MTL - Help! The Seductive Villain Chases Me Everyday to Expose My Other Identities!-Chapter 2 bathroom confrontation

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  Chapter 2 Bathroom confrontation

  The man froze for a moment, and when he couldn't bear it, he pushed her away.

  The perfect hand like an artist touches the fair neck, staying at the artery.

  The knuckles slid gently, and the voice was gentle, like a lover whispering, "Tell me, who sent you here, huh?"

  The man's hand slid across the beautiful collarbone, continued down around the shoulder, and circled on the tender arm.

  With such an ambiguous action, his eyes are still clear, but the smile on his lips is stronger.

  The big palm finally landed on her wrist, the man suddenly withdrew it, and clasped it hard, as if he wanted to crush her.

   After that, he pulled his hand, and the distance between the two got closer.

   Panting for a while, I looked up.

   The four eyes meet, and the surrounding water vapor adds a bit of ambiguity to the scene at this moment.

  However, the severe pain on his wrist made Shi Ran understand that this was not a scene of spring flowers and autumn moons.

   This man is extremely dangerous!

  Her gaze sharpened, and the tip of the pen in her hand poked into her thigh, and the smell of blood spread in the water.

  The man raised his eyebrows, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

   "Sorry, I broke in by mistake." She said hoarsely.

  The man's fingertips slowly caressed her wrist.

   "Oh? By mistake?"

  Shiran doesn't want to explain.

   This feeling of being watched is overwhelming, and she must leave immediately.

  However, as soon as she stood up, the man's strength became heavier, pressing down on her wrist, not intending to let go.

  She squinted her eyes and leaned over suddenly, her eyes were like silk, with a few scattered watery eyes, sparkling and enchanting.

   "Sir, is that why you don't want me to go?"

   A low voice passed by his ear.

  Fingertips also climbed onto the solid chest.

  The man froze slightly.

  The next second, Shiran pulled out the pen and stabbed him!

  The man backed away immediately!


   Water Splash.

   A sharp light flashed, the man sideways avoided, and when he raised his eyes again, he saw only a piece of clothes that left slowly, and a pen that was deeply embedded in the wall.

  The bathroom is empty.

  Chu Jinchen's figure stopped for a moment, and then slowly raised the corners of his lips.


   Just then, there was another knock on the door.

   "Third Young Master, Master's phone number."

  He got up, picked up the white bathrobe on the wall, put it on, and walked out.

  Chu Jinchen had just stepped out of the door, and the special assistant handed over the phone with both hands, and when he looked up, he saw a bright red mark on his neck.

  The special assistant opened his eyes wide in shock, and suddenly turned his head to look at the bathroom with the door open. Was there a woman in it just now?

  After Chu Jinchen hung up the phone, his black eyes fell on the balcony. He walked over and glanced at the balcony next door. He could see the extremely shallow footprints on the railing.

   "Find out who lives next door." Chu Jinchen asked in a low voice with his hand on the railing.

   "Neighbor? She's a female star, and she was on the trending list just now."

   "Third Young Master, this is the hot search content." The special assistant handed over the tablet with the hot search interface on it.

  Chu Jinchen quickly scanned the content, and finally landed on the name.


  Shiran was wearing a pure white custom-made shirt and black trousers from the man. The hem of the shirt was tucked into the trousers, and the trousers were rolled up to her ankles. It looked quite similar.

  There was a black Volkswagen parked in front of the hotel, Shiran opened the door and got in.

  She is fully awake. The last trace of medicine was also dissipated because of the pain.

  She has survived the hell-style training of the heir of the previous family, and this kind of pain is pediatrics to her.

  As soon as he entered, before he raised his head, he heard the manager sneer, "Shiran, you are really good at it, and you are on the hot searches with men every few days."

  After speaking, the agent threw the notebook in his hand towards Shiran, and said impatiently, "I'll send you to the live interview now. This is the script. You memorize it, and then don't make mistakes for me again!"

   Shi Ran randomly flipped through the script, glanced at ten lines, and sneered on his lips.

Original body was photographed by a reporter at a private meeting with three men in a hotel, and then forced by the agent to participate in this interview. After the interview, Yuan body was once again on the trending search, like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouted .

  The manager led Shiran to the backstage dressing room, and as soon as she entered, a glass was thrown towards her.

  She waved the script with her hand, and the cup returned the same way.

   "Ah—" Shi Wenfei screamed and stood up, her face turning pale with fright.

  The glass exploded just a few centimeters away from her face. When she saw the culprit, Shi Wenfei's face twisted, "Shiran! How dare you hit me with the glass!"

  However, when she saw Shiran's manager, she immediately put on a pitiful look, "I was just scared, sister, why did you hit me with a glass?"

