MTL - Happiness Consist in Contentment-v15 Chapter 14

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The operation was being carried out nervously in the operating room, while outside the operation, Fang Chengyu and Fang Chengning were sitting in the corridor waiting. Soon after, a group of people came in a hurry.

Fang Chengyu and Fang Chengning were startled when they saw the one who walked in the front: God! Isn't this the leader?

An Guosheng walked over quickly, followed by his wife Cui Ying, his son An Zhengyang, his daughter An Zhengqing, and a group of security personnel and entourage.

Fang Chengyu and Fang Chengning looked at this posture and looked at each other, and both felt that this was really incredible. The one inside was actually the old man of the An family? !

Brother, do you know? Does Professor Liu know?

The thoughts of the two were very complicated one after another.

But An Guosheng didn't care so much, and only asked the director of the First People's Hospital, "How long has my father been in?"

The dean replied, "I just entered the operating room, less than twenty minutes."

An Guosheng nodded, "I heard that Professor Liu is the one in charge?"

The dean smiled and nodded, "Yes, Professor Liu is the youngest disease expert in our country, and it should be said that she is a general practitioner. proficient.

During the epidemic at the beginning of the year, she was also one of the front-line experts, and she led the management of traditional Chinese medicine, and the epidemic prevention and control plan was also very effective, which greatly reduced the number of mild patients turning into severe ones, and greatly improved the cure rate. , is a young genius who is very thoughtful, very bold, and dares to innovate.

By the way, this time, she also led the scientific research team, completely unlocked the genetic code of the previous epidemic virus, and studied the trend of future virus mutation in a deeper level.

These have all made great contributions to world pathology.

This time, she also heard that the old man had many physical complications, so she decided to take the lead in person.

Chief, you can rest assured that so far, all the patients that Professor Liu has treated have survived successfully, and there are no postoperative sequelae. "

After listening to a large section of the dean's words, An Guosheng felt a little certain. He knew the old man's health. He was busy with his daily work and had no time to visit. Besides, the old man did not allow him to come all the time.

He always said that as a leader, he should serve the country well for the people, and he would be fine with guards watching and medical staff guarding him.

Why doesn't An Guosheng understand the old man's mind? Their family, his father, brother, all had

The people of this land sacrificed their lives for this country. Today, he is the only one left in the An family. As a leader, he should do his job well and live up to all the people. This is worthy of the sacrifices of his father and brothers.

An Guosheng has always remembered the words of his grandfather, so he never dared to relax, and only hoped that he would not disappoint the country and the people.

If it weren't for the fact that Grandpa might not be able to get off the operating table now, he wouldn't be able to leave all his work and come here.

He knew exactly what his grandfather's physical condition was, and he also understood that it was forgivable that Professor Liu couldn't save him.

But listening to the dean's words, An Guosheng was still looking forward to a miracle.

Seeing her husband's worried face, Cui Ying reached out to hold his hand, leaned against him, and gave him silent comfort and support.

An Guosheng turned his head and smiled at his wife, then turned to look at the operating room.

An Zhengyang and An Zhengqing sat next to each other, looking at the operating room anxiously.

The other guards and entourage were chatting in a low voice. Fang Chengyu and Fang Chengning looked at each other and guessed that they should be arranging follow-up security work.

The lights in the operating room didn't go out until three o'clock in the morning. The director of surgery of the People's Hospital, as the second deputy, came out and said to them, "The operation was very successful. Professor Liu has now followed the old gentleman to the intensive care unit. The old gentleman's All signs are good. You can rest assured, Chief."

An Guosheng stood up excitedly, reached out and held the hand of the director of surgery, "Thank you! Thank you very much!"

The director of surgery smiled and said, "Don't be polite, chief, this is what we should do."

An Guosheng nodded, didn't say much, and took someone to the intensive care unit instead.

When they got there, they saw Liu Fang, who was wearing a protective suit, explaining how to care for the medical staff beside Mr. An and some follow-up treatments, medication, and so on.

After all, it is impossible for her to come here every day. The doctors in the hospital and the medical staff next to the old man rely on him for the treatment, so basically there will be no problem.

An Guosheng looked at the girl who was wearing a protective suit explaining the follow-up treatment, and said to his wife with a sigh, "It's really a hero, and it really is a generation that is stronger than a generation!"

Cui Ying smiled, "Yes, indeed."

However, when she turned her head to see Liu Fang's eyes, she was suddenly stunned, frowning and thinking, isn't that Cui Ping?

However, Liu Fang did not come out with him

They said hello, but instead went directly back to the laboratory from the staff channel.

When An Guosheng found out, he smiled, looked at his son and daughter and said, "Look, this is the real talented person who has always focused on his own research."

