MTL - Hogwarts Card System-Chapter 80 Director Deng's Breakthrough Game

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  Chapter 80 Director Deng's Breakthrough Game

  The exam is over, as if a heavy burden has been lifted from the shoulders.

   Enjoy the next few days and wait for the holidays!

  However, Hermione noticed that Neville's complexion was not very good after lunch.

   "Neville, haven't you had a good rest?" she asked.

  Neville pretended to be okay, and forced a smile: "It's okay, it's just a nightmare."

Jerry said on the side: "Neville has been having nightmares for several nights in a row. I suggested that he go to the school hospital to ask Madam Pomfrey for some Dreamless Sleeping Potion, but he didn't go, and he didn't want to tell you, lest you worry. "

  Ron also said: "If you want me to say, it is exam phobia! I heard from George and others that many students will get it. But the disease will be cured after the exam."

  Neville nodded: "Well, I should be too worried about the grades. But now that the exam is over, there should be no more nightmares."

  Actually, Ted had been struggling for several days at this time—whether he should get involved in the Philosopher’s Stone incident?

  It is dangerous if you intervene.

  To be honest, the whole world has undergone tremendous changes now. The savior is Neville. Not to mention the lethality of Quirrell and Voldemort, it is not even sure what the level the professors set up.

  With the current strength, it is really dangerous to intervene rashly.

  Anyway, Dumbledore has a perfect plan. According to the original book, if Harry hadn't walked in front of the Mirror of Erised, Quirrell might not even be able to see the Sorcerer's Stone.

   But here comes the problem again. It is obvious that Dumbledore Deng directed the whole process, and even the props were arranged by himself.

  Dumbledore's purpose is to train his own savior, so that he can defeat Voldemort in the future.

   So, can Dumbledore allow Neville to stay out of this matter?

   I'm afraid they don't take the initiative to go, but they have to be led there passively, right?

   And with Dumbledore behind him, at least he won't die. Then what are you afraid of?

  This Sorcerer's Stone incident is my only chance to get in touch with the top alchemy products in the magic world, and it will also be a very high-level and hugely rewarding task-do I want to participate in it or not!

   And now, Neville told about the nightmare, that is the last chance.

  In an instant, dozens of thoughts went through Ted's mind, and he finally decided—it's done, brothers~

  Instead of being passively dragged into the plan by Director Deng with a high probability, it is better to take the initiative and let Director Deng stay behind the scenes and do nothing.

   With Dumbledore at his back, it would be a pity not to give it a try.

   Besides, Neville might not be able to escape, and Harry Ron and the others had to follow. Could it be that they kept themselves and Hermione out of the matter?

  If the two of us stayed out of the matter, Neville and the others would not have Lao Deng secretly cheating, I am afraid that they would not even be able to see what Voldemort looked like.

  Ted frowned seriously and looked at Neville.

  Ron's heart tightened suddenly: Here we come!

  Jerry also had chills on his back: After seeing Ted’s expression in the Mirror of Erised incident last time, we ushered in a painful winter training camp!

  Ted spoke slowly, and asked, "Neville, how did you react to your recent scar?"

  Neville was stunned for a moment, and said nervously, "It hurts, it hurts a little. Recently, when I had nightmares in the middle of the night, the scar would suddenly hurt and wake me up!"

  Ron patted Neville suddenly: "Brother, why didn't you tell us about this?!"

  Neville scratched his head: "I'm afraid you will be afraid."

  This "S"-shaped scar is the emblem of defeating the mysterious man. The scar pain and nightmares are really worrying.

   Ted asked, "So what did you dream about?"

  Ted's question stopped Ron. He really didn't know what Neville's nightmare was about. He directly substituted into the dream of Snape!

  Neville said: "I dreamed of the mysterious black man who drank unicorn blood that night."

  His face was very ugly. Dreaming about this person for several nights, and then being woken up in pain, this experience is not good.

  At this time, the friends vaguely felt that something was wrong, especially Ted's attitude, which was too serious.

  Ted took out his wand and twirled it twice on his fingertips, then released a spell to protect him from being overheard.

   "You also know that I have always been particularly vigilant in the Forbidden Forest, and I have also confirmed that there are extremely dangerous dark wizards in the Forbidden Forest who are playing with unicorns."

