MTL - Horror Game Escape Guide-Chapter 15 Zombie Town (15) Where the Sun Rises

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Several people stumbled away from the Public Security Bureau, found a residential building nearby, opened the door on the third floor, killed the zombies inside, and temporarily settled down.

I have met those terrible zombies of almost undead soldiers. It is not easy to kill these ordinary ones. Even the youngest man, Li Yougen, is not so scared, and the man named You Yi has been silent. Followed by Xin Meng, no longer took the initiative to take the initiative, only when he saw that he was in danger, he would help him in time.

Even if there is no gun, there is no powerful way to damage the man. He took Xueliang's sharp saber in his hand, and only looked like a light stroke on the neck of the zombie, and the head of the zombie murmured and rolled to the ground, without knowing it. People seem to think that zombies are made of paper, but everyone in the scene has experienced terrible assassinations, and their hearts are mirror-like: not that the zombies are too weak, but that the man is too strong.

At this time, everyone was sitting in the living room to rest. Dong Xiu and Li Yougen were as far away as possible from this newly joined man who was not easy to mess with at first sight, but Xin Meng didn't care. It was safe to be around this powerful man. Besides, the other side also defended himself all the way, anyway, he was not willing to sit with people like Dong Xiu Li Yougen, he just sat on the sofa with the man.

He even found that the man's eyes often fell on himself, more often than others, but there was no special emotion in his eyes, but he was very calm. This calmness infected Xin Meng and made him feel relieved.

Suddenly, the man opened his mouth. "What happened to the left arm?"

This is the second time Xin Meng has heard a man speak. The voice of a man is very low, especially magnetic. If it is used in popular terms, it means "make your ears pregnant." At this time, the man is very close to Xin Meng, like a post. Like talking in his ear, Xin Meng's earlobe was slightly red due to sensitivity, and she moved her body uncomfortably. "Well ... just now, interrupted by Jiezi."

The man didn't say anything. He just stood up and went to the living room for a while. When he came back, he took two wooden boards, took out a roll of bandage from his backpack, sat beside Xin Meng, helped him straighten his bones, and then Fix it with a wooden board, apply a bandage, hang it around your neck, and fasten it in front of your chest. "Don't disturb it."

His movements were fast and proficient. Xin Meng only felt a short period of pain when the bone was orthostatic. When the broken bone was fixed, he was much more comfortable.

Dong Xiu sat on the other side of the chair, his eyes moved back and forth between Xin Meng and You Yi, and suddenly asked for a long time, "You two, did you know before?"

Xin Meng stunned, "No, like you, see you for the first time."

Dong Xiu looked at them suspiciously, apparently not very convinced. In fact, Xin Meng also felt very strange. He couldn't explain his "self-acquaintance" with the man, but he thought and thought that he hadn't seen him before. Guoyi Yi, a man full of charm like him, must have seen it once and ca n’t forget it, so he must not have seen it. This inexplicable sense of peace and closeness is probably because they are very eye-catching.

Sometimes this is indeed the case, and when you see someone who is good, you will get closer inexplicably.

In addition, this man saved him, it can be regarded as his life-saving benefactor.

He thought about it, but saw Dong Xiu still watching You Yi with alert and hostile eyes, could not help but explain for him, "I checked, the armband is real, he is indeed our teammate. Jiezi is the NPC, mixed into the team, the purpose is to prevent us from clearing the game. You Yi, that is, he just rescued me, can be trusted. "

"Huh, you can trust?" Li Yougen's brows frowned, rubbing his forehead in anger. When You Yi kicked the door just now, he didn't even think about pulling it open, so when the door opened, he was lying on the door. When I fell out, I had a huge bag on my forehead, and I felt terrible when I touched it. I was very bad at You Yi. "Jie Zi has rescued us, but he is not betrayed. Who can be trusted? ! "

Xin Meng still had anger at Li Yougen's arrest of the girl for his death, and did not want to ignore him.

By the way, girl!

He remembered something, took a white card from his pocket, and said, "She shoved this into my hand before dying, and the situation was too late to see, and I packed it up."

The look of the card is familiar to everyone, it is the instruction card of the game.

It's not all dark, and there is still a faint light in the room. Everyone's expressions can be clearly seen, but the characters on the card are not big, and still need a little light source. Xin Meng took out a small laser light and wanted to shine on it. Looking at the card, but he couldn't move his left arm, only one hand could be held, and when he was tangled, he found that the card was taken away.

You Yi held the card firmly in front of Xin Meng.

Xin Meng froze, thanked Yi Yi and smiled, feeling that although this man looked cool, he was extremely considerate.

Instead of looking at the back for the first time, he looked first at the beginning of the front of the card.

[To dear Ms. Qi Xiaokui. 】

"Is Qi Xiaokui? A pretty name." Xin Meng whispered, but suddenly felt a strong line of sight coming from one side, he turned his head and saw You Yi looking straight at him, although his eyes were still calm, but Xin Meng did not know how to have a dim sum.

What is my guilty conscience?

Why guilty?