An Zhengyang smiled. He was pursuing a political career, so such a willful behavior is not acceptable. But An Zhengqing blinked, cough, she plans to be an artist in the future, so, such a willful behavior, can I learn something?

Only Cui Ying couldn't help but went online to check Liu Fang's resume. Although she was the only one on the Internet as a professor at Jinghua University, there was nothing else, but when she saw the photo on the Internet, she couldn't help frowning. Guosheng said, "Lao An, look, is this Cui Ping?"

An Guosheng was surprised when he saw it, and glanced at Cui Ying, "What do you mean?"

Cui Ying frowned and said, "When Cui Ping ran over, I saw that she had a big belly. As for the child, I don't think it could be from the Li family."

An Guosheng looked at his son and daughter behind, and said to Cui Ying, "This matter will be discussed later. Let's go see the old man first."

Cui Ying also knew that this matter could not be rushed, so she had to put it down temporarily, but she had already determined this matter in her heart, and it must be what she thought.


Liu Fang didn't know that the mystery of her own life experience was about to be solved. After returning to the institute, she casually told Fang Chengxiao to write a report on the operation.

Fang Chengxiao:…

If he had known that he would write one more report, he would not have asked for trouble.

Of course, this is just talk. Given the same opportunity, Fang Chengxiao would still follow him, even if he had to write a detailed postoperative report.

Every time he sees such an operation, it will make him feel a lot, and such an operation is also very rare, and it can teach him a lot of things. Fang Chengxiao still cherishes it more than complaining.

After explaining that Fang Chengxiao was going to write a report, Liu Fang wrote a detailed report on the new treatment plan this time and submitted it to the director of the research institute, and then began to track Mr. An's condition.

It is Liu Fangxin's bold exploration to take genetic decryption and at the same time assist in the treatment of TCM acupuncture points. She hopes to see more different things.

Because this gene decryption all depends on the previous virus gene decryption research, Liu Fang discovered another more unique treatment method that directly reaches the lesion.

I just don't know if this treatment can work for most people and for all doctors.

For raw use, these require long-term clinical trials in the future.

And just when Liu Fang was addicted to the new treatment method, the free clinic activity of the institute arrived.


The free clinic activities of the Institute are not carried out in cities, but in remote mountain villages. At the same time, it is also in response to the national policy of poverty alleviation and helping disadvantaged groups with medical resources.

Of course, Liu Fang and the others were just a group of experts accompanying the delegation, and they went on business trips together. It was someone else who stayed in the local area to solve the local medical resources.

The role of Liu Fang and the group of experts is to teach some more practical medical methods during business trips, and to give local doctors a medical demonstration and quick training.

Of course, in addition to this, there will be many medical training lectures in the country every year, which are specially prepared for doctors in these remote areas.

Liu Fang's team went to a remote mountain village in the southwest. They took a plane to the local provincial capital, and then took a bus from the provincial capital. It took a whole day to reach the county seat outside the remote mountain village.

After resting all night, they got into the car early the next morning and headed for the village in the mountains again, and did not reach their destination until almost noon.

The road has been bumpy. Except for Liu Fang and the few security guards around her, who are in good spirits, Fang Chengxiao and other students are so tired that they have no energy to see a doctor. Therefore, they will take another day off, and the next day Start free clinics.

As the professor leading the team, Liu Fang, although young, can definitely surprise many doctors left behind in the countryside.

Of course, it also includes those who will stay here to build a new medical system in the future.

Most people in rural areas have various joint diseases, especially frozen shoulder, cervical spondylitis, rheumatism in middle-aged and elderly people, and so on.

But when Liu Fang's TCM method came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Have you ever seen a pus and blood-like effusion from the old lady's knee after two massages?

Have you ever seen a needle stick, and the other person's shoulder or neck is steaming like a sauna?

Anyway, before Liu Fang, these people had never met.

Including Fang Chengxiao and the others, as doctoral students who have studied with Liu Fang for two years, they have never met.

Liu Fang explained very calmly, "This is because their disease has accumulated for a long time, and this seems to be exaggerated at the beginning of my treatment. In fact, these are very common in ancient Chinese medicine, waiting for treatment. after a while

, it won't be like this..."

But no matter how she explained it, others thought she was very divine!

That's right, it's a very magical kind of god!

So much so that everyone in the village called her Doctor Liu.

Liu Fang couldn't help laughing and laughing when he heard it, and after correcting it many times, they were still the same, so Liu Fang didn't care anymore.

In the final analysis, it’s just that the village is too remote and the medical resources are in short supply, so they all feel that their way of treating diseases is amazing. In fact, when the medical resources here are enriched in the future, these diseases can be treated with western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine. Physiotherapy means to cure, can be eliminated soon.