"Unicorn blood has great effects. Even if you are on the verge of death, unicorn blood can still keep you alive. But after that, you will suffer an extremely strong curse for the rest of your life. So even a dark wizard will not hit a unicorn The idea of ​​the beast."

  Harry asked: "Then, who was that night? He was so crazy!"

  Ted whispered: "I suspect it's the mysterious man!"

   "Who?!" Ron's voice was straight up to the sound of a dolphin, and his eyes popped out.

  Ted's expression was flat, and he said again: "I suspect that the person who drank unicorn blood is a mysterious person!"

   "Mystery Man?!" Harry also widened his eyes.

   Even the head of the Gryffindor, the Hogwarts boxing champion, was terrified of the Dark Lord. After all, he had heard of his cruelty and evil since he was a child, and it was impossible for him to have no shadow.

  For their generation, Voldemort is the legendary monster that their parents used to scare them, so as not to stop children crying at night!

   And in a way, Voldemort was her father and mother enemy.

  Although Voldemort did not do it himself, the Potters did die tragically because of their confrontation.

   And Neville, that is the real blood feud of killing father and mother!

  Ted said: "For a long time, there have been rumors in the magic world that the mysterious man is not dead, at least not completely dead."

   "Now we all know that Dumbledore hid the only magic stone in the world that can make the elixir of life in the basement of the third floor."

   "I also know that someone has extracted from Hagrid the weakness of the three-headed dog guarding the secret door."

   "I also know that someone hunted and killed unicorns in the Forbidden Forest to drink their blood..."

   "You-Know-Who is going to be resurrected?!" Neville's face was flushed, his eyebrows were going up, and he was tightly holding the unicorn hair wand left by his father.

   "We have to do something!" Harry shouted with wide eyes.

  Hermione pulled Harry quickly and said, "We have to tell Dumbledore. Right away!"

  Ron: "But we don't know the password." The principal's office needs a password to open the door.

   "Go to Professor McGonagall!" Jerry suggested.

  The six hurried to Professor McGonagall's office.

   "Professor, we have to see the principal, there is something very urgent." Harry said while pressing Professor McGonagall's desk.

  Professor McGonagall looked at the six "protégé students" and pushed his glasses: "The principal is very busy, it is impossible to see you for no reason."

   Just as Neville was about to speak, Ron covered his mouth.

  Professor McGonagall looked at a few people, and said: "Besides, he is not at school now."

   "Not at school?"

   "That's right, the Ministry of Magic has something to do with Dumbledore, so he left without lunch."

   "Then when will he come back?"

"have no idea."

  Six people came out of Professor McGonagall's office, and the facial features on their faces were all uncomfortable, so they were connected together.

   At such a critical time, Dumbledore was unexpectedly not at school~

   "What?" Ron asked.

   "How about waiting for the principal to come back?" Jerry proposed.

   "No!" Neville immediately vetoed Jerry's proposal, "You-Know-Who cannot get the Philosopher's Stone, we have to stop him! We have to get it ahead of time!"

  He looks at the crowd, hoping for support.

  Harry nodded immediately, she couldn't let her enemy get what she wanted.

   Ron nodded too, he didn't actually realize the danger of this matter-well, it wasn't actually dangerous.

   Ted also nodded, "We have to do something."

   Seeing that Ted agreed, Hermione said, "I have to follow you, lest you do stupid things."

  Jerry nodded quickly: "Don't leave me behind!"

  The six of them agreed to meet up outside the classroom on the left hand side of the third floor at 11 o'clock in the middle of the night.

   "Ding ~ trigger task:

  【Breakthrough Game (Blue)】

  Dumbledore's growth and breakthrough game specially set up by Dumbledore for the savior and his friends at Hogwarts is not to be missed.

  Goal: Complete seven levels.

  Reward: 300 experience, random cards.

  Director Deng has already written the script, set up the props and the studio, and invited famous actors to play the villain, and it’s up to you! "

   "Ding ~ trigger task:

  【Can I touch your Philosopher's Stone? (red)】

  Nicole May's most outstanding alchemy work, the only one in the magic world, the legendary philosopher's stone.

  Goal: Touch the Philosopher's Stone.

   Reward: 1200 experience points, +lv1 alchemy, card [False · Sage's Stone (Red)].

  After this village, there is no such shop~”

  Good guy, one red and one blue mission, this adventure is going to cost blood!

   But how can I touch the Sorcerer's Stone?

   May Director Deng fool you~



  (end of this chapter)