MTL - Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession-Chapter 42

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Su Bai let out a light sigh.

This hidden mission is to help Hong Ling restrain his natural desire to kill.

After solving it, the game score will be +5 extra, and the friendship of the Bailing family can also be obtained.

The game score is related to the extra reward, +5, which is equivalent to 5 times the base reward.

The basic reward of this dungeon is 50 spirit coins and 5 points, that is to say, an additional 250 spirit coins and 25 points are added.

Not to mention the spirit coins, 25 points is not bad, and Su Bai only has 22 points now.

"Is Lay Jia Qian so smart? He actually thought of taking advantage of players."

Su Bai thought.

Invitations are one of these "copy", pull-in mechanisms in the horror world.

Like Earl Lent, the invitation letter written by himself, after a period of time, as long as a mysterious pattern appears on it, the invitation letter will take effect, and players can be drawn in.

Five Lakes Hospital should be the same.

Human players are vulnerable in the eyes of many instances of dungeons, but Lay Jia Qian should have seen some powerful human players.

So, this idea came up.

Anyway, he had no other choice.

However, it is not easy to trigger this hidden mission. It requires Su Bai to get in touch with Dean Loli step by step, and also to be able to get in touch with the sealed red spirit.

In the end, Hong Ling had to open up and say all of this!

These preconditions cannot be satisfied by ordinary people at all!

It is not easy to contact Dean Loli, but Bai Ling is not so easy to contact.

That is, Su Bai, who has the profession of ghost doctor, performed exceptionally well, and Bai Ling, the director of Loli, wanted to keep Su Bai.

After contacting the white spirit, the red spirit has to be released, and the red spirit has to be contacted, which is even more difficult.

When he comes into contact with the red spirit, it can also prevent the red spirit from attacking him, and let the red spirit open its heart.

Even, generate dependencies!

That is really hard as hell!

These preconditions are also a consideration in themselves. Only players who meet these preconditions can help Red Spirit!

It is impossible to connect with the touch red spirit and let the red spirit open up. How can the ability help the red spirit to restrain the desire to kill?

To a certain extent, it is more difficult for a red spirit to restrain the desire to kill than to restrain a vampire from sucking human blood!

"This task came just right."

Su Bai whispered.

He had planned to help Hong Ling. On the one hand, he felt that Hong Ling was very malleable. On the other hand, Su Bai felt that Hong Ling was also the key to getting a perfect evaluation this time.

A perfect evaluation is not so easy to get. The last time at Liante Castle, Su Bai did too much.

The perfect evaluation of different dungeons has different difficulty, after all, the rewards are different.

It's even better for this task.


"Hong Ling, do you want to learn something?"

Su Bai looked at Hong Ling and asked.

From Su Bai's point of view, the way to make Hong Ling restrain his desire to kill is actually very simple.

That is to draw wonderful paintings on the white paper of Hongling!

In the main world, some people believe that human nature is inherently evil, and it becomes kind after being shaped by the day after tomorrow.

From another point of view, in the eyes of all other beings in the main world, are humans... just as terrifying as the lives in the horror world?

Some of the lives in the horror world are very particular, and they won't eat everything.

But human beings... plants, animals, flying in the sky, swimming in the water, eat everything.

In the eyes of pigs, humans are more terrifying than vampires. Vampires only drink blood. Humans not only drink their blood, but also eat their meat, especially their intestines, tongues, tails, and hooves!


Of course, there is still a difference. Hong Ling's desire to kill is equivalent to being engraved in his genes.

Other evil spirits are white paper, she can only see it as a white paper stained with blood.

But still malleable.


Hong Ling tilted her head and thought for a while, then looked at Su Bai with a question in her red eyes.

"Brother, can I learn how to be a doctor? I want to be a doctor?"

Hongling asked.

To be a doctor?

Su Bai looked at her: "Hong Ling, why do you want to be a doctor?"

