MTL - Hogwarts Card System-Chapter 19 Alien little wizard

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  Chapter 19 Alien Little Wizard

   "Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw!" Hermione whispered.

  The Sorting Hat: "Ah, a studious little girl, but not lacking in bravery..."

   "Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw!" Hermione kept chanting regardless of what the hat said.

  The Sorting Hat: "Uh, that, can you listen to me..."

   "Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw!"

   "Okay, okay!" The Sorting Hat compromised.

   "You do fit there, although I think Gryffindor is also suitable for you. Go and find your friends. Ravenclaw~"

  Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, put down her hat with a flushed face, and ran to Ravenclaw's dining table.

  The eaglets immediately applauded, and Ted moved aside to make room for her.

   "How did you get Ravenclaw?" Ted asked. He didn't expect that the branch could change.

  Hermione raised her chin slightly, pretending to be reserved: "Maybe the Sorting Hat thinks I like studying more!"

   Soon, the letter of classification came to "H".

   "Harley Quinn Potter." When Professor McGonagall called out Harley's full name, Ted froze for a moment.

  A crossword puzzle? That middle name doesn't feel very auspicious!

   Not surprisingly, Harry was assigned to Gryffindor.

  In the original book, the Sorting Hat hesitated for a long time. Maybe because of Voldemort's Horcrux, it also thought about sorting Harry into Slytherin, but this time it was happy—just a few seconds.

  Have you started yet?

It has ended!

  Harry put down her hat very gracefully, waved the hem of her wizard robe, and strode towards the Gryffindor dining table. Then open your hands, as if bathing in holy light...

   "Roar~" There was a burst of cheers like howling ghosts and wolves, and the little lions felt that this girl was so right!

  In fact, the Weasley twins are the happiest, jumping up and down.

   There is another older red-haired girl, who should be Page Weasley.

  Harry and they knew each other before.

   After a while, Jerry also played.

  He does not have a surname, so he is sorted by the first letter of his first name.

  The Sorting Hat did not hesitate, and assigned him to Gryffindor within three seconds.

  The atmosphere of Gryffindor is really good. There is no discrimination because of the round mouse ears on both sides of Jerry's head, but he is even more excited? !

   "We have Shushu~"

   "Thank you, thank you, thank you..." Jerry moved to thank everyone who welcomed him.

   Not long after, we arrived at Neville.

  When Neville Longbottom's name was called, the scene was quiet for a moment, and then began to whisper.

   The Sorting Hat started to hesitate again at Neville's place, and it was almost five minutes before finally making a decision - "Gryffindor!"

   Neville ran away in a hurry, forgetting to take off his hat again. Hey, why did I say again?

  This familiar scene can somewhat comfort Ted.

   "Ah! We've got Longbottom again! The Boy Who Lived!"

Everyone in Gryffindor rushed to shake hands with Neville, making his face red, then white, then red again... This was a bit too exciting for him, and he almost fainted on the spot .

   Neville's acquaintance after that was Malfoy, who was assigned to Slytherin without accident.

   By the time Ron arrived, there were not many people left.

   Ron was naturally assigned to Gryffindor.

  The sorting ceremony is coming to an end soon.

  Ted felt that the magical connection with the castle suddenly turned into some kind of grand magic, which penetrated into the castle and disappeared.

  It seems that the magic of the entrance ceremony has been completed, and these little wizards have become students of Hogwarts on the magical level.

  Gryffindor and Ravenclaw's tables were next to each other, and Neville and Ron sat down behind Ted and Hermione.

  Neville turned around and whispered to Ted: "Thank you, thank you Ted. What you said is true! I have been whispering about Gryffindor just now, and I am really assigned to Gryffindor!"

  Ted smiled: "You will be assigned to Gryffindor because you have precious qualities and you are brave enough. Maybe you haven't found it yet, but it has always been with you."

  Ron grinned when he heard it: "Why do I think Ted speaks better than a professor!"

  Jerry nodded in agreement.

  Hermione glared at them: What Ted said makes sense, what are you two talking about?

