MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 424 Foodie ranks keep growing

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The two-winged giant-tailed dragon moved leisurely, with its mouth wide open and its eyes half-closed. It seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping. It should be in a good mood, and it would hum a few times from time to time.

Lu Xiaoou was also a little helpless when he saw the behavior of the two-winged dragon. He felt that he was just looking for a means of transportation, but now he seemed to be looking for a great guy.

"I don't know if it's too late to regret it now?" Although Lu Xiaoou thought so in his heart, he still kept walking back.

Although I really dislike the two-winged big-tailed dragon, and there is no aloof demeanor at all, but now that I have it in my hands, I can only recognize it, and I am still very protective of my family, Lu Xiaoou.

He was very disgusted in his mouth, but in his actions, Lu Xiaoou still planned to prepare a little more Shizhen Soup to add some food to the two-winged giant tail dragon.

If you want to run for the horse, you must feed the horse. Lu Xiaoou still knows this eternal truth.

The sky has already turned a fish-belly gray, from light gray to white gray, then slowly to light white, and finally a little bit of golden yellow, and gradually the golden rays of light revealed full heat, and the sun appeared.

Today's weather is exceptionally clear, the sun is like a guard who goes to work on time, firmly guarding the territory of the sky, exuding strong heat, announcing its existence like everything else.

Due to the early landing of the sun, the trees that were still bathed in a trace of water vapor in the morning soon revealed their true colors, tall and straight, green and dripping, and the natural breath rushed towards them, making people feel that breathing is very pleasant things.

"The weather is good today, it seems like a good day to start." Leorio yawned, he got up a little early today, and he didn't seem to wake up.

"If you look down at the earth from the sky, you should see it more clearly than usual, and it's also quite beautiful." When Xiaojie thought of that scene, he felt that he wanted to experience that feeling earlier.

"I just don't know how to allocate it for a while. There are only four fierce foxes. I don't think they can take the five of us together." Leorio found the problem first when his IQ was online.

"That's a problem. We really can't bring so many people. We can bring up to four people. What should we do?" Father Fox opened his long mouth, his eyes were a little anxious.

Although the fierce fox is a monster, they are very sincere to the friends they recognize, and they are a little embarrassed that they can't send Lu Xiaoou and the others to the venue all at once.

"Why don't we make two trips?" Mother Fox came up with an idea. Although it would be a little tiring, it was better than not being able to take anyone with her.

"I think this is feasible." The ferocious fox father decided to work a little harder by himself and run twice, at worst, just take a rest afterward.

"I think it's better to ask Xiaoou what's his idea?" Kurapika turned his eyes and saw Lu Xiaoou walking not far away.

Early in the morning, Lu Xiaoou went to the forest to pick a few ingredients that could only be picked in the early morning, adding some more varieties to his treasure house of ingredients, and making up for the part that was used up before.

After a busy night, Lu Xiaoou's mental state is still as good as ever. It is not obvious that he has been running around for half the night, at least he is much stronger than the sleepy Leo Li.

"Needless to say, I've already made arrangements." Lu Xiaoou approached a group of people, and waved his hand to stop Kurapika's words.

Dragging a huge green package in his hand, it was a full two meters long, and he didn't know what was packed tightly.

"Then what do we need to do now?" The ferocious fox father saw Lu Xiaoou as if he saw the backbone, and he did what he said.

"Let's pack our things and go to the big cedar tree first." Lu Xiaoou nodded to the big cedar tree.

Although the vicious fox's family lives under the big cedar tree, there is still a long distance between them.

"No problem." They were very obedient, whether they were humans or beasts, and followed Lu Xiaoou's movements step by step, and soon arrived under the big cedar tree.

It was an open space over there, covered with green vines and weeds, half a meter high, but for Lu Xiaoou and his party, it was not difficult.

"What should we do now?" Leo asked vigorously.

"Wait, we can start right away." Lu Xiaoou put his hand in his mouth and whistled.


The loud sound pierced the quiet sky in the morning, and soon Leorio and the others heard the sound of wings flapping.

"Is he here?" The fierce fox mother approached the fierce fox father and whispered, her expression was a little nervous.

You must know that that one is the tyrant of the forest, who rarely appears, but is very strong. At least the fierce fox family is not necessarily their opponent when they are tied together. It is no wonder that such a strong enemy is not nervous.

"It should be, but don't worry." The vicious fox father obviously wanted to be more careful. He glanced at Lu Xiaoou and found that he was still calm and calm, and he probably guessed the purpose of that person's visit.

The vicious fox mother is also smart. Seeing the fierce fox's father's eyes, she understood in an instant, and put her heart back into her stomach in time.

Soon a magical beast that covered the sky and the sun appeared in front of the eyes of several people, with a pair of huge wings spread out, the hill-like body shape from far to near, the long fleshy tail is very huge, the whole body shape changes with the distance As it gets closer, it becomes even more gigantic.

Against the backdrop of this monster, the ferocious fox, which originally looked very huge, has the difference between a child and a giant.

"Is this the way you said, great." Xiaojie is a lover of animals, and it is a rare new breed, so he is even more excited.

"It's so Leorie's words have expressed everyone's aspirations, it is indeed very huge.

"That's right, this is Xiao Shuang, I asked for my help." Lu Xiaoou nodded towards the two-winged big-tailed dragon flying from afar.


With a distance of tens of meters away, the two-winged giant-tailed dragon began to descend. Although he kept a very slow speed, he was huge in size. Once he fell to the ground, even though the ground was covered with grass and vines, he was There was a loud noise, which showed how much he weighed.

"I'm here, and I haven't had breakfast yet." The two-winged giant-tailed dragon spoke very quickly, probably thinking of the midnight snack last night, and some suspected saliva was still flowing from the corner of its mouth.

"Then hurry up, we will go to a place later, there are more delicious food." Lu Xiaoou handed a huge green package that he had prepared before to Xiaoshuang, and opened it to reveal the browned meat inside.

"So it was prepared for him. I thought it was something." Leo Li suddenly realized, just now he thought that Lu Xiaoou packed the salute, but it turned out to be food.

(= remember in a second)