MTL - History’s Strongest Shopkeeper-Chapter 1766 Hit the face

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Ji Ning waved his hand, and the naked body appeared a moon blue robes, and a pair of black boots, but this month's blue robes and black boots are the most common clothes, he is afraid that if he wears treasure again The clothes will disappear again.


Listening to the cold figure of the ear, Ji Ning gritted his teeth.

If he is to let him know everything behind this, who is planning, he must let the black hands behind the scenes know the huge price that needs to be paid.


The emptiness of the void, Ji Ning feels an invisible force to bind him, this is a force beyond imagination, even if he is in the wild universe of chaos, still can not break the **** of this power.

However, Ji Ning did not have any panic, he knew that this power should come from the mysterious Wanjielou.

“Is this Wanjie Mall?”

Ji Ning only felt a piece of whiteness in front of him, and the Kun Kun was upside down. The next moment appeared in front of a huge city.

The city is too big, and the sky is high, and the sky is connected to the sky. It seems that the top is not seen, and the end is not seen. This is the most beautiful city that he saw.

Ji Ning did not hesitate any more. There was endless anger in his heart. Since he cultivated, he has never been so shameful and humiliated, and he was even stunned.

He kept a sensible observation of everything in Wanjie Mall, but his goal was to go straight to the main hall of Wanjielou. He wanted to know who caused it.

"Too early?"

When Ji Ning walked to the front door of the main hall of Wanjielou, he entered the main hall of Wanjielou with the gloomy beginnings.

The two looked at each other, and the gloomy face of the beginning was too gloomy. In the original world, they entered a strong enough to threaten his status and security.


At the beginning, he converges on the face of his face, and his face is expressionless.

The biggest enemy of his time is the black robe emperor. Ji Ning can only be regarded as a hidden danger. The black robe emperor is a great scourge that may lead him to lose his foundation immediately.

If possible, he would even be willing to cooperate with Ji Ning to deal with the Emperor of the Black Robe.

"Thank you for your early childhood."

Ji Ning looked slightly cold.

From the early demeanor, he ruled out the guess in his heart.

The moment when his treasure disappeared, he first suspected that it was too early.

Although he was a chaotic universe master in the early days, his strength should be similar. However, he entered the mysterious Wanjie Building at the beginning, who knows what was gaining in the Wanjie Building at the beginning.

Maybe in the beginning, I got the chance to go against the sky in Wanjielou, and the realm of strength has soared, breaking the imprisonment of the chaos universe.

"Junning, do you know that there is still a Gestalt in the original world that entered the Wanjie Building?"

At the beginning, I didn't change my face. It seemed that I didn't notice the bad attitude of Ji Ning.

He can't bear the pressure of the black robe emperor himself. He wants Ji Ning to help him share part of the pressure.

He used to be the Emperor of the Black Robe. He knew the horror of the Emperor of the Black Robe. In the past, more than 100 of the ultimate supreme, all were detonated by the Emperor of the Black Robe.

He was lucky enough to survive because he had a treasure of the black robe emperor 'delimitation monument' and some of his true spirits were hidden.

At the beginning, I thought that the Emperor of the Black Robe became the past with the explosion of the vast mainland world. Moreover, he repeatedly controlled the time back and saw the emperor of the black robe fall.

However, today he heard the news of the Emperor of the Black Robe again, and the Emperor of the Black Robe has the right to trade the treasures he possesses. How can he not be jealous and horrified?

"who is it?"

When Ji Ning glanced at him, he felt that the person he said at the beginning was definitely related to what happened in the original world.

"Black robe emperor."

At the beginning of the word, a word.

This name seems to him to have a magical power, with deep hatred in fear.

"Is the black robe emperor not fallen?"

Ji Ning is a secluded road.

When he became the master of the chaotic universe, he immediately conducted a retrospective of the original world, trying to find some hidden dangers that threatened the chaotic universe.

He discovered the emperor's chaotic universe, but only because of the existence of the Wanjielou at that time, he had to leave a hole card.

