MTL - Hunting College-v5 Chapter 257 2 purposes

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During the last Seven Deadly Sins meeting, Black Cat suddenly realized that its predecessor did not have the personal connections of the Seven Deadly Sins with him, which caused the entire organization's activities to suddenly come to a standstill.

Of course, using the word 'stagnation' is a little more serious, because the activities of the Seven Deadly Sins are very low-key and quiet, like a snake lurking in the grass, but now this snake is showing signs of hibernation.

Let the black cat wander today, just to 'pour some warm water' on the hibernating snake to make it active again. This is also the advice that Mr. Pride and Ms. Jealous gave to the black cat at the end of the last Seven Deadly Sins internal meeting - it seems more traceable to rebuild a new relationship network than to search for the former sinister who has no clue and no trace. Follow some.

After all, there will always be a few dark wizards hidden on this island, just like the thread that was pulled when the cocoon was being pulled out. Following their trail, it is not difficult to find the way to integrate into the 'underworld'.

If you want to come to the unknown organizations located on the dark side of the school, there will not be any close ties with each other. In other words, in a market that lacks mutual trust and sense of security, every transaction of every participant should be regarded as the first transaction between strangers - this approach is conservative, but also the most reliable.

In the entire No. 1 University, or, in other words, the entire Phuket Island, the most famous "organization in the dark" is this bar opened by wandering wizards on the pedestrian street.

It is the first and strongest 'thread' held in the black cat's claws. Pull this thread, it can shake a hidden and huge net.

This bar is like a gate standing between darkness and light, open to every figure who tries to sneak in, accepting the most widespread malice and unwarranted speculation on the entire island.

Sometimes Zheng Qing had to admire the agility and wisdom of wandering wizards, who could live in a world of light while enjoying a wide reputation in the world of darkness.

Of course, it came here today, not to ask the owner of the bar for tips on opening a store.

"Let a shadow receive guests is not the reason to be a host."

The black cat's carefree voice echoed in this small private room, and a few frightened light bugs suddenly retracted the firelight in their abdomens, making the room suddenly dim.

This bleak is extremely subtle, and it does not affect the sight of the bar owner and guests at all.

The wandering wizard's gaze stayed for a moment between the small white mask on the black cat's face and the ruby ​​ring on his claw wrist, and then he raised his hand to support the brim of the pointed hat.

"terribly sorry."

His voice was low, his attitude was gentle, and he was very polite: "There are many customers in the store tonight, if you are neglectful, please bear with me... Of course, the guests who come to wander at such a late night, I think they will not care about serving you. Shadow is still a multi-armed clan, or a mouse."

The black cat's expression froze slightly, and the tip of its tail forgot to continue swaying.

Before it could understand the subtle meaning of the three examples given by the wandering wizard, the shadow wearing the pointed wizard hat came out with the happy voice again: "However, if you know that the guests of the Seven Deadly Sins are here tonight. , my body will definitely provide better hospitality... I heard that the Seven Deadly Sins have changed to a new one, but I didn't expect to meet so soon... I'm glad that our two organizations can maintain the basics as always communication and trust.”

The black cat froze again.

Come to Wandering tonight, it has two purposes, one is to release the task of collecting information about crows to the Wandering, and the other is to re-establish contact with the Wandering, if you can get other dark organizations from the Wandering Wizard. The news couldn't be better. And the premise of all this requires it to establish initial trust with the wandering wizard.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he met this guy wearing a pointed wizard hat, the second goal was half achieved.

"Want a drink?"

The wandering wizard took out a bottle of amber light from the cupboard, poured a small cup for the black cat, spoke for the third time, and continued to grasp the direction of the conversation: "As the saying goes, 'memory is unforgettable, amber light makes people forget', A cup of toast to the past, let’s toast the long-standing and trusting connection with the Seven Deadly Sins; a cup of toast to the present, only by forgetting the past can we truly start anew... I wonder what the new convicted envoy of the Seven Deadly Sins has to come to the store today?”

The conversation was finally thrown to the black cat.

The black cat absentmindedly fiddled with the wine glass in front of him with his paws, and after a long brewing in his heart, he cleared his throat: "I have a friend..."

Shadow in the pointed wizard hat let out a low laugh.

The black cat emphasized a little annoyed: "I really have a friend... He recommended your store to me, saying that you can inquire about a lot of information that is not available in the market, so I want to ask... Well, I don't know how you call?"

For the first time, it realized that it never seemed to know the name of the wandering wizard. It is true that the young public student had dealt with the wandering wizard very early, but he had never had a slightly formal and serious conversation like tonight.

The wandering wizard bowed his head slightly, and tugged at the brim of his hat again.

"You can call me whatever you want to meet me for the first time." He smiled lowly, his attitude was casual, and his voice was calm: "The wanderer, the wandering wizard, the old man in Palermo, the dark wizard on the pedestrian street, the guy with the pointed wizard hat , wait... a name is just a meaningless codename to us strangers living in the shadows..."

"Okay, old man."

The black cat raised a paw, interrupted the long-winded shadow in front of him, and spoke a little faster: "I'm here tonight, there are two things, the first is to say hello. , after all, when newcomers take office, they always have to maintain relationships with old customers... By the way, if you have a list of other dark organizations, can you share with me? Wasn't the school popular a few days ago, there are seven deadly sins? Playing with fire in our office and accidentally burning the parchment recording those organizations..."

It doesn't blush to talk nonsense - of course, it is difficult for other people to see if a black cat is really blushing - it also does not expect the old fritters on the opposite side to detail these reasons, just to give both parties a bargain just the beginning.

"There are indeed a lot of things that have been burned recently." The wandering wizard thought of something, hehe smiled, but did not explain too much, and did not immediately agree, but instead asked: "What about the second thing?"

The black cat tugged at his ears displeased.

"The second thing is a 'seeking notice'." It even had a temper, and simply asked: "I wonder if you have ever seen a group of wizards wearing crow masks?"

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