The more they see it, the less strange it will be.

☆、Other types are content and happy to wear

And while Liu Fang was on a business trip for a free clinic, Cui Ying finally got all of Liu Fang's information, including the paternity test with Cui Ping and Li Sheng.

Cui Ying went to An Guosheng with the report and said to him, "I think she must be the child Cui Ping used to be."

An Guosheng frowned, "If that's the case, then Cui Ping was there when that group of people did it?"

Cui Ying nodded and said with a solemn expression, "When Li Sheng went to perform the mission, he didn't have time to tell Cui Ping clearly. Moreover, Cui Ping's cousin Cui Xiang came here two months later to replace her and entered the art troupe. just left."

An Guosheng took off his glasses and said while thinking, "According to the time we met Cui Ping, it would be three months later, and at that time, she had already left Kyoto for nearly half a year."

Cui Ying nodded. Back then, Ang Guosheng worked in Beicheng, so she also stayed in Beicheng and worked in the local art troupe. One day after work, she met Cui Ping with a big belly on the road.

At that time, Cui Ping's spirit was very wrong. She took people back to her home, raised them well, and was preparing to contact people in Kyoto.

But at that time, the situation did not allow her to contact the Li family or Li Sheng directly, so she planned to wait until Cui Ping gave birth to a child.

Unexpectedly, Cui Ping's stomach suddenly disappeared when it was eight months old. At that time, Ang Guosheng was attacked again. Although he was suppressed, the waves were turbulent in the dark, and they did not dare to take it lightly.

No way, Cui Ying had no choice but to give up and look for Cui Ping. Unexpectedly, the other party was hiding in the hospital in Beicheng, gave birth to a child in the toilet, and disappeared completely. So far, she is dead or alive. do not know.

An Guosheng thought for a while, raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, and said slowly, "That's it for this matter. After opening it up, I can't find any truth. What happened to Cui Ping back then, who else but herself? I don't know. Even if I told Professor Liu, it would only make her even more disappointed."

Cui Ying was silent.

Indeed, she could be regarded as Cui Ping's cousin. Although her blood relationship is relatively distant, Cui Ping has always been well protected by the Li family. If it weren't for the matter with Li Sheng, she moved out of the compound and didn't know what happened to her, she would definitely...

Cui Ying sighed, what's the point of saying this now? After all, they failed to protect Cui Ping and let her experience things that she shouldn't have experienced. And Liu Fang

, is probably the only bloodline left in this world when she finally woke up.

An Guosheng smiled and said, "Fortunately, Professor Liu didn't experience too much pain, otherwise, you and I would really be uneasy for the rest of our lives."

Cui Ying smiled bitterly, "An orphan, who grew up without a parent and a mother, and grew up with an old dean, this child has experienced a lot. What can I do to make up for it? everything."

An Guosheng was silent, reached out and took his wife's hand, comforting her silently.

At the beginning, Cui Ping's father saved the lives of him and Cui Ying. If he hadn't used his own life to save the lives of those who were present, perhaps their country would be different now.

After a while, An Guosheng said slowly, "In the future, it's better to take care of this child a little more, and I can't let her be wronged any more."

Cui Ying nodded red-eyed, "Well, yes, this child should not suffer any grievances."

Originally, this blessing should be returned to Cui Ping, but Cui Ping is no longer there, so they can only return the kindness they owe to Liu Fang.


After the free clinic, Liu Fang returned to the research institute. On the first day back to the laboratory, An Guosheng and Cui Ying took the child to thank her in person.

"The old man has recovered very well. I heard that you personally led the research on the special medicine for diabetes. It is really an amazing research, which has benefited many people!"

An Guosheng held Liu Fang's hand, smiled very kindly and said, "Good boy, you must continue to contribute your talents to the country and the people, so that more people can stay away from the torment of illness."

Liu Fang smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, I will do my best."

Ang Guosheng was very happy, and so was Cui Ying. She took Liu Fang's hand and was reluctant to let go. She followed her to visit her laboratory, as well as her next research, etc. In short, she was more concerned than ordinary leaders The normal category for scientific research talents.

Of course, the leaders of the country have always been close to the people and love the people. Liu Fang doesn't find it strange, but she finds it strange that An Guosheng and his wife keep asking their children to learn more from her, like a family friend, This is very abnormal.

Liu Fang's eyes flashed, and she didn't ask any more questions. She just treated them as if they didn't know, and received them very politely. When they left, she turned to ask the security guards around her.

"They know me? Or, they know my mother?"

Security guards only

He smiled and said nothing, what else did Liu Fang not understand?