   Anyway, the sorting ceremony is over.

  Final sorting results:

  Gryffindor: 10.

   Ravenclaw: 9.

   Hufflepuff: 9.

  Slytherin: 8.

  A total of 36 freshmen.

  The British wizarding world is in a population crisis!

  Think about the four Hogwarts deans, principals, and professors, none of whom have children. This is a pill for the British wizarding world!

  However, this number seems to be a few more than in the original book, but because the original book did not clearly state the list of freshmen in the class of 91, Ted can't be sure.

  But aliens like Jerry are definitely not in the original book.

   But he is not the only one in Hogwarts!

  It seems to be at the same level as me, there is a dwarf girl Clara Flash.

  She only looks a little over one meter long. Although she is only 11 years old, she may grow longer in the future. But where else could this go?

  She is an intelligent race from another world—dwarf.

   It is said that she is good at magic, jewelry processing and magic technology.

  In addition to these two, Hogwarts also accepted some students with magical talents from other races in the past few years. After all, it has been 11 years since the intelligent races from other worlds appeared in the second celestial confluence.

   Some children who traveled to this world from a young age were admitted to Hogwarts when they were 11 years old.


  Gov Oasis, a second-year Hufflepuff student from the Horn Tribe.

  He was born with two horns and his nose was a bit big, and he looked a bit dull. He was a head and a half taller than his peers, more than a circle older.

   Quite a feeling: In the second day of this year, I am afraid of school violence. jpg feeling.

  Gryffindor third-year student Dwarf Muradin Bronze Duo.

  At only 14 years old, he already has a full beard, and he will be able to braid his chin in a few years.

   Ravenclaw 4th grade student female elf Lori Ida Silver.

  She is older than her peers. She is already 18 years old, but she still looks like six or seven years old, and she speaks in a childish voice.

   After all, elves live three times as long as humans and develop more slowly.

   Hufflepuff grade 5 student Itoli, a bunny-eared girl.

   She is the first foreigner in the school. At that time, Dumbledore personally persuaded the school board to accept her. Created a precedent.

  This year, two students of different races can enroll, and this ratio has increased.

  The emergence of alien races is a great test for the wizarding community. On the one hand, it is trying to cover up to prevent them from being inadvertently exposed to Muggles, and on the other hand, it is related to the distribution of benefits.

  Alien races bring different knowledge, but they also occupy survival resources and form certain competition.

   Originally, those pure bloods were still targeting the hemp-seeded wizards, trying to make the pure bloods great again, but a more unusual competitor came.

  As the saying goes, peers are often killed by cross-border.

   In this regard, wizards are now roughly divided into three factions.

  One kind is the goodwill faction, the other kind is the centrist faction, and the other kind is the opposition faction.

   The overwhelming majority of the opposition are pure blood wizards. Most centrists...

  The last time the stars met, there was no intelligent race, that is, to fight monsters, and even enrich the magic resources.

  The intersection of stars and stars ten years ago brought many kinds of alien races. Fortunately, the number was not large, otherwise conflicts would be inevitable.

   This will be a major challenge to the magic world. Possibly more dangerous than Voldemort!


   "Hiss~ha!" Neville suddenly covered his forehead in pain.

  Jerry next to him quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

  Neville forced a smile and said, "It's nothing, just a sudden headache."

  Halley said with experience: "Maybe it was a cold wind blowing while rowing."

  Ron echoed: "That's right, just eat more later!"

  Neville felt that the cold wind was blowing, and eating more might be useless.

   This is my own scar that is pricking, as if someone pricked it with a needle.

   But only for a few seconds, and then it's gone. Naturally, he did not refute the concerns of his friends.

   To be honest, this feeling of being cared by friends is really good.

   At this moment, Quirrell was wearing a turban and turned his back to Neville, as if he was talking to someone.

  Ted smirked in his heart: He probably could only lie on his side when he slept~

  Snape, on the other hand, folded his arms and stared blankly at Harry, who was talking and laughing with his friends.

  (end of this chapter)