MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 187 Drawing Lonely Angel (6)

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Lu Yanzhou had been painting all night, and the original owner was not in good health, he was already very tired.

But he was in good spirits, so he told the two friends of his grandfather what he said to his grandfather last night.

These two friends of his grandfather are still trustworthy.

After hearing Lu Yanzhou's words, the two of them were furious: "Then Xie is indeed too much!"

"The worst thing is Xie Chengran's parents. Xie Chengran is not very old. These things must be their parents fueling the flames."

"This Xie Chengze is so pitiful..."

While talking, they looked at Xie Chengran's paintings on the Internet, and couldn't help sighing: "Xie Chengze is really talented."

"But he should not have received professional guidance."

"Some paintings have flaws and should be painted on and off."

The three old men all believed in Lu Yanzhou—there was no absolute certainty that Lu Yanzhou would not do such impulsive things.

Just because they believed, they also wanted to rescue Xie Chengze, but...

Yu Qinshan suddenly said: "Yanzhou, many people on the Internet are scolding you."

There are indeed many people on the Internet scolding Lu Yanzhou.

What Lu Yanzhou did last night, after a night of fermentation, has now completely erupted.

Time to go back to last night.

After the live broadcast of the National College Student Painting Competition was suspended, it did not continue.

Many people think that Lu Yanzhou giving Xie Chengran a zero score is an excessive thing, but he is a judge, and the score he gave has been entered into the system. If there is no special reason, this score cannot be invalidated.

After Lu Yanzhou left yesterday, Xie Chengran cried so hard when he saw that his score was not even 90, which made his boyfriend Xiao Rong feel bad.

It was useless to stay at the game, Xiao Rong sent Xie Chengran and Xie Chengran's parents back to Xie's house, and assured Xie Chengran: "Of course, don't worry, the score will be invalid."

"Really?" Xie Chengran looked at Xiao Rong with red and swollen eyes.

"Really." Xiao Rong kissed Xie Chengran's eyes.

Lu Yanzhou felt that Xiao Rong had a good background, and it was true.

Xiao Rong's grandfather is the head of the Galaxy Alliance.

Xiao Rong is still young and has no position in his body, and his grandfather is not only his grandson, but he has such an identity, he can naturally make others look at him highly, like the organizing committee of the painting competition, and he is even more willing to give him A face, give Xie Chengran the green light.

"But...but Lu Yanzhou is so powerful, his grandfather is Master Yu Qinshan..."

"What if his grandfather is Yu Qinshan?" Xiao Rong sneered and looked at Xie Chengran tenderly, "Of course, you have a good night's sleep, and tomorrow, this matter will be over."

Xiao Rong fell in love with Xie Chengran more than two years ago.

He has everything since he was a child, which makes him unable to find his purpose in life, and even feels that life is meaningless.

He plays all kinds of dangerous extreme sports, walks on the edge of life and death, and doesn't care about his own life.

He was numb and painful at that time, and needed a psychiatrist to help him.

The psychiatrist said that there are many young people like him, that they do this because they can't find the meaning of life, and suggested that he find a hobby.

Xiao Rong didn't take the psychiatrist's words seriously until he saw a video of Xie Chengran's painting when he was browsing the Internet one day.

Xie Chengren in the video is much younger than he is now, only fifteen years old. At that time, Xie Chengren was not yet famous. He was holding cheap paint and smearing on the canvas intently. His eyes were full of piety, as if he could paint. already owns the whole world.

That look hit Xiao Rong's heart.

When he saw Xie Chengran carefully scraping the paint from the empty paint bottle... His heart was hit hard again.

He suddenly found the meaning of life, and he wanted to give Xie Chengran the best of everything.

He has indeed done it. In recent years, Xie Chengran has become so famous, and it has something to do with him.

He also became Xie Chengran's boyfriend!

Now, Xie Chengran, who was held in his palm by him, was actually bullied by that Lu Yanzhou!

Xiao Rong has decided to show Lu Yanzhou some color, no, he wants to make Lu Yanzhou unable to turn over!

