MTL - Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game-Chapter 74 pit

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The bullet hits ALEX's brow bone!

"Good marksmanship!"

Fang Heng raised his brows and praised him.

Alex, who was in a coma, was hit with a white mark on his forehead.

After being shot, ALEX immediately showed signs of recovery.

The rattan on its body was wriggling fast.


Chen Yu raised his hand and shot again.

The bullet hit ALEX in the cheek again.

ALEX wakes up completely.

He rested on the ground with one hand, stood up slowly, and then slowly turned his head to look at the direction of Fang Heng and the others.

At the same time, Sister Li immediately opened the perception barrier to block the perception of ordinary zombies around.

ALEX is an alienated zombie with a fourth-order strength, and is not affected by the perception barrier.

His eyes locked on Fang Heng and the others, and he took big strides and quickly chased after Chen Yu.


Fang Heng shouted loudly, and everyone turned around and ran!

ALEX continued to chase forward until he was led into the central intersection pre-designed by Fang Heng.

Haozhou stared at ALEX's moving position.


Haozhou pressed the detonation button of the small explosive.


Twelve small explosives pre-set at the central intersection explode at the same time!

The time is just right.

The explosion point trigger is perfect!

Fang Heng also stared at ALEX.

He is very fortunate to have met a talent like Haozhou who is proficient in blasting!

In an instant, a huge roar resounded throughout Hope Town.

The ground shook violently.

Almost all the zombies in the town turned to look in the direction of the explosion at the same time.

He hesitated for about half a second.

Then, they turned around and staggered towards the location where the sound came from.

Although he had been prepared, the huge roar in his ears still caused Chen Yu to have a brief tinnitus.

He felt a sway under his feet, and his body stumbled uncontrollably.

When he stood firm again, his eyes were filled with a piece of raised yellow dust.

His vision was blocked, and he couldn't see the inside of the dust for a while, let alone confirm ALEX's condition.

Chen Yu was extremely vigilant.

He also noticed that the explosion was perfect, even more perfect than he expected!

But it's impossible to kill ALEX just by exploding!

At most, ALEX was injured.

His ears were filled with the whimpering of zombies.

Chen Yu turned his head to look again, and the zombies came from all directions.

not good!

The explosion was too successful, but it caused the zombies to gather here crazily.

If they don't run, they will be surrounded by zombies!

"Run quickly, if you don't run, you won't come..."

While speaking, Chen Yu could clearly see the blurry scene in the smoke, and the second half of the sentence stuck in his throat.

Ok? ? What about ALEX?

What about other people? ?

Chen Yu was still in a daze, and then saw Fang Heng shouting.

"Chen Yu! Quick! Bring your people over with me!"

Chen Yu turned his head, and he saw Fang Heng rushing into the smoke on the side first.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Heng and Haozhou and their group disappeared.

Where to go?

what's the situation?

Chen Yu followed the brisk steps forward two steps, and couldn't help but be startled.

It's a pothole! !

Originally, a huge pothole was blown up by an explosive pack on the ground in the center of the intersection.

ALEX fell into the pit because of the explosion and collapse of the ground.

It was pitch black below, and it was hard to see what was there.

"Quick!! Don't be stunned! Come here together!"

Chen Yu turned his head, and he saw that a manhole cover was lifted not far away.

Haozhou stuck out half of his head from the sewer and waved to them.

Chen Yu was stunned.

That's right, the pothole is their design!

The explosion itself was not to kill ALEX, but to create a collapse in the ground.

But what about next? Then what to do?

"Captain? What should I do?"

"Quick! Let's go into the sewer together!"

Seeing that the surrounding zombies were about to gather, Chen Yu didn't have time to think about these things.

He instructed the team members to quickly follow and hide in the sewers.

Chen Yu was in charge of the rear of the palace. He was the last to climb into the sewer and closed the manhole cover of the sewer.

Just as he climbed down the ladder and landed on the ground, an indescribable stench came from his nostrils.

When Chen Yu saw the black scarves on Fang Heng's faces, he suddenly wanted to understand something.

It turns out that the face towel was used at this time!

But Chen Yu is not in the mood to get the face towel from the backpack.

He quickly looked away from Fang Heng and the others in the sewer, looking for ALEX.

What about ALEX?

what is that? !

Another pothole! ?

Why is there such a big hole in the ground of the sewer? !

Chen Yu couldn't help raising his head.

The hole from the previous collapse of the ground is just above the pothole.

After the explosion, ALEX, which is theoretically located in the center of the intersection, should fall directly into the deep pit of the sewer!

Is all this Fang Heng's design?

Chen Yu was a little stunned.

He walked quickly to the pothole and looked down.

The pothole is at least seven or eight meters deep!


ALEX, who fell into the deep pit, let out a roar.

"Be careful!"

While distracted, Chen Yu heard a loud shout.

Fang Heng pulled Chen Yu away from the pit.


Looking down, several vines rushed out of the pothole and stabbed into the position where Chen Yu was standing.

More vines burrowed out of the pit.

The vines are firmly embedded in the stone crevices.

ALEX is relying on the vines extending from his body to find a leverage point!

He is trying to get out of trouble!

"Want to run?"

On the side, Kunta and Kunba each came up with a barrel of gasoline, poured it on the vines, and then threw the remaining gasoline barrels directly into the and smashed them on ALEX.


ALEX let out a roar again, the vines extending from his body shrank rapidly, and his body was pulled towards the top of the pothole.

"Get out of the way! I'll come!"

Fang Heng took out the focused flamethrower, took the first half step, and pressed the trigger toward the vines on the ground.


The slender blue tongue of fire twitched.

Vines are inherently flammable, not to mention a layer of gasoline attached to them!

The flames roared along the vines and spread to ALEX's body in a blink of an eye.


With the help of the vines shrinking in the air, ALEX was on fire, let out a howl, and fell into the pothole again!


It turned out that this was Fang Heng's plan to use the fire pit in the sewer to burn the fourth-order alienated zombie ALEX!

From explosions to deep pits to fire pits...

All this is their arrangement!

It's amazing!

Was this big hole dug by their team?


How long does it take to dig such a big hole?

It's only been half a day since the Federation released the mission to the outside world, right?

How did they do that?

Even if you dig continuously without eating or drinking, it is absolutely impossible to dig such a big hole!

Could it be that some of them have an excavator's innate skill?

Chen Yu turned around and looked at Fang Heng in shock.

He noticed that Fang Heng was raising his head halfway, looking at the heights, and there was an inadvertent smile of conspiracy and tricks on his face.

What is that guy looking at?

With doubts, Chen Yu also raised his head subconsciously, and followed Fang Heng's gaze to the sky.