MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 513 Competition One

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 Chapter 513 513 Competition 1

 Without any more rash contact, Li Chengyi returned to his residence and thought about the scene he just saw.

  ‘Judging from the information obtained from the investigation, the senior brother has not done anything to attract attention at all, and his schedule is full of normal activities. If it was just a matter of technique, then the master in charge might have caused trouble long ago. It’s not Senior Brother’s turn no matter what. ’

Li Chengyi frowned and sat cross-legged. After a while, he couldn't get any useful information, so he decided to go directly to the sect's library to take a look.

 The Faceless Sword Sect has a library, which is a tower-like building with layers upon layers.

It's a pity that most of the disciples haven't even learned their own sword skills well, and they don't have time to come here and waste time reading other books.

When Li Chengyi came to the library, there were only two ordinary disciples and a male deacon quietly reading books inside.

His current reputation is as good as that of Huo Qingkong back then, so he was recognized as soon as he entered the Xiaota Library.

Two ordinary disciples saluted him from a distance. The deacon seemed to want to step forward to talk, but when Li Chengyi picked up a book and flipped through it quickly, as if he didn't want to be disturbed, he stopped wisely.

On a circular bookshelf in the tower, there are stored the essence of books that the Faceless Sword Sect has accumulated and screened countless times over the years.

From ancient slate books, to ancient bamboo slips, to today’s paper books, it can be said that the span is huge and everything is available.

Furthermore, Li Chengyi even suspected that the library seemed to have been set up with some kind of space formation, and the space that came in was much larger than it looked from the outside.

 A single floor has an area of ​​thousands of square meters.

He walked around the first floor. They were all books on ordinary boxing and kung fu, as well as some introductory books on health-preserving skills, history, etc. There was nothing he wanted.

So he walked up.

 There was no one on the second floor, and there was a lot of dust accumulated in many places.

The bookshelves are still densely packed, but no one has even done maintenance or cleaning on the books on them.

 There is also a signboard at the entrance.

 ‘Don’t be arrogant, don’t be impetuous, and keep your mind pure. When you see this handwriting, if it is black, you can enter. If it's red, retreat quickly. ’

black? red?

Li Chengyi made sure that what he saw was black writing, then strode across the sign and came to the rows of bookshelves inside.

Most of the books here have no names, and their covers are simply and roughly wrapped, with no decoration at all.

 But the strange thing is that Li Chengyi can still feel an inexplicable temperament from them.

 Some books are cold and some are warm. Some are majestic and some are luxurious and overbearing.

 Different books have similar temperaments, but their intensity, concentration, and style are completely different.

Li Chengyi took out a book and opened it.

  Amidst the clatter of pages, the pages were actually filled with dense black text, and all the words were squirming and changing like insects.

 ‘Book of Life Volume 1366. ’

 At the very beginning of the first page, someone wrote a small line of words.

  Among the large changes in handwriting, only this line remains unchanged.

"Book of Life?" Li Chengyi flipped through it for a while and found that he couldn't identify any of the characters on it. The black sea characters changed too quickly, and the combinations were irregular. He knew the individual characters, but when they were connected together, they were completely incomprehensible. Understand what it means.

His purpose is to come here to find out the history and origin of the previous sword sect, and to see if he can find out what the strange aura of the senior brother is.

 The powerful qualities of the faceless scholar, if they ever appeared, would definitely leave a record.

From this point of view, what I should read are books on history and local chronicles.

Putting down the book, Li Chengyi glanced around. There were at least tens of thousands of books in the vast bookshelf. He wanted to read them one by one. He really didn't know how long it would take to find them.

 There is no guide or anything here.

 He pondered for a moment and decided to allocate some time every day to read the books here.

 This is a long-term job.

in addition

Li Chengyi reached into his pocket and touched something he had been wearing.

That is a purple jade pendant.

  It was a special jade pendant that was given to him by Master Yin Yue at the beginning, which represents his identity and life-saving.

'Just in case, if I can't beat the faceless scholar, I have to prepare for the worst. This place is too far from the Tianju Pavilion of the teacher's door, and it is also too far from the real earth and moon. In the next flower language, if you choose to strengthen the amplification repair The flower language ability of the flower language itself may be contacted by the guru's door and other flower language beads to determine the azimuth coordinates. ’

 After confirming the follow-up plan, Li Chengyi continued to walk up. All floors of the entire library tower were rotated in a circle.

 But the information he needed was not found.

With no choice but to start reading from the second floor, he did not return to eat and practice until the time was getting late.

 Time passes day by day.

 The entire Sword Sect has returned to its original quiet but tense practice environment.

 The elders and deacons came in and out again and again, and reports of battles with the Qingmu Sword Sect were reported from time to time.

 The stalemate between the two sides resulted in many casualties on both sides.

  Many masters of the sword sect were also seriously injured, and Huo Qingkong's strength became more and more prominent here.

 In this difficult period, his strength is actually still rising! And it’s not rising slowly.

 Two months later.

Li Chengyi sent two people from Huoshan to collect the snowdrops, and successfully brought back a hundred snowdrops.

Yuan Qi from Suiyuemen sent an extra dozen or so flowers as a supplement to prevent them from withering. Snow-white snowdrops are neatly wrapped in soft hay, and underneath is a container similar to a flower pot, filled with black soil.

 “Thank you for your hard work.” Li Chengyi was overjoyed.

Once you get the snowdrop, the flower energy is guaranteed, and then you only need to add some evil thoughts to complete an evolution.

  Two muscular squirrels clasped their fists and saluted, speaking in unison.

