MTL - I am a Chef in the Modern Era-Chapter 34 Shrimp risotto

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Yang Jianguo took Zhao Xuemei to go far, Zhao Xuemei was still noisy and noisy.

"Is he still a personal? Even his grandson doesn't care. An outsider knows sympathy. His grandson has encountered such a thing. He even took us out for a house. Is he still a human? No, I Go find him!! I am going to find him!!"

Zhao Xuemei was struggling with Yang Jianguo's wrists, but Yang Jianguo was pinching more and more tightly. The pinch of Zhao Xuemei's wrists were still painful. The two men only looked at the quarrel, and even Yang Xiao did not follow up.

"How can he not want a grandson?!!"

Zhao Xuemei yelled.

Pedestrians on the road have seen it. They have never been so shameful, but Yang Jianguo did not care. He turned Zhao Xuemei's tight and turned to look at her. "Dad even my son is not going to be, should you care about a grandson?" At this time, I think he should take Xiao Xiao? When you didn't care about him, you didn't say that you were not an individual."

Zhao Xuemei stunned and then pointed at Yang Jianguo’s nose. "Don’t say that it’s the same as my own. You are so daring to your dad. When you said that you didn’t pick him up, you didn’t have a fart. I said that when you want to sell a house, you still don’t say anything with your tail. Now it’s the fault of me. Yang Jianguo is still not a man!!”

Yang Jianguo had no expression on his face. He did not respond to Zhao Xuemei’s roar. When Zhao Xuemei finished, he nodded. "Yes, I am not really a thing, so I have no face to look for my dad. He has a hard time putting me. Raising the big, the result was a shackle that only listened to the wife’s words and even refuted. I am sorry my dad, I have no face to see him, I am not a man, Zhao Xuemei... Let’s divorce.”

Zhao Xuemei has wide eyes. "What do you say about Yang Jianguo? You say it again!"

"Divorce, I will find a solution to Xiao Xiao's things. Let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow."

Zhao Xuemei’s body shivered. “Okay, good, Yang Jianguo, you are good. You are walking, I am not good, I can’t help you!”

Yang Xiao came to stumble at this time. Zhao Xuemei saw Yang Xiao and pulled him to himself. "I tell you, Xiao Xiao doesn't need you to control. From now on, he is not your Yang family."

Yang Xiao didn't know what happened, he was taken away by Zhao Xuemei. He went back to see Yang Jianguo, but he saw Yang Jianguo's low head and no response to Zhao Xuemei's words, and there was no intention to retain it.

Zhao Xuemei took Yang Xiao away and finally did not hold back and cried.

Yang Xiao was already irritable. When she heard Zhao Xuemei crying, she thought that she had quarreled with his father. He had all the things in his mind. He was so crying by Zhao Xuemei, he said, "Mom, you can Can't make trouble, I don't think I'm not bothered enough, you are going to find a way, find a way to get one million! No time, no time, you know! You go to beg my grandfather, how do you Just know cry!!"

Zhao Xuemei listened to Yang Xiao and said that his eyes are full of hate. "Where are you, Grandpa, your grandfather's restaurant has been sold, he simply does not want to take care of you, ask him what is the use!"

"Grandpa, he must be angry, he said, my dad is his son, I am his grandson, he will not care about us, and blame you for being a little bad in front of him one day..."

Zhao Xuemei hammered Yang Xiao hard and said with hate, "Your dad wants to divorce me. Do you know? They don't want to care about you, they don't want to take care of you!!"

Yang Xiaoyu’s, "What do you want to say?"

"I didn't talk nonsense. Did your dad just say what you didn't hear? He told me to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to divorce him tomorrow!! It's because your grandfather, because of your grandfather, why didn't he die? Our family is scattered!"

Zhao Xuemei looked up and flashed the light of the haze.

Yang Xiao stunned for a long while, and finally he slammed his mobile phone out, hysterical. "All the hell, no matter what I am! I am happy when I die!"

Zhao Xuemei was shocked by Yang Xiao, then reacted and went up to hug Yang Xiao. "Nothing, nothing, not a mother, don't scare me, Mom won't let you have something, don't scare me. ...... How are the lives of the two mothers so bitter..."

When he said that he was holding Yang Xiao and cried, Yang Xiaomu was not moved by Zhao Xuemei. He only looked up for a long while, and there was only endless resentment in his eyes.

After Zhao Xuemei and Yang Xiao returned home, Yang Jianguo did not return. The house was in a mess. It was already half a day from going out to come back. No one thought of these two days, things would become like this.

When Yang Xiao came back, he shut himself into the house. Zhao Xuemei ignored him. If it was not the voice that came from time to time in the room, Zhao Xuemei was afraid that Yang Xiao could not think of it.

"Xiao Xiao, do you open the door to let the mother go in? You haven't eaten anything in the day, Mom made you a fresh shrimp risotto. You are not the most favorite? You open the door and let the mother go in?" Xiao Xiao! Xiao Xiao!"

Zhao Xuemei knocked on the door for a long time, and there was no movement. Anxious, put the plate on his hand, slammed the door and shouted, crying. "Xiao Xiao! You open the door, don't scare me, don't do it. Stupid, Mom will go find someone to sell the house tomorrow, Mom will give you the money, Xiao Xiao!!"

Yang Xiao’s anger shouted in the room. “Can you roll away and let me be quiet!!”