Because of jealousy, he framed Xie Chengran... Lu Yanzhou should be punished!

"I can't sleep." Xie Chengran said.

Xiao Rong said: "Then you go to paint? That should make you calm down."

When Xiao Rong mentioned painting, anticipation rose in his heart - he wanted to see Xie Chengran paint.

It is a pity that Xie Chengran needs an absolutely quiet environment when he paints, and it is not accessible at all, so that he and Xie Chengran have known each other for so long, and he has never seen Xie Chengran paint with his own eyes.

Xie Cheng certainly doesn't like people around him chatting with him about painting, especially when his suitors mention it - he doesn't want others to like him because of his paintings.

When Xiao Rong was chasing him, he never mentioned Xie Chengran's painting, and it's only now that it's better.

Xie Chengran said, "I still have the heart to paint now..."

Indeed, Xie Cheng has suffered such grievances, how can he still have the heart to paint!

Xiao Rong hated Lu Yanzhou even more for a while.

Not wanting Xie Chengran to know his cruel and violent side, Xiao Rong went outside to make a phone call, bought some navy troops to go to Heilu Yanzhou, and then returned to Xie's house to discuss with Xie Chengran and Xie Chengran's parents how to deal with this situation. next thing.

"Lu Yanzhou's accusation has no evidence, and it is very simple to clarify..." Xiao Rong asked Xie's father and mother to sort out Xie Chengran's works, and send a clarification video.

They were chatting when suddenly there was a "crackling" knock on the door.

Xiao Rong frowned and looked in the direction of the voice.

The voice came from the housekeeper's room on the ground floor of the Xie family's villa. The Xie family did not invite a housekeeper. The person living in that room should be Xie Chengze.

"It must be that Aze is unhappy, I will go see him." Xie mother said.

When Xiao Rong heard the words, he turned his head and continued to discuss with Father Xie what to do next, but a sense of disgust inevitably rose in his heart.

Xiao Rong hated Xie Chengze very much. The Xie family's background is not good. Xie Chengran was born in such a family, but he is hardworking and talented. He feels that Xie Chengran is good in everything.

Xie Cheng's only disadvantage may be that he has an autistic younger brother.

Xie Chengze didn't even have basic language skills, and he went mad at every turn. He really hated even taking a second glance.

However, such a person still has the same face as Xie Chengran, Xiao Rong often thinks, why is this person not dead?

Of course, he should be unique.

At this time, Mother Xie had already opened the door of the housekeeper's room, and then Xie Chengze rushed out, shouting "woohoo", and wanted to run upstairs.

Mother Xie glanced at Xiao Rong, and in a place that Xiao Rong could not see, she used a small electric shocker to electrify Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze fell to the ground all of a sudden, and was about to cry when he opened his mouth.

Mother Xie raised his hand, Xie Chengze didn't dare to cry, he bit his lip, and the tears couldn't stop falling.

Seeing that he was quiet, Mother Xie said to Xiao Rong: "Xiao Xiao, I will bring Aze upstairs, you can talk slowly."

After she finished speaking, she called the robot and asked the robot to carry Xie Chengze upstairs.

Xie Chengze is actually very quiet, as long as he is given food and drink and let him paint, he can be alone all the time.

Therefore, when Xie Chengze was young, they gave him the painting tools and brushes that Xie Chengren didn't want, and let him play as long as it didn't get in the way.

In the end, I just played with it... Xie Chengze's paintings turned out to be better than Xie Chengran's!

After that, they would not stop Xie Chengze from painting.

But in the past two years, Xie Chengran's reputation has been getting bigger and bigger. They are afraid that others will find out that it is Xie Chengze who is painting. When they are not at home, they dare not let Xie Chengze stay in the studio - if there is an accident, they will be seen by others. What should Xie Chengze do when he paints at home alone?

So as long as they are not at home, they will lock up Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was always very uncooperative. Sometimes he would yell and roll around. If no one was there, they could instruct the robot to forcibly shut down the person directly, but if someone was there, they could only use some special means, such as clicking.

Mother Xie took Xie Chengze to the third floor, locked it in an empty room, and hurried downstairs.

