little queen and the three of them walked to the elevator.

The Big Queen swiped the ID card, and the three took the elevator to the second floor.

"This supermarket is not blocked because of the existence of the dimensional transmission channel door. It is because you chose this as the combat command, it was blocked from the outside!" Rake opened his eyes and looked at this skill, looking at this building on the edge of the city. The situation in large supermarkets.

"Yes, this supermarket was originally an industry of our Earth Defense Force. Otherwise, this super-large supermarket would not choose to be built on the edge of the city. The previous big supermarket opened here has been in a state of loss. It is now launched in wartime, and the supermarket reserves food. The daily necessities are enough for our soldiers to use for a few months. And at the beginning of the establishment of this large supermarket, the materials used were earthquake-resistant and military-grade, and the underground layer is equivalent to the level of a bomb shelter. "Little Queen Angel explained to Rake.

On the second basement level, the soldiers of the Earth Defense Force who met along the way all gave way to the big queen and the little queen.

Rake found that the identity of the Queen and the Queen were quite high in the Earth Defense Force.

"In your world, what level of two of you are chosen, how powerful are they in the Earth Defense Force?" Rake asked the Queen and the Queen.

"The power is great, and the identity of the heaven-selector in our world has already surpassed the ordinary soldiers of the Earth Defense Force. And the more small crystals provided by the heaven-selector, the greater the rights in the Earth Defense Force. The two of us are in the sky. The number of small crystals contributed by the selection is quite large. Except for the few big men in the headquarters of the Earth Defense Force, the outside world has no greater rights than ours. "The Queen said proudly, raising her hand and touching herself Bald head.

"The Earth Defence Army should be accumulating small crystals now. You have n’t added all the small crystals to [World Energy], otherwise the [World Energy] of your world should not be minus 100,000. I think your world should have Combat strength, and the combat effectiveness of the Sky Chooser and the Earth Defence Forces are not bad, should not reach the value of minus 100,000 that has collapsed. "Rake asked the Queen and Little Queen the doubts in their hearts.

The big queen and the little queen looked at each other. After hesitating for dozens of seconds, the big queen nodded to the little queen.

The two led Rake into a separate meeting room in front and closed the door.

"The problem you are talking about is a plan developed by the senior personnel of our Earth Defense Force and several top talents. Rake, I didn't expect you to come to our world for a few days and discovered this. Yes, if Our Earth Defence Forces and Heavenly Selectors provide the accumulated small crystals to [World Energy]. In the short term, we should conservatively estimate that we should be able to increase [World Energy] by another 50,000 points to minus 50,000. We really have the ability So that [World Energy] will not be so quickly below the critical point of minus one hundred thousand, there will not be a large-scale invasion of alien creatures. "The little queen said this, he paused and took out the meeting room A laptop on the table started to start the laptop, and connected to the projector on the side, projected a lot of data for Ryker to watch.

The little queen continued, "However, after analysis by our Earth Defense Forces analysts, the strength of our world ’s celestial beings and the energy obtained from the small crystals at this stage can no longer catch up with our [world energy] consumption. And under normal circumstances, The number of celestial beings is gradually decreasing. Each year, it will weaken by 5,000 points [world energy]. In this way, ten years later, the world will be invaded by a large number of outsiders, and the number of celestials will be greater than it is now. Even less. Our technological weapons will not be greatly improved in this decade.

Therefore, the top level of the Earth Defense Force has proposed a plan to accumulate small crystals. At this stage, it does not provide [World Energy] with small crystals, and accumulates small crystals for use by soldiers with excellent physical qualities. Ordinary people can become natural candidates after absorbing small crystals. The small crystals obtained in recent years have been given priority to the special soldiers of the Earth Defense Force. "The little queen explained to Rick.

After listening, Lek looked at the data projected by the little queen and smiled.

There is too much data, but Rake sees exoskeleton-assisted combat equipment.

Rake had already thought about the reason why the Earth Defense Force would accumulate small crystals to increase the number of talents, so that their world would withstand the invasion of many dimensional creatures in advance.

According to the information returned by Gu Yi and their probes, the scientific and technological progress in this world is not bad. The exoskeleton aids combat equipment. This single combat weapon has been successfully developed and is in mass production.

The time point of mass production of exoskeleton equipment and the parallel space earth [world energy] reached minus 100,000 points, and almost coincided with the time point of invasion by many foreign creatures.

The coincidence of these two points in time should not be a coincidence. It was the result of intentional control by the Earth Defence Forces and the chosen people in this world.

The top level of the Earth Defense Forces in this world and the top picks of the sky, want stud once!

They need to equip exoskeleton combat weapons to improve their combat strength, and then hunt and hunt those strange creatures in the portal of the dimension. Just like before, in the bombed school, there is a combination of soldiers from this world, hunting the Zerg appearing in the portal, collecting the small crystals on the corpses of the insects.

Once this plan is successful, as the portal continues to be opened, a large number of small crystals can be hunted.

"You are gambling, and you are not afraid that the subsequent dimension of the outside world is too strong! Once you can't deal with it, let the earth be occupied by the outside world directly in advance, and the world will be destroyed!" Rick sneered. Looking at the big queen and the little queen.

"If you don't do this, the world will be destroyed by the invasion of alien creatures sooner or later. While we still have the strength, it's better to come to Bo! Although the plan is risky, the results are still good, and the alien creature invasion will be announced to everyone. After the crisis, the number of people who signed up for the Earth Defense Force is better than we expected! "Said the Queen.

The little queen also nodded and looked at Rake, "Originally, this plan was a bit adventurous, but now there are also unexpected gains. With you, about 50 million souls from other worlds have entered our world. Your high school seniors Players, not only have good physical fitness, but also bring their own special skills and props, which is equivalent to 50 million special forces who have been training for many years and have been on the battlefield. You are completely familiar with the mode of fighting against alien creatures. To be honest, I envy you Almost all the people in that world are soldiers, and even high school graduates have such strong strength! "