Because if the emperor's chaotic universe is destroyed, in the original world, the chaos of the universe is really the peak of the peak, there is no possibility of becoming stronger.

However, in the process of backtracking time, Ji Ning also saw the origins of the nine chaotic universes, and also saw the vastness of the previous era of the continent, and also saw the ancient robes of the emperor who controlled the vast world of the mainland.

This willingness to control the vast world of the mainland, with the detonation of the vast mainland world, has also fallen.

Now it has been mentioned too early, and Ji Ning is very confused.

"The black robe emperor has not fallen, as if the identity is still very special, just in the treasure he has traded above the supreme level of the Sith chaotic universe, even the treasures of my body, he can trade, I am the Sith chaotic universe. The masters of the control, but the supreme treasures of the Sith chaotic universe have all disappeared, as if the black robe emperor is the master of the original world, it is terrible."

At the beginning, it was pretentious.

He sent a glimmer of energy and returned to the original world. Check out the situation of the Sith Chaotic Universe.

The entire Sith Chaotic universe seems to have fallen by one level. In the entire chaotic universe, in addition to the living Supreme life, no one can find a supreme treasure.

"Black Robe Emperor~"

Ji Ning's eyes were cold and his face muscles were somewhat distorted, and then he walked toward the main hall of Wanjielou.

From the first time of opening in the beginning, Ji Ning concluded that what happened in the original world was related to the Emperor of the Black Robe. However, in order not to be used as a gun, Ji Ning intends to confirm it again at Wanjielou.

"嘿嘿嘿·······It seems that I am not bad for one person, and Ji Ning may be more unlucky."

Looking at the appearance of Ji Ning's anger and rushing to the crown, the beginning of the mouth could not help but outline a sneer. Because he is a customer of Wanjielou, he has the power to refuse the black robes to trade his treasures. Ji Ning is just entering Wanjielou, the previous transaction. I am afraid I did not ask him at all.

Ji Ning, who entered Wanjielou, may be 'no penny', and even a ten-order high-order magic weapon may not be able to get and cause Ji Ning to be so poor behind the scenes, Ji Ning will Let go of the black robe emperor?

"Maybe you can first provoke the Emperor of the Black Robe and Ji Ning to fight up. I will take advantage of the fishermen."

In the beginning, there was a sneer in the eyes, and then stepped into the main hall of the Wanshang Building.

The black robe emperor is the will life that survived in the last era. The strength is unfathomable and very dangerous.

If the two don't do it, the Emperor of the Black Robe will only continue to grow bigger, even if he and Ji Ning are not the opponents of the Emperor of the Black Robe in the future, so I knew that I must figure out a way to let Ji Ning and Black as soon as possible. The Emperor of the Robe was determined to stand tall, and even when Ji Ning fell into the disadvantage, he still needed to help.

After entering the main hall of Wanjielou, Ji Ning went to the front desk trading office of Wanjielou. There were not many customers at the front desk trading office of Wanjielou. There was only one person in front of Ji Ning.

However, when Ji Ning saw the figure of the customer in front of him, his eyes were cold and the machine was stacked.

The customer of Wanjielou in front of him turned out to be the Emperor of the Black Robe.

"The North Moon Sword has a general potential and can only be counted as an ordinary ten-order top magic weapon. The potential of the North Rainbow Sword is extraordinary. It has the potential to grow to the super-level magic weapon. It belongs to the advanced ten-order top magic weapon...·······

"Take these treasures to trade all of the super-level heavenly sources to trade the origin of the heavens, and the rest of the trading chaos devil's body...······"

Ji Ning stood behind the Emperor of the Black Robe and listened to the conversation between the Emperor of the Black Robe and a staff member of the Wanjie Building. He was screaming and angered, and his magic weapon turned out to be the Emperor of the Black Robe. The value point of the building goods.

He will report this hatred!

At the beginning, "·······".

Things are right, he just needs to wait patiently for the right opportunity, Thunder strikes. (The strongest shop owner in history)