MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 52 Gu Qingyan, what's going on?

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She touched her cooing belly, touched her cell phone, and it was half past eleven!

Thinking of going to the guillotine at two in the afternoon, Zhuang Nina was startled. When he finished washing quickly, when he was ready to go down for dinner, he saw downstairs ... Gu Deshou, Gu Xinghao and Gu Xingshan sat there. Eat at the table.

When he saw Zhuang Ninai, Gu Deshou waved his hand suddenly, "Fans, come and have a meal, and I will take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau with your brother and sister."

Zhuang Nai-na immediately felt irritable. Should she be escorted on this guillotine?

Forget it, take a step and look at it!

Zhuang Nina looked up to see a table of meals, came over and sat down, and after the nanny gave her a meal, she began to gobble up.

In any case, you need to be full before you have the energy to fight!

The three Gu family looked at her, you look at me, I look at you.

Gu Xinghao gave Gu Xingshan a wink: Look at her eating, how can it be a bit of a loss, can you think wrong?

Gu Xingshan frowned, and gave a pout to Gu Xinghao: walk and see!

At 12 o'clock, Gu Deshou drove. There was no traffic jam at this point, so it took only one hour to reach the designated Civil Affairs Bureau.

They arrived early, so they sat in their seats in the corridor and waited.

Half past one.

Gu Xingshan and Gu Xinghao stretched their necks and looked outside. "Why isn't Mr. Si yet?"

Gu Deshou calmly rested, "There is still half an hour, what's the rush?"

Zhuang Nina stared down at the time on the phone.


Gu Xingshan already laughed, "Sister, why don't you look at it in a hurry? Are you Mr. Duding Si coming or not?"

Gu Deshou was a little anxious and squeezed his lips tightly.

Zhuang Nina clenched her fists, still staring at her mobile phone, but did not speak.


Gu Deshou could not sit still, stood up and walked back and forth, from time to time at the doorway and looking out through the glass door.


Gu Deshou rushed to Zhuang Ninai, "Qianyan, what's going on ?!"

Gu Xingshan mocked and sarcastically said, "Dad, this is obvious, do you still need to ask? Mr. Si despise her!"

Gu Xinghao came together, "I said Gu Qingyan, was the marriage report in the newspaper true or false? How could you speak? Dumb?"

"Brother, is it still necessary to ask? It must be fake. Mr. Si doesn't come, it means he is angry!" Gu Xingshan said here, looking anxiously at Gu Deshou, "Daddy, it's finished! She cheated Mr. Si, Will Mr. Si vent his qi on our Gu's enterprise ?! "

After hearing the words of two people, Gu Deshou's complexion suddenly turned blue. He stretched out his hand and tightly held Zhuang Nina's hand. "Gu Qingyan, you say, what is going on ?!"

what happened?

Zhuang Nina looked down at the phone, and watched the time above change from 1.59 to 2.50.

All of a sudden her heart fell empty.

Zhuang Nina hooked her lips and laughed at herself.

Tell them the truth before she can come to the Civil Affairs Bureau, but she is still here.

So ... Zhuang Nana, what are you expecting?

How could he marry her?

Isn't it enough to strike again and again?

She raised her head sharply and stared at Gu Deshou's eyes. "Okay, you ask me what's going on, then I tell you ..."

Just then, the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau was suddenly opened!

PS: There are updates at eleven o'clock ~