 “It’s not hard to do things for the master!”

Li Chengyi was in the yard in front of the attic, watching the two men carrying all the flowers in. He immediately stepped forward, stretched out his hand and began to check the flowers.

 It looks like he is checking the quality of each pot, but in fact, he is constantly absorbing new flower energy.

 The flower energy quickly passed the halfway point, reaching 60, and then when the eighty-ninth pot was touched, it was completely perfect, reaching 100%.

 After finishing absorbing all the flower energy, Li Chengyi stood up with satisfaction.


"No problem, move them all to my yard down the mountain and plant them all." It doesn't matter whether they live or not, he has already absorbed the flower energy anyway.

“Yes.” Huoshan and the other two replied respectfully.

Watching the two people leave, Li Chengyi returned to the attic, walked to Kuiling's door and knocked lightly.

 “Come in.” Kui Ling’s voice came from inside.

"Mother, I want to go outside for a walk. It's a bit boring to stay on the mountain all the time." Li Chengyi made an excuse at random, pushed the door open and looked at Kui Lingdao who was practicing cross-legged.

“You are only allowed to move within the safe zone controlled by us, and do not get close to the war zone. Is that okay?” Kui Ling opened her eyes tiredly and warned.

“Yes, I promise.” Li Chengyi nodded.

"Go, remember at the critical moment, don't forget the Dingyuan Sword I gave you. My three sword intentions are sealed in it." Kui Ling just returned from the war zone and suffered some minor injuries. He is now recuperating.

"I won't forget it. Don't worry. When I encounter danger, I will stay far away and never get close." Li Chengyi promised.

“Well, that’s good.” Kui Ling originally wanted Tie Zhou to follow Li Chengyi, but monks cannot grow by staying in a greenhouse. Being too protective will only harm Bai Lu.

So she hesitated to speak and still didn't speak again.

But Li Chengyi had no time to observe Kui Ling's expression carefully. His mind was now filled with filling his evil thoughts as quickly as possible, and then completing the first evolution and the fusion of the Twelve-Flower Scale Clothes. By then, his strength would definitely increase dramatically.

By then, with the foundation of strength, he planned to try to break through the blind corner and leave, and have a serious talk with his senior brother.

 What is the aura he sensed from a distance before, and what is its relationship with the faceless scholar.

 This is something he must find out.

If it is determined that it is irreversible, he plans to take the people close to him out of this blind spot.

"By the way, mother, I was reading a book before and came to the world of seal environment, which is your current state. In this world of seal environment, why do so many elders still stand still for so many years, and the yuan seal does not continue to grow?" Li Chengyi asked suddenly.

 This was a doubt he had after entering the seal ring.

He is now familiar with several elders of the Faceless Sword Sect, but what state these people were in before, three years later, they are still in the same place, still in the same state.

 This is quite strange.

Moreover, I heard from Senior Brother Tie Zhou that the elders have been like this for many hundreds of years and have remained unchanged.

 So before leaving, he simply asked.

After returning this time, he no longer plans to hide his strength. After all, he can no longer hide it. If he wants to have a showdown with his senior brother, there is a high chance that he will fight.

 At that time, it will be impossible to remain hidden in terms of strength.

"The seal environment world is different from the following." Kui Ling showed a smile, "Below the seal ring, it is to increase the number of yuan seals, but above the seal ring, if you continue to add miscellaneous yuan seals, it will not be worth the gain, because the more abilities you have, the more complex it will be. It’s impossible to be good at anything, so at this level, you need to reach the pinnacle.”

 “Get to the top? How to do it?” Li Chengyi knew that there was a secret to this level.

"Continuously strengthen the existing seal rings and try to add as few yuan seals as possible. Instead, strengthen the original yuan seals and let them continue to fuse to enhance the virtual light of the seal rings. So at this level, what you need is not to blindly add other yuan seals. , but to continue to make breakthroughs based on the original Yuan Yin, it is very difficult." Kui Ling smiled.

 She made a mental calculation and guessed that the white deer might have just passed the fifth seal.

 After that, if you master the Holy Spirit Skill and the Faceless Sword Jue, you can reach the level of eight seals. If you add one of his own natural yuan seals, you can reach the nine seals.

 You can indeed learn some relevant information in advance here.

“You should also be aware of the way to strengthen the Yuan Seal, which is to condense similar Yuan Seals, and they will fuse and interweave on their own.” Kui Ling continued.

“So, when we get to the seal ring, we can’t judge the strength based on the number of seals?” Li Chengyi frowned.

“Strength and weakness are never determined on paper, but are actually achieved through hard play.” Kui Ling smiled. "Your senior brother, Yuan Yin has not changed much in three years. The number is about the same as our elders, but the strength is stronger than us. Is this comparable to the number of Yuan Yin alone? And"

The smile on Kui Ling's face suddenly faded.

“Life is the innate qualification of a body with limits, which determines the physiological limit. And the innate range of consciousness and cognition also determines the limit of the realm of consciousness. In fact, we old people have already reached our limit. We can’t make any progress.”

 “My child understands.” Li Chengyi nodded. My heart is also a little heavy.

Limit Kui Ling's limit has been reached, so what is his limit?

As the Flower Master of Evil, does he have limits?

 After a moment of silence, he took advantage of the fact that he was about to condense his Yuan Seal and asked several questions.

It wasn't until Kui Ling's face showed the slightest hint of fatigue that he said goodbye to Kui Ling. After saying goodbye to Yun Chen Tie Zhou, he planned to go down the mountain alone, preparing to collect evil thoughts.

 (End of this chapter)