Hong Ling put her finger on her lower lip and said, "Because in the stories you tell, only doctors are the most popular and the least scary."

Is that so?

Su Bai nodded: "Yes! I'll teach you!"

Hong Ling smiled: "Really? Thank you, brother!"

Su Bai took out a book: "Come on, Hong Ling, I'll teach you the basics first."


Hong Ling nodded heavily.


"Hong Ling, the diagnosis method is actually very simple. There are only so many common problems with evil spirits. There are relatively more female evil spirits~"

In the living room, Su Bai's voice sounded.

That's right, Su Bai is lecturing for Hong Ling.

At this time, the professions he equips are ghost doctors and ghost teachers.

Su Bai is using these two professions to jointly teach Hong Ling.

The teaching is naturally the basic knowledge that a doctor of evil spirits should have.

From Su Bai's point of view, it was just right.

Red spirits are the larvae of evil spirits, and they are born with the urge to destroy everything.

The Evil Spirit Doctor saves lives and wounds.

The two are themselves completely opposite and in conflict with each other.

If Hong Ling can really become a qualified doctor of evil spirits, maybe he can really restrain his desire to kill.

Restraining the desire to kill doesn't mean not killing anymore.

It means not being dominated by killing, not being a slave of killing.

Red Spirit can still grow by killing, but she can restrain herself and choose to kill or not to kill, instead of killing people and destroying everything, this is the most important difference.

As for whether it will work or not, you have to try it to know.


Hong Ling seemed to be really interested.

She studies very seriously.

Constantly nodding there.

Through the "instruction" skills of the ghost teacher, Su Bai continuously instilled the relevant knowledge of the ghost doctor into her.

The joint teaching of two occupations is more effective than that of a single occupation!

Hong Ling learns very fast.

The effect is not generally good.

The ghost teacher profession itself allows students to quickly master knowledge.

Like Jenny before, who was not very proficient at the piano at all, Su Bai only taught her a few times, and then she painted "To Alice" well.

At that time, the ghost teacher profession was just getting started.

Therefore, Su Bai is also confident that he can cultivate the red spirit in a short period of time.

However, Hong Ling is more interested in treating female evil spirits and prefers gynecology.

Therefore, Su Bai focused on this knowledge to her.


Time passed little by little.

until about 1 am.

Finally, a complete teaching is over.

"You have completed a fruitful joint teaching, with +40 career points, +20 dual career proficiency, and +20 Red Spirit's trust."

On the game panel, the prompt floats by.

Co-teaching reward career points are good!

He has also obtained dual occupation proficiency, both occupations have proficiency, and in addition, he has gained the trust of Hong Ling!

"Hong Ling, you learned well."

Su Bai praised.

"Now, Hong Ling, look at this watch and relax~"

Su Bai is going to hypnotize Hong Ling, and will not let her out during the day tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Su Bai wants Bai Ling to cooperate and complete the mission of a famous doctor.

He is not going to go directly to Lay Jia Qian, but will wait for tomorrow night to teach Hong Ling again.

Lay Jia Qian may not believe in Su Bai now, so let's achieve some results first, so as to avoid any changes.


Hong Ling now has a lot of trust in Su Bai.

Hearing this, she looked at Su Bai.

The pocket watch in Su Bai's hand swayed gently.

Hong Ling stared at the pocket watch like that, listened to Su Bai's words, and kept relaxing.

After a few minutes like this, her eyes slowly closed.

Then, leaned on the sofa and fell asleep.

"Hypnosis is easier when the other party cooperates."

Su Bai came to a conclusion.

The premise is that the other party absolutely cooperates!

This is another form of hypnosis.

This approach is more deliberate, but works faster.

In this way, let Bai Ling come, it should not be possible now.

Bai Ling would wonder why Su Bai did this, but Hong Ling did not, because Hong Ling itself was just a blank piece of paper.

Her evil is innate.

Compared with Bai Ling, Hong Ling is more pure.