Xie Chengze was in the room, crying silently, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

He was very hungry, and he wanted to paint until he heard someone knocking on the door, but now he is still locked up.

Xie Chengze didn't know why this happened, he couldn't understand, he just felt that he was surrounded by fog, and everything was hazy.

He really likes to paint.

Xie’s father and Xie’s mother have made a clarification announcement on Xingwang, saying that their family is very ordinary, and Xie Chengran’s money for learning to paint when he was a child was all that they could afford, and even Xie Chengran didn’t have enough paint at that time. draw.

They wrote this announcement in a eloquent manner. In addition, the following is a video of fifteen or sixteen-year-old "Xie Chengran" painting, and various links to see Xie Chengran's previous painting videos and works. Fans, all of a sudden exploded.

"Lu Yanzhou is going too far!"

"He bullied Ranran because he was a judge!"

"However, it's not easy! He also gave Ranran zero points!"

These people even rushed to Lu Yanzhou's Xingwang account to curse.

That's fine. At this time, a lot of Lu Yanzhou's "black stuff" was exposed.

"After Lu Yanzhou painted "The Stars", he couldn't paint any more works!"

"Lu Yanzhou is useless himself and can't draw anything, so Xie Cheng is not pleasing to the eye."

"Who doesn't know that Lu Yanzhou is particularly difficult to get along with? He also likes to suppress newcomers!"

"Lu Yanzhou did not know how many disgusting things he did because his grandfather was Yu Qinshan!"

In fact, some people have always said this, but at that time, people who were only jealous of Lu Yanzhou occasionally said a few words, but now it is different, and suddenly everyone starts to say.

Not only that, but there are other accusations against Lu Yanzhou: "Lu Yanzhou's weight is not right. Did he take some medicine?"

"Someone asked him if he was drunk, and he drank a bar at that time?"

"He made it clear that it was a public revenge, and the score should be invalidated!"

Xie Chengran looked at the news on the Internet, bit his lip, and suddenly said to Xiao Rong: "Xiao Rong, there is actually one more thing, I don't know if I should tell you..."

"What?" Xiao Rong asked. Xiao Rong was thinking about how to deal a fatal blow to Lu Yanzhou. He planned to sue Lu Yanzhou for infringing on Xie Chengran's reputation and send Lu Yanzhou to jail.

As long as Lu Yanzhou goes to jail, he has a way to clean up Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengran said: "Lu Yanzhou's student, send me something related to Lu Yanzhou."

Xie Chengran sent the videos and photos related to Lu Yanzhou sent to him by Meng Yulin to Xiao Rong.

Meng Yulin is also one of Xie Chengran's suitors. Although Xie Chengran already has a boyfriend, he still contacts Meng Yulin.

He wanted to be Lu Yanzhou's student at the time.

But a few days ago, Lu Yanzhou came to him, and after seeing his painting, his eyes were very wrong, and he asked him a lot of questions.

He knew that Lu Yanzhou doubted him, so he expressed his concerns in front of Meng Yulin, and as a result... Meng Yulin actually brought him Lu Yanzhou's black material!

In the video, Lu Yanzhou was drawing at first, but as he was drawing, he suddenly began to vomit, then began to smash things at hand, and finally fainted.

In addition to this video, there are also some photos... The photos were taken by Lu Yanzhou's paintings, as well as the situation in Lu Yanzhou's studio. Lu Yanzhou's paintings are really as bad as they are, and his studio is also a mess. chaos.

Xie Chengran added: "Senior Meng also told me that Lu Yanzhou can't draw at all, and he can't teach people to draw. He is just trying to make a name for himself..."

Xiao Rong's eyes lit up - these things are enough to make Lu Yanzhou unable to turn over!

No wonder Lu Yanzhou would do such a thing, it turns out that he was already crazy! Can't draw it!

While Xiao Rong and the others were thinking about dealing with Lu Yanzhou, more and more people, including the police, came to Yu Qinshan's house.

Lu Yanzhou contacted the police yesterday, and today, the police arranged for someone to come over.