She couldn't help but be surprised, was the identity of the original owner so powerful?

She is really becoming more and more curious, what happened to her in the original owner's life?

Also, who are her parents?

It's just that it's too far away from the original time, and many things can't be found out.

The only thing that can be known is that her mother didn't really leave her ruthlessly at the time, maybe there were other reasons.

Liu Fang sighed. She really didn't know what happened to her biological mother. She even left her own child cruelly and disappeared completely. So far, she has not been found.

Now Liu Fang only feels that her biological mother has passed away, but what she did not expect is that one day in the future, her relatives will suddenly appear, and even bring her unimaginable disasters.

That's a story later, let's not mention it for now.

It's just that not long after Liu Fang's free clinic, Fang Chengxiao's paper caused a sensation among all pathology researchers in the world. They couldn't believe that Chonghuaguo had made such great achievements in cancer research.

But in the end, everyone has verified that the research direction mentioned in this paper is indeed feasible, and even future success can be seen. This makes many Western countries, big and small, always advertise that the medical level of their own country is the best, but this paper completely broke their pride.

It turned out that when they were still struggling to study the cause of cancer, Chonghuaguo had completely deciphered cancer, and even started to overcome cancer.

According to their predictions, in less than ten years, it is possible to completely eliminate cancer in the heavy flower country. It is all cancer. How can this not shake the world?

For a while, Fang Chengxiao and Liu Fang's names resounded throughout the world!

Invitations from countless foreign exchange forums filled Liu Fang's desk, but it was impossible for Liu Fang to go or participate, and even Fang Chengxiao could not go abroad.

In desperation, foreign experts and scholars came one after another, hoping to discuss with them and conduct more in-depth research.

Unfortunately, in the short term, none of this is possible.

This is not the previous epidemic prevention and control, this is the embodiment of the soft power of each country, this is a secret that cannot be disclosed by any country, maybe one day, the cancer will be completely conquered, and it will truly become a cold and fever-like illness. , Liu Fang and the others can freely disclose their scientific research results to the public.


Now, not yet.

On the contrary, Liu Fang's security level has been raised again, and a thorough investigation must be done every time he goes out. Due to the application of the identification system developed by Fang Chengyu and his classmates before, spies from various countries now enter the country of heavy flowers. , basically nothing to hide.

As time passed, Liu Fang didn't even go to university anymore, and completely disappeared in front of people. Even for patients who need her treatment, they can only enter the institute to diagnose and treat her after a thorough investigation.

Soon, the International Olympic Games in Chonghua Country was held, and Liu Fang, as an outstanding national talent, was also honored to attend the opening ceremony of the day.

Seeing her country getting stronger and stronger, Liu Fang's heart is really full of pride.

Of course, Cui Ping also met Liu Fang. She looked at Professor Liu, who was getting better and better, and at her daughter Li Xin, who was still struggling with her master's degree. She felt a sense of loss in her heart for some reason.

She always felt that Liu Fang was not so good, and the other party should also want to be her daughter very much.

But the reality is that Professor Liu's name is now classified as a first-class state secret. Except for her husband, she can't investigate each other at will, otherwise she will break the law.

At the same time, she also discovered that the An family was very friendly to this professor Liu for some reason, and even the couple of the Lin family kept hoping that their son could live up to his expectations and chase after Professor Liu...

All of this made Cui Ping feel an indescribable suffocation.

Of course, as the control group, Li Xin was even more aggrieved.

Only then did she realize that she and Liu Fang looked very similar, but the other party was a world-renowned scientist, but she was still an undergraduate student and was anxious about the number of graduate students.

The most ironic thing for her is that Fang Chengyu has now graduated with a Ph.D., and has successfully started a business. He has established a new type of intelligent system company, dedicated to how to develop the latest intelligent systems, identification systems, and the National Security Bureau and the Public Security Bureau. The cooperation has also become an upstart in science and technology magazines.

Of course, at the same time, his wealth also began to grow exponentially. What made her feel most uncomfortable was that now Fang Chengyu was engaged to Lin Ruiting, who had just graduated, and the two would get married soon.

There are even a series of topics and posts on the Internet about the two people from the beginning of their love to the moment they became married. Everyone is envious of their white yarn from the campus until now, a beautiful love fairy tale, in reality born.

But Li Xin knew that she was the love of Fang Chengyu's life, the heroine of the love fairy tale.

But now, she has become a passerby who is not even a supporting role, and Lin Ruiting is the real heroine.

This reality made Li Xin extremely regret her choice.

If she was young and ignorant at the time, she hadn't slammed into Lin Ruihan's delicate face, and now the person who is envied and blessed by everyone, would it be her?