MTL - God and Devil World-v9 Chapter 1188 Great defeat of the saints!

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After Anne launched the field, the power of the silk in her hand suddenly climbed several times. Numerous transparent silk wires were stirred in the hollow, and the large warriors were directly twisted into countless pieces of meat, and thousands of saint warriors. Directly spiked.

In that void, Anne seems to kill the goddess in general, and between the gestures, hundreds of thousands of holy warriors are easily killed. This is the horror of the eighth-order powerhouse after possessing the field. One entry has the power to destroy a country.

"The field? It's good, it's a good one! But let me break it!"

The silver 蛟 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 , , , , , , , , 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏 隐藏The incomparable silver sè dragon snarled wildly and swept away toward the field of Anne's silk.

The field of silver dragons collided with the field of silk, and countless silver dragons screamed hard to earn. The transparent silks immediately collapsed, and the laws of silk contained in them were crushed and crushed by the law of the dragon. forming.

Anne’s comprehension of the law is far less than that of the silver king. Her field is in contact with the field of the silver king, and it immediately collapses and annihilates.

The king of the Qing dynasty launched its speed field, at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye, between a moment, tearing the atmosphere, and strangely flew to the back of Annie, grinning and grinning, grabbing a claw toward Annie’s head. .

The other three kings approached Anne from three directions and blocked her retreat.

The nine half-step eight-order masters who belonged to the five kings flew into the air, and each of them took out a silver-white space disk, which was crazy and urged to form a huge space wall. The barrier blocks everything within ten kilometers of this circle.

That space barrier, even if it is the strongest of the eighth-order peaks, it is necessary to blast two punches to destroy this space barrier. The most important thing is to delay the moment. The five kings join hands and can destroy Anne inside, even It is oysters.

The lions also used the full strength of the rabbits. Although they looked down on the strong players like Anne, they started to work, but they did their best and did not give Annie a chance.

The eighth-order powerhouse is too threatening, and the ability to escape is too high. If you are not careful, it will cause a terrible disaster. They don’t dare to have a big idea.

Seeing that Anne was going to be stunned by the king of the Qing dynasty, suddenly, with Anne’s back as the center, a scene full of endless magic, as if the field of magic emerged from the endless abyss, 30 kilometers in diameter All of the things within the whole are completely shrouded in the realm of the devil.

The young king of the Qing dynasty grabbed it, but caught it directly.

The endless devil suddenly emerged, madly licking the saint warriors, those devils as long as the saint warriors flutter, the saints were immediately sucked into a thousand corpses, falling from the hollow . In the hollowing out, a large number of thousands of corpses rained down, and countless thousands of corpses descended from the shackles.

The horror of the magical field is even difficult to resist even the eighth-order powerhouse. The nine-step eight-order powerhouses standing in all corners are swept by the fierce magical power, and the face is pale and pale. Into a thousand corpses, falling directly from the hollow.

The space barriers that impeded this space also shattered and disappeared.

"You idiots, they are sent directly to the door, it’s great, all go to hell!"

Yue Zhong came out of the endless magical spirit, and appeared strangely behind the green king. He took a shot and slapped the eighth-order green king directly and split it into pieces. His body.

Sustained the life of the king of the Qing Dynasty and countless saints, the rapid recovery of Yue Zhong’s soul injury, coupled with the effectiveness of these swallowing flame fruit, allowed him to recover quickly.

A shot of the second killing of the Qing dynasty king, Yue Zhong's eyes swept a few of the saints in the magical spirit, a heart, a movement, countless magic, surging directly to the remaining four kings twist.

In an instant, the strange, evil, and the magical atmosphere filled with endless darkness formed a strand of noose to the remaining four kings.

The three kings, such as the Red Dragon King, were smashed by the magical noose, and all the blood of the body was absorbed and turned into a thousand corpses in the field of the demon.

The King of Silver Jubilee relied on the silver dragon field and the magical skein of crazy fighting, barely being strangled by the magic cable skein...

With the continuous improvement of Yue Zhong's strength, the power of the magical field is also growing wildly. At this time, his magical field can easily directly kill those who do not understand the field.

"Give me a break!!"