He shook his head and shook off this inexplicable feeling, but he no longer continued the topic, but instead signaled the other party to turn the card over and looked to the back, saying it word by word:

[The color of the meteorite is gorgeous, as if blood is flowing, it is the heart of the demon. 】

[Dodge it unless you want to be a monster too. 】

"I **** her mother!" After listening to the contents of the card, Li Yougen immediately cursed, "If this girl would show us the card earlier, how could it be like this now! Xiong Jiabao would not die!"

Dong Xiu's face was also extremely ugly. After all, if he wasn't smart, he would let Xiong Jiabao try first, and he who turns into a monster would become him.

Now think about it, when Qi Xiaokui was so far away from everyone, he did not necessarily have to keep a distance from them, but knew that the meteorite was dangerous, so he ran extra far to avoid the meteorite, but no one saw it!

Xin Meng sighed, "We didn't get her trust."

It's impossible to get it again. When Li Yougen pushed her to the monster, their team might not get the trust of that girl again. Even if she finally pushed Xin Meng away, it was just because Xin Meng wanted to rescue She was rewarded—she didn't want to owe any of them.

"Fucking distrust, can distrust kill us?" Li Yougen continued to scold, holding his hand to his thigh, and scratched fiercely. "Let her not tell us, but she also herself Killed? Deserve it! "

Xin Meng got angry when she heard that. Did she kill herself? Obviously you pushed her to the zombie! He was about to refute, but seeing Li Yougen's arrogant selfishness, he dispelled his thoughts.

There is nothing to say about people like Li Yougen, he will never admit that he is wrong, and it is meaningless to fight with him, so he only said coldly, "In fact, it is the same as giving or not, as long as we do n’t Greed, danger can still be avoided. "

Do n’t be greedy, it ’s for Dong Xiu, but Dong Xiu just looked out of the dark window, as if he did n’t hear it at all.

Li Yougen nodded, after all, today he didn't want to take risks to touch something weird that doesn't work.

Maybe he wanted to change the subject. Dong Xiu turned his head and said to You Yi who was silent all the time, "What about your card? Don't lose it!"

"How do you say that!" Xin Meng was extremely disgusted with Dong Xiu's arrogance, or that the change just now caused him to greatly reduce his patience with Dong Xiu and Li Yougen.

He remembered the poor girl, and he opened the supermarket door to save them from starvation, but he was revengeful as a result ...

Even if he was gentle again, and after some changes just now, he was extremely dissatisfied with the two selfish guys. He was about to stand up and Dong Xiu theory, but suddenly found a card appeared in front of himself It turned out to be You Yi. He didn't make any response to Dong Xiu's words, neither angry nor disgusted, still calm, he took out the card from his clothes and held it right in front of Xin Meng.

It was like pouring a basin of cold water, which calmed him a lot of the uncontrollable emotions caused by the death of the young girl. Xin Meng took a deep breath and let go of the irritability. She sat down again, picked up the laser light, and looked down at the words.

[Here is hell! We are surrounded by the devil! 】

[God, if you worship at the place where the sun rises, will you be saved? !! 】

"What does this mean?" Li Yougen scratched his hair irritably. The horrors of the past two days made him unable to maintain the look of the suit and shoes he used to lose. The expensive suit jacket was lost. The white shirt was stained with dirt and sweat. Zombie body fluids, tears in the pants, the middle of the crotch was still wet, and there was a smell of fishy smell. This feeling was terrible. He couldn't calm down to tell what was being said, just thinking Quickly leave this **** game and return to his normal life!

"It's very simple. It's about exporting in the East." Xin Meng said almost without thinking.

Dong Xiu nodded, "By worshipping where the sun rises, if you point to the east, there is hope. It turns out that this is the right direction."

It was exactly the opposite direction that Jie Zi gave them before.

It turned out that he intentionally misled them, and then led them into dangerous traps.

"But it wasn't a question in the end, what if it was wrong?" Li Yougen scratched his thigh, questioning in doubt.

Xin Meng said, "According to the contents of each card, the hints given by the game are very purposeful and will not be useless, so this 'direction of the rising sun' must be an important hint, not correct. It must be the exact opposite. For example, if you write to go left, it may be the right left, or it may be the opposite right. The only answer must be derived to make sense. But this is not the same. Suppose this is a wrong inducement. The East is wrong, but the other answers are not the only ones. There are at least three north-south and north-west. Just saying that the east is the wrong direction can not accurately deduce that the correct direction is the other three. Which one of them, so here must refer to the East, even if it is a question, there is no other possibility. "

With some words, Li Yougen was stunned and had to admire his heart. Xin Meng's mind was really smart.

Dong Xiu sighed with dissatisfaction, and his eyes were full of yin, "This simple thing, you don't have to think about it, there is nothing to show off."

Xin Meng knew that he didn't like his eyes, and didn't answer the question, but You Yi's response seemed much more lovely (in Xin Meng's eyes), and he praised Xin Meng very straightforwardly, "very powerful."

I do n’t know what happened. When Meng Zi was praised before, Xin Meng was more embarrassed, but now she is so solemn and focused by You Yi. Even if she only said three words, it made his cheeks faint. It's hot, thankfully it's dark and others can't see it, otherwise Xin Meng really doesn't know how to explain it.

What happened to him?