Zhao Xuemei took a nap, but his heart was relaxed, and he quickly calmed Yang Xiao. "Mom go, Mom, you just have to be good, Mom will go now."

After confirming that Yang Xiao was at home, Zhao Xuemei packed up and went out. She could not bear the house, but she could not see Yang Xiao suffering. In fact, this matter was also solved. Yang Xiao said that he was also wrong. Mainly by others, the best and most convenient way is to call the police, but if the alarm is first, Yang Xiao’s safety cannot be guaranteed. Secondly, Yang Xiao’s participation in gambling is enough for him. According to the criminal law, Participating in major gambling is going to jail, and Zhao Xuemei is willing to let Yang Xiao suffer such a hardship.

So she decided to sell the house.

It’s enough to put it all together.

The thing that can sell a house is simple, but it is not easy to implement. Their community is a good place in the city, and the house is not cheap, but because of this, it is not good to sell, Zhao Xuemei is anxious. Selling, but the people who want it are not. After all, Zhao Xuemei’s price is relatively high, and she has to pay the full amount. She can buy the whole house because she is an old house, not abandoning her. This is an old house but few people. I can afford it, and the time is urgent. As a result, a few days have passed. The information she hangs is still unattended. There is no one to look at the room.

Time passed by, Zhao Xuemei was anxious, and had a mouthful of bubbles, but there was no way. She thought that she could save Yang Xiao as long as she sold the house, but she did not expect that it would be so difficult to sell a house.

Yang Jianguo did not return home. I don’t know where to go. Yang Xiao seems to be getting more and more violent. The whole person seems to have collapsed. Otherwise, it’s the same as Zhao Xuemei’s embarrassment, or it’s a dead gray house in the house. I don’t want to sleep or sleep, and Zhao Xuemei is even more distressed.

She can borrow and borrowed. She has only borrowed 200,000 yuan. Even those who have been looked down by Zhao Xuemei on weekdays have borrowed it. The result can be imagined, except for corruption. She did not have a harvest at all.

For this matter, Zhao Xuemei has not slept for a few nights, and the whole person seems to be a lot older, but time is still a little bit past.

Yang Xiao is in the room every day, staring at the calendar. The day after day, the news that Zhao Xuemei brings back every day is about to make him collapse. The mobile phone has been thrown by him. He even thinks that everything before him is him. A dream, those people may just be scaring him. After all, after a few days, he did not hear anything.

This can be deceived to the third day of the countdown, and the reality finally broke his last illusion.

Zhao Xuemei did not eat well in her own eager days, but she still did not forget to give Yang Xiao every meal, even though Yang Xiao did not appreciate it.

There were only two of them left in the house. Yang Jianguo’s phone couldn’t get through. Zhao Xuemei’s hatred from the beginning was not even blamed.

These days, in addition to Zhao Xuemei's mobile phone, I asked the people of the house to call from time to time. The landline at home was basically not ringing, but the phone suddenly sounded loudly this day.

The number displayed on the landline is not only unfamiliar, it is not local. Zhao Xuemei is puzzled for a long time and is about to pick it up. Yang Xiao ran out all of a sudden, yelling, "Don't pick up!! Don't pick up!!"

Zhao Xuemei didn't know what happened, but she didn't dare to reach out and pick it up.

The ringing of the phone was a bit strange in the ears of both of them. Even if no one answered it, it lingered for a long time, and then finally hanged. Zhao Xuemei saw Yang Xiaosong sigh of relief and was about to ask to hear his cell phone rang.

Yang Xiao suddenly screamed and collapsed.

Zhao Xuemei finally felt that something was wrong and picked up the phone.

She did not open the sound, but the sound was still heard in the quiet house.

"Auntie, Yang Xiao?"

Unfamiliar voice, Zhao Xuemei suddenly knew who he was, because Yang Xiao had already stared at the phone and began to shake.

Zhao Xuemei amplified the voice. "You, what do you want to do?!! I tell you, now is the rule of law society! You will call the police when you come to the chaos!!"

The voice laughed. "Auntie, owe money to pay back the money, righteously, alarm? If you are not afraid of Yang Xiao, you have to go three long and two short, you should go, you think, since I know your home phone, I don’t know where you live. If the money can't be reached, it's not like this now. Auntie, you still want to think clearly."

Zhao Xuemei must cry, "I will give you a piece, I will give you a piece, don't hurt Xiao Xiao, don't hurt Xiao Xiao!!"

"Auntie, you can rest assured, I just called and asked about it. There are still three days. Before that, Yang Xiao is still my brother. I won't move him. If the money can't be reached after three days, you will think first. I want his hand to ask for his foot first."

The phone slammed and hanged, and Zhao Xuemei fell to the ground and burst into tears.

The portrait of Yang was taken away from the soul. Looking at Zhao Xuemei’s cell phone, she jumped up and slammed into the house.

"Xiao Xiao, what are you going to do?"

"I want to hide, I want to leave this. He knows the address of the house. He will definitely come to the door. I am going to hide. I am going to hide..." Muttering on the east and west, my eyes are gone.

The grass has packed up a few pieces of clothes, Yang Xiao took the bag and left, Zhao Xuemei could not stop, was pushed to the ground by him, and watched Yang Xiao mad as he ran out.

When Zhao Xuemei got up and went out, half of the people couldn't see it outside. Zhao Xuemei was afraid and couldn't wait to hit the wall. "What the **** is this?!!"

How did this family become like this in just a few days?