  Shiran sat down directly on the sofa in the dressing room, narrowing her eyes comfortably, "I just slapped the cup away."

  Shi Wenfei suppressed her anger and smiled slightly at her manager, "Sister Qing, I have something to say to my sister, you..."

   "Talk." The agent immediately retreated sensibly.

   Only Shi Ran and Shi Wenfei were left in the lounge, and Shi Wenfei no longer pretended.

   "You!" Shi Wenfei pointed at Shi Ran angrily, and then asked, "Where did you die tonight?"

   "Didn't you send someone to take me to the hotel room?" Shi Ran asked back.

   "You'd better not play any tricks. I am the real eldest lady of the Shi family. Now you are just a dog raised by our family. Be sensible and don't covet things that don't belong to you!"

   As she spoke, she smiled contemptuously, picked up the script on Shiran's lap and flipped through it, raised her chin, and said condescendingly, "You haven't contacted your sick brother for a long time, right?"

   Shiran's eyes froze.

  The original body had a twin brother who depended on each other for life. When they were young, the siblings were adopted by the old man together.

  But because my younger brother suffers from leukemia, he was sent abroad for treatment since he was a child. The medical expenses are expensive, and the Shi family has always been out.

  After the old man passed away, the younger brother's medical expenses fell on the original adoptive father.

  Shi Wenfei took advantage of the original body's concern for her younger brother, but she often threatened her with him.

Shi Wenfei sat across from Shi Ran, crossed her legs, fiddled with the red manicure on her hands, and said casually: "You'd better follow the script for the interview later, and talk through your brains, otherwise if that sick guy is killed because of being If you stop taking the medicine and die, you, the older sister, are the culprit."

Seeing that Shiran didn't speak, she thought she was afraid, Shi Wenfei smiled even more proudly, her laughter was piercing and piercing, "You know you are afraid, then do as I say, you just agree with me, what a fool , Just think about that sick man, his life is in your hands!"

   "The show is about to start, so you don't need to put on makeup, and it's useless." Shi Wenfei's eyes cut across Shiran's plain but still beautiful face like a knife, but soon revealed a treacherous smile.

   No matter how good-looking Shiran is, after tonight, she will be nothing but a slut!

  The show has officially started, the audience has already entered the live broadcast room one after another, and the barrage has begun to become lively, but this time it is different from usual.

  【Damn it, why can Shi Ran, this idiot, be on the show with Wen Fei? 】

  【Is the program group blind? They even invited Shiran. What else would this idiot say other than ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 】

  【A good show is just downgraded like this, and there are no men in this show, why are you here now? Do you want to rub Feifei's heat? 】

  Amidst the scolding, the host ended the opening remarks.

   "Now let's welcome everyone's favorite Wen Fei and Shi Ran!"

  As soon as the two entered the stage, the barrage had already begun to flash.

  【Feifei! Feifei is so beautiful! 】

  【Feifei is so pretty! It simply crushes Shiran! 】

  【No bragging, I think Shi Ran is prettier than Wen Fei. 】

  【Shiran bought a navy, right? 】

  Amidst the sound of barrage, Shi Wenfei and Shi Ran sat on the soft white sofa one after the other, facing the host who was dressed in a small fragrance.

  The host first briefly introduced Shi Wenfei and Shi Ran, and then asked some questions. Shi Wenfei was the one who asked the whole process, but Shi Ran was ignored like air.

  The barrage was almost always praising Shi Wenfei, and Shi Ran was also happy and at ease, leaning on the back of the chair, and even lazily yawned in front of the camera.

   This scene was captured by the camera, and the barrage was filled with ridicule again.

   "Wen Fei, many people say that you have a hot search physique, and you can be on the hot search for almost anything. What do you think about this?"

  Shi Wenfei sighed helplessly, "Frankly speaking, I don't mind if being on the hot search can increase the popularity, but sometimes some misleading things will happen, just like the hot search the day before yesterday."

   "You mean the scandal between you and Master Zhou?"

   "Yes." Shi Wenfei nodded, looked at Shiran beside her, and raised a sweet smile.

   "Although I was recognized back home later, my sister and I hit it off right away, and our relationship is very good. I have a clean relationship with my future brother-in-law. If you don't believe me, you can also ask the person involved."

  She pretended to be intimate and held Shiran's shoulder, and said coquettishly, "Sister, tell everyone what happened to me and my brother-in-law, I'm about to be scolded badly!"

  The sick child is still in her hands, Shi Ran absolutely dare not resist her.

  As long as Shiran helps her clarify, she can pour all the dirty water on Shiran according to the original plan, and Shiran will have no chance to stand up again.

   At that time, let alone the entertainment industry, it is impossible for the Shi family to let the stain of Shiran continue to remain!

  (end of this chapter)