The King of the Silver Jubilee is trapped in the realm of Yue Zhong’s demon, but still very fierce, roaring, directly transforming into a silver sè dragon, the right claw silver flashes, tearing countless devils, Escape to the edge of the realm of the devil.

At this time, the King of Silver Jubilee had no idea of ​​hunting Anne. He just wanted to escape from this place and get a living path.

"I want to escape!" Yue Zhong smiled coldly, and between a thought, instantly appeared in front of the silver scorpion king, his mind was moving, and the horror of the nine-order powerhouse broke out instantly, facing the silver The king of the king directly swept away: "Your Majesty!!"

Under the shock of the horrible will, the silver scorpion king directly trembled and knew the illusion of the sea. He saw that Yue Zhong’s incarnation became a boundless horror and reached out to grasp it. A claw caught.

At the moment when the will was smashed, the silver scorpion king screamed and stunned.

Yue Zhong’s finger flicked, and an eighth-order shackle flew out into the head of the silver scorpion king, turning the silver scorpion king into his own cockroach.

After easily defeating all the eight-level masters of the saints, Yue Zhong showed the field of the demon, rolling the magic cloud directly to the countless samurai warriors in the hollow.

Where the magic cloud passed, a large block of the saint warrior turned into a thousand corpses, falling from the magic cloud.

After nearly a million Sage Warriors were killed by Yue Zhong, the saint warriors also gave birth to a sense of fear. They dispersed and took out the particle guns that were carried by them to the rolling magic cloud. But the rolling magic cloud is like a black hole that devours everything, and those particle beams sh into it, but there is no reaction.

Almost at the same time, those who were deployed outside the Beast City, a large number of automatic weapons brushed the direction of the adjustment, numerous muzzles extended out, crazy to the saints.

The war weapons that were originally used to prevent Anne from escaping turned to the saints to attack, causing disasters to the saints, and large swaths of saints were directly exploded by the various beams.

The entire area formed a horrible light rain and blood curtain, and a large expanse of the saint warrior was directly blasted into a **** fog.

Thousands of saint warriors have died between almost every breath.

On the road to the Beast City, you can see the bodies and fragments of the saint warriors everywhere.

After a fierce battle lasted for a quarter of an hour, the millions of saints who lost the command of the king began to collapse, and the saint warriors rushed to escape in all directions.

Those saint warriors are also intelligent creatures. If they have the king's command, under the command of the king, they will know that they are dead, but they must fight to death. However, the five kings were killed. They were attacked by the beast city, Yue Zhong, and their own automatic war weapons. They finally could not resist and collapsed.

"Victory!! We are racing to win!!"

"Great victory, we are great!!"


Looking at the sacred warriors in the hollow, they fled and fled, and in the eyes of the soldiers of the Beast City, they flashed an unbelievable moment, and immediately uttered a loud voice of screaming. They originally thought that they faced the fierce and powerful saint warrior. They only had one dead end, but they now won a huge victory, killing more than three million saints in one fell swoop and defeating eight million saints. They can't imagine the record.

A command was passed soon: "Attack!! Yue entered the order, we attacked the Green City!!"

"Offensive ~ ~ eliminate those **** beasts!!"



After receiving the order, the class soldiers who were still in a state of excitement finally got the courage to ride into a gravity-free suspension carrier and launched an attack in the direction of the Blue Teeth.

Yue Zhong, who can easily kill the millions of saints, is the backing of them. These soldiers are also full of courage.

The army of the Beast City was under the command of Anne, and launched an attack in the direction of the Blue Teeth.

The main force of the Blue Teeth City has been swayed by the Qing Dynasty King, and it was easily captured by the army. The remaining 5,000 saints were also smashed into the class.

After the elimination of the saints in the city of Qingya, the morale of the army was greatly enhanced. After the army of the Beastmaster City seized a large amount of advanced equipment, it also possessed the confidence, courage and ability to fight the saint warriors.

The 500,000 entries in the city of Qingyao were also quickly reorganized, and the recruitment of the jīng strong supplements was added to the army of the class.

In the course of the training of the troops, some of the army of the Beast City were under the leadership of Anne, attacking the cities around, liberating the city under the king of the Qing Dynasty, and constantly training into the army. Fighting power.

The king of the Qing Dynasty was dead, and the main force of the Qinglan family was broken. There was no entry into the army that could stop Anne’s commander.