MTL - Hunting College-v5 Chapter 366 Midnight battle

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November 23.

on Monday.

It is appropriate to enter the burial, and do not take the rest;

Don't, everything is inappropriate.

Zheng Qing had never felt that the old almanac was so accurate. After getting up in the morning, he was sad to find that his bruised nose and face had not been relieved in the slightest, his eye circles were still as dark as last night, his nose was blue, and his cheeks were also swollen. ' What an apt description - today he should be like Dylan, in his coffin in broad daylight and doing nothing but snoring.

"It's even worse if you cover it up in case someone finds out."

When the young public student tried to apply pearl cream on his face, Xiao Xiao persuaded him: "You can go out in a generous way, if anyone asks, just follow what we discussed last night, and say that the magic of the hunting team training. harm."

Looking at the face in the mirror that was as pale as a vampire due to applying too much face cream, Zheng Qing finally sighed and washed his face again, hoping that Dr. Xiao's suggestion was correct.

Fortunately, until the door of the classroom, no one showed too much concern for the wound on his face. Although there were still occasional passers-by quietly pointing, but that was completely within Zheng Qing's tolerance.

"Huh? Why do you look like this?" Duan Xiaojian was surprised when he met a young public fee student with a bruised nose and a bruised face at the door of the classroom.

"Well, last night's hunting team training, the training intensity was a little higher... Wait." Zheng Qing was vague, just after finishing the speech he made up with his companions yesterday, he suddenly reacted: "...what is 'also' ? Who else is 'also' like this?"

He pointed back at his horrific face.

Duan Xiaojian's face wrinkled into a ball, looking at the young public student's appearance, as if it was him who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, he answered uncertainly after a long while, "...Many people, such as Zhan Shichen from our college, Peter Greens from Alpha Pan, Andrew, Arnie Black from Starry Sky, Nicholas Denikin from Atlas... They all looked bruised and swollen this morning. Some said it was a prankster, and some said it was a student experimenting with black magic. , In short, since you are training because of the hunting team, the reasons are different, it should be just a coincidence."

The names of these people he listed, Zheng Qing has "slightly heard", because most of them belong to the hunting team circle, just know, but not necessarily the right number.

"How did you know so clearly?" Xiao Xiao squinted at the thin boy.

Duan Xiaojian shrugged: "There is no news in this world that spreads faster than rumors... By the way, there was a big wizard in Beta Town last night, do you know this?"

Because of the beating, the young public-funded students who hid in the dormitory early did not know about it. However, Duan Xiaojian didn't say much. He only knew that a great wizard destroyed a large area in Beta Town yesterday.

It wasn't until before the class that Fatty Xin hurried back that he brought first-hand and fresher information.

"This is all internal news from the editorial department of the school newspaper, please don't spread it!"

Before speaking, the fat wizard repeatedly warned his companions with a very serious expression: "If Linda-senpai finds out, she will kill me with her high heels!"

"Why do I think you are looking forward to that scene." Xiao Xiao pouted.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's talk about what's going on!" Zhang Jixin interrupted the doctor's sarcasm and looked at the fat wizard eagerly: "How many great wizards? Where did you use your hands? What magic did you use? The school newspaper will report in detail. ?"

The fat wizard glared at the doctor, rolled up his sleeves, and made an exaggerated gesture at first: "That fight happened in the middle of the night last night, about two or three o'clock, in the western district of Beta Town..."

"Isn't the West District the 'Noble District'? How can there be a great wizard going crazy there?" Zheng Qing was still thinking about other wizards with 'blue noses and bruised faces'. ' Two words, subconsciously asked.

In the western area of ​​Beta Town, there are many wizard families, such as Qingqiu Su Clan, Tianmen Zhang Clan, Metropolitan O'Brien, etc., all of which have their mansions in this area. Because most of these wizard families have high-level wizards alive, very few people will do it here.

Zhang Jixin was dissatisfied with Zheng Qing's interruption of the story, and squinted and broke his knuckles.

"How do I know this." The fat wizard shrugged his shoulders laboriously and spread his hands: "I only know that the great wizard who shot yesterday destroyed half a block!"


Zhang Jixin took a breath of air in cooperation, and his eyes lit up: "Then what? Someone saw it? Are there any photos? My place is too remote, so it must not have been affected."

"Not always."

Fatty Xin shook his head: "The center of the fight is at Karen's mansion, not far from your house... According to witnesses, the sound of the battle was like thunder, and it rumbled for more than half an hour... In mid-air The magical fluctuations were violent like a hurricane. A cyan claw larger than a house fell from the air, and the nails were as sharp as a knife. With just a light scratch, it crushed the Karen family mansion... You didn't see a horse Xiu didn't come to class today? I heard that the people with the trigeminal sword picked him up early in the morning. I don't know if he was protecting him or assisting in the investigation..."

He gestured and gestured, spittle flying, and his face full of excitement, as if his five fingers were the giant claws that fell in the air last night.

The others turned their heads to look at the seat where Matthew usually sat, but they did not see the figure of the young blood clan.

"Do you know who did it?" Xiao Xiao was a little How could it be possible! The fat wizard rolled his eyes and looked like you didn't know anything: "Although this is Phuket Island, the great wizard is the great wizard after all. How can ordinary wizards find out their identities... If the school or the alliance takes action, it is possible , but those findings are unlikely to let us know. "

"I guess it should be a werewolf clan elder." The red-faced wizard guessed with confidence: "As we all know, they have never dealt with the blood clan."

"Not necessarily," the fat wizard shook his head: "According to the eyewitnesses, the giant claw is more likely to be some kind of bird or dragon than a wolf claw... Unfortunately, because the level of eyewitnesses is too low , I can only see a hazy illusory shadow, and I can't even tell whether the claws are slender fluff or crystal-clear scales."

"'s a pity."

Zhang Jixin hammered the table lightly, sighing regretfully, and at the same time involuntarily tugged at his clean wrist, as if he was still wearing gloves: